Goro - Tumblr Posts

9 months ago
Goro Doodles

Goro doodles

I really like him, fat cat my beloved.

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9 months ago
Goro X Mappy

Goro x Mappy

I ship them so hard and I'm glad it's basically canon. I was pleasantly surprised that the whole plot of this random mini-webseries ended up being a complicated ploy for Goro to enact his toxic yaoi enemies to enemy-lovers fantasy with Mappy. Just the kind of thing I'm into, so relatable bestie.

Song most listened to: I like the way you kiss me by Artemas

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8 months ago


Goro/Nyamco with the OG Mappy art colors.

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4 years ago
Im Sorry I Had To. #goro Akechi #persona5 #romansanders #sandersides Https://www.instagram.com/p/CAu-KMfjCY7/?igshid=s441fohw2fwo

I’m sorry I had to. #goro akechi #persona5 #romansanders #sandersides https://www.instagram.com/p/CAu-KMfjCY7/?igshid=s441fohw2fwo

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1 year ago

hellooo i need some goro akechi kisses hc pls

Goro Akechi Kissing Headcanons

A/N: thanks for the request!!

Warnings: none!

Word count: 394

Hellooo I Need Some Goro Akechi Kisses Hc Pls

he's got a public image to uphold, so not a fan of kissing in public, same goes with most PDA

but sometimes if he sees you in the train station, he'll press a quick peck to your lips or cheek, and then hurry off as if nothing happened

he prefers to be alone with you when showing his love for you, because he likes to keep it private; his work and life is hard and busy, and your one of the few soft comforting things he has in his life

when the two of you do kiss, he is very soft and gentle about it, even after the events of shido's palace (during third semester).

that being said, after sae's palace he kisses you with a sense of urgency, as if all of this is just a dream

he sees you as someone very precious, so he treats you in a delicate manner

his hands ghost your waist, lips barley pressing against yours

its in these quiet moments with you that he blushes, because he truly feels so happy to have you with him

on the inside he's still stuck in the crush stage

his favourite place to kiss you is either your hand, or the top of your head, although he still enjoys kissing your lips

Goro's apartment was quiet, the only sound being the soft noises you made in your sleep.

you had a firm grip on him, arms wrapped around his torso, head nestled into his neck. He could feel your warm breath on his skin, a shiver running down his back.

he wasn't often a gentle person, or a soft one. but he could always make an exception when it came to you. he rubbed small circles on your back, admiring how the moonlight made your small frame look so angelic, skin glowing in the light.

He didn't deserve you. He knew that. Everyday he urged himself to leave, but as soon as he saw your smiling face, those thoughts were thrown out the window.

He was selfish. But you were the only good thing in his life. Surely asking for you to remain with him wasn't so bad, right?

he leaned down to press a kiss to the crown of your head, giving your sleeping form a squeeze.

in the dull light of the moon he could see a faint smile cross the lips of your sleeping form.

Hellooo I Need Some Goro Akechi Kisses Hc Pls

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1 year ago

7IYUDTDHYIGF TYSM FOR DOING MY RQ FOR CHIBI i hope you dont mind me rq again 😭 then pls ignore this rq

can you let Akira and Akechi react to chibi of there s/o ? like the sec s/o see her chibi self she squished the holy spirited out of the chibi she will also coy with it and how cute the two chibis of themself are also lovers and Naver be separated form each other like them

oh, one of the chibi lovers was up in a shelf the if they fall they may damage themself ? now you have two chibis in a danger high place

if you ever separated them they will only sulk until they are in back again

Chibi Part 2

Part 1

A/N: Thank you so much for the cute request!! i love it so much! sorry Akira's is so long :(

Characters: Goro Akechi & Akira Kurusu

Warnings: None!!

Word count: 407

7IYUDTDHYIGF TYSM FOR DOING MY RQ FOR CHIBI I Hope You Dont Mind Me Rq Again Then Pls Ignore This Rq

Goro Akechi~

the moment he sees the chibi version of you he is blushing like crazy

he is so over loaded by cuteness that he kinda shuts down for a second

he blushes harder when he sees you playing around with your chibi self and squeezing your chibi self

he just wants to hold the chibi you in his arms and kiss it the same way you did with Chibi Akechi :)

He could barley hold back when he saw the tiny little version of you. you were so cute, with you squishy little cheeks and tiny little hands, and your cute smile and-

He took in a deep breath, his hands fists.

