Redacted Oc - Tumblr Posts
the title is a work in progress, if any oof you have ides please tell me
2.3 k words
Fandom: Redacted Audio/Redacted ASMR/ Redactedverse
Couple: Lasko/Gavin, Past Lasko/ original male character
TW/CW: Past large age gap, mentioned cheating
After being heartbroken Lasko plots revenge with the help of and incubus. Fake dating
Let me know if I missed a trigger.
Please comment and reblog, it lets me know people like my stuff and encourages me to write more!!!!!!
Click here if you want to see more of my work and follow me for more!
Disgust, heartbreak, regret, loneliness, helplessness.
“Mother of god- Gavin- what- what are you doing here? And why do you have to - scare me like that every time.”
Fear, shame, relief
“My fault Sunshine, did not mean to frighten you.”
Anxiety, Hesitation
“You know me so well.”
“You didn't answer, why are you here? Do you need something- I heard that your- um interested in classes- I could help-but um- I don't think right no-”
“ I'm not here for that Sweets. “
It was hard to ignore the tear stains and the wobble in his voice, even an unempowered would notice. A demon though, he could feel the heartbreak from miles away.
“I could feel it.”
Shock, Fear
He knew what Gavin meant but almost didn't believe it.
“ I'm sorry Lasko, I wasn't trying to eavesdrop, I'm kind of tuned in to my friends.”
Lasko stumbled into his chair. He let a few more tears slide down his face.
“You-you don't need to be sorry- it's my fault. I'm an idiot- it's my fault. I let that- I let them play me. I-”
He stopped to breathe. Gavin stood, listened, and waited. Lasko took the time he needed, he crossed his arms over the desk, stuck his head in, and cried. Gavin felt the slow shift in Lasko's energy. He wasn't calming down.
“ I wish it was different."
Lasko said, inaudible to Gavin
“Puppy, I can't understand your words when you're talking through your arm."
He lifted his head, seating his chin on his arms. He wasn't blushing like he normally was when Gavin used any nickname. Now he was just blank-faced.
“I wish it was different. He was always- he was very possessive- and even if- if he said that he doesn't love me- that she's who he loves. I know- I know he'll hate it- he'll hate seeing me happy with someone else, 'cause he knows that he treated me like shit. And I want him to know that. I want to make him jealous, I want him to hate himself for leaving me. I WANT HIM TO BE THE ONE THAT BEGS FOR MY LOVE. “
Anger, Desperation
They make eye contact. in Gavin's eyes there's sympathy and confusion but somehow it's paired with understanding. It brings Lasko a sense of calm. He takes a few breaths before standing up and walking around to the other side of his desk. Standing right in front of Gavin. He looks up, a strange sense of confidence flashes through his body. A very small flash, before Lasko, got sucked back into his shell. His head down avoiding confrontation.
“ I used to beg him. To stay, to show me, love.”
Shame, Regret, Guilt
“I know I should have realized-should have- should have left. It was my fau-”
Gavins takes a hold of Lasko.
“It's not your fault, there are a lot of people who have learned, trained how to use people, they know how to make you think, feel loved. It's not your fault.”
“A part of me knows that, I want to believe that.”
“ But I still, I want him to feel how I feel, he needs to understand what he does to people. I want to make him so jealous he begs for me back.”
“ But you won't go back”
Anxiety, Fear
There's a pause
“Of- of course”
He lies.
Gavin pulls Lasko out of his chest and tilts his head up to him.
“I'm serious, Lasko, you can make him jealous, Get your revenge. But you can't go back, you won't.”
Lasko nods, that's all. Before he pulls and turns away.
Gavin wondered what Lasko was scared of now.
“Will you help me?”
Gavin knew what Lasko meant. He realized why Lasko was scared. He's expecting him to say no, with good reason.
“Lasko, you know I don't do relationships.”
