Sensitive - Tumblr Posts

11 months ago

Lived Alone

by aebock I have lived alone before, many times But today it felt different, it felt lonely For the first time, I could hear the pages flap at the surface, the fan hum and the lizards crawl with a click Not that this was new; but it was audible now I sat there as the breeze entered through the window with a polite knock The quieter I grew, the louder the surroundings brew With swollen eyes, I could see the intricate cobweb she had woven just above the light But it all made no sense; as I longed not a face but a hug For I have lived alone before, many times

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8 months ago

To my sensitive American friends:

May your July the Fourth fireworks be quiet and may the shows themselves be short.

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1 year ago

Sensitive Soul😔 - Alastor x Reader

Sensitive Soul - Alastor X Reader

Requested by @ju1yyyzzz

The Hazbin gang were all lounging around the lobby, minding their own business. Charlie was reading a story book, definitely romance. Vaggie had her spear in her hand, practicing her moves. Sir Pentious was observing her. Apparently Vaggie wanted to teach him some physical combat, since he relied too much on his gadgets and egg minions. He was sloppy, but he had a lot of confidence, which Vaggie respected. Angel dust was chatting away at the bar with Husk. Their relationship had improved a lot, leaving you feeling very happy to the point you cried. Zooming sounds were happening all across the room. It was Niffty, chasing after the insects with a knitting needle. The look in her eye was crazy and glad she was aiming it towards the bugs, and not you. Alastor was relaxing against a chair, legs crossed while sipping from a coffee mug. The hotel radio was playing a broadcast from the human world. The fact that it could pick up stations from the living world was insane. Must have been Alastor's doing since he always looking for more entertainment.

The phone in your hand was your source of entertainment for the time being, as you kept flipping through Sinstagram. Static emanated from the radio, beginning to play a broadcast in regards to some sort of pandemic happening on earth. The grin radiating on Alastor's face was nerve wracking, as he continued to listen in on it. "HAHA! How utterly entertaning! Makes me remember the good old days during the Great Depression! So many orphans!" It felt like you had been punched in the stomach. 'How could he find that entertaining'. Your thoughts were becoming depressing, and tears began to appear in your eyes. Charlie took a break from her book, and looked up, noticing your sad expression. "Y/N, Why are you crying?" Realization hit you as you touched your cheek and felt wetness. The room got quiet, everyone gazing at you with concerned looks including Alastor. "I-I'm I-. I need to be excused." Jumping from where you were sitting, you rushed out of the room, leaving everyone confused. Angel was the first to speak up: "What the f✪✪✪ was that about?"

Charlie felt the need to comfort you, but she concluded that your probably needed a minute to calm down. She looked around the room, observing everyone. "Did any of you say anything to them?" Everyone shrugged their shoulders, stumped. Niffty zoomed next to Charlie, wanting to tell her something. "She started to cry when Alastor was laughing about something on the radio." Eyes all turned to Al. Alastor still had a smile on his face, but mentally he was riddled with confusion. "I was only reminiscing about the past! My words did not bare any insults towards them!" A spear was drawn at his face, causing him to arch an eyebrow. Ohh how scary he thought. Vaggie was fuming, nearly about to strike Alastor. "Whatever you said apparently made them upset! Now go and check on them, bastardo!" The air grew ominous, as Alastor powers began to expand, clouding the room with black mist. The smile on his face began to grow monstrous, as his eyes turned into radio dials. "Now Vaggie! There is no need for threats! But I advise that you lower your w̶͈̒͜è̶̫̤͖̃̀̔̋́a̴̝̮̾̽̋̌̈́̎̍p̵̳̟̩͈̬̹͓̔̀͌ó̸̟̃ṇ̵̹̻̽̉ ̶̩̞͓̃̓͌̈́ȍ̷̬ṛ̸̨̡͈̹́͜ ̵̡͈̰͎́̚ḛ̴̞̯̭̥͊̅̇̃̎̆l̵̖̔͑͆̿s̸̙̐̌̐̆̓͠è̵̛̻͑̓̊͠!" Charlie jumped between the both of them, wanting to appease the situation. "Vaggie Stop!" Charlie words reached her girlfriend, causing the spear to be lowered, as she crossed her arms. Charlie then looked at Alastor, who had managed to calm down slightly, yet the air was still tense. "Alastor. Could you please check on Y/N?" A shook of his head, brought him back to normal, as he stood up from the couch. "All right!" The staff in his hand at appeared, giving it a twirl before he stood up from the couch, walking away with his hands behind his back.

