Resident Lover - Tumblr Posts
Yes this is correct
Angie, Daniela, Donna, fans are just somewhere lurking in the dark watching everything bet me 50/50.

Inspired by this post

Someone needs to get angie off the mic
Im shook
“If you move a few personality blocks between them, their stories change. Flip a coin. Head or tails? Right or left? Bela or Miranda?”
“Life or Death?”
- @cinderspots
Someone needs to make an edit of bela to Brutus by The Buttress 🙏🙏
I let out an audible aww at the end
I know, I know. It was Bela's b'day yesterday and I didn't post anything. However, I'm finally free now!
So here's a small sneak peak from my upcoming long oneshot. Bela has her heart back and she is trying to woo the dumbass oblivious MC.

Things have been quite... same ever since the whole debacle with Headmistress and the whole "get Bela's heart back" passed. Not that you were expecting anything earth shattering different to happen. Bela Dimitrescu is still the same draconian workaholic Student Council President who somehow manages to be a straight A grade student. You are still her Vice President, buried under the tons and tons of paperwork that gets passed along your way.
However, since past four months, from the day Bela received her heart back and fainted whispering "You have pretty eyes", certain events have happened that you cannot explain.
Exhibit A: Student Council President fussing after your sick self
You loudly sneeze against the tissue paper, trying in vain to contain the droplets inside it. You are normally a shameless cretin who wouldn't hide your sneezing with tissue when alone, sick and dying in your room. But that's the thing. You are very much not alone.
A gorgeous blonde head popped out of your small kitchenette, looking at you with a reprimanding glare.
You shyly hide yourself underneath the blanket, knowing what your president is about to ask you.
"Did you use the nasal spray I brought you?"
You did not answer, still remaining hidden underneath your weighted blanket. You heard a soft beautiful sigh accompanied by approaching footsteps, and you just couldn't help but wonder how can a girl make sighing sound pretty.
The bedsheets were ripped off from you, and you found your answer to your question as you met the intense gaze of one Bela Dimitrescu.
Of course, if anyone can make breathing beautiful, it is this gorgeous blonde. You swear the song "Gorgeous" by Taylor Swift was written for her.
"cor meum, how will you become better if you don't take care of yourself?"
You gave your council president a petulant look, your mouth pouting against your will. You know you are being childish right now against someone who is only trying to take care of you. The said someone has taken out time from their packed schedule to cook some stew for you. But you are sick with fever and cold and you have a feeling the council president will give you a pass this one time.
"That spray stings my nose! I don't wanna use it!"
Bela's eyes immediately softened at your pouty voice, her eyebrows drawing close in focused attention. She tilted her head just slightly to the right, her pale pink lips rising in a amused and affectionate (?) smile.
"cor meum, you haven't taken your inhaler, have you? It will clear up your nose, and you will be able to breathe freely."
Of course you know all of that, but you choose to ignore it. Bela is being uncharacteristically lenient right now, even if she has been soft these days ever since she got her heart back. But today's Bela is still the softest you have ever witnessed.
For starters, she dragged you home from Council work and declared you are on leave until you get better. Then she made you take medicines and sleep while she worked besides you on her laptop. When you woke up, you had lunch waiting for you.
And now it is dinner time and Bela is still here. Not that you want her to go away. Your sleepy sick mind even wanted her to stay forever. Something your usual self won't even dream of.
Taking advantage of the boldness or rather foolishness your fever is giving you, you go ahead and ask what has forever been nagging you. Since the day certain someone got her heart back and started to look at you with strange, different emotion.
"You keep calling me that. What does it mean? What language is it even? Latin?"
The beautiful blonde looked at you carefully, before answering you back in a even more amused voice.
"Yes, and it means 'stupid heart'. Because you have a silly, moronic heart that makes you do careless things like walking back to your home when its raining a storm."
You pout, defending yourself immediately. Even if you remember that incident fondly.
"I had only one umbrella and you were staying back to work! What if you had to go back under rain? So I left the umbrella for you!"
Bela in answer looked away, a hint of pink creeping up her cheeks. She hurriedly draped the blanket on top of you, before settling down besides you and flicking your forehead.
It was a soft flick, clearly a affectionate gesture. Something Bela has been doing a lot lately. You stay up too late working? Sending you away to sleep and flick against forehead. You forget to eat breakfast? A croissant and flick against your forehead. You forget to text her that you have reached home? She will come to your home and flick your forehead.
Strangely enough, you have come to crave these flicks to your forehead. It shows that the once heartless cares for you.
Well, she had cared for you even when without a heart, as a similiar scene played from your memories. The scowling Student Council President demanding you have her homemade soup.
Now the only difference is that Bela is looking at you with the purest look of concern and offering to apply nasal spray on you herself.
"Here, give me the spray. I will do it myself because someone has become a helpless child."
You only grin cheekily, but let Bela do what she wants. You have troubled the poor blonde enough. And you have a feeling the dinner Bela is making will start burning soon if you keep her any longer.
With two whiffs of spray you were out like a light, sleep coming to you in minutes, You mumble a soft yes when Bela tucks you in, telling you that she would wake you up in time of dinner.
Unbeknownst to your peaceful sleeping self, the eldest Dimitrescu sister stayed besides you for few long minutes, gazing at you with the softest expression.
A soft, feathery kiss was laid on your forehead. Right where she flicks you all the time.
"It means my heart. You are my cor meum."
Cor meum means "my heart" in Latin according to Google Translate.
Art @awoogasoundeffect @resident-lover
donna always remembers and never gets her happy ending guys :3
Arts @awoogasoundeffect @vbla @resident-lover
don’t worry guys i took her out the trash after
(art by @dead-finch-420 and @expiredsoda)
take this to help with your travels
Cassandra memes featuring texts between me and my friend

I hate her
You made me cry DURING SCHOOL
my enemy requested i edit this audio as an apology for repeatedly messing up in our study game during library and accepted my idea of bela. now you must all see this too.
(art by @dead-finch-420)
You guys I did a thing

Dont zoom in you'll see all the imperfections

I did another thing 🫶🫶
Idk how many of these I plan on doing
Either reblog with a tag or in the comments whether it should be pony form or human and if it should be re8 or RL (angie is exclusively RL tho)
Chat with my friend turned into meme