Ramadan Mubarak - Tumblr Posts
Reblogging this post over my last one because this one includes Ramadan!

This exact holiday combo post can only happen once every 33 years.

This exact holiday combo post can only happen once every 33 years.
Ramadhan Mubarak to everyone celebrating!!!Hopefully your fasts are going well and Inshallah we go to Jannah ❤️

This exact holiday combo post can only happen once every 33 years.

Ramadan Mubarak 🌙
May this Ramadan be the best when it comes to seeking all the blessings from this month. Remember to practice social distancing as well! May Allah bless us with peace and prosperity. This is the time when we need each other more than ever. Please pray for the world.
To all my non Muslim friends, I thank you with all my heart for supporting us and wishing us nothing but the best. Stay blessed ✨
Guys, don't forget to give charity and remember those who need us in these trying times. Love you!
this ramadan we pray for peace and aid for the people of palestine. this ramadan we remember the previous ramadans, where thousands of palestinians were massacred. this ramadan we honour palestine, and may we see a free palestine next ramadan
ramadan begins tomorrow, so to all of my muslim mutuals and followers, i wish you lots of love and light for the month to come. ramadan mubarak everyone 🌙🤍
Hey everyone! I know you’ve been waiting for the next ch for Wanna Play, but I have some news to tell. Basically, I’m sure you’ve all heard of Ramadan before, it’s something that all muslims do in this holy month in Islam, fasting from sunrise to sunset, doing charities, avoiding sins, being respectful, etc. Ramadan has started for some us today, but for others it can be tomorrow. As a fellow Muslim myself, I will not be active much but posting perhaps short proportions (depending honestly) and they have to be sfw- fics until the month is over, so I’ll be inactive for a while but I will be back after Ramadan is over. I also have exams in 2 weeks, so I have to prepare for that as well.
I hope you all understand as this is something I do in my religion. Tysm, and I’ll be posting fics again when I come back!
Just something general to know:
**What is Ramadan?**
What is Ramadhan? Ramadan, Arabic Ramaḍān, in Islam, the ninth month of the Muslim calendar and the holy month of fasting. It begins and ends with the appearance of the crescent moon. Because the Muslim calendar year is shorter than the Gregorian calendar year, Ramadan begins 10–12 days earlier each year, allowing it to fall in every season throughout a 33-year cycle.
(A festival we do after Ramadan)
**What is Eid?**
What is Eid? Eid al-Fitr, (Arabic: “Festival of Breaking Fast”) also spelled ʿĪd al-Fiṭr, also called al-ʿĪd al-Ṣaghīr, Turkish Ramazan Bayrami (“Ramadan Festival”), first of two canonical festivals of Islam. Eid al-Fitr marks the end of Ramadan, the Muslim holy month of fasting, and is celebrated during the first three days of Shawwal, the 10th month of the Islamic calendar (though the Muslim use of a lunar calendar means that it may fall in any season of the year). As in Islam’s other holy festival, Eid al-Adha, it is distinguished by the performance of communal prayer (ṣalāt) at daybreak on its first day. Eid al-Fitr is a time of official receptions and private visits, when friends greet one another, presents are given, new clothes are worn, and the graves of relatives are visited. See also mawlid; ʿĀshūrāʾ.
Thank you if you read this patiently, Ramadan Kareem to all fellow muslims and I’ll see you next month!
Hey everyone! I know you’ve been waiting for the next ch for Wanna Play, but I have some news to tell. Basically, I’m sure you’ve all heard of Ramadan before, it’s something that all muslims do in this holy month in Islam, fasting from sunrise to sunset, doing charities, avoiding sins, being respectful, etc. Ramadan has started for some us today, but for others it can be tomorrow. As a fellow Muslim myself, I will not be active much but posting perhaps short proportions (depending honestly) and they have to be sfw- fics until the month is over, so I’ll be inactive for a while but I will be back after Ramadan is over. I also have exams in 2 weeks, so I have to prepare for that as well.
I hope you all understand as this is something I do in my religion. Tysm, and I’ll be posting fics again when I come back!
Just something general to know:
**What is Ramadan?**
What is Ramadhan? Ramadan, Arabic Ramaḍān, in Islam, the ninth month of the Muslim calendar and the holy month of fasting. It begins and ends with the appearance of the crescent moon. Because the Muslim calendar year is shorter than the Gregorian calendar year, Ramadan begins 10–12 days earlier each year, allowing it to fall in every season throughout a 33-year cycle.
(A festival we do after Ramadan)
**What is Eid?**
What is Eid? Eid al-Fitr, (Arabic: “Festival of Breaking Fast”) also spelled ʿĪd al-Fiṭr, also called al-ʿĪd al-Ṣaghīr, Turkish Ramazan Bayrami (“Ramadan Festival”), first of two canonical festivals of Islam. Eid al-Fitr marks the end of Ramadan, the Muslim holy month of fasting, and is celebrated during the first three days of Shawwal, the 10th month of the Islamic calendar (though the Muslim use of a lunar calendar means that it may fall in any season of the year). As in Islam’s other holy festival, Eid al-Adha, it is distinguished by the performance of communal prayer (ṣalāt) at daybreak on its first day. Eid al-Fitr is a time of official receptions and private visits, when friends greet one another, presents are given, new clothes are worn, and the graves of relatives are visited. See also mawlid; ʿĀshūrāʾ.
Thank you if you read this patiently, Ramadan Kareem to all fellow muslims and I’ll see you next month!
this ramadan we pray for peace and aid for the people of palestine. this ramadan we remember the previous ramadans, where thousands of palestinians were massacred. this ramadan we honour palestine, and may we see a free palestine next ramadan
Just because it’s Ramadan, doesn’t mean you have to slack🤷🏽♀️
To everyone observing Ramadan this year:
Ramadan Mubarak
Here's a muslim meme dump in order to show my support. Love y'all! Happy Ramadan!

