Ryuunosuke Naruhodou - Tumblr Posts

Gives this to u and dies
some of yall genuinely ship barok with ryuu/asogi and its fucking nasty
the set has been complete…
anygays I love this!! Waa!!

I let the intrusive thoughts win… don’t kill me please
based on a post I found on pinterest and the comments requesting kazuma as peach

Get comiced loser!!!
ignore the wonky lines lol

the adventures of ryunosuke naruhodo

I got REAL excited that Dai Gyakuten Saiban or The Great Ace Attorney series is getting localized so I had to to a quick doodle of the main protag, Ryuunosuke Naruhodou

thanks mr. "the quintessential look of a sacrificial lamb"
hello gay people. have some gay people

hi i listened to frank sinatra a few days ago and made this

The lovers

i do commissions! (message me or go to my pinned post for more details)
and if you want to have this image in your home, you can get it here! (along with some other stuff)
im really normal about kazuma and ryu (lying) and i was listening to talia from ride the cyclone and remembered this one theory of mine so im putting it here
probably some tgaa2 spoilers so watch out!
so, kazuma's headband, right? it's red, and he specifically got it to "never forget the embarrassment of that day" said day being when he met ryu, and knowing kazuma, it probably started to take on a different meaning from remembering embarrassment to partially remembering how he met ryu because he's a gay little bitch (but the embarrassment part was definitely still there because it's kazuma)
well, he loses his memory, yeah? as such, when we see him again, he has a different outfit, but it has a similar quality to his last one. red. the red jabot he has on his neck. THIS is where my theory begins.
said theory is that red on kazuma represents his memory of ryu. with the headband, he knew he remembered him, that was he best friend (cough cough) so of course he remembered him, henceforth the color red being around his head. but when he lost his memory, he forgot practically everything, even ryu, but this did this stop him from remembering who he was in the end? nope! AND AS SUCH my other theory is: while he didn't remember ryu in his mind, he remembered him in his heart (metaphorically speaking) as kazuma is kazuma, and as such, a stubborn bitch, so of course he wouldn't truly forget a person he loves,
basically, red represents how kazuma remembers ryu, and i will stand by this
You know, I've been thinking about how great it would be to crossover the Great Ace Attorney and Gravity Falls. There's so many good ideas, I'd be here for hours listing them all, but here are my main things:
You could have Dipper and Mabel getting chased through time by Wax Holmes (somehow, don't question it) and end up in Victorian London. Sherlock Holmes vs Sherlock Holmes is the main idea here
Sherlock ends up stuck in 2012 and immediately realizes Stan is lying about everything
Ryu, Susato, and Sherlock visit the future and Dipper realizes that Sherlock is lying about Kazuma
Sherlock and Mabel as a dynamic. The world is no longer safe
Sherlock and Ford in the same room. Would they be best friends or instantly get into a fist fight? Who knows!
Sherlock realizes that Old Man McGucket is actually suffering and not some crazy old guy
But my favorite?
If there was any mind that Bill would target to build him a portal, it would be Sherlock. No question. He's capable of making holograms, for God's sake.
But just one problem: Sherlock is far too smart to trick. So how do you do it? How do you get a man so clever to do your bidding?

You make him.
Okay I wanted to end it there but I had some ideas for the Bill thing specifically, sooo... yeah. No dramatic cliffhanger, I guess.
Obviously, Sherlock can't defeat Bill forever. He won't be stopped for another hundred years, so how does Bill punish Sherlock for winning?
My idea? Bill erases Sherlock and his friends from all memory. As in, nobody remembers that Sherlock was anything more than a story. He shall not be remembered as a real man with real exploits, just an idea in some crazy guy's head. And his friends suffer the same. No matter how much Iris Watson or Barok van Zieks or Ryuunosuke Naruhodou accomplish, no one will ever know they existed. Their achievements are associated with someone else, and they are forgotten.
Up until 2012, where Bill is defeated once and for all, and the curse is lifted. The world blinks, and names reappear in the history books. Franziska von Karma stares in amazement at the old case record she's studying as information corrects itself on the page. Statues appear at the historic Crown Court building in London. Every copy of Sherlock Holmes fixes the name of the author.
And, well. Gravity Falls is already filled with ghosts. It's not hard for Sherlock and Co. to drop by the Pines family and offer their thanks.
Samourai AU
<<A man who wears a furisode in old samurai stories indicates that he is the accompanying male’s lover. >>
So it wasn’t uncommun to a samourai to have a lover?
Now Imagine a Samourai!AU where Kazuma Asougi is a powerful and feared Samourai, while Ryuu is his precious partner, and Ryuu wears a beautiful furisode and is used to calm his partner’s tendency to use Karuma on people who make him angry.
Kazuma is a powerful Samurai, feared and respected, who has never lost a fight, who has a sword named Kurama. Everyone thinks that he even could kill demons. There are stories where he has killed a whole clan for a very serious reason who has never been said (and it’s here that he would have meet his precious lover).
And then, alone in his room with Ryuu, he’s totally another person. He’s soft, tender and playful. They’re literally husbands, even if not married.
Everyone in Asougi’s clan knows that “Ryuunosuke is precious and must be protected at any cost because master Kazuma will do a rampage if something happens to him”
It’s Susato who has used the word “rampage”. Trust her, she is his (adoptive) sister. She knows him.
Meanwhile, Asougi’s ennemis are like “let’s use his lover against him” or doesn’t think that their relation is SO serious.
Let’s say that it is the last thing that they did in their life, even Ryuu can’t stop Asougi at this point.

“Are you crying from Ace Attorney sprites?”
“The way that our mannerisms are a reflection of the people we are surrounded by got to me.”
“All right.”

asoryuu comic where naruhodou calls asogi by his first name laughs

asoryuu kiddos au

wow Ace attorney doodles two days in a row?
yes 😔
I finished the first case of the second game and boy it was surprisingly queer