Sanji Is Not A Vinsmoke - Tumblr Posts
A lil Doddle of Sanji (~ ̄³ ̄)~

Im back (°▽°)…
My bad y’all, back for the better and hopefully for good … (´∀`)
Anyway ice skater ! Sanji and hockey player zoro (∩´﹏`∩)
Zoro loves to watch him in his element
Anyway kinda rushed I’ll make better outfits another time ☝️
Luffy Slaps Sanji in the face: this nakama can cook anything you need
Sanji *putting on spiked steel boots*
Sanji *Casually walking up to Zoro and kicking his leg to wake him* : I found something I'm better at than you marimo
Zoro *Knowing a fight has started and is already involved*:I'll believe it when I see it, 4th place.
Sanji *grinning*: I'm more flexible than you
Zoro *Eyebrow raised*: Flexible? I work out every day how could you be more flexible?
Sanji: *Does the splits* *Puts his leg up to his head* Puts his arm all the way around his neck*
Zoro *stareing in absolute horror*: WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOUR BONES!?
Sanji: Where do you think you're going?
Luffy *Crawling out the window while I'll*: nowhere
Zoro *waiting on the other side of the window*: You coming or what!?
Sanji: .....
Luffy: .....
Zoro: ......
Zoro: Wait this isn't my ship
Sanji: I don't feel well today
Zoro: okay?
Sanji: .... Aren't you gonna ask what's wrong?
Zoro *Bleeding out from yet another stab wound*: I don't particularly care for your well being at this moment
*Offended Sanji noises*
What other people see: Awe man Zoro and Sanji are fighting again, good thing Nami is there to stop them!

Has this already been done?
Oh well, here it is
(If you can't read it here)
What is that?
Is that your fucking moss-ona?
That's cringe!
*Sad Sanji noises*

✨✨Pre Time skip Sanji's Waist✨✨
That's it. that's the post. 👍
*Stawhats walk into a small village*
*everyone runs away*
Chopper: why are they running away?
Nami: it's because we're pira-
Luffy: They are all afraid of my autistic swag
Nami: .....
Usopp: .....
Zoro: .....
Sanji: .....
Franky: .....
Robin: .....
Brook: .....
Jimbei: .....
Chopper: makes sense
Sanji: Marimo, would you love me if I were a worm?
Zoro: .....You're human?
Sanji: .....
Zoro: .....
Surely you've all seen the Everyone is dead AU on twitter right?
So, here's my go at a sad ending
Imagine this
Sanji leans on the rail of the ship. Crashing waves in the distance help keep him calm yet when he hears the footsteps of a certain marimo his nerves spike once again.
"It's a calm sea today huh Cook?"
There's no teasing to his soft voice so he chose to respond with a matching tone.
"If I were to go, being embraced by the sea would be my choice"
Sanji didn't look as Zoro walked beside him, his hand lifting and falling upon his own while he stared at the sea.
"Wouldn't it be better to fall into my embrace instead?"
The question makes Sanji sigh shakily but he smiles as he turns his head.
Zoro is looking at him, a look that says sorry and he can't stand it.
"You should show me, hopeless lost swordsman"
A sad smile paves its way onto Sanjis face at the attempt to sooth the nerves inside himself.
Zoro takes his hand and they both stand on the rail, the sea calm and steady as if their blood wasn't boiling. As if the air around wasn't thick enough already, a fog began to arise in his mind.
"You're a coward shitty cook" was what he said but he smiled as he did.
"As if you're any better Marimo......last one to close their eyes loses."
A smirk appears on the sword man's face and he grips his cooks hand tighter.
"You're on"
The only thing left is the splash of two bodies and a strawhat left on the deck.
Surely, its okay to be a coward if what you're scared of is loneliness.
(Hehe sorry this is shit :'] I tried)
Playing this game, decided to make Sanji and Zoro the people and LOOK!!!