"Now where could the little darling have gone?" Alastor announced to himself, as he ventured down the hallways. His first place to look would be your room. Giving a rhythmic tap on the door, he waited for you to open the door. His ears twitched, trying to pinpoint any sounds from the other side, but heard none. "Hmm. Not here." Alastor continued to look for you. The last place to look was the hotel garden. It needed a lot of weeding and pruning when he first arrived at the Hotel. Niffty and you were able to fix it right up, planting certain hellflowers and fruits and vegetables. Sounds of sniffling reached Alastor's ears, "Ah so you were here!" he thought. He found on curled on the ground, laying on the concrete ground, admiring the flowers. His eyes noticed the tear streaks that were still prominent on your cheeks. Turning your head around, you saw Alastor standing next to you, before looking away. "Why the long face my dear?" Alastor chortled to himself, while you remained silent. Your lack of silence bothered Al. He still couldn't piece together why you were crying in the lobby? He snapped his fingers, causing a cushion to appear on the ground. He didn't want to dirty his pants. Plopping down, he continued to look at you. His smile stayed the same, but his eyes were looking at you with slight concern.

"My dear, what has you so upset? Was it something I did in the lobby that bothered you?" He patiently waited for your answer. Wiping your tears with your sleeve, you turned your head towards him. "You didn't do anything Al. It was the topic you brought up that got to me!" Cocking his head, he pondered what you said. A lightbulb flashed in his head. "Ahh yes! The great depression!" His smile became giddy. His entertainment for misery was appearing again. "Yes. I know to you it was highly entertaining, but to others it wasn't. It just made be think about all the hard-times during that time, and the orphans and what-not. I know its stupid to cry over something like that, but certain things or topics I'm very sensitive too. Often times it results in my breaking down in tears like you just saw." Alastor continued to stare at you, while you talked. He was relieved he didn't cause something directly to upset you, but it did stun him a a bit at your reasoning. His years being a radio host/serial killer harden him, to the point certain depressing topics became utter joy for him. It gave him a bit of realization that subjects like this were very bothersome to others, including you. "I apologized if I worried you and the others. Just didn't want to cry in front of all of you over something stupid. Wish I wasn't such a cry-baby." Casting your eyes down, you gazed at ground.

A fluffy material touched your cheek, causing you to jump. Looking at Al, he was cleaning your face with a handkerchief. His signature smile, had dropped. It wasn't a frown, but he was a full on smile either. More of a slight grin. "Y/N, there is nothing wrong with crying over stuff like this. My time in Hell has made me immune to depressing topics. This doesn't make you a cry-baby, it just means that you have a pure soul. You care about the well being of others greatly, to the point of tears. It is quite alright my dear, and I would like to give a proper apology to you." His words were insanely sweet. More tears began to pour out your eyes, shocking Alastor even more.

"My dear?! What did I say? Why are the tears still coming from your eyes?" His actions were frantic, as he continued to wipe the tears from your eyes. The tears still flowed, but a smile was on your face. "Hehe, I'm sorry. Your words were very sweet and just made me very happy that I wanted to cry." Alastor gave a chuckle as well, shaking his head. "My my what a strange demon you were. Still, you were very adorable." He thought to himself. Soon the handkerchief had removed all of the tears that were flowing down. The signature grin he wore returned, as he got up from his position, snapping the cushion away. His hand extended out to you, allowing you to grab it. Being pulled up, you got up off the ground, and stood in front of Alastor. His other hand was placed on your cheek, giving it a stroke before returning back to him. "Shall we head back my dear? The others must be getting worried!" He smiled down at you, to which you responded back with a nod, as the both of you walked together out of the garden to rejoin the others.