“I know that, but he doesn't, we can fake it. Pretend we're together when he's around”
" and you can benefit off it cause you can feed off m-"
" I'll do it Sweets, but because you're my friend, not because you're offering to let me feed off you. We should have some rules though."
Relief, Excitement
"Yes, of course. Do you have any in mind?"
"Well, it depends. Who do you want to lie to everyone, or just him?"
" I mean- I guess everyone, I think we can, or should tell our friends. I don't want to lie to them. So just in public, we'll- we can act like a couple."
Fear, shame
Gavin is tired of Lasko hiding stuff from him.
"There's more, come on, out with it."
"I- I think the best way to sell- to make him believable and make him jealous well have to- be physical. But only when he's around, and only if you're comfortable. That's why I said you could use my energy because if I'm going to be, umm touching and if I'm touching you, you might as well take what I'm giving you. I've already come up with a few ideas, scenarios, and things I know will hurt him. But just the thought - uhh fluster me- you know."
" I think you mean 'turned on' but it's cute that you can barely even hint at such"
"Shut up, Gavin"
" ah ah ah that's not my name. Y'know what -"
" Lasko what is this empty section, I told you to fill my schedule as much as po-Gavin."
Gavin greets the frantic confused fire element before he turns back to Lasko. kissing the back of Lasko's hand before saying goodbye to the both of them
“ it seems my time with you is over, for now. I hope you start feeling better, night sweets. Damien, good luck with your schedule, but don't overwork yourself.”
And then he was gone.
Lasko moves back to his deck, trying to move past what just happened and act as if nothing happened.
“ I- so I put a space in your- um schedule because well- you need it but also the timing of the classes were unreasonable- impossible, you - no one would be able to make it across the campus like needed in that time. So I decided that it would be best to giv-'
“ What the fuck was that Lasko?”
“Oh it was - it's nothing- not important. So do you still want me to - to fix you-”
“ Lasko don't - don't fucking lie to me, what was Gavin doing here, and the kiss?”
“ ok- so "
Damien gave Lasko a look telling him not to try lying again
“Gavin and I have decided to- fake a relationship with each other.”
“I suggested it, I've mentioned umm Zen to you before, he cheated on me, left me, and -I wanted to make him jealous.”
“God Lasko, how stupid- “
Damien stopped, realizing now wasn't the time to use harsh words.
“ I don't think that's wise Lasko.”
“Why's that? I know I act like- like a shy nerd but I deserve revenge, don't you thi-”
“ Of course I do, but this isn't the way”
“Why not?!”
“ because you'll just get hurt”
“ No, I won't it's fake I'll be fi-”
“ Lasko, I've seen it, you fall in love when someone looks at you. When Gavin starts giving you all that attention you're going to fall for him, hard. And you'll start to think that he feels the same because you're in this fake relationship. And when you confess, he's going to reject you, and you'll be heartbroken, inconsolable.”
“That's not true!”
Damien sighed knowing there was nothing he could say to stop Lasko's plan.
"Professor Dawson"
Damien stared at the closed door, here for one reason. To meet up with Xavier, but he didn't want to go in.
Huxley's voice and shoulder nudge broke Damien's thoughts
"We can head in, the class is over, Xavier is just talking to the professor."
Huxley steps in front of Damien and opens that door, holding it open for his friend.
The door shuts when both men are inside. Xavier and Professor Dawson are the only others in the room, just a few steps ahead, Xavior notices his friends come in and waves them over to join in the conversation. Huxley takes a few large steps while Damien begrudgingly shuffles closer, head down avoiding the professor's gaze.
“Dawson, this is Huxley one of my amazing teammates, and Damien”
“Sophia's kid?”
Damien didn't allow himself to physically react, but he was shocked by the professor's knowledge of his mother. He didn't like it.
“ I've heard quite a bit about your mother, I've watched her display her element, and I've heard of her accomplishments as a human born, she's truly remarkable. I didn't believe it a first when I was told she was human-born.”