The moment you picked the Chibi version of yourself into your arms and starting messing around with its hair, he felt like his heart was going to burst.

But the more he looked at it, the more he noticed something...

it looked sad. Lonely.

he slowly turned to look up on the shelf where the small version of him sat. it looked back at him with a pout on its small face. Akechi glared at it, but still took it down from the shelf, before walking over to you to reunite the two chibis.

Both Chibi's broke out in adorable smiles, You couldn't help but giggle as the two little versions ran around hugging one another and pressing kisses to eachother.

Akira Kurusu~

This guy has chibi version of you in his arms before you know what's going on

he's pressing kisses to the chibi you's head and squeezing you, and your holding onto the little version of him

when he also sees that the two chibi's are in love HE NEARLY PASSES OUT ITS SO CUTE

blushing SO HARD

The two Chibi's sat on the ground infront of you and Akira, hugging on another tightly. Akira's smiling so hard his cheeks hurt. he reaches out to pet the chibi you's head, and quickly picks it up, making Chibi Akira pout. You lift the Chibi Akira up into your arms, swinging him around a bit, pressing kisses to its forehead.

Akira can't help but blush at the sight. he looks back to the small version of you. it has his shirt balled up in its hands, and it sits there smiling at him so brightly he thinks his heart may stop working.

he presses soft kisses to the chibi you's head, causing it to somehow smile even brighter than before.

7IYUDTDHYIGF TYSM FOR DOING MY RQ FOR CHIBI I Hope You Dont Mind Me Rq Again Then Pls Ignore This Rq

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1 year ago

Hello :D

may I request Akira and Got w f!s/o that seems to have a normal body but is actually strong? You can feel her muscles if you put your hand on it or if she was stretching you can see her muscles

(and can you add there is one time she princess cared them ^^)

Thx !

Secret Strength

Akira Kurusu and Goro Akechi - Persona 5

A/N: I love this!! thank you so much Anon! im also sorry i didn't make a scenario for these, i couldn't think of anything im so sorry!!

Warnings: talk of muscles and physique, thats all!

Word Count: 309

Hello :D


kinda weirdly chill with it

he doesn't make a big deal about it, a little surprised, but just kind of rolls with it

admires you and likes to look at you a lot when your shirt rides up, or some of your skin is exposed.

however sometimes it catches him off guard

if you guys are working out together or going on a run and all of a sudden you accidently flex your muscles hes kinda like


but he just smiles and keeps going with whatever he was doing before

if you have feint abs he likes to trace them, he finds it soothing

he finds it especially nice that your not like INCREDIBLY beefy, he just thinks your much more comfortable

(He wouldn't care how beefy you are, but he likes that you are able to maintain such a nice physique and also be buff)

aspires to be like you, keep a nice lean physique but also be super strong

if you princess carry him he is a GIGGLING MESS

smiling and dramatically throwing his arms around you :)

princess carries you after wards



actually has do a double take

"Damn my s/o is buff??"

he starts blushing and has to cover his face or turn around so you don't notice

finds it VERY attractive

he has a very similar build in the way that he is lean and thin, and if you don't look closely you wouldn't be able to tell that he's actually like strong as hell

offers to help you work out and make sure your forms right, also gives you pointers and tips on gaining muscles

places his hands on your waist and rubs his thumbs over the muscles

it makes him feel better, knowing he has a significant other that can handle themself

when you pick him up he is BLUSHING SO HARD

his face and ears turn BRIGHT RED

covering his face like crazy

Hello :D

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1 year ago

Hi ^⁠_⁠^

Can I request p5 boys (inc Akechi) comforting there s/o who is mourning over death of someone who was very close to them so close the they consider them a (her only one)family to her ? Later on finding out she have a palace bc of it ?

Thank u:)


Cast Line Up: Akira Kurusu, Ryuji Sakamoto, Yusuke Kitagawa, and Goro Akechi

A/N: Thank you for the request, Sorry I took so long to post this! I also didn't write any scenarios for this one because its already pretty long, and I couldn't think of anything :( sorry! I hope you enjoy it regardless!

