Scp Dr Glass - Tumblr Posts
Headcanon: Which of the doctors/directors would enjoy cuddling.
Any warning: No warning.
A/N: Just another headcanon. I hope you enjoy it!!
DIRECTOR ALTO CLEF: Don’t bring any of that weird shit here. He isn’t a fan of it and wouldn’t do it.
DIRECTOR JACK BRIGHT: Another one who doesn't like cuddles. He wouldn’t entertain it either. If his S/O is cold then here is a blanket but.... other than that he isn’t going to cuddle anyone.
DOCTOR SIMON GLASS: He isn’t typically the affectionate type that would cuddle. But if his S/O wanted some love and cuddles from him then who is he to deny them? But then while they’re cuddling, he begins to realize how he really enjoys having them close to him… just holding them in his arms makes him feel relaxed and happy… They should really do this more often.
DOCTOR BEN KONDRAKI: Sure! Come cuddle with him. He likes it when his S/O wants to be close to him. But do not try to do any of that cute shit when cuddling with him. Don’t try to tickle him, kiss him a lot, play with his beard or hair, or anything like that. He doesn’t like it. Just cuddle. That is all.
DOCTOR CHARLES GEARS: No. Just no. Leave him out of that.
DOCTOR ICEBERG: Yes! Come and cuddle with him! He wants it! He needs it! But while he would enjoy cuddling with his S/O he wouldn’t be the one to indicate it. And this has more to do with the issue of his body temperature than being prideful or awkward. Yeah, this man has an abnormal body temperature where he is cold constantly… and whoever touches him would (obviously) feel how cold he is. He is used to it by now but he is afraid to make his S/O cold and uncomfortable. But if his S/O was adamant about it and really wanted to cuddle with him then he is going to give in. Maybe they can take out a blanket and cover it over his body then they can climb on top of him. He would love that! His face would flush red and he wouldn’t be able to keep eye contact with them. Too busy worrying if he is making them cold. He would try and enjoy the cuddling but fail because his mind keeps going back to being paranoid of his body temperature. His brain would be like: Is this a comfortable position? Are they comfortable with my hands touching them? Are they getting cold? Should I get another blanket? He is a mess! Expectantly his S/O would notice how he is acting and reassure him that they are alright… and to just relax.
DOCTOR AGATHA RIGHTS: Yeah, she wants some cuddles from her S/O. Give her some affection!
SCP-073 (CAIN): Sure why not! He isn't one that is affectionate most of the time but he does like having his S/O close to him some days... Just relaxing together in his room. It helps him relax more as well.
SCP-076 (ABLE): Do not cuddle him. He would feel like his S/O is invading his personal space. He doesn't like them too close. Sorry. And also he doesn't understand the reason for it. Like what is the purpose of cuddling with someone?? Sounds foreign to him tbh..
Headcanon: Which of the doctors/directors and the brothers (Cain and Able) would enjoy Squid Games.
Any warning: Mention of violence and blood. But nothing serious.
A/N: A very short headcanon. There will be more soon.
DIRECTOR JACK BRIGHT: 100% would watch it. He is actually the one recommending others to watch it so he could have another person to talk to about it.
DIRECTOR ALTO CLEF: At first, he would only agree to watch it because of the bloodshed (he likes horror films) but would come to enjoy the show in the end.
DOCTOR ICEBERG: He loves it!
DOCTOR CHARLES GEARS: Iceberg was actually the one who forced him into watching the show. He was uninterested at first but then starts getting into it, he would actually make guesses on who would win the games at the end. And his guess was correct!
DOCTOR BEN KONDRAKI: He is the one that is kind of late to watch it lol. Like a month late.
DOCTOR SIMON GLASS: Didn't pay it much attention until he decided to watch it one evening because most of his patients wouldn't stop talking about it during their therapy sessions lol.
SCP-073 (CAIN): He and Iris actually had a movie night together to binge-watch it after Bright wouldn't stop talking about it in the Cafe earlier.
SCP-076 (ABLE): He only liked watching it because of the violence. Other than that everything else in the show is irrelevant to him.
Headcanon: how would the Directors/Doctors and SCPs (Cain and Able) act when drunk.
Any warning: Just some swearing. Intoxication. Some sadness for Gears but it isn't anything too severe. Slight mention of depression.
A/N: Just another headcanon. This was in my google docs for months!
He starts off as the typical happy drunk. He is laughing, partying, drinking, and enjoying himself. But as he continues to drink then he would turns into a reckless/aggressive drunk. You would have to stop him from starting fights with someone tbh. He is ready to throw down with anyone at any time that dares to provoke him. Or if anyone is trying to start anything with his fellow doctors. He is ready to fight anyone for them too. He just wants to fight anyone when possible tbh.