Damien snapped his head up, his eyes not hiding his burning rage. He knew this guy was a piece of work, from what Lasko told him but now it was personal. Damien waited for the professor to speak, make a mistake, so Damien could let himself go, let the stereotype of being hot-headed win.
Then Dawson laughed.
Right in Damien's face
Damien looked at his friends
What the fuck was funny
“Oh, Damien, I'm sorry I offended you, and your mother. I was very young when I thought that, I was still ignorant. I was barely ten, my father quickly corrected my thoughts. I'm sorry.”
Damien was confused
He was sincere
He wasn't lying
Sure Damien was no lie detector but he considered himself pretty good at spotting lies and insincerity.
Damien kept his eyes locked with Dawson. The professor's eyes soften from ice to snow.
“Truly Damien, I didn't mean anything by my statement. I hope you realize that.”
Xavier stepped in, realizing Damien wasn't calming down, and the room was only getting hotter.
“I know professor, I'm sure Damien does too but we're going to go ahead and leave, thanks for class”
The three students headed to the door as the professor commented to talk
“ Of course Xavior, I'll see you, and Huxley at your next game. Which is?”
“ Friday sir”
“ got it, I'll be there”
When the three were in the hall, with the door to professor Dawsons closed, Damien let out a groan
“I fucking hate that guy”
“Wow, Damien, that- this was the first time you met him”
Hux was shocked at his friend's immediate distaste for the professor
Xavier tried to calm the fire elemental down with a joke
“Maybe it's because of your opposing elements?”
Hux made a face at the ice boy, Xavier knew he messed up. Xavier still didn't know Damien too well.
“ Xavier, you're an ice elemental, I don't hate you.”
Xavior took that as a good sign.
Huxley changed the topic when they got outside, using his vast knowledge of the earth to keep the fire elemental from becoming angrier. It worked, the group found a table to have lunch at as they talked about various things
“Wow, is that Lasko and Gavin”
Damien slowly turns his head to see Gavin and Lasko sitting on the same side of a small table, Gavin's hand on Lasko's knee, Laskos face bright red.
Damien says it like he saw the two like this every day.
“ What do you mean ‘yep’, it's Lasko and Gavin.”
Huxley gestured toward the two, he was pretty freaked out by the unexpected pair. The more he looked the more things clicked
“Oh my gosh bro, is Gavin his not-so-secret boyfriend”
“ Not so secret boyfriend?”
Xavier questions, a little out of the loop with Huxley's friend group. Damien calmly explained, already tired of this conversation.
“Lasko tried to, and thinks he did hide that he was in a relationship but everyone in our group knew. He's pretty bad at lying.”
Huxley jumped in
“ yeah but he told you who it was”
Huxley then turned to Xavier
“But he wouldn't tell us- which is totally respectable, Lasko wanted to keep it a secret”
“No, he didn't.”
The two athletes snapped their heads to Damien
They didn't have to ask as Damien started to explain
“ Gavin isn't the ’secret boyfriend’. They broke up, and Lasko never wanted to lie or keep his relationship a secret he was forced to”
Huxley didn't like hearing that, he looked over at his air-powered friend. Xavier asked the next question
Huxley wanted to know but he was also scared of the answer, he couldn't come up with many good reasons to lie about a relationship[
“His partner thought it would look bad.”
Damien's hands grabbed at his jeans, squeezing hard as he thought about it
“Like- Lasko was embarrassing to be seen with?”
Huxley's voice had changed, it was steady but still unsure.
“Partly.” Xavier felt it wasn't his place to talk, but he felt for Lasko.
Huxley continued to stare at Lasko. Damiens stared at his jeans as he began to speak
“He thought-”
“ Who was it?”
Huxley's voice was, emotionless, not angry, or sad, but Damien knew it was a demand
“Zen Dawson.”
Xavier took a deep breath and looked over at Lasko, he'd always wondered why Lasko often came into Dawson's room after class.
“Isn't Dawson like twice Laskos age?”
