Ussop One Piece - Tumblr Posts

Woahg……… skypiea……. So cool……. (Im on ep 190 rn and am very enjoying it :)
Also look at this chopper screenshot, hes so tired,,,

These fuckin guys
I’ve always like the idea of some of the straw hats being related correlated with one of the 7 deadly sins:
Pride - Ussop
Envy - Robin
Wrath - Frankie
Lust - Sanji
Gluttony - Luffy
Greed - Nami
Sloth - Zoro
Plus the idea of Pride not being the leader but Gluttony is kinda funny.
Another idea bloomed of once Luffy becomes a God, the StrawHats soon follow, not as powerful, but powerful enough and each having their own ‘God of’ thing in the list above. Brooke would probably be God of Death and Chopper would be God of the Wild.
Also the idea of one of the StrawHats getting captured and toying with the captor while they patiently wait for their family to come find them. They could 100% escape if they wanted to withhold a snap, but this is more fun.
Please note this is NOT a 7 Deadly Sins(whether FMA or it’s own anime) crossover.

So I’ve been thinking more about my Seven Deadly Sins AU, and I think I would like to Roleplay it!
Would anyone be interested?
(AU Here:
Weird fanfic/AU idea.
You know in Bleach, how Orihime and Chad, 99.9% Tatski as well, got their powers and were able to see things because of their closeness to Ichigo?
What about that, but the Strawhats and Luffy with his God-like powers and it manifests in different ways?
Like Sanji can make simple food appear in a snap, Nami Can charm anyone almost siren-y, Ussop has basically a scope as his eyes, Chopper can do minor touch healing, Robin can extend her reach (literally), Brook can make any weapon appear, etc.
I don’t know what to do for Jimbe and Franky, honestly 😭
This idea totally did not come from me dissociating and thinking of Sanji just singing Cotton Candy and pulling Cotton Candy, Apple Pie, and every other thing mentioned in the song out of thin air and handing them to the straw hats.

Sanji being afraid of insects is my favorite

They're having fun
if Morgan’s gets the straw hats story’s his gonna release them in a collection called straw hat dream or something along those lines. Like Pirate king, strongest swords men, chartered world, brave warrior, all blue, prefect cure, true history, greatest ship, return whale, and the surface
And you can quote me on this
Also Mr.big news Morgan’s THE GOAT
When Luffy becomes pirate king I image the intro thingy would go like a this.
-gold hue over everything
- Nami surrounded by beri’s (Nami likes Money) (on the right)
-franky surrounded by cola (likes cola he was hard to fit any where else and he did rob ussop) (on the left slightly further back)
-chopper surrounded medicine and books? (He doesn’t fit any where else he hasn’t grown sense water sadly (he was my fav :( )) (far back middle)
-all on a stage with a blue hue
-ussop doing his pointing pose from I think syrup village with the sniper king mask (he wants to be strong and likes the fame) (far back middle)
- Brook play ether his violin or guitar (he IS soul king Brook) (on the left slightly further back)
- Robin on a chair reading (demon child pretty famous) (front left)
-on a rock in the middle of a body of water red hue all in battle stance
- Zoro and Sanji to the right and left (there luffys wings)
- jimbe in middle (just thought it look nice)
(Yada yada)
-then Luffy jumps on the rocks top
I would draw it but 3rd graders put me to shame

I saw this restaurant, had a vision, snapped a photo, and drew.
Chapter 1047 Color Spread redraw

I headcannon that Ussop used to sleep in the trees around the village sometimes because being home was just too much. Being home, with all the memories of his mother around every corner, in every place in that cursed house. Reminders that she was really gone, and reminders of his father too. The father that he couldn’t bring himself to hate for leaving him and his mother. Everything about that house was just too much sometimes. And when it was too much, he would sleep outside in the trees. Sometimes just on the forest floor.
He had been found by the villagers more than once. None of them bring it up though, he just wakes up somewhere dry, warm, and safe. It is an unspoken rule that if anyone finds Ussop asleep somewhere he shouldn’t be, they move him.
Oh! And Ussop had severe nightmares after his mother’s death, and that’s where he gets inspiration for some of his dramatic lies. Do with this headcannon what you will.