Sdv Penny - Tumblr Posts

11 months ago

I know they try to have counterparts between the romance options and that Sam and Penny are considered counterparts because they both provide for their dysfunctional families financially (at least I assume that's the connection there, they don't really interact at all), but I really would have loved to see the dynamic between Penny and Alex. Not just because I like them both the best (though that too) but because Alex had a shitty abusive father and I could imagine him saying all the things he wanted to say to his dad, to Pam instead in Penny's honor

Not even as like a romantic thing just like, an unexpected friendship between the head empty jock and the bookish wallflower because they both recognize that they deserve better than the way their parents treated them

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10 months ago
Stardew Valley Help Wanted Posters Are Genuinely One Of The Funniest Things In The Game. Penny Why Are

stardew valley help wanted posters are genuinely one of the funniest things in the game. penny why are you putting a sea cucumber under your pillow

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4 years ago

I found a Penny on the sidewalk! Colored with Ohuhu markers.

I Found A Penny On The Sidewalk! Colored With Ohuhu Markers.
I Found A Penny On The Sidewalk! Colored With Ohuhu Markers.
I Found A Penny On The Sidewalk! Colored With Ohuhu Markers.
I Found A Penny On The Sidewalk! Colored With Ohuhu Markers.

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3 years ago

Drawing Stardew Valley Love Interests Part 5!

Today, we have Penny! (She's my second favorite - I'm currently married to her on PC)

Drawing Stardew Valley Love Interests Part 5!

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1 year ago

What the Bachelor/ettes Would Dress Up as for Halloween

Here’s a short one for today. Happy Halloween, everyone!

No cut because it's relatively short. Mentions of fake blood. Enjoy <3


Used a werewolf costume but is supposed to be the Big Bad Wolf

Probably cut up one of his flannels for the costume

Jodi is very upset about that, it was a nice flannel!

Has a full wolf mask that opens when he talks

Vincent screamed bloody murder when Sam came out of his bedroom

Apparently Sam was unaware that Vincent has a phobia of werewolves

The More You Know™

He felt a little bit bad about that, but thankfully was able to calm down his little brother eventually


A wizard Rasmodius is amused

Probably was going to wear it for a cosplay to comic-con years ago but ended up not being able to go

He’s got a full gray beard, with long billowing robes and everything

Probably has a scepter that he made himself out of paper mache and clay

Definitely wears a wizard hat, too

But the robes are so long that he almost lands on his face multiple times throughout the night

Eventually he resorts to holding up the ends of his robes like a princess

Abigail and Sam cannot stop laughing


Dressed up as Ken

Didn’t want to bleach his hair blonde, but the spirit is there!

Probably has a pink neck tie and a pink button up polo

Takes his role very seriously

Probably learned the choreo for “I’m Just Ken”

Also got Dusty a glittery pink collar for the occasion

Calls literally every woman in town “Barbie” for the whole night

George is weird about it, but Evelyn is having a blast lmao


Dressed up as Mark Twain

He carries around a fake raven skull for the bit

Waxes poetic about death and mortality

Probably quotes a few of Twain’s books but only the very obscure bits that only another “Twain connoisseur” would recognize

Leah tries to comfort him as best she can when no one recognizes him

Even though no one recognizes her either


A mummy

Wrapped himself in toilet paper and called it a day lmfao

Jas makes a stink about not matching with him though

She has a gorgeous fairy dress and was going to wear her bunny-jewel slippers

Marnie was going to put glitter in her hair and everything

But nope

Uncle Shane was going as a mummy, and so she wanted to be a mummy

It’s the cutest thing in the world

Shane is cheesing the whole night, and the rest of the town is terribly endeared by the two of them

Marnie doesn’t even mind the money spent on Jas’ original costume

They look too happy to be upset about it, anyway


Dressed up as a homicidal/mad doctor

He’s not terribly creative, and he’s already got all of the costume pieces anyway

Everyone asks him why he didn’t dress up

He is very perturbed by that

Of course he dressed up! Don’t you see the fake blood on his coat?

What about the wild hair and the dark circles??

No? Seriously?


A robot!