Huxley and Damien were surprised that Xavier was the one to answer. Damien finished what Xavier said
“He's 12 years older, that was one of the reasons he didn't want the relationship to go public”
“I'm starting to understand your hatred towards that guy.”
Damien let out a huffed laugh.
“There's more”
Huxley looked out the window as Professor Zen Dawson walked by, waving to the table as he passed.
Damien watches him as he walks.
“So much more.”
.... if your a writer I highly suggest making a plan , and WRITING IT DOWN, for your story.. I just reread this and I want the next chapter but I literally have no idea were I was going with this
the title is a work in progress, if any oof you have ides please tell me
2.3 k words
Fandom: Redacted Audio/Redacted ASMR/ Redactedverse
Couple: Lasko/Gavin, Past Lasko/ original male character
TW/CW: Past large age gap, mentioned cheating
After being heartbroken Lasko plots revenge with the help of and incubus. Fake dating
Let me know if I missed a trigger.
Please comment and reblog, it lets me know people like my stuff and encourages me to write more!!!!!!
Click here if you want to see more of my work and follow me for more!
Disgust, heartbreak, regret, loneliness, helplessness.
“Mother of god- Gavin- what- what are you doing here? And why do you have to - scare me like that every time.”
Fear, shame, relief
“My fault Sunshine, did not mean to frighten you.”
Anxiety, Hesitation
“You know me so well.”
“You didn't answer, why are you here? Do you need something- I heard that your- um interested in classes- I could help-but um- I don't think right no-”
“ I'm not here for that Sweets. “
It was hard to ignore the tear stains and the wobble in his voice, even an unempowered would notice. A demon though, he could feel the heartbreak from miles away.
“I could feel it.”
Shock, Fear
He knew what Gavin meant but almost didn't believe it.
“ I'm sorry Lasko, I wasn't trying to eavesdrop, I'm kind of tuned in to my friends.”
Lasko stumbled into his chair. He let a few more tears slide down his face.
“You-you don't need to be sorry- it's my fault. I'm an idiot- it's my fault. I let that- I let them play me. I-”
He stopped to breathe. Gavin stood, listened, and waited. Lasko took the time he needed, he crossed his arms over the desk, stuck his head in, and cried. Gavin felt the slow shift in Lasko's energy. He wasn't calming down.
“ I wish it was different."
Lasko said, inaudible to Gavin
“Puppy, I can't understand your words when you're talking through your arm."
He lifted his head, seating his chin on his arms. He wasn't blushing like he normally was when Gavin used any nickname. Now he was just blank-faced.
“I wish it was different. He was always- he was very possessive- and even if- if he said that he doesn't love me- that she's who he loves. I know- I know he'll hate it- he'll hate seeing me happy with someone else, 'cause he knows that he treated me like shit. And I want him to know that. I want to make him jealous, I want him to hate himself for leaving me. I WANT HIM TO BE THE ONE THAT BEGS FOR MY LOVE. “
Anger, Desperation
They make eye contact. in Gavin's eyes there's sympathy and confusion but somehow it's paired with understanding. It brings Lasko a sense of calm. He takes a few breaths before standing up and walking around to the other side of his desk. Standing right in front of Gavin. He looks up, a strange sense of confidence flashes through his body. A very small flash, before Lasko, got sucked back into his shell. His head down avoiding confrontation.
“ I used to beg him. To stay, to show me, love.”
Shame, Regret, Guilt
“I know I should have realized-should have- should have left. It was my fau-”
Gavins takes a hold of Lasko.
“It's not your fault, there are a lot of people who have learned, trained how to use people, they know how to make you think, feel loved. It's not your fault.”
“A part of me knows that, I want to believe that.”
“ But I still, I want him to feel how I feel, he needs to understand what he does to people. I want to make him so jealous he begs for me back.”
“ But you won't go back”
Anxiety, Fear
There's a pause
“Of- of course”
He lies.
Gavin pulls Lasko out of his chest and tilts his head up to him.