@pepperycookie , @yourdoorisunlocked, @ghostdoodlen , @aceofcards0-0 , @jyoongim , @saturnhas82moons , @unholycheesesnack, @luujjvi, @forbidden-sunlight , @pinkcrystal44 , @veethewriter , @rains-sleeping , @danveration , @demoarah , @cookiekyo , @iiotic , @delectableworm , @91062854-ka , @alastorsgoldie

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4 years ago

god i’m so fucking sensitive

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1 year ago

Bruh, you cannot get mad at your partner for expressing what upsets them. Even if it isn’t deep to you, it may be a serious matter to them. Genuine consideration is the key.

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5 months ago

Appears out of nowhere

Throws the randomest tyler sbg x reader angst/comfort-ish fic at you


"you shouldn't be here"


hellooo! 😃 this is some random tyler x reader fic idea I've had for a while so I thought I'd just make it into a fanfic cuz why the hell not?

The title/prompt wasn't exactly my idea so credit to the person who came up with it! (I was scrolling on tumbler for prompt ideas :,)) they didn't say if they wanted credit or not for it so I'm not gonna tag them unless they say they want credit

Anyways onto the warnings and summary-


Warnings - probably spelling errors, swearing, abuse, harsh words from the mom to reader, might be sensitive for some readers just beware!

Summery - reader is a part of a mafia family (inspo from moxxie and his dad) and tyler decided to come over to your place to check up on you since you weren't answering your phone and tyler sees how your treated by your mom (she's the mofia boss/abuser)

to the actual fic now!!


Its been a loooong Saturday for you

Your mom made you do extra work for the day since you've been shaking more and more (mostly you've just been extremely tired from all the work she already has you do after school and your nights at the phantom realm dosent help) you've been so busy today you didn't even realize you've been ignoring your phone

The group was calling and texting you for a while probably about hanging out someplace or tge phantom realm and you didn't even notice since your phone was on silent and with how busy you where there just wasn't time

You where just walking down the hall on your way to dinner which was almost never fun

Just as you where heading there somone knocked on the front door, you open it thinking It'd be some of the other gang members or somthing you didn't expect to see tyler standing there with his arms crossed


"Hey i- AGH-?!"

Out of panic you quickly pull him inside so he wouldn't be seen by one of your moms goons

"You shouldn't be here!"

"Relax I just wanted to check up on you idiot"

"What? Why?"

You look at him confused and he just scoffs softly

"You haven't answered your phone at all, everyone's been trying to reach you all day"

"Oh shoot! I've been so busy I haven't thought about checking my phone!"

"Busy? Busy with what? It's saterd-"

Just then tyler was interrupted by a loud yell...from your mom..

"Darling? Where are you dinners about to start!"

"I- uh- coming mom I just-uh- need to- freshen up!"

You quickly reply back in a panic and grab tylers arm trying to pull him out the door speaking in a yell/whisper

"Tyler you really need to go! Now!"

"What? Why? What's going on with you?!"

You where just about to open the door when your mother walked around the corner

"Ah, I see, you've got a friend splendid!"

Your mom's voice sounded kind but it had a threatening undertone to it which you know it wasn't good, tyler just stood there confused as he looked at your mother

"Mom it's not what it looks like-"

"Quiet dear, why dosent your friend here join us for dinner? I'm sure he's hungry after coming all the way here"

Tyler was confused just the tone of your mother's voice just screamed bad news and he could see how you where acting, stiff? Uncomfortable? Frightened? He knew whatever was up was not good

"M-mom it's fine he was just about to leave anyways-"

"I'll stay for dinner it can't hurt.."