Yes I’m late I know, but I doodled @ddeathofher on instagram’s spidersona spiderrose for Ramadan and posted it on my insta, hope everyone who celebrates has a good fast. From your non Muslim friend~
To all my Muslim followers/friends/mutuals/fellow humans and earth-dwellers: have a very blessed and meaningful Ramadan ❤️
this ramadan we pray for peace and aid for the people of palestine. this ramadan we remember the previous ramadans, where thousands of palestinians were massacred. this ramadan we honour palestine, and may we see a free palestine next ramadan
muslim things we need more of in media
teenage Muslim guys. we've all seen teenage/adolescent Muslim girls in media, how about more guys? give me a Muslim boy in high school who plays cricket and likes Atif Aslam. idk
Muslim parents and parent figures who are chill and not overly strict. half the time the "strict Muslim parents" are not even behaving in an Islamic way.
Muslims who aren't anti-feminist. Islam is a feminist religion. Women are highly encouraged to pursue jobs and higher education. Show more Muslim women in well-paying jobs in STEM and business fields.
Muslims who don't make up restrictions out of thin air. it makes no sense for a Muslim woman to go "oh i can't do [mildly secular thing], I'm a Muslim" BEHAN THERE IS NOTHING IN ISLAM THAT SAYS YOU CAN'T.
Muslim girls who keep their hijab on in front of non-mahram people at all times. yes, this post is about Samirah al-Abbasi and Ms. Marvel. can we get Muslim girls who actually take pride in their hijab and don't take it off for non-mahram men or insist that it's okay because "you're LIKE family to me"
accurate depictions of gatherings, especially weddings, in Islam. This may differ depending on nationality of the characters.
Accurate depictions of Muslims in relationships. Samirah al-Abbas from Magnus Chase is a horrible representation of this. The vast majority of Muslim girls do not get engaged at the age of 12. Most of us do not get engaged or married until we're in our 20s.
Muslims who don't get engaged to or marry their cousins.
adding onto that, Muslims who don't have boyfriends or girlfriends or romanticize the idea of having one.
Muslim women who don't have children and don't regret it.
Muslims who don't get engaged or married at all! It's Sunnah to get married, but it is not mandatory. You can still be a devout Muslim without getting married or having children.
Muslim MEN AND BOYS WHO FOLLOW THE HIJAB. the hijab is NOT just a head covering, it is a WAY OF LIFE that ALL MUSLIMS must follow. it is about MODESTY for both the sexes. Muslim men ALSO need to cover themselves to an extent. yes, the rules differ slightly from male to female Muslims, but they STILL EXIST FOR BOTH. I suggest reading up more on this topic if you don't know much about the hijab.
Muslims who are actively working to get closer to Allah and trying to stop any non-Islamic habits. Muslims who smoke, drink, eat non-halal food but are aware that this is haram and are actively trying to stop. Muslims who show that you don't have to be perfect, you just have to try to be better than you were yesterday. Muslims who are real in their struggles. No one criticizes Christians for being secular or not following their faith perfectly, why are Muslims subjected to so much scrutiny?
Muslims who are shown practicing their faith onscreen. Praying, making du'a, fasting, going to Umrah, even.