“I'm serious, Lasko, you can make him jealous, Get your revenge. But you can't go back, you won't.”
Lasko nods, that's all. Before he pulls and turns away.
Gavin wondered what Lasko was scared of now.
“Will you help me?”
Gavin knew what Lasko meant. He realized why Lasko was scared. He's expecting him to say no, with good reason.
“Lasko, you know I don't do relationships.”
“I know that, but he doesn't, we can fake it. Pretend we're together when he's around”
" and you can benefit off it cause you can feed off m-"
" I'll do it Sweets, but because you're my friend, not because you're offering to let me feed off you. We should have some rules though."
Relief, Excitement
"Yes, of course. Do you have any in mind?"
"Well, it depends. Who do you want to lie to everyone, or just him?"
" I mean- I guess everyone, I think we can, or should tell our friends. I don't want to lie to them. So just in public, we'll- we can act like a couple."
Fear, shame
Gavin is tired of Lasko hiding stuff from him.
"There's more, come on, out with it."
"I- I think the best way to sell- to make him believable and make him jealous well have to- be physical. But only when he's around, and only if you're comfortable. That's why I said you could use my energy because if I'm going to be, umm touching and if I'm touching you, you might as well take what I'm giving you. I've already come up with a few ideas, scenarios, and things I know will hurt him. But just the thought - uhh fluster me- you know."
" I think you mean 'turned on' but it's cute that you can barely even hint at such"
"Shut up, Gavin"
" ah ah ah that's not my name. Y'know what -"
" Lasko what is this empty section, I told you to fill my schedule as much as po-Gavin."
Gavin greets the frantic confused fire element before he turns back to Lasko. kissing the back of Lasko's hand before saying goodbye to the both of them
“ it seems my time with you is over, for now. I hope you start feeling better, night sweets. Damien, good luck with your schedule, but don't overwork yourself.”
And then he was gone.
Lasko moves back to his deck, trying to move past what just happened and act as if nothing happened.
“ I- so I put a space in your- um schedule because well- you need it but also the timing of the classes were unreasonable- impossible, you - no one would be able to make it across the campus like needed in that time. So I decided that it would be best to giv-'
“ What the fuck was that Lasko?”
“Oh it was - it's nothing- not important. So do you still want me to - to fix you-”
“ Lasko don't - don't fucking lie to me, what was Gavin doing here, and the kiss?”
“ ok- so "
Damien gave Lasko a look telling him not to try lying again
“Gavin and I have decided to- fake a relationship with each other.”
“I suggested it, I've mentioned umm Zen to you before, he cheated on me, left me, and -I wanted to make him jealous.”
“God Lasko, how stupid- “
Damien stopped, realizing now wasn't the time to use harsh words.
“ I don't think that's wise Lasko.”
“Why's that? I know I act like- like a shy nerd but I deserve revenge, don't you thi-”
“ Of course I do, but this isn't the way”
“Why not?!”
“ because you'll just get hurt”
“ No, I won't it's fake I'll be fi-”
“ Lasko, I've seen it, you fall in love when someone looks at you. When Gavin starts giving you all that attention you're going to fall for him, hard. And you'll start to think that he feels the same because you're in this fake relationship. And when you confess, he's going to reject you, and you'll be heartbroken, inconsolable.”
“That's not true!”
Damien sighed knowing there was nothing he could say to stop Lasko's plan.
"Professor Dawson"
Damien stared at the closed door, here for one reason. To meet up with Xavier, but he didn't want to go in.
Huxley's voice and shoulder nudge broke Damien's thoughts
"We can head in, the class is over, Xavier is just talking to the professor."
Huxley steps in front of Damien and opens that door, holding it open for his friend.
The door shuts when both men are inside. Xavier and Professor Dawson are the only others in the room, just a few steps ahead, Xavior notices his friends come in and waves them over to join in the conversation. Huxley takes a few large steps while Damien begrudgingly shuffles closer, head down avoiding the professor's gaze.