"what?! No no no, you- you should really get going ty-"

"Darlng he said he wanted to stay so come on we're already late"

Tyler didn't know what exactly was going on he was determined to get to the bottom of it though he knew whatever was happening it wasn't good

After that your mother lead you both down the halls him walking beside you quietly, he could see how uncomfortable you where just by how stiff your movements were and how you wasn't right to him

"Ahhh here we are, sit sit dinner with be out shortly!"

you quietly sit next to your mother tyler right next to you watching you closely as you stare at the table uncomfortably


Your mother starts, with her gaze right at tylr with a smile but it was off just wasn't exactly 'kind' more of a silent threatening smile as she spoke

"You must be my daughters/son's/kids friend am I right?"

"Uh ya I am..."

"Thats amazing! She never talks about anyone from school or anything always so quiet, hm"

You mother looks at you from the corner of her eye her smile fading for a moment before looking back at tyler with that smile again

"Anyways! How school been going for you two? It mist be so stressful for you both at this age hm?"

"Thats an understatement..."

You mutter under your breath thinking back to the phantoms dimension and your mother turns her head to you

"What was that? Speak up"

"N-nothing! Just....saying it is.....stressful I mean.."

Your still looking at the table and picking at the food quietly ad you speak your mother just looks at you before turning her attention back to tyler

"Anyways any big events at school? Anything exciting?"

"There was uh........this trip to savanna I guess-"

As he said that you tryed to stop him turning your head quickly and shaking your head but it was to late as your motgers gaze snaps to you with a hidden threatening smile

"Savanah? The trip I said you deliberately where not aloud to go on die to your job in the family?"

"W-wait! Mom listen! I-i had to it was a big part of the grade and if I didn't I would've failed-"

You look at your mom as you desperately try to explain the situation, tyler is watching it play out getting more and more concerned at you and your mothers behaviors

"Is that why you where gone for that night? Because you wanted to go on some...silly trip?

"M-mom please! J-just listen for a moment-!"

"Excuse us dear I need to have a word with my daughter/son/kid for a moment"

At those words your mother got up and started walking to tge hall doors expecting you to follow behind, you glance at tyler a small look of dread that didn't go unnoticed by tyler who looks at you concerned before you get up to follow your mother to the hall

She shuts the door behind you and her gaze instantly hardens with anger

"I told you you weren't going to go on that stupid trip brat!"

"I-i know-"

"You had work to do here! A job as a member of this family!"

"Mom please-"

Before you cold even try to explain she shaped you across the face hard definitely leaving a brouse on your cheek just under your eye then harshly grabbing your jaw

"You do what I fucking say brat! You think that little tough boy in there's gonna save you?"

"w-wait no-"

"Next time you fucking try to disobey me ittle be that boy in there paying for it, got it brat?"

"Y-yes mother"


After that she roughly through you to the ground making a small yelp leave you at impact, she opened the doors back into he dinning from to greet tyler again who was still sitting at the table

"Sooo sorry for having to leave like that darling"

"'s fine"

You walk in a few moments after her tyler noticed the bruise almost I instantly

"Whoa! What happened to you?!"

"Tyler calm down I just........I tripped when we where talking in the hall no big deal"

"Yes they can be quiet clumsy all the time"

Your mother just laughed as you sat back into your seat tyler looking at you concerned as you just look at your plate


The rest of dinner just consisted of a lot of talking, or more so of your mother talking and tyler answering some random questions here and there as you sat quietly through most of dinner

"Anywas darling would you escort your friend to the front door so he can go?"

"Yes mom, come on tyler let's go"


Tyler followed behind you quietly but as soon as you shut the door to the dinning room he grabs your arm turning you to face him his gaze on the bruise your mother left under your eye

"What the hell happened?"

"Tyler I told you I fell-"

"Bullshit she hit you didn't she? Somthings off about...well....everything here"

He lightly brushed his fingers over the bruise surprisingly carefull making sure to not hurt you, somthing your not exactly used to anymore with your life style here

"Tyler you hold really get going-"


The firmness in his voice surprised you as he looked you in the eyes

"I'm not leaving you here now I know about this, I'm going to help-"

"No! You can't s-she'll hurt you I don't want that to happen to you!"