Warnings: Mentions of loss, mentions of overprotective/over baring/suffocating behavior in akechis, mentions of third semester, mild neglection, kinda angsty(?), some fluff as well, cuddles and cute stuff, Not spell checked!!

Please let me know if i missed anything!

Word count: 1189

Hi ^_^

Akira Kurusu~

this man is a very comforting person to be around

his scent is nice, the soft but bold smell of coffee clings to him from Leblanc

he's a very soft person, whether it be his voice, his hair, or even just him in general.

he also can be quite quiet sometimes, so he's a good person to vent to or talk to. he doesn't pry, and is a very good listener.

he won't cling to you, and certainly won't push you to speak or hang out with him. he want's to give you as much space as you want and need.

will make food for you, and check up on you, just to make sure that your still staying healthy.

tries his best to act like normal, but is still very kind with you and careful; he doesn't want to bring up any emotions or bad feelings.

however, he doesn't want to act so normal that you feel like your being neglected or that he's trying to ignore your feelings

as soon as he finds out you have a palace he blames himself

"Why wasn't i there for Y/N?" "i should have tried harder to be there for them.."

it crushes him, it truly does that your desires got so out of whack because of this

he feels like a terrible boyfriend. he should have noticed that you were going through this, he thinks

in reality it isn't his fault; the person you lost was very close to you, and it was kind of bound to happen (the palace)

he makes it his first priority to save you, and make sure that your state doesn't get any worse

after all is said and done, he makes sure to check up on you more and make sure that you know your not alone, even though he can't replace the person you lost.

Ryuji Sakamoto~

definitely the best to comfort you.

he's lost people in his life, and knows what you need. You need some attention, not enough to be smothered, but enough that you know your not alone in this.

after his dad left (even though he was a terrible person), it messed him up, and he felt more alone then ever. he didn't have anyone like you to help him through it

he wants to make sure you don't feel the way he did, so he makes sure to check up on you

the same as Akira, makes sure you've been eating and drinking, but also makes sure you've been keeping up with hygiene.

he'll invite you over and run you a nice bath, and while you take it he will prepare snacks and a movie, with your favourite fluffy blanket of course.

lots of snuggles. again, he makes sure you always have space to back up or move away from him incase you feel suffocated.

when he hears from Mishima that you asked for your own heart to be changed via the phan-site, he makes it his goal to help you.

he tries not to linger on bad thoughts to much, and tries not to let himself take the blame; he knows its not his fault.

that being said, he still feels bad about it all, he can't help it you are his s/o after all

as soon as your heart has been changed he's coming to visit you, with some sort of gift, maybe a teddy bear, or even just some snacks

you guys watch a movie, play a game, read manga together, heck whatever you want as long as he can be with you

Yusuke Kitagawa~

he's a clueless boy

not the best at sensing when you need to be comforted, and also not the best at sensing when you need space

in fact, he's quite bad at it.

he may have lost his mother and father, but he was quite young when it happened, and he tries not to think of Madarame to much

still, he is aware of the situation and tries his best to comfort you

he gives nice hugs, probably because of his height, and is also very gentle with you

he treats you very delicately, and tries his best to be delicate with words as well, as not to say anything that might trigger you or make you feel a wave of bad emotions.

he tries to make you food

he's not very good at it, but he's learned a thing or two from living in a school dorm by himself.

sometimes he'll just resort to buying you some food (if he has money)

one of the few ways he is good at showing that he is there for you, is by making you stuff.

he paints, sketches, crafts, heck he even tries using clay.

he makes you all sorts of stuff from trinkets to full on paintings.

when he find out about your desire to have your heart changed, it hits him like a truck, especially because you told him yourself, even if you don't know he's a phantom thief

your the only person he has left, really, and he wants to take care of you more than anything in the world.

he's quick to change your heart, and after he comes to see you

he is out of characteristically romantic with you and gentle with you, even more so than he already is

he's just happy that your here with him, and that you didn't start to feel worse.

he vows to be better at comforting you in the future and paying more attention to you.