“Dawson, this is Huxley one of my amazing teammates, and Damien”
“Sophia's kid?”
Damien didn't allow himself to physically react, but he was shocked by the professor's knowledge of his mother. He didn't like it.
“ I've heard quite a bit about your mother, I've watched her display her element, and I've heard of her accomplishments as a human born, she's truly remarkable. I didn't believe it a first when I was told she was human-born.”
Damien snapped his head up, his eyes not hiding his burning rage. He knew this guy was a piece of work, from what Lasko told him but now it was personal. Damien waited for the professor to speak, make a mistake, so Damien could let himself go, let the stereotype of being hot-headed win.
Then Dawson laughed.
Right in Damien's face
Damien looked at his friends
What the fuck was funny
“Oh, Damien, I'm sorry I offended you, and your mother. I was very young when I thought that, I was still ignorant. I was barely ten, my father quickly corrected my thoughts. I'm sorry.”
Damien was confused
He was sincere
He wasn't lying
Sure Damien was no lie detector but he considered himself pretty good at spotting lies and insincerity.
Damien kept his eyes locked with Dawson. The professor's eyes soften from ice to snow.
“Truly Damien, I didn't mean anything by my statement. I hope you realize that.”
Xavier stepped in, realizing Damien wasn't calming down, and the room was only getting hotter.
“I know professor, I'm sure Damien does too but we're going to go ahead and leave, thanks for class”
The three students headed to the door as the professor commented to talk
“ Of course Xavior, I'll see you, and Huxley at your next game. Which is?”
“ Friday sir”
“ got it, I'll be there”
When the three were in the hall, with the door to professor Dawsons closed, Damien let out a groan
“I fucking hate that guy”
“Wow, Damien, that- this was the first time you met him”
Hux was shocked at his friend's immediate distaste for the professor
Xavier tried to calm the fire elemental down with a joke
“Maybe it's because of your opposing elements?”
Hux made a face at the ice boy, Xavier knew he messed up. Xavier still didn't know Damien too well.
“ Xavier, you're an ice elemental, I don't hate you.”
Xavior took that as a good sign.
Huxley changed the topic when they got outside, using his vast knowledge of the earth to keep the fire elemental from becoming angrier. It worked, the group found a table to have lunch at as they talked about various things
“Wow, is that Lasko and Gavin”
Damien slowly turns his head to see Gavin and Lasko sitting on the same side of a small table, Gavin's hand on Lasko's knee, Laskos face bright red.
Damien says it like he saw the two like this every day.
“ What do you mean ‘yep’, it's Lasko and Gavin.”
Huxley gestured toward the two, he was pretty freaked out by the unexpected pair. The more he looked the more things clicked
“Oh my gosh bro, is Gavin his not-so-secret boyfriend”
“ Not so secret boyfriend?”
Xavier questions, a little out of the loop with Huxley's friend group. Damien calmly explained, already tired of this conversation.
“Lasko tried to, and thinks he did hide that he was in a relationship but everyone in our group knew. He's pretty bad at lying.”
Huxley jumped in
“ yeah but he told you who it was”
Huxley then turned to Xavier
“But he wouldn't tell us- which is totally respectable, Lasko wanted to keep it a secret”
“No, he didn't.”
The two athletes snapped their heads to Damien
They didn't have to ask as Damien started to explain
“ Gavin isn't the ’secret boyfriend’. They broke up, and Lasko never wanted to lie or keep his relationship a secret he was forced to”
Huxley didn't like hearing that, he looked over at his air-powered friend. Xavier asked the next question
Huxley wanted to know but he was also scared of the answer, he couldn't come up with many good reasons to lie about a relationship[
“His partner thought it would look bad.”
Damien's hands grabbed at his jeans, squeezing hard as he thought about it
“Like- Lasko was embarrassing to be seen with?”
Huxley's voice had changed, it was steady but still unsure.
“Partly.” Xavier felt it wasn't his place to talk, but he felt for Lasko.