"And I'm not letting you stay here in this hell hole of a family!"

your suddenly pulled into a hug which was surprising to you yet again and you can't help but tear up slightly at how much he cares

"We'll both leave, call the cops- CPS- somone-... your not going to stay here..."

All you can do is nod as you hug him tightly holding back tears

Then you both sneak away and make it to his house where his mom called CPS and/or the cops about this situation and you endid up staying with taylor,tyler, and there mom after that tyler made sure you where comfortable constantly and didn't tell the group what happened till you where comfortable with it


Alright! I hope that was good cuz most of you voted yes in my earlier post about this, I kinda like it especially if any of you people that reading have been or are in a situation like this hope this was comforting and I hope you know your not alone 💕

Also please do leave a comment if you have anything to say about this post good or bad I just wanna make sure I don't trigger people or stuff like that so if you have an opinion on this please do share if you'd like

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7 years ago

I’ve turned this off literally five times. Listen I DONT GIVE A RATS ASS IF I SEE SOME SMUT, I READ IT FOR GOD SAKES. So please stop turning it back on.

Ive Turned This Off Literally Five Times. Listen I DONT GIVE A RATS ASS IF I SEE SOME SMUT, I READ IT
Safe Mode Is Here, Tumblr.More Control Over What You See And What You Dont.

Safe Mode is here, Tumblr. More control over what you see and what you don’t.

What’s Safe Mode? Safe Mode filters sensitive content in your dashboard and your search results.

Who’s it for? You, if you want it! Maybe you’re happy to see sensitive content when you’re scrolling through Tumblr, maybe you’re not. Safe Mode puts that choice in your hands.

How do I turn it on or off? If you’re on the web or an Android device: Go to your account settings and flip the Safe Mode switch.

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Safe mode will be rolling out to all users over the next couple days.

 <3 Tumblr

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1 year ago

girls do their daily affirmations and still cry when a boy is mean to them (it’s me, i’m girls)

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7 months ago

Existential depression at 20 years old. Like bpd wasn't already the cherry on top of my misery.

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7 months ago
This Test Will Reveal Your Dominant Personality Trait
Let's find out about the real you.

Reblog this and write your results in the tags!

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5 months ago

Why is the Klaus conjuring the dead for the woman in season 4 such an ignored scene? And of course, what happened between Luther and Allison in season 3. (If it wasnt ignored, im very sorry but i dont see much people talking about it in my side of the internet)

Warning: mentions of SA, the r word that rhymes with grape

I hate to write something about this, but on some other platforms, the sexual assault scenes that happened were somehow ignored. Both Luther and Klaus are sexual assaulted in the show.

First of all, Luther was assaulted and forcibly made to kiss Allison when she used her powers on him. Second, Klaus' body was used for sexual purposes by the woman that asked him to conjure someone for her.

To begin, I honestly don't get how people still feel the same way about Allison after that scene. Since she is an assaulter, and she didn't even feel guilty or said sorry to Luther. I know that in the comics that Allison was already a bad person, but the show version Allison's can still be a great person since she seemed so guilty for using her power for everything. Then.... the SA happened.

Allison humoured Luther, and then Luther kissed Allison (against his will since her power controls people's minds)

I loved Allison before, but holy shit she was honestly a shitty person. I can never justify her actions and even defend her.

After s3, s4 happened and Klaus was soon assaulted by that woman.

Klaus, who, I think, was trafficked and became a person who conjured dead people, met a new customer, who soon assaulted him. I think I remember someone in another platform (i think tiktok) saying that scene was attractive...

.. Its not.

He was obviously assaulted and even (i think) raped by the woman. He never agreed about doing sexual things while the ghost possessed his body.

Anyway, in conclusion, Klaus and Luther are victims and are overlooked as of now. I see some people already talking about it though :-)

(since some weirdos still cant differentiate actors between their characters, the people who played the assaulters shouldnt be attacked (i love emmy sm))

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8 months ago

𝕸𝖆𝖞𝖇𝖊 𝕴'𝖒 𝖙𝖔𝖔 𝖘𝖊𝖓𝖘𝖎𝖙𝖎𝖛𝖊


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6 months ago


I’ll edit later bc I know it’s written all wacky and the tenses make no sense. I’m tired and I need to go to bed, it’s already light out 😭😭😭

I love my partner; there’s literally nothing she could do that I wouldn’t crumble into a pile of adoration over.