Goro Akechi

it doesn't matter if it's third semester akechi or not, he too is also terrible at comforting you

he does try, really, he just isn't really sure how to do it right

growing up he never got comforting for anything. not until you showed up.

its still a very new concept for him, but he wants to be there for you so he tries as best as he can

and for the most part he's ok. the only problem is that he's over baring. its almost suffocating.

he always knows when your upset, its like his sixth sense

the only problem is that he can't tell if your upset because of the loss, or because of him.

he actually refuses to even think its him unless you bring it up

he's good at taking care of you. he buys you food, helps you stay on top of hygiene, helps you with laundry.

its just that he acts like you are completely uncapable of doing ANYTHING. it's like he's taken control of your life.

when he does find out about your palace, he's heartbroken.

you are the ONLY positive thing in his life. his sweet little flower that he protects and cherishes more than anything.

VERY QUICK to get rid of your palace.

he soon after realises that he was kind of bad at comforting you and the he was waaaaaay to over the top.

he makes sure to give you as much space as you need now, but is also much sweeter than you. before he had discovered your palace, he didn't know that the death had effected you as much as it did, and now he wants to show you his unconditional love and support.

Hi ^_^

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2 years ago

Bonus ones!!


Bonus Ones!!
Bonus Ones!!


Bonus Ones!!
Bonus Ones!!
Bonus Ones!!


Bonus Ones!!


Bonus Ones!!
Bonus Ones!!


Bonus Ones!!

Sae / Takemi:

Bonus Ones!!

Persona 5 and Arrested Development.

Spoilers for Royal ahead!!!


Persona 5 And Arrested Development.


Persona 5 And Arrested Development.


Persona 5 And Arrested Development.


Persona 5 And Arrested Development.


Persona 5 And Arrested Development.
Persona 5 And Arrested Development.


Persona 5 And Arrested Development.
Persona 5 And Arrested Development.


Persona 5 And Arrested Development.
Persona 5 And Arrested Development.

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10 months ago

NO SO I JUST FOUND OUT THERES AN UNUSED VOICEMAIL FOR GORO AFTER THE ENDING- he speaks informally to V when he uses Japanese and uses the more informal honorifics "-Kun" for male V or "-chan" for female V and basically admits he cared deeply about them and that he was calling to give a proper and permanent goodbye because saburo had given him a new assignment that "required him to stay in the shadows" and tells V, AND I QUOTE "for both of our sakes, I hope our paths never cross again." And THE FUCKING IMPLICATIONS OF THAT! THE IMPLICATIONS! THE ANGSTY POTENTIAL! THE HURT/COMFORT POTENTIAL!


New AU! Goro gets sent to perma-spy on V with the order to kill them if they ever find out!

So this is just me in major denial still over the ending of CP77 but does anyone else have a "fuck you, V lives" AU? I know lots of you do.

But I just wanted to share mine because I both find great comedic potential and angst in it.

So imagine this: after the devil ending, V gets 6 months to live, right? But what if it just turns out that Arasaka did what Arasaka does so well and just straight-up lied?

We know saburo has a very low opinion of V and makes assumptions about them in general. So what if they just thought they'd drink and party themself to death, thinking their time was about to anyway?

That's where my AU goes, and since, of course, I'm a Takemura lover, its only serves to stand that he would be given a rude awakening at their presence.

Imagine it: it's maybe 2 or so years on, Goro has long assumed V dead and had quietly mourned her (female V in my case) before moving on and settling back into his life. He's accompanying Saburo back to Night City for some kind of meeting, business blah blah, and while he's standing behind him, being his stoic guard self, he just happens to glance out the window down at the street and there's just.... V. Walking down the street as if nothing ever happened.

I know it's so far-fetched and a silly take on things, but I had to heal my own heart.

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9 months ago

Ive been trying to upload this for 12 hours, raaaah, I missed Takemura Tuesday because of it. I made it for yall.

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3 years ago
Im Sure Hes Torn Up About You Leaving Kamurocho, Kiryu-san.
Im Sure Hes Torn Up About You Leaving Kamurocho, Kiryu-san.

“I’m sure he’s torn up about you leaving Kamurocho, Kiryu-san.”

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9 months ago

Ake-spin :3

Happy Birthday my abandoned murderer who couldve literally just asked for attention itself (Akechi!!!)

This is also like.. another version of my renspinny..!!

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9 months ago

It was really nice meeting you.

It Was Really Nice Meeting You.

(I hope they met sooner tho.... im also back from the dead gsuy :3)

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