Gender Neutral Imagine - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago

Problematic kid meeting Amy and Ty and them adopting her/him would include…


-So, you are one of that problematic kids Clint is in charge of 

-And he sends you to Heartland like he did with the other kids

-You are like 10-12

-The problem you have is that you can get angry easily and you cause a lot of problems

-They receive you when Lyndy was just a baby 

-At first you didn’t talk much 

-Everyone was very nice to you, except for Tim

-He wasn’t really mean, just he didn’t understand why to bring problematic kids to Heartland, they could cause problems 

-You were there to change, so they convinced him (not fully) that nothing he was thinking was going to happen 

-Not knowing how to ride in a ranch is kind of stupid 

-So Amy offers you to teach you 

-You were hesitant at first, but you accepted 

-They started to teach you with Harley (Ty’s horse)

-For a noobie you were pretty good, and you learned fast 

I have a headcanon for Amy teaching you how to ride and other ones for different situations with this topic in progress

-Your attitude started to change, and you were very enthusiastic to learn new things 

-The whole family took affection to you even Tim especially Amy and Ty 

-One day in diner (when you already have been there a long time) they asked you to meet your parents, because you are family now 

-You look down to your plate 

“My parents died when I was young, I don’t have family”

-Then it’s THE awkward silence 

-Until Jack speaks 

“We didn’t knew that, but you do have a family, us”

-Everyone continue eating without the awkwardness and with a very happy Y/N

-Georgie and you went to ride together some days after that event

-Ty and Amy watched as you two had fun 

-They realized they loved you and wanted to protect you

-They wanted to give you a real family 

-So they decide to adopt you, with your permission of course 

-When you came after the ride with Georgie they asked you

-You obviously said yes 

-And now you live at a ranch with a lot of animals, parents, little sister and a big family 

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3 years ago

’*•.¸♡ 𝗖𝗘𝗢! 𝗗𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗺 ♡¸.•*‘


I wrote this over the course of a couple days. Very sleep deprived on some of the said days. sorry if it doesn't make sense!

Let me know if there should be anything else in the content warning. Or correct me if i'm wrong :))


Gender-Neutral reader! Word count: 3.1k CW: Mention of unsupportive parents, insinuation of a bad ex, embarrassment, anxiety, cussing (Once)


It's fine. You're fine. Stop worrying. You've got this.

You're attractive, smart, and confident, and.. And.. fuck.

I'm gonna butcher this. It was only basically a life changing moment. If I got this job I could finally prove to my family and my ex my roommate that the 4 years at college was worth it. The endless nights… studying. God, I don't miss it. According to my parents, a computer science degree was a

“waste of your time! You could be studying liberal arts! Getting an english degree!! Become a teacher! Not some useless.. Computer.. Person. What are you going to do? Spend your life in a dark basement in “I.T.” ridiculous. Get a grip”

They had never supported anything I did that wasn't advised by them. They don't even know the title! “Some.. computer person” Please. Why can't they understand that computers are the future? This IS the future. Coders are more important now than they ever have been before.

My roommate, Karl, has been nothing but supportive. As expected from someone whose whole life is dependent on computers. But, I still feel like I have some point to prove to him. Like if I don't, all of the sleepless nights he spent helping me when I had to cram, comforting me when I got a grade that was less than perfect, forcing me to eat, shower, drink water, and take a break and have a day to myself, was all for nothing. I definitely wouldn’t be here without him.

“Um.. excuse me?” Looking up from my lap where my fidgeting hands had finally come to a stop. The receptionist, or is he a personal assistant? It’s hard to tell. He could be anyone. Whoever he is, he is deathly attractive, but also staring at me impatiently. I couldn’t help but stare back. Taking note of every detail I could find. His downturned brown eyes burning holes into my own as he waited for a response, his seemingly perfect eyebrows knitted together, the freckle on his left cheek which was very faint but noticeable. Which i'm sure if exposed to the sun would darken. Which leads me to his skin. Pale, and white. Almost paper white. I wonder how much he is truly exposed to the sun or if he is just always stuck in this god forsaken office. His cheeks were slightly rosy though. Cute. His lips, although thin, were full, almost. As if he was pouting. They were a pale pink, matching the rosiness of his cheeks. His hair. Gosh his hair. It was so fluffy and dark, it was hard to tell whether it was black or a deep brown in the lighting provided. I just wanted to run my hands through it and feel how soft it truly was. One thing stood out though. One annoying detail that I couldn’t take my eyes off of.

A piece of hair sticking up in the middle of his head. It looked so out of place compared to the cute, fluffy curls of everything else. It was embarrassing how hard it was to hold myself back from walking over to him and fixing it myself.

He coughed.

How long was I staring at him?

Standing up, I brushed myself off. Getting rid of any stray hairs or balls of material that had stuck to me. I took a hesitant step forward towards the man in front of me. He swung his arm out and motioned me to go into the main office. The whole reason I was here.

“He is ready for you. Don’t keep him waiting any longer. He will take your tardiness out on us” He mumbled the last part of his sentence not meaning for me to hear. He turned swiftly on his feet before speed walking back to his desk situated next to the elevator. He was very lanky. The black t-shirt he wore was… Baggy? His pants were black jeans, pairing them with his all black converse. Was I overdressed? Or was he too casual. Panic immediately started to rise within me. But the moment he sat down back at his desk, he looked at me once more sending a glare my way, annoyed I still haven’t made the effort to make my way towards the office.

