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2 years ago

Do you have any headcanons for Charles-Henri Sanson?


-When he was younger, he would become very sleepy after corrections, a trait he inherited from his mother.

-Once relaxed, he falls asleep very easily.

-Actually enjoys being stalked in his sleep, since this is one of the few instances of affection he received as a child.

-Charles-Henri loves hot drinks, with coffee being a favorite. Hazelnut tea following closely next.

-Young Charles was a sleepyhead child.

-He learned to care about his reputation and started to resent his position as outcast in boarding school, mostly as a defense mechanism to avoid corporal punishment. However, since this defense mechanism is generally the default setting for humans, it became a permanent part of his world-view and became quite sincere, much to his father's annoyance.

-Is prone to hallucinations when in certain circonstances.

-Doesn't enjoy getting drunk at all, since it would make some of his PTSD-induced hallucinations a lot more vivid.

-Is the only one in his community to find incest gross.

-When he was a tiny pink baby, his nurse-maid had to be moved, along with him and her own lil boy because of paranormal events at the "vacation" spot in Brie, scaring the two babes and preventing them and the mother from sleeping.

-He actually received a lot of affection and attention during his first year of life, both by his mother and the wet-nurse.

-November is his favorite part of the year, since he gets to spend it away from the scaffold (because the magistrates had their vacations in November).

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1 year ago

Probably a bad idea but I’d lowkey project a lot of parental insecurities onto Jean-Baptiste, like is it bad that I want that man to hug me and tell me everything’s gonna be okay? The daddy issues are showing

First of all, I feel very bad for your parental insecurities.

Second of all, if you have the means, try to consult a psychologist. He or she would probably help you out a lot more than I can. I am just a historian in training who happens to like Innocent.

Jean-Baptiste is, in Innocent at least, portrayed as a deeply messed up person. The man tortured his own son with the boot, for crying out loud. Still, he is fantastically written, and I think one of the Shinichi Sakamoto's best characters. He's very vivid and realistic. This is maybe why he may not have as many fans as other characters in the series, because his brand of abuse feel more real. So, if you have problems with emotional abuse from your parents, it wouldn't be surprise that this character is easy for you to project this trauma on.

Also, Jean-Baptiste is a very masculine character, and he's attractive in the way creepy, sophisticated and mature men can be. Plus, he has that certain softness to him, that is again, very appealing.

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1 year ago

Tonight I wanted to find other Innocent-related blogs (I read it a year ago and the fixation came back), so I scrolled through who you follow (didn't mean to stalk so sorry if it comes off like I did... it was my intention to find similar content creators) and I found 2 things:

1. Sakamoto's old blog where he posted foot pics

2. A blog called scripttorture (through looking at scriptstructure and other script- blogs which are all AMAZING btw) which made me realise how much effort and research Sakamoto put into his manga, and how accurate the scenes of and reactions to abuse really were. And also the fact subyss is a drinker who believes his job is an art, even though it's unsuccessful in nature and very very stupid. And the way Charles reacted more to Anne-Marthe's psychological conditioning than his father's physical abuse. And the way Anne-Marthe's punishment made Marie a lot more resilient and motivated and wanting to be in control.

I apologize for the rant, I have to share my thoughts on this manga and the fandom is WAY TOO DAMN SMALL. So sorry for making you put up with it.

Thanks. No need to apologize. Yeah...Do know of @scripttorture and read some of their bibliography...It's interesting. And yes, Shinichi Sakamoto did do his research on the psychology of torture, like Subyss being an idiot and Charles more impacted by psychological conditioning than physical abuse...To an extent. Charles-Henri also seems to be mostly suicidal in this manga. For example, at one point he considers slicing his veins and seriously intends to talk to his father he plans to become a monk and reject the family profession, after his father literally tortured him for rejecting the family profession.

Also, Shinichi Sakamoto's Charles-Henri actually displays almost all Slytherin values, exept self-preservation...Which is interesting. It's implied that he was able to hide his identity in a boarding school out of all places for a certain amount of time and still able to somewhat succeed academically.

I have devoted my university studies to this man, Charles-Henri Sanson, and...Let's just say he was rather incompetant at his job, was willing to risk his post, what was left of a reputation and possibly even his life for a night with a stranger, but miraculously survived many lynching mobs. The more I learn about the XVIIIth century, the more amazed I am this man made it passed 30. Also, my opinion on him is more revisionistic, as I don't think this man really cared about his least not sincerely. Because when we place his desire for rehabilitation in the economical and political context of the French Revolution, it very clearly appears as an act of self-preservation. If he indeed attended boarding school and managed to be moderately successful, academically speaking, it's a sign that he was a very intelligent person.

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1 year ago

What do the Innocent executioners dream of? As in at night

I think almost all of them are prone to traumatic flashbacks when they try to sleep. Like during the day, their minds would be occupied.