Goes all-the-fuck-out

Has fully functioning extra limbs, probably a voice manipulator as well

Spent months on her physical costume, and Penny helped her with the make-up on the day of

Bought colored contacts that make her eyes look mechanical

Probably also built a candy dispenser into the suit so when Jas and Vincent run around getting candy from all of the villagers, she just presses a button on her wrist band and her stomach opens up to reveal a bowl of candy

The kids love her


She dressed up as Red Riding Hood, but with a twist!

She’s also a wolf!

Her and Sam are doing a duo costume

So she’s got the little dress and the hood, but the edges are tattered and she’s got insane costume makeup on

No wolf mask for her, unfortunately, but the effort she put into every other aspect of it makes up for it

Is horrified to find that Vincent is terrified of her

She probably feels bad about it for a few weeks after that and vows never to touch a wolf costume ever again


Abigail dressed up as a skeleton

Got a few black clothes and drew an anatomically correct skeleton on them with bleach and paintbrushes

It’s wildly impressive

The sweatshirt she used will 100% be worn again, even when it isn’t Halloween

Got a face paint palette and made her face look like an actual skull

Probably pinned her hair back under a black wig cap or something to keep it cohesive

When she shows up for the festival, no one actually knows it’s her because she’s covered head-to-toe

Also has full-eye contacts that make her scleras black

Confuses the hell out of the skeletons Marlon has in those old cages, also confuses Marlon for like half a second before he realizes that it’s a costume


Barbie. Obviously.

Her and Alex are also doing a duo costume!

Has her hair in a high ponytail 

Everything is glittery, sparkly, and pink, pink, pink

Did her nails even pinker and sparklier

Probably has a little purse with a stuffed chihuahua in it

Abandons that idea when she sees Dusty, though

He looks so handsome with his pink collar, you know?

She posts pictures of their costumes on her socials after the night is over


Dressed up as Leonardo Da Vinci

Everyone thinks she’s just some old French Noble or something

Which breaks her heart

And not just because Leonardo was Italian

Oh, except for Haley!

Haley knows who she is right off the bat, and compliments her costume very genuinely

Leah feels a little better after that, until she has to run away and comfort Elliott

“I’ve got a raven skull and everything!” / “I know, I know.”

Someone save her lmfao


Made her whole costume from scratch

She’s a strawberry fairy!

She makes a gorgeous pink tulle dress with embroidered strawberries and fairy wings sewn to the back of it

And she made a headband with some poseable wiring and green cloth to look like strawberry leaves

Her shoes are some chunky pink mary jane “flats”

Also probably made strawberry charms to clip onto the straps

Has a basket full of strawberry candies that she passes out to everyone

Haley helped her do her makeup, and she’s got painted freckles on her cheeks to look like seeds

Altogether she’s the cutest fucking thing anyone has ever seen

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1 year ago

Okay so I played Stardew Valley for 16 hours straight yesterday (the life of an unemployed highschool graduate) and I officially have thoughts. Here are thoughts.

Abigail. Abby. Heart. Love her.

Sebastian- Very cool guy, wish he didn't have such a shitty dad.

I don't get the Shane hype ??? At all ??? "Oh I'm not drinking tonight for Jas' sake" Congrats man, I'm sure that totally makes up for neglecting her every other time <3

Penny's 2 Heart Event pissed me off. I know she was TRYING to help but the fact that the 'right' answer is to priase her for moving a disabled persons wheelchair without their permission (which is fucking rude btw. Dont do it) was kind of disappointing, because I love her otherwise.

Wish Elliot was more pathetic. Look at that man, so much wet cat potential. Such a let down.

Jas and Vincent. The besties ever, I hope they have such good lives I love them.

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11 months ago
It's Notjust Anothersleepover, But... Friendlyinteractions Part Two!!!
It's Notjust Anothersleepover, But... Friendlyinteractions Part Two!!!
It's Notjust Anothersleepover, But... Friendlyinteractions Part Two!!!
It's Notjust Anothersleepover, But... Friendlyinteractions Part Two!!!
It's Notjust Anothersleepover, But... Friendlyinteractions Part Two!!!
It's Notjust Anothersleepover, But... Friendlyinteractions Part Two!!!

It's not just another sleepover, but... Friendly interactions part two!!!

Part 1!

SLEEPOVER TIME!!! I need more friendly interactions! Part 2! It's not just another sleepover, but... Friendly interactions part two!!!

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