*Once punched a guy who turned out to be a GOC agent and a whole bar brawl started because of that. None of them are allowed back in that club after that.
He is, of course, the life of the party. (Next to Kondraki and Clef).
He would be fun to be around (at first) that is. Makes everyone laugh, and encourages more drinking and dancing. But then Kondraki would challenge him into doing more shots together. In which both of them will become even more intoxicated and reckless. He would begin thinking that he is somehow invincible and starts doing some dangerous stunts. Like, trying to dance on the bar stand or jumping over tables.
Wouldn't listen to a word you're saying when you try telling him to calm down a bit either. He is like a man child lol. Then he would proceed to run away from you because "he is just trying to have some fun!!"
And he is hella fast too. So, good luck trying to catch him. You are probably going to lose him in the crowd.
Also, he just disappears for a while too lol... no one would see him for a while. Until suddenly everyone (in the club) hears a very drunk and loud voice trying to speak over the microphone. And the voice sounds a bit familiar... and of course, it's him.
This motherfucker somehow made it on stage. Not wearing a shirt, speaking some nonsense in the microphone. Even the DJ looks confused asf.
First, whoever convinced Gears to drink... wow... kudos to them. He almost never drinks. He is not a fan of alcohol and doesn't like how it makes him feel. So, he just prefers to not drink. It would take some convincing to actually have him take some drinks too.
But he is definitely the quiet type of drunk. For the first few drinks, he would be fine but after (six) more drinks, he would feel the effects. He becomes very quiet. Quieter than usual. He would stare intensely at his glass cup or into space with an intense expression on his face. Which is entirely different from his usual stoic expression. You would think that he is probably contemplating something very serious due to his facial expression. But he isn't. He is just thinking about the dreadful migraine he is going to have tomorrow morning. The annoying hangover... starts regretting his decision for even coming to the bar... he even debates on just leaving now... It isn't like the others can even stop him from leaving either.
Gears is the type of guy who would sit calmly in the background while a whole bar brawl is happening. He isn't going to become involved in that nonsense. He isn't in the mood to stop fighting either lol. He is just trying to enjoy his drink. Let him enjoy his drink. But- if someone dared to try and punch him or start anything with him then he wouldn't hesitate to pull up lol.
It may not seem like it but he knows how to mess someone up but just prefers not to. He doesn't like to revert to violence. However, if a person thinks that they can just start something with him for no reason and that he isn't going to do anything about it... they got another thing coming...
Bonus: There are other times when he does drink (and depending on how many drinks he has) he can become very depressed. He just starts thinking about his life… the choices he has made and his job… and everything just starts to bum him out tbh. He wouldn't voice it to others as well since he doesn't want to bum them out or scare them.
Becomes so affectionate. Not the affectionate type that is trying to kiss you or anything like that. But the affectionate type to talk about how much he appreciates you. And how much you mean to him. How of a great friend you are to him. And just how special you are. He just wants to shower you with the appreciation you deserve... okay?? Just let him. Even though it is just him repeating himself several times. Let him talk. He isn't going to stop talking if you told him either way.
Would give you so many hugs too. Just out of nowhere.
He is such a happy little bean!! Such a cutie!!!
But then he stops taking so many drinks and says that he just has to "lay down for a moment..." then falls asleep on his seat. And is probably going to sleep for a while. You may be wondering how the hell can he sleep with so much noise around him?? Who the fuck knows...
So, just keep an eye on him so he doesn't land on his head when he falls eventually.
Oh... Glass lol.
He is also one who doesn't enjoy drinking much as well so he would tell himself that he is going to only be having three drinks. Only three drinks. Then he is going home. That is it. But then he is convinced forced to continue drinking by Clef and Kondraki. (Who are such enablers!) And then those three drinks turn into ten drinks. And before he knows it, he is on the dance floor with Rights with more drinks in his hands.
He is also the "I am not drunk!" type who refuses to admit that he is intoxicated.
Oddly too even when he is drunk, he is still able to hold solid conversations with others. Like, he is self-aware enough to give someone great advice when they ask for it. You would find him at the bar stand giving the bartender a whole freaking therapy session while asking for more drinks.