Huxley continued to stare at Lasko. Damiens stared at his jeans as he began to speak
“He thought-”
“ Who was it?”
Huxley's voice was, emotionless, not angry, or sad, but Damien knew it was a demand
“Zen Dawson.”
Xavier took a deep breath and looked over at Lasko, he'd always wondered why Lasko often came into Dawson's room after class.
“Isn't Dawson like twice Laskos age?”
Huxley and Damien were surprised that Xavier was the one to answer. Damien finished what Xavier said
“He's 12 years older, that was one of the reasons he didn't want the relationship to go public”
“I'm starting to understand your hatred towards that guy.”
Damien let out a huffed laugh.
“There's more”
Huxley looked out the window as Professor Zen Dawson walked by, waving to the table as he passed.
Damien watches him as he walks.
“So much more.”
i can go 4th!
andrés (baaabe) has a HUGE collection of glasses. they’re his favourite accessory for an outfit so naturally his wardrobe has to look like a funky opticians office.
address any listener by their name in my reblogs and tell me a random fact abt them
ill go first:
tulia (angel) accidentally kicked her badazzled flip phone straight down a sewer drain once and she got grounded for four months because no one believed her story
In light of this post
I present to you..Punk demon band!

Yeah...silly idea but meh
Meeting a Miserable Demonic Jester backstage [M4A]
![Meeting A Miserable Demonic Jester Backstage [M4A]](
i did a thing no way The template ↓
![Meeting A Miserable Demonic Jester Backstage [M4A]](
Chibi Lepus?
I think yes

he's hiding behind his hair because he's a fucking pussy :))
Helloo hiiii
I made demon ocs with silly stories

This one is a Shock Demon, he finds an earth elemental that's obsessed with space and they become pals.

This fucker is a Strife Demon, his whole deal is that he made a deal with an unempowered human 15 years ago and came back to collect.
His design may change btw

My First Audio!
"Meeting a Goth Vampire on the Boardwalk"
(F4A) They/Them pronouns are used, but a lot of feminine adjectives are used.
[Small mention of attack and feeding] [Strangers to Friends?]
I had fun making this!
Written, Edited And Recorded By OriArmor39 (Me!) {Its my first audio, The writing isnt that good lol, But i tried!}
Audio RP | Meeting Your Martial Arts Teacher For The First Time [M4F]
![Audio RP | Meeting Your Martial Arts Teacher For The First Time [M4F]](
AAA I finally got the chance to make more of my ocs cassette!! Meet Ashraf! He's a tiger shifter and fully malaysian (he born in malaysia then moved to dahlia due to some personal issues)
Malaysia's national animal is a tiger and I think it'd be great to make Ashraf who is fully malaysian :D
Ashraf taught a martial art called Silat Melayu which translated to Malay Silat!
Thank you again @mokozroach for the template!! MWAHH
He’s a dreamwalker!! (Obvi from what I’ve shared about him-)
He’s a trans masc so he sounds like a teenage boy sense he just started it a couple months ago
He chose the name Dionysus after the Greek god he worships! (Sense he’s a Hellenistic pagan from Greece)
He’s trying to get his full certification or at the very least a dreamwalking certification so he can work in the dreamscape making business like Elliot
He has two younger siblings named Oscar and Lilith! (He’s adopted as the oldest into a unempowered family, because his stepparents thought they couldn’t have kids until they had his two younger siblings who were twins) ((no one in his family has talked to him for a while when he moved and they don’t know he’s a dreamwalker))
He also had gotten in a fight with a fire elemental teacher during his first year at another school- (Hense the burn mark)

another tag game 🫨 please don’t flop omg i’d be so embarrassed
make your oc using this link + tell me 3-5 facts about them 🫵🫵🫵
this is vivienne, my first redacted audio oc and i love her too much :) i made her look so damn old here wth
she was a water elemental, turned vamp
she has a twin sister named giselle
she’s a beauty/makeup artist
she has a hyena named quinn and cat named rose :3
she luvs the smell of wood

@breezysuffers @capitalisticveins @porters-fangs @porters-fangs @dukecollinsbf @infinitelovewiithoutfulfilmentt @int3rtwiningh3artstrings @mokozroach @vind3miat0r @skunkox-art @pagesupinflames @ilovealotofwomen @xdolls-crownx @paythesmith @ashertickler @youeverjustseeadog @yournewmusictaste @miyaheestar @laskosprettygirl /nf
I’m working on the script for my redacted oc thingy-
Just thought yall should know!

