Ruben Victoriano - Tumblr Posts

Ruben in Antagonist game book 🧠🩸
they are indeed some of the hottest villains ever kylo-hux-fanpage
Gifs of my favorite evil men that make me 🤤

I promised you all a crossover! Hope this piece made in collaboration with my dearest and loveliest wife @vakoedelveys satisfies your (post)Halloween needs...

Natalie tried on the image of Ruben's mother. Now we must decide: to make a full cosplay of this character or not? What do you think?
cosplayer - Natalie Walst photographer - Fox KillerÂ

Damn, this make-up pinned my face to pain. I could not move my lips, but these photos were worth it!
Ps - I`m not cosplayer, I`m just cosplay photographer. Fox Killer

"He is rather a butcher than an artist," says Jimenez, and here I disagree with him. Ruben is a scientist. It is such a scientist, cold-blooded and unscrupulous, thanks to which progress is moving.
fandom: The Evil Within cosplayer: Natalie Walst photo/retouch: fox killer

Ruben Victoriano cosplay
The image of Ruben was given to us very uneasily, because Natalie is not at all like this gloomy man. However, to try to do it was still worth it! At least for a change :)
cosplayer - Natalie Walst ph\retouch - fox killer

-little cosplay by me, fox killer-
I just really love my black hoodie, and I thought the Ruvik would appreciate it. It has a deep hood and no buttons or zippers. Ruvik's not happy in the photo, but I'm sure he likes it.
What do you think of this man in black? Black suits him?

Cosplay test by Natalie Walst
-photo by fox killer- Â Â Â Â 2018
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He was his vessel. He became it forever. They shared thoughts and souls with each other. So many... in one body. They were suited to each other.
P.S Maybe nobody probably noticed that but Leslie has Ruvik eyes except that his (if I recognize cleary, he has icy blue eyes)

Ignore Mina's crooked mouth, because I simply got the drawing wrong
Tag yourself, I’m seb

someone had to do it

(10 February, 2024)