Yeah, she can be a handful when intoxicated lol. (Not as bad as the guys but best to keep an eye on her as the night continues).
Things would start at the bar stand, you would have to stop her from mixing drinks. She would claim that she is trying to make it taste better but that is total bullshit. And she doesn't even drink it either like she would take one sip of it and see how disgusting or weird tasting it is and try to coax one of the guys to drink it.
*Poor Iceberg didn't know what it was and drank it. Nearly throw up because of it… He just start gagging.
No matter how persuasive she may seem DO NOT DRINK ANYTHING SHE HANDS YOU!! It is just a disgusting drink she mixed... not worth it.
Even the bartender told her to stop mixing drinks but she then snapped at them like: Fuck off! I used to be a chemist for two years and I know what I'm fucking doing! She's a mess…
But there are other times when she would want to dance. And if she has her S/O with her then she is going to drag them onto the dance floor. She wants to dance with them. And she isn't going to take no as an answer. Just dance with her.
He is the one who is ALWAYS FIGHTING THE BOUNCER FOR SOME REASON! It is quite impressive how easily he got into that fight tbh... he doesn't even have to try... It is like he actually looks forward to fighting the bouncer... smh...
SCP-073 (CAIN):
Such a lightweight. He becomes drunk after like three shots. It is kind of amusing a little to see how easily he can become intoxicated lol.
He becomes so happy and bubbly. Cain is usually a calm and collected person who rarely becomes overly enthusiastic about things. So, when he is intoxicated, you're going to see a different side of Cain. He is going to be laughing at random shit. Starts talking very loud too.
But as he continues drinking then he can become a bit reckless. So, Able would have to actively stop him from making bad decisions.
*Able would also become slightly annoyed with having to practically babysit his older brother but surprisingly doesn't lose his temper with him. He would just easily take away the drinks from him. Yet, Cain is always somehow finding more...
He will literally threaten the bartender if they continue serving him drinks.
Meanwhile, Iris is the one giving him more drinks behind Able's back.
Even though he repeatedly told her to stop giving him more. He ends up finding out later on and starts lecturing her for being such an enabler.
By the end of the night, Able and Kondraki had to practically carry him out of the bar. He wasn't able to walk on his own. The next day you will find Able chastising both Iris and his older brother for drinking so recklessly. Cain is nursing his split headache on the couch. And Iris is lying on the floor trying to nurse her own hangover.
SCP-076-2 (ABLE):
He isn't a lightweight like his older brother. He is able to handle his alcohol pretty well. He would be taking shots left and right but it wouldn't affect him just yet. After probably ten drinks then he would feel it. However... alcohol doesn't affect Able in the normal sense.
Alcohol makes him somehow... calm?? It's weird. But drinking just makes him calmer.
Typically, he can be this sometimes hard-ass or a grumpy person who rarely socializes with others. That is our typical Able... But once he is drunk he becomes more laidback. He is smiling, laughing, and socializing with others. Telling a few funny stories too. And doesn't seem angry at all.
It can be surreal to see this completely different side of Able. It is kind of nice to see too...
He stops being grumpy. He becomes a little easygoing too. But he is still self-aware. He wouldn't do anything stupid or reckless while drunk so you wouldn't have to look after him.
Able doesn't turn into the aggressive/reckless drunk either. He is kind of the happy/relaxed type of drunk. He is going to loosen up a bit but not too much like the others do.
Bonus: He has this tendency to switch languages while talking to someone at times. Kind of became a natural habit of his. But he knows not to do it often (because it can confuse people so he doesn't do it too much when sober but when he is drunk, he doesn't even consider it). He would be telling you a story about something that he claims is funny when suddenly he changes languages mid-sentence. He would be like: You should have been there, Y/N, it was -switches languages mid-sentence-
Like you can somehow suddenly understand Ancient Sumerian...
And you're just standing trying to understand what he is saying but to no avail. When you do tell him that you can't understand what he is trying to say he gives you this annoyed look and says: ..have you not been listening to me, Y/N?! You know- the- and switches languages again...
*However, Able would spend most of his time keeping an eye on his older brother too. Because he knows how Cain becomes when drunk. He doesn't want his older brother to blackout or make bad decisions when intoxicated. He knows how of a lightweight his brother is and tries to look out for him.
Such a caring and considerate younger brother…🥺but he would never admit it lol.