I think Jean-Baptiste barely sleeps at all because of the nightmares he has of killing people. I think when he was younger, he would have nightmares of being murdered or framed by his rivals. The rivalry mentality in executioner and torturer groups would make it very difficult for him to cope with disability, since his new found vulnerability would mean having once again a target on his back...Also, Charles being inexperienced and clumsy, or illegally applying retentum, or that he considered to send him to a school in Toulouse were the prejudice against executioners and their families was much stronger, he would sometimes have nightmares of Charles' mutilated, battered corpse sent to him. He would later, as they gradually enter apprenticeship, have nightmares of his sons sent to him in a box. Also, the time he went to jail for a short while for botching a hanging, he still has dreams about his ex cell-mate, and how later he had to kill/brand him. Also, would sometimes have dreams of Madeleine still peacefully sleeping in his bed, or him having sex with her. On these nights, he'll hug Jeanne extra tight, who'll welcome the affection, not knowing he thinks of another woman. Because of the quasi-sibling like relationship they shared, his relationship with Madeleine is one that could never be replaced, and he'll never love another partner like he did with her. Given how he's presented all over the manga, I don't think he can sincerely love a woman he doesn't consider related to him. The relationship with his mother is quasi-incestuous, and Anne-Marthe is very misogynistic, and he seems to share her values. Also, being a dynastic executioner, I don't think he'll consider courting, marriying and then having children with a woman he considers a sister, aunt or niece to be morally wrong.

For Charles-Henri, he would have it similar, but the Revolution would drive those dreams to straight up hallucinations of the faces of his victims, of blood and gore. As a youngster, he would sometimes have dreams of his father hugging him, or strangling him. Up to age 23, he would sometimes have nightmares about his physical punishments. Sometimes, he'll see Jean de Chartois. Also, him sleeping around in his mid-twenties, and even after getting married, he would sometimes have sexual dreams regarding his wife or mistress(es). Also, I think the "soft compassionate side" of his personality never left, and mixted with his new playboy lifestyle, given how horribly prostitutes and "loose women" were treated, he would sometimes imagine he'll have to sheer or whip his mistresses, or have news that the magistrates had some sick "games" with them. Also, his wife finding out his infedelity is also one. However, he won't have any incestuous fantasies, and would be grossed out by the prospect. He spent too much time with individuals outside his cast and with the church to consider that...

I don't think Soubise/Subyss would sleep well either, his concious tormenting him a bit as he sleeps. Also, he is someone who always needs to be high on something, be it torture or alcohol. Subyss would often have dreams of being tortured himself, perhaps flashbacks prostituting himself to magistrates or doing tasks for them in the "convulsionaire" secret reunions (what they did there was pretty disgusting). Since torturer isn't enough to make a living on it's own, he'll be a corrector either for the Hôpital Général, colledges or for wealthy nobles with bratty sons or daughters (honestly, who ever happens to offer the most money for the job). I think he might sometimes get emotionally attached to those kids, especially as he shows signs of histrionic personality disorder making one believe that relationships are closer than they actually are. He'll also have sexual dreams about Nicolas, sometimes Damien.

Marie-Josephe: I think on top of flashbacks being tortured as a child, would sometimes have dreams of being held and hugged warmly. Marie-Josephe does have an underlying desire for affection and recognition. She seems genuinely hurt when Charles-Henri refused to support her during that La Barre execution, and we see a flashback asking Charles if he found her disgusting. In that part with the Chevalier Alain Bernard, she wonders if he'll change and leave her like Charles did. Also, we see her mocking and angry after her father asked to step aside so that he can finish Lally/Griffith in one stroke and treat his body with the "respect he deserves". Like, knowing her dad had some lingering friendship and respect for the man who raped her, but little to none to her, nor her mom...That must hurt. Again, Marie seems like someone who secretly wants love and approuval, but doesn't allow herself to indulge in that. However, at night, when she's about to sleep, I can very well imagine she'll have dreams of being hugged warmly by Charles, or by Alain...Maybe by her mother. Although, I don't imagine those dreams being pleasant to her, and she'll probably wake up afterwards with her face twisted into a grimace of pain. Thanks to having chosen the path of female executioner, I think Marie, for all her rebelliousness, does have desires and fantasies of acceptance, just that they bring her a lot of emotional pain.

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1 year ago
I Just Finished Innocent Rouge And Realized Thats The Sequel To Innocent (Sakamoto Shinichi) Lol I Was
I Just Finished Innocent Rouge And Realized Thats The Sequel To Innocent (Sakamoto Shinichi) Lol I Was
I Just Finished Innocent Rouge And Realized Thats The Sequel To Innocent (Sakamoto Shinichi) Lol I Was

I just finished Innocent Rouge and realized thats the sequel to Innocent (Sakamoto Shinichi) Lol i was wondering why i didn’t see any panels while i searched it up. Anyways gonna read it now and probs starts posting more of the Innocent saga its so beautiful and gorgeous!!!

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1 year ago
I Finished It Like 2 Days Ago But Anyways Charles Was Getting Me Heated The Whole Time After He Changed
I Finished It Like 2 Days Ago But Anyways Charles Was Getting Me Heated The Whole Time After He Changed

I finished it like 2 days ago but anyways Charles was getting me heated the whole time after he changed 😭.

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1 year ago
I Loved The Ending Of Innocent Rouge But I Need More Of The Sanson Siblings Anyways These Are Some Of
I Loved The Ending Of Innocent Rouge But I Need More Of The Sanson Siblings Anyways These Are Some Of
I Loved The Ending Of Innocent Rouge But I Need More Of The Sanson Siblings Anyways These Are Some Of

I loved the ending of innocent rouge but I need more of the Sanson siblings 😪Anyways these are some of my favorite panels i’ll probably post more

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