Innocentmanga - Tumblr Posts
For some reason, I love following Innocent’s Russian fandom on Tik Tok.
My Muse
I will RP Subyss from Innocent manga, by Shinichi Sakamoto.

Like for a starter.
Tonight I wanted to find other Innocent-related blogs (I read it a year ago and the fixation came back), so I scrolled through who you follow (didn't mean to stalk so sorry if it comes off like I did... it was my intention to find similar content creators) and I found 2 things:
1. Sakamoto's old blog where he posted foot pics
2. A blog called scripttorture (through looking at scriptstructure and other script- blogs which are all AMAZING btw) which made me realise how much effort and research Sakamoto put into his manga, and how accurate the scenes of and reactions to abuse really were. And also the fact subyss is a drinker who believes his job is an art, even though it's unsuccessful in nature and very very stupid. And the way Charles reacted more to Anne-Marthe's psychological conditioning than his father's physical abuse. And the way Anne-Marthe's punishment made Marie a lot more resilient and motivated and wanting to be in control.
I apologize for the rant, I have to share my thoughts on this manga and the fandom is WAY TOO DAMN SMALL. So sorry for making you put up with it.
Thanks. No need to apologize. Yeah...Do know of @scripttorture and read some of their bibliography...It's interesting. And yes, Shinichi Sakamoto did do his research on the psychology of torture, like Subyss being an idiot and Charles more impacted by psychological conditioning than physical abuse...To an extent. Charles-Henri also seems to be mostly suicidal in this manga. For example, at one point he considers slicing his veins and seriously intends to talk to his father he plans to become a monk and reject the family profession, after his father literally tortured him for rejecting the family profession.
Also, Shinichi Sakamoto's Charles-Henri actually displays almost all Slytherin values, exept self-preservation...Which is interesting. It's implied that he was able to hide his identity in a boarding school out of all places for a certain amount of time and still able to somewhat succeed academically.
I have devoted my university studies to this man, Charles-Henri Sanson, and...Let's just say he was rather incompetant at his job, was willing to risk his post, what was left of a reputation and possibly even his life for a night with a stranger, but miraculously survived many lynching mobs. The more I learn about the XVIIIth century, the more amazed I am this man made it passed 30. Also, my opinion on him is more revisionistic, as I don't think this man really cared about his least not sincerely. Because when we place his desire for rehabilitation in the economical and political context of the French Revolution, it very clearly appears as an act of self-preservation. If he indeed attended boarding school and managed to be moderately successful, academically speaking, it's a sign that he was a very intelligent person.
The perspective of being now alone, man of the house, was a daunting one.
"I sure will write to you. I promise.," responded Charles.
"I don't think I can keep such a promise...I'll try. The little ones are in good hands with me."
His sister's hand felt warm and trembling in his. With her gone, he'd be alone and she even lonelier. Pierre Hérisson, he never hated anyone like that man before. He returned her embrace, stiffly.
He knew he just couldn't let any of his younger siblings take sessions like he did. "Also, should you have any children, please, consider me as a potential godfather. It's one of the only family customs I'll embrace fully. Things would be alright, Claude."
"Claude ! Claude...There you are ! I just wanted to say goodbye." said Charles-Henri, saddened.

It took all of her might to not rush into an embrace for what might be the last time she'd ever seen him, no, all of her siblings, before Madeleine would embark on her new journey known as "marriage".
Instead, she pressed her hands into his, breathing in a deep sigh to control herself. Grandmere Marthe was watching.
". . . .Write to me as often as you can," Claude started, trying to give Charles a smile through the tears that threatened to stream down her cheeks, "look after our siblings, especially little Marie."
Her throat tightened as she spoke; each word that came out of her mouth was another reminder of each day that she'll never witness being with her family, especially to Marie, whom was barely 2 years old now. She'll most likely have no recollection of Madeleine in the coming years.

"And. . . though I know how painful it is for you", Madeleine choked out, her hands gripping Charles' as if she meant to break them, "At least. . . for now. . . . become a Monsieur de Paris that will surpass even Father, alright?"