Regice - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago
Regice's Chamber - One Of The Four Artworks Of Pokemon's Legendary Titans I Have Contributed For The

Regice's Chamber - one of the four artworks of Pokemon's Legendary Titans I have contributed for the upcoming @hoennzine!

I've been lucky enough to be able to have a snoop at the work other artists and writers have contributed and it's insane to see so much incredible stuff in one place. All sale profits are being donated to Ocean Conservancy charity, so if you're interested in a copy, go and check out their blog for more details :)

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7 years ago
Drew Pokemon With My Left Hand, Regice, Photoshop.

Drew Pokemon with my left hand, Regice, Photoshop.

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14 years ago


These Regis make the funniest cries.

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3 years ago

I have a theory involving the regi-golems, the bisharp line, slowking, golurk line + claydol line + nosepass line + Stonjourner.

the Draconids waged a war against the regis (originally) using only nosepass and dragon types with middling success; so thus they discovered how to create probopass, created the claydol line, they then invented the golurk line, they discovered how to slowking, created stonjourner, and selectively breed into existence the bisharp line. all that to fight and then seel the regis into their respective tombs: the 3 in Hoenn, Snowpoint temple, and the ones in galar that house those 2 new regis (also the various other tombs that house the regis). using nosepass as guardians to halt those who may try to obtain the power of the legendary titans, also constructing the obtuse puzzles to enter the chambers of the regis.

now, why would I say/think this? well, SOMEONE had to create the non-legendary golems (no, not the pokemon Golem), also I find it just a bit too convenient that bisharp and pawniard just so happen to form-up into ork-like warbands. also slowking seems like a pokemon that would be a little too rare to be as common of knowledge to be as used as it is because slowpoke fish using their tails so thus slowbro is quite common. yes, slowpoke swims, but I doubt "natural" slowking are all that common.

BUT JST, why are there no nosepass around the Galar regi tombs? metang eat nosepass, check out its moon pokédex entry. also, metang are all over that area of Galar. But JST why can I find nosepass on route 10 of Kalos? I would say they are there to guard the ultimate weapon, or their A.I. is just a crap-shoot.

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