Add little bits of the Muslim faith in their everyday life. Instead of air freshener hangings in their cars, my parents have hangings with Islamic calligraphy and the du'a for traveling. We have a stack of prayer mats sitting in a corner of the living room. We have a bookshelf where the entire top shelf is copies of the Quran and other Islamic books. We always say the designated du'a before doing anything such as eating a meal, starting a trip, or even going to sleep.
There are three types of jihad: jihad of the heart, jihad of the mind, and physical jihad.
Jihad of the heart is the Muslim's internal struggle to be faithful and practice their religion wholeheartedly. It is the struggle against temptations of evil, of haram actions. It is the most important form of jihad and one that every Muslim partakes in every day.
Jihad of the mind is the struggle against misinformation about Islam. It is spreading education and information about the principles of Islam. It condemns forcing people to accept Islam. People are meant to be guided. They are meant to find their own path to Islam with the help of knowledge and resources to learn. this form of jihad is important as it keeps Muslims and non-Muslims informed about Islam.
Physical Jihad is an absolute last resort that a Muslim nation must partake in when there is a threat of war from another nation. Islam condemns violence and murder and always pushes its followers to resolve matters peacefully. In a situation where this is impossible, only then is physical jihad permissible. and it has strict rules about who the Muslims can fight. It is haram to kill anyone who is not actively fighting from the opposing army. It is haram to kill women, children, elderly people, and any civilians. It is haram to kill animals except for food. It is haram even to take from the land or damage it in any way. If an army calling itself Islamic is not following these rules, it is not partaking in Jihad. it is partaking in unnecessary slaughter and bloodshed. there you go.
sorry i went on a rant about jihad for a minute there lol, i've been meaning to do that though anyway.
please depict Muslims in media more. please depict us with respect, and with the proper amount of research and effort needed for accuracy. thanks. Ramadan Mubarak, free Palestine <3
If a heart becomes attached to anything other than Allah, Allah makes him dependent on what he is attached to. And he will be betrayed by it.❞
— Ibn Al-Qayyim (raḥimahullāh)
Ya Allāh ﷻ, please make me dependant on YOU only. You're my Rabb, my Lord, my Peace. Don't make me walk on any road that takes me farther away from you, leaving me all astray. Make me independent of everything. You, your love, your nearness, your promises suffice me.
We all as Muslims try our best to pray the five obligatory Salahs! Now as important that is, we must strive to attain a deeper connection with Allāh ﷻ in our prayers by knowing the meaning of our utterances. So here is the translation of the DUA which we begin our prayer with.
سُبْحَانَكَ اللَّهُمَّ وَبِحَمْدِكَ وَتَبَارَكَ اسْمُكَ وَتَعَالَى جَدُّكَ وَلاَ إِلَهَ غَيْرُكَ
“Glorious You are O Allah, and with Your praise, and blessed is Your Name, and exalted is Your majesty, and none has the right to be worshipped but You.”
Let's be mindful of our duas, recitation in our prayers. In Sha Allah, Allāh ﷻ will be pleased with our efforts.