closeups under the cut

((This is a Yandere Dr. Simon Glass x Reader for a friend on discord since I haven't written anything other than the UrbanSPOOK killers x readers that passed the rules and expectations
But anyways I was requested this since they were wondering why the bots got obsessed with them and I had to explain that his MBTI type is more likely to kill for love aka an INFJ x ENFP like dynamic, I'm an INFP writing this so apologies for possibly writing MBTIs mentioned inncorrrctly
No pronouns other than you but Female at birth gentilia are referenced
Your point of view
It was your first 4 weeks in the Foundation as one of the therapists here and....things definitely weren't normal from the monstrosities you've been described by simple d-classes and how some of the staff could be........interesting to say the least for you. One can change their bodies weekly, one is theorized to be Satan himself due to his mistrustful lies, and one was stone cold yet cooperating at the same time. You see your co-worker that you had a work crush on due how kind he was to you, Dr. Simon Glass was his name and you looked foward to talking to the reserved and soft boy you worked with, even if you made the most unhinged sexual comments for a virgin.
"Hey my dude!" You cheerfully said as you went over to him, always meeting him on your break which his was somehow on yours but he was the head of this department so it was more stressful for him "How have you been dude?"
"We talked when we clocked in my dear" Glass softly smiled at you, which made your heart flutter everytime he called you that. Sure, some staff personnel did think you two were dating when that didn't happen....yet.
"Hey...are you free later?" His charming voice broke you out of your thoughts, your eyes lip up and your cheeks tinted a light hue of red
"YES!" You practically squealed in excitement, before murmuring an apology and getting embarrassed, which turned your face more bright red and he moved some of your hair out of your face and tilted your head up
"Would you like to go on a date with me?" Glass asked, making you question where this quiet and reserved man got this flirting ability or who taught this man to charm someone.
"Yes..." You said after a long pause, now your mind wondering where the date will be and how it'll end............
And here you were now, you were under him, both of you fully nude and exposed. Glass insisted on missionary for your first time and seemed rather eager that he was your first. His tongue and fingers working wonders on your hole and clit that reached places that your fingers could never do, even with you instructing him, he decided to take full control holding your thighs and hips down and slurping away at your hole.
You had lost time of when you orgasmed from his mouth alone and on the verge of tears when he lined the head of his penis to your hole and slowly easing in.
"It's okay pretty thing....I got you, I'm not going to hurt you..much" Glass praised you as he had fully gotten balls deep into your hole but not moving to let you adjust, just him just being as sweet as ever with your first time along with everything else. Once you had gotten used to it, he was slow and steady with his thrusts, caressing the side of your face as he did thrusts slowly.
"Such a pretty thing...being such a good dear as ever for me...for who owns you" Glass said, getting more primitive and predatory as his thrusts went from slow to a fast but steady pace yet it was still easy since he didn't want to tear any walls yet with his penis. Glass loved how your soft moans turned more loud in Volume and even arching your back, your nails digging into his skin as you tore up his back.
Not only were you crying and begging for your final orgasm, you weren't thinking about birth control and practically being desperate to be bred by him and that only spurred Glass more. Glass did thrust more fast but it was sloppy which signaled that he was close to his own orgasm, he thrusts more and demanding you climax
"Cum for me sweet thing, please...I need to feel you clamp down on me-" Glass did and got interrupted by how on command you climaxed around his penis. You couldn't think straight before he thrusts a few more times in and stilling his hips inside as he pumped you full of his seed.
You could only breath heavily and finally letting sleep take a hold of you as you felt him lay your body still.
Simon's point of view
Glass was admiring you sleep as you looked so innocent and peaceful for the first time. Glass wanted to just chain you up then and there but he needed more time to plan on how to keep you with him almost 24/7, he just cleaned you up and kissed your head. Glass held you in his arms as he thought of the ways to break you more like that so you can beg him to breed you and pump you full of his seed.
Glass smiled and thought of the possibilities before going to sleep with his precious darling in his arms.
Trick or treat!!!

Treat! Get SilverGlass'd

SCP drawing requests you say? Maybe either Name Pending cuz I find them silly or Glass cuz I’d like to see how he’s like in your style. Your choice, no pressure~ 🫶🏻

Funfact: He was born at a very young age
Glass is in fact hyperbolic btw, it was more so 2 hours—
SCP Shipnames I’ve made for fun!
Clef x Kondraki - Magnificent Bastards
Reference: "Incident 239-B"
Kondraki x Clef x [NP] - Reckless Trio
Reference: They're all trouble for the foundation
[NP] x Clef - Process Crashers
Play on Pending and how the two seem to stop progress and party crash others with their own party
Kondraki x [NP] - Metamorphosis
Reference: The process of transforming
Gears x Iceberg - Cold Coffee
Reference: Neither of these mfs sleep lets be real, also iceberg's coffee's gone cold because he's dea-
Glass x [NP] - Marlboro Duo
Reference: A fic I made called "The Routine"
I’ll probably be taging future posts with these + the common shipnames :3

Sorry for the camera quality, my phone decided not to work
Anyway, it’s the therapy man himself ✨

Dr. Glass and @em0tionalentropy ‘s Dr. Wisteria

More SCP drawings for day 7 :3 + my SCP oc, Dr. Honor Grace
(please ask me stuff, I am running out of ideas 😭)