Her stepdad is a different story…I’ve met the guy twice in our relationship so far. The second time was after a night out with my partner and Ghostie. We went to a popular urban legend spot and ran out like little bitches after hearing a LOUD shriek which at 4 in the morning really fucks with you (lol). We went there to drop my partner back at her place. Our interaction consisted of a simple “goodnight be safe yada yada, nice to meet you by the way, I’m dating your kid”

The FIRST time I met her stepdad was at work. I was working fast food at that point in time. I had NO CLUE who he was. He came up to the front counter and said (word for word)

“hi, can i get a medium fry to go? Who’s your T doctor?”

My guy W H A T ? You meet your kid’s partner and the first thing you do is ask about my medicals? What happened to “hi nice to meet you?” And either way, I was on the clock, at work; doing work things. At the time I didn’t even know who the hell he was either. There was zero introduction. For all I knew he was a complete stranger.

While it was an incredibly invasive question I answered honestly, explaining that at that point due to the law change I stopped taking T until after my birthday (which was a month before this interaction) he kinda “hmm”’d at me and said something about his T shots and it hit me; bro is also trans. I wouldn’t have ever guessed that. I thought that was super neat cause now I knew I already had something in common with him.

A few days ago my partner told me that because I don’t bind or go out of my way to present one way or another that her stepdad was making comments that I’m “not really trans” because I don’t bind at work.

First off, not that it’s her stepdads business, but binding in a hot and greasy workplace while being a smoker and on top that being off of T which means my estrogen levels rocketed and thus made my boobas painful didn’t seem like a great idea. I choose breathing over chest pain :)

Second, I was stealthing at work aside from like 2 other coworkers who I know outside of work.

Third, I don’t owe anyone any type of masculinity or femininity. I dress comfortably and while I do present masculine outside of work sometimes I’m just lazy or not feeling like putting a lot of effort into the way I look.

Fourth- blud has been on T much longer than I have at that point, so no. Im not gonna look like a cis dude. And I don’t really give a shit 🤷

Why in the world was someone who has years of being trans on me try to beef with me and “out trans” me??? I’d met him twice at this point and both times I had been as respectful as possible to him.

The part that really got under my skin though, was that her stepdad has been raving about how I seem delicate and stupid, I’m going to be hate crimed, I needed protection from my partner, etc.

Delicate? Sure, I have vulnerable moments, but for the most part I’m delicate like a landmine and if you step on the pressure plate too hard yeah, I’m gonna explode.

Stupid? Yes. But just because I do stupid things and make some stupid choices doesn’t make me a stupid person. I’m competent and capable. I wasn’t climbing the work ladder with my stupidity that’s for damn sure.

Hate crimed? Unfortunately yes, but I do my best to not instigate and try my damndest not to put myself in situations like that.

Need protection? Nah, I’m good. Daddy raised a cryer with good aim, not a bitch :)

The “delicate” comment came from right after my parents nearly got divorced twice in one month and I lost the only grandparent on my dad’s side of the family that I had left. The women who raised me and the other woman I liked calling “mom”. Why can’t I be vulnerable in that moment and let myself feel upset over something devastating like that???

I’m not gonna go create beef with her stepdad or anything; but it’s really fucking frustrating that I feel like I suddenly have something to prove :(

Dysphoria is usually like a 3/10 like I can handle it and all, but now it’s like a 6/10 and it hurts a little more :/ and I was really hoping I might be able to get tips or even bond over also being trans with him over time.

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1 year ago


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You know what? No, I'm not as fucking strong as you think I am. I'm actually quite sensitive and every time you make fun of me it. fucking. hurts. I'm an idiot for letting things go and coping with every stab through my heart with all sorts of addictions to numb the pain you give me. Thanks for making me into the pathetic loser I am today.

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