RWBY Jinn - Tumblr Posts
Imagine if the awful nonsensical "Two Gods" subplot was never dreamt up (lol) and there were no relic mcguffins, creationist worldbuilding weirdness or magical insta-solutions.
What would that mean for the setting? Well, with that in mind imagine if:
Ozpin had an actual backstory that justified the mistrust some characters have towards him and allowed him to be a flawed and morally ambiguous but well meaning being he is clearly supposed to be. Not just some person with childish toothless "Secret" that gets absolutely hilariously weird over-reaction from characters (while other actually creepy aspects like being an ageless body-snatcher are completely ignored).
Imagine if the likes of Raven were more than a walking filler subplot and had actual motivations and genuine reasons to not just go hand in hand with Ozpin's wishes.
Salem was more than a walking misogynistic trope and had a worldview, beliefs and ideas beyond being just a really bad case of a scorned lover.
Imagine writers having to actually write a sensible set of motivations for Cinder and why she follows Salem or for why Emerald and Mercury follow Cinder.
There was no convenient way to handwave away things like broken moon, state of the world, etc with "magic".
Kingdoms and characters were given actual agency to make worst possible decisions without omnipotent magical items or evil councils being the cause.
Since Kingdoms and people can make absolute worst possible decisions, characters and narrative had to actually deal with and explore issues like bigotry, classism, ableism, etc that the show merely vaguely lampshades nowadays.
Characters could find and choose their paths without being guided by wishy washy magical realms or vague concepts of "destiny" or writer's own blond blue eyed self insert OC telling them what to do and what is right.
World and setting establishment and progression wasn't dictated by using gods/relics/magic as a reason for something being or not being the way it is.
Imagine if characters were allowed to deal with trauma and form actual grounded ideas about the world.
Imagine if your four leads were allowed to grow, make mistakes , improve, heal and search for their place in the world and go on journeys of self-discovery without the story constantly needing to reset them to status quo, reiterate how they are infallible or constantly rant about how nobody should change ever. Or without a writer self insert OC eating up all the screentime.
There would not be entire volumes dedicated to absolutely awful magic/two gods idea.
It is truly curious how story that is supposedly in part about choosing to be better and walking a better path in the wake of tragedy and overcoming past mistakes completely takes away that agency from characters by making magic/relics/gods the cause of literally everything and every bad or morally wrong decision in the story somehow can be traced back to unambiguously evil vague group of walking stereotypes.
Thanks for dreaming up two magical living plot devices I guess...

Guess who finally got the hang of layers?? I had to draw this blue waifu I lover her so much! I hope she gets more screen time.
Click for better quality
Rwby fun fact
I just realized that the relic spirits, much like the kindom’s they reside in symbol, has something on them referencing their relic, Jinn has hoop earrings resembling her lamp and ambrosias has a center price on his chest that resembles his staff. It’s clear the Crown of choice’s spirit is going to be wearing a crown but what about destruction, what are they going to have to reference the sword, or will they just straight up have a sword.