Stardew Shane - Tumblr Posts

Working on a thing for Shane and farmer Zoey
Ya know what’s stopping me from headcanoning Shane to be Irish/Mexican/American?

Imagine walking into JojaMart and seeing this

if anyone needs a reference for drawing shane i may i suggest croatian olympic water polo man josip vrlić 😳 yw
Fuck it, I had to
(Shane x Farmer ficlet inspired by Any Other Name by Thomas Newman from American Beauty)

The aching in her heart as he shouted those words only grew as the words were simply lost in her.
Zoey knew he was not the most perfect boyfriend, but damn her if she still saw him as someone who truly cared for the people around him. She would know that just by personal experience herself.
But, Yoba, why did it still hurt?
A metallic hand raised hesitantly, no words still spoken from her, as the tears welled in her eyes, clouding her vision the longer he stared at his huffing and crying form.
“Nothing!? Yeah! Th-That’s exactly what I thought! N—Nothing you could ever say can make me- *hhh*- make me believe someone- *hh* *hhh* -someone as good- a-and sweet as you are could ever love a fuck up like me!” Shane continued unable to control the tears and raw emotions coming from him.
It was killing her inside that he was saying all this— and yet there was not one ounce of alcohol in his breath. It was just one of the many ugly sides of depression he had been dealing with for so long.
“And ya know what!? I could give less of a shit- *hhh* -i-if you really do end up leavin’ me like any other rational person in my life! Y-You don’t *hhh *hh*- You don’t need someone as fucked as I am!” he continued on. “Push me aside! Leave me out like trash! Forget about me! I don’t care what you do! Just—“
A metal hand cupped his face ever so tenderly, thumb brushing away heavy tears rolling down his face.
Zoey had him look her in the eye as she got him to calm down for only a moment before the words she wanted to say finally came out.
“… Chi mi thu, a ghràidh,” she whispered sweetly. “Chi mi sibh uile… An’ I would nae ‘ave wanted tha’, either way.”
Hearing his girlfriend speak Gaelic after realizing what she said just broke him.
She cared not for his past, not for his demons, but for him. She wanted him to get better. She knew what a shitty person he was, and yet here she was still by his side.
Because she truly did love him.
It broke him.
It broke him, and he didn’t want to let go of her now; even as he held her tightly bawling into her shoulder. Her words only made him regain that sense of comfort he had long forgotten, that calming effect that eventually grounded him once more.
There was hope for him; he needed to be the one to take charge of himself and be the better person for himself.

have a little of Shane angst bc I need a way to express negative feelings and there's nothing better than to draw a drunk and chicken obsessed man from a farming game suffering a bit
Uh, anyway, Shane is actually besties with Sam (he'd rather die than admit it though) and they constantly do things to spite Joja and Sam can actually get a good reaction from Shane with some of his jokes. Sam and him were kind of awkward at first, but after a while Sam saw him at the saloon one day and went "HEY!! MY BUDDY SHANE!! COME PLAY POOL WITH US!!" so loudly across the building that everyone turned to stare and Shane almost sped-walked out of the place out of embarrassment (he def stayed and played pool but kept his head down to avoid stares).
Sam constantly talks about funny things Shane does and Abigail and Sebastian are like, "??? The quiet, grumpy town drunk??" But after Sam dragged Shane into so many pool games, Shane loosened up and started a tournament with the old arcade games between the four of them (he kicks everyone's asses at it) and now Seb and Abbi are starting to get it.
There's a competition between him and Sam on who can steal the largest item at Joja without getting caught (Shane has the lead with the pizza he gave farmer)
After Shane stops drinking, Sam is adamant on getting Shane to like joja-cola with him (he's not winning, unfortunately)
One time, Sam bet Shane that he could drink a 12-pack of Joja-cola during one break at work and threw up everywhere from the crazy amount of carbination it has (Even though Shane cried actual tears from laughter, Sam still owed him a pizza because Morris made Shane clean it 😭)
Shane will leave Sam maple bars in his work locker when Sam is having a hard time with his family and denies that it was him (Sam knows) His excuse when caught is that he and Jaz prefer the other donuts in the pack
Shane SUCKS at comforting others, but Sam appreciates the awkward conversation because it just means his buddy is trying to be a good friend.
They both run a secret page that basically makes fun of Morris by posting bad photos or just making a meme out of him
Uh, yeah, anyway. Sam and Shane are besties
I may or may not be starting a new playthrough of Stardew valley, And I finally got it modded, also go read this
Mr.loverman (trans male! chubby! reader x Stardew valley bachelors)
cw, top surgery stitches tearing.
been working on this for awhile, originally posted on the quote
Keep reading

Sans Stardew Valley
He's a tramp

But I loooove him

the concept of the farmer being a literal anomaly to the townspeople bc of their in-game features and add-ons will always b so funny to me. so heres a little silly doodle i made.
Turns out the Chick(en)s really love Shane

I love the chicken ngl
Inktober Day 16: Fowl
My favorite chicken. Fat. Clueless. Full of love.

If you're depressed and named Shane dm me

I'm debating If I should write something from Stardew Valley or would that be weird to see... Idk guys let me know🤔

I like to explore possible Stardew friendships💕

Stardew Valley Doodles ft Shane, Sam, and Elliott

Stardew Valley Doodles
Drawing Shane is hard to do.
I had this idea for a Stardew Valley mod that I can't do because I'm scared of technology
Make the farmer the mayor. Hit year 5 (Or 3, whichever is better) and after completing the community centre, you can run for mayor.
You need 4 hearts minimum with EVERY character to become mayor.
Lewis moves in with Marnie, his house becomes a sort of town hall.
The farmer gets more help requests, but for bigger things like wood, stone, etc to fix wear and tear around town, and if they don't do it soon enough, they start to lose hearts with town people.
Like, give them 7 days, and then they lose half a heart every 4 days after they don't fix it for example.
An example of a help request, the library needs new shelves and roofing due to a recent storm, the leak in the roof ruined shelves. 200 wood, 200 stone, 5-10k gold (idk which would be better lol.)
Is this too complicated for a mod? Probably. Do I wish this could happen? Yes. Yes I do.

my current dating sim set for stardew valley!

~✨ Stardew Valley Bachelors ✨ ~