Sanji: Ussop, can I be frank with you?
Usopp: Of course! but I dunno how changing your name is gonna help?
Luffy: Can I still be Luffy?
Chopper: Shh! Luffy let Frank speak!
Franky: There can only be one Frank here!!
Sanji: .......
(Pre-Timeskip) (Fluff 😊)
Luffy's interactions with the crew at Bath Time!
Zoro: When these two smelly bastards finally take a bath together they will put off washing as long as possible. Luffy likes having water fights, splashing Zoro, pushing him over or even throwing soap towards the other. This usually results in them not having washed properly and Nami will tell them to do it again.
Sanji: When Sanji has had enough of Luffy stinking up the kitchen he will force Luffy to take a bath. Obviously, Luffy says it's unfair so they compromise and Sanji has one with him. Luffy likes to sit infront of Sanji and let him wash his hair, he always ends up humming happily or softly swaying with Sanjis hands. The truth is it reminds him of how Sabo used to wash his hair and so he actually enjoys the baths with Sanji. He'd never say it though!!
Usopp: When Usopp and Luffy bathe together it usally ends up with Ussop carrying Luffy out after he'd almost drowned himself trying to do stupid tricks. Usopp will towel dry Luffy's hair and then brush it. Luffy definitely dresses himself though 🤭 he's not a little kid anymore! Luffy insists he can dry his own hair but this triggers Usopp into giving a long 30 minute speech about how he'll rush it and it will be damp so he'll catch a cold. Mama Usopp will allow no such thing!!
Nami: Nami usally wouldn't bathe with Luffy, obviously because of their different genders. despite this, on the odd occasion Luffy is in the bath and Robin is currently occupying the shower, she will take a bath anyway. Nami, over the time spent with the crew realises her captains honest innocence and doesn't mind it. Luffy will usally scoot a little closer and start info dumping about a wide variety of things. Nami acts annoyed but secretly thinks it's adorable. Like her own personal little brother who loves to chat about bugs and his new friends.
Robin: When Robin finds herself in the same situation as Nami, The bath being occupied by her crewmates and Nami in the shower, she'll usally just wait for her to finish but, if she finds either Chopper or Luffy taking a bath she doesn't mind joining them. Robin will use her Devil Fruit to make arms appear and wash Luffy's hair, simular to Sanji, sometimes Luffy will ask Robin about things because he says she's really smart. He'll listen to Robin talk about archeology to. He doesn't understand most of it and Robin knows this but she finds it cute when he looks at her with admiration and wonder after she says something about finding sunken ships or times she'd discovered piles of dead bodies hidden in barrels inside a abandoned Palace. Luffy will usually sit next to Robin at dinner and ask about more stories.
Chopper: When Chopper and Luffy bathe together Luffy is unusually soft and kind. Luffy will sit down and wash Chopper's head/fur and will listen to Chopper talking about medicine, how Zoro is so stubborn when it comes to healing as well as his favourite candy's (Luffy swears it changes every time they vist a new island) they will spend alot of time in there until Sanji calls them for dinner.
Hope you liked this Fluffy thing
Sanji: You know Luffy your brother is really nice.
Luffy: yeah I know! He used to be a lot more grumpy.
Sanji: yeah, he's really handsome to.
Luffy: yeah I guess?
Sanji: and god he's fit
Luffy: uh, well I um
Sanji: is he single?
Luffy: HAHAHA you're funny!
Sanji: .....
Sanji: Luffy I wanna fuck your brother
Luffy: get away from me
The strawhats invite Sabo for tea.
Sanji: wait wait wait. So you're telling me, that polite young man over there is insane?? I don't belive you.
Luffy: Oh but Sanji he is! He was even weirder than me and Ace combined!!
Robin: I'll have to agree with Cook-San here it doesn't seem likely,could you perhaps give us an example captain?
Luffy: oh!? Yeah sure !
He turned around to where Sabo was cleaning the table
Luffy: Yo! Sabo, what did you say your favourite sound was again?
Sabo: Again? Isn't this like .....the 4th time you've asked that Luf?
Luffy: it's not my fault I forget!
Sabo: yeah yeah, well, I Like the sound people's skulls make when they crack between my fingers. It makes a satisfying crunch and the blood drips down so fast :D
Luffy: See
Probably Everyone: What the fu-?
I like to think that after Luffy's gear 5 transformation his hair is now super duper soft! It causes a heated argument between Zoro and Sanji about if it was always that soft.
Nami: why the fuck do you guys know 💀
Sanji *Has a dream about Zoro*
Gets up and walks to Zoro
Kicks him is the face
Zoro: ......
Sanji: ......
Zoro: That's kinda Ga-
*insert fried marimo here*