This is his icon btw!!
(Stars in the background colors change per video!)
Audio RP | Eccentric Illusory Supervisor Confronts You About Your Recent Snooping Around [M4A]
![Audio RP | Eccentric Illusory Supervisor Confronts You About Your Recent Snooping Around [M4A]](
![Audio RP | Eccentric Illusory Supervisor Confronts You About Your Recent Snooping Around [M4A]](
Say hello to Kit Canzler, your... eccentric supervisor. He's my newest brain baby based off of the concept of a brooding (and sort of kind of evil) 1940s noir detective and I had to put him into something, so why not make a fake thumbnail for him?
Kit is a good 40-something years old and has been with the department and steadily climbing the ranks since he got his full certification at the young age of twenty-three. He's known among his peers for his charming (and not at all creepy /s) smile and having his eyes all over the department, which makes him a terror for all new hires under his care as he is keen to point out even the smallest of mistakes to them until these mistakes stop happening. However, he is a bit more lenient with the older and more experienced investigators in his part of the department. But even if that's the case, he can't just keep letting a certain someone get away with asking too many questions and looking at too many documents that should be none of their concern... Maybe it's about time he had a talk with a certain "Sweetheart," hm?
Audio RP | Catching Up With A Vampire Shopkeep [F4M]
![Audio RP | Catching Up With A Vampire Shopkeep [F4M]](
![Audio RP | Catching Up With A Vampire Shopkeep [F4M]](
Yeahh so I will just keep bothering you people with my Redacted OCs and you can't stop me. Anyway, this is Lyla Elster, a vampiric shopkeep of unknown age who has been very involved and flirty with a certain someone...
Lyla owns a little vintage shop of European architecture in the middle of Dahlia. Her shop moves from place to place by utilizing d(a)emonic rifting magics and occasionally disappears altogether by using illusory wards. The reason for all these safety precautions and moves around town is because Lyla sells not exactly legal magical things to the empowered populace and rips them off in the process, so she can't exactly stay in one place for too long. Despite that, she is a friendly and flirty person all around and uses the money she "earns" to support those who need it more. And to make William Solaire's life difficult by outbidding him at auctions. Yes, Lyla has been teasing William for centuries now and finds an odd delight in annoying and flustering him. His clan finds it very funny even though they have no idea whether he is actually really annoyed by her or if they're just such good friends that this has become normal.
I've been seeing a bunch of people making their own Redacted thumbnails so I thought I'd share some of the icons I've found and cut out for OCs in the past

I've got all of these from Word or from Ibis Paint so I'm like 99% sure that we won't get in trouble for using them
Audio RP | Your Freeloading "Roommate" Woke up From a 12-Hour Nap and Forgot About the All-Nighter They Pulled | nb4a

As inspired by @mokozroach I've made myself a little thumbnail instead of making one for fic promotion like usual and I'm pretty happy with how it turned out ^^
[The barcode reads "practice-makes-perfect" in case anyone wanted to know]
Does anyone else just ever want to make a redacted oc that just throws a wrench in the timeline and how things function? The amount of characters ideas stored in my brain that do not match up with the logic of the redactedverse or the relationships between certain characters are some of my best thought out ones-
(They are mostly for angst purposes but-)

Since everyone is doing it I might as well too 🤷♀️
Inspired by my pookie @mokozroach
Oh and the template