Pedophillia Tw - Tumblr Posts

11 months ago

(Tw: Pedophila)

Please do not call pedophiles "MAPs". They go by this name to run from the negative (deserved) connotation that the word pedophile has.

Its essentially a way to get more victims, in the hopes that these victims will be too innocent to know what "MAPs" stands for.

They will always be pedophiles. No matter what fucking name they try to call themselves.

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4 years ago


Okay so people are acting like Sessrin happening is totally okay as if that isn’t Literal Pedophilia.

Let’s do some smashing of their arguments!

1. “The age of consent in Japan is 13!!” Okay... no, not in the way you’re thinking. A thirteen year old can consent to another thirteen year old. A thirteen year old cannot consent to someone, say, 19 years old. This is not even factoring in that, just like the Untied States have different consent laws in different states, Japan has different consent laws in different prefectures.

2. “It’s the Fedual Era!! People had families young all the time!!!!” Again.... no. That was done in noble families, and only done in extreme cases. Do you want to know why? Because a fourteen year old girl rarely, in *our modern times* can carry a baby, a SINGLE baby to term. Either the girl will die, the baby will die in the womb, the baby will be born prematurely and risk extreme health problems, or the baby AND girl will die.

Why is that the case? Periods are a sign of puberty. It means that the body is undergoing the changes to become a fully formed adult. Periods are a early-to-mid sign of puberty. Yes, she has eggs and can be impregnated, but a good portion of her body isn’t ready in the same way as her reproductive system. Puberty ends around the age of 16 for girls.

“Oh so it’s okay if Rin gets pregnant at 16?” No! Because mentally, the brain doesn’t mature until the age 25.

“Then why can people do x at 18?!” Because the government decided they could. 18 usually signals that the body has matured, and matured bodies are GREAT for war. The general idea is ‘if we can go to war at 18, why can’t we do x?’ Even then, there are some things, like Alcohol, that require being aged 21 (in the United States).

3. “Rin wanted this!!” Yeah, and you know what else kids want at her age? To play and have fun. Think about what YOU were doing at age 13. Were you having sex with a man way older than you? If you were, I’m incredibly sorry for you and your experiences.

But let’s explore how Rin “wanted this”. Sesshomaru saved her life. He was a driving factor in how she overcame her trauma. He had /power/ over her. If he told her to walk off a cliff, she would. Why? Because she absolutely trusts him. She would never question why he’s telling her to walk off a cliff, because it never crosses her mind that he might want to hurt her.

“That’s not the same thing” it’s an allegory.

Now, oftentimes pedophiles will go into positions of power where they have unrestricted access to young children, and where they’re unlikely to be questioned. Boy/Girl Scout leaders. Youth Ministers. Priests. Police. Teaching. Am I saying that everyone who takes up this role is a pedophile? No! Absolutely not! BUT. These are some of the most common positions infiltrated by pedophiles because it makes children trust them, it makes parents less likely to scrutinize their actions, and they’re normally well liked by the community.

So. Sesshomaru was her caretaker. She trusts him absolutely. What he says must be right and okay. After all, he wouldn’t do anything to hurt her, right?

Why are you putting the responsibiliy of the relationship on RIN? Why aren’t you asking WHY Sesshomaru wanted this? Why are you bending over backwards to justify this?

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9 months ago


i am so sorry i just saw these today i was on my main for the longest time ever ummmm. but holy cow you are so cool woah?!?!?!

and you also explained really well!!! ty :3 i understand it better now!!

i think the thing is that i like lerning anout stuff like minorities or certain groups, even if im not part of them to defend that group from the haters. because there will always be haters. and nobody deserves to be hated!!! except provlematic people like pedophiles and stuff. ew. also because i like having the knowledge to explain to people and stuff yk!! so i can help somebody who is confused like i was!! the thing is i know some people irl who judge alterhumans, and then online i know some people who are. so.

also i have my icp privileges back maybe ill get back into them 💔💔 my parents said i cant go to a gathering until im older though sign. which like i get it but yk…,???,?.?.?.

also my father doesnt like icp all that much. (neither does my grandpa but yk. old people/hj) it was fine until to catch a predator came and he completely misinterpreted the song ☹️☹️☹️. man i wish i had a time machine or a memory eraser or something so i wouldve never played the specific songs that git me in trouble (same thing for rainbows & stuff)


:33 < HEYA ANON !! ^_^ do not worryz about seeing my explanation latte, youcan see it whenever yiuwant its fine lolz idont mind :3c idont police when yiu read my posts read it whenever yiuwant dont worry :33 and thank you !! \(^w^)/ i tried my best, but am glad you underastand better now !! :3c me too !! i really do love getting educated on topics and cultures and identities im uneducated on !! its so amazing to defend groups who havent hurt anyone, love it when people arent apart of something but dont judge/support it even if not fully understand !! its amazing always feeling !! ido agree !! nobody deserves grusome hate !! hate tears people apart !! im all for peace for things that dont harm anyone !! somme people are just mean and choose to bully ithers thiugh :o( qlso im glad youhave your icp privileges back !! its sad that youcant go to the gathering though :o( ive never been, but only because idont live there !! idont know if my parents would let me go to one, but they are surprisingly supportive (ish) of me listening to icp !! recently my mother bought fake icp merch which is.... sweet of her !! because she had good intentions !! she wants to give it back though, after realising it was fake, but istill love and appreciate the gift !! my dad also dosent love icp all that muuch either xoD iwas liestenijg to one of shaggy's songs, and it mustve had a lot of swearing without me realising so my dad was like "heyyyy enough of that bro" xoDD im sorry your dad misinterpreted to catch a predator though :o(( its such a shame because that song is great, and has a meaning behinf it off supporting children from.... yaknow. predators. sometimes iwish ihad a time machine too, but them ithink "well maybe this happened for a certain reason !!" because everything in life happens for a scertain reason :o) !! anywayd, im not sure what else to write, so isill be finishing/rounding this off now !!

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