I nodded at him. Turning slowly to take in the giant double doors in front of me. A bit extreme for a small hallway I think personally. I walked towards them and held the door handle. Do I knock? That'd be polite right? No but he's expecting you, he's aware of your presence so there is no need to. But what if he had gotten a phone call between the time of alerting the man behind the desk and now. But what if he gets annoyed at you for knocking. What if he finds the sound of knock-

Before I could even finish or process my thoughts, the door in front of me flew open. I stumbled slightly as the handle was torn from my grasp. I looked up and. Oh. Holy shit. Attractive was an understatement. The lanky dude behind the desk was attractive. The man in front of me was. God like? No, that would probably feed into his ego. Hot. Hot doesn’t describe it well enough. He was… Alluring. Alluring was the best way I could put it. He was lanky like the assistant (? I still don't know) but he was tall, and slightly bulkier. Broad shoulders, covered by a black dress shirt, that fit him oh too well, and a dark forest green vest. A silver chain was hung around his neck tucked underneath the shirt. It was barely visible, the intent to hide it was obvious. His jaw was- don't get me started. His eyes were an emerald green, matching his vest perfectly. But that was as far as I got before he started talking.

“You’re here for the interview aren't you?” Voice was like butter, it was smooth but had a slight rasp to it as if he hadn’t used it all day. I stared at him for a minute too long before nodding my head and muttering out a quick yes, my eyes meeting my shoes.

He hummed before taking a step back, opening the door wider. Silently asking for me to walk in and take a seat. I took a few steps forward, far enough for him to shut the door and walk around me to sit behind the desk.

His office was beautiful to put it simply. Simple but welcoming. The left wall had bookshelves lining the whole of the wall. The bookshelves wrapped around the wall behind me, only stopping once it reached the door. The back wall, if you could even call it a wall, was a giant window. Looking out upon the city of Orlando. The right wall was lined with computers, which I'll admit was a bit confusing. You'd think in an establishment like this, they would be able to afford a server room instead of keeping it in the bosses office. This room was the biggest liability. As if reading my mind, the gorgeous man sat at the desk in front of me, answered my question.

“We do have a server room. Just to let you know” I turned to look at him, mouth open like a fish. I’d close it if I could. But my body has betrayed me and I can't seem to control any part of me at this moment. He chuckled. God, that was hot.

“I could see the confusion on your face when you were looking at them… Don’t worry they don't hold any sensitive information” He was no longer looking at me, instead highlighting some papers in front of him. I nodded and cleared my throat before walking towards the desk, pulling out one of the chairs and sitting down. He looked up at me through lidded eyes and chuckled again at my hesitancy to sit down. When will he stop doing that. Without a second thought, my mouth had opened and words came tumbling out.

“Genuine question. If you do have a server room, and the computers don't hold any sensitive information,” I pointed at the wall to my right. Which, now thinking about was stupid, what other computers could I possibly be talking about. “Why are they in your office. And how are they surviving the changes of temperature within your office? I wouldn’t say it's particularly cold here. Not how server rooms are meant to be anyways.” He paused, capping his highlighter and putting it down before looking back at me. His hands were clasped together in front of him as he leaned forward.

“I won’t lie. You’re the only person that has ever pointed that out. Besides George of course.” George? Who is George? He looked at the computers, before looking back at me with a smug smile sitting upon his face. “Decoys. To put it simply. I would say they’re for personal use but you seem too smart to fall for that.” His arms left the table before leaning back in his chair. He crossed his arms. And lord do I wish he didn't. I couldn't help but stare at his arms as they pulled against his shirt. “They are real computers, yes, just before you question me about the blinking lights..” He paused and took a deep breath in. Contemplating what his next words would be. “... Why do YOU think I may have decoys displayed in my office?” he questioned me, the smug smile returning to rest on his face. I raised my eyebrows in shock, I knew this was an interview but I wasn’t expecting a question like this.

I shifted in my seat, before clearing my throat again. I looked down at my hands and started fidgeting with my fingers.

“Um. I mean one would assume the reason why anyone would have a decoy of.. Well anything. Would be to trick someone else into thinking that it was something that had importance.. And/or meaning. “ I paused for a moment to gather my thoughts. I looked up. He no longer held a smug smile, nor did he have his arms crossed. But, his hands rested on his thighs and he held my gaze, silently urging me to continue talking. He was truly intrigued by what I had to say over such a simple question. I looked away back towards the computers. It was hard to keep eye contact when his eyes were so mesmerising. “In this case, the information stored within the computers in the server room are sensitive and are at risk of being exposed to people who don't need said information. So, decoys are displayed in your office, to trick anyone who comes through, to believe you were idiotic enough to keep your servers out in the open for anyone to access.” I was going to continue but thought against my better judgement. I looked back at the man at the desk. Instead of being serious, as he was mere moments beforehand. He looked… amused? My eyes widened as I realised what I had just said.

“Not- no uh- not that i was calling you idiotic sir! I was just uh… it was more an.. Um. example? Of what others may think? Not that i think people think you're idiotic!-” he had cut me off when he started to laugh.

Oh my god. I just called my possible future boss idiotic and he started laughing at me. I cowered in my seat, sinking lower. This was the most embarrassing thing to happen all day.

Tears were pricking the corner of his eyes as he continued to laugh. Once he opened them and saw how embarrassed I had become. He started to calm down. I straightened the way I was sitting, fidgeting with my hands once again.

He cleared his throat and sat up straighter himself. Hands crossed, he leaned against the desk once again.

“I would like to apologise for laughing at you. Truly. It had just… caught me off guard. I haven't laughed like that in weeks.” A soft smile sat upon his face staring at me with glossy eyes, still teary from his burst of laughter. “Other than your comment about idiocy. You were spot on. You’re right when you say that they’re there to trick people into thinking that they hold sensitive information. Although it seems obvious to people like you and George, many fall for it. I can't explain how many people we have caught tampering with the computers here at 2 am.” He ran a hand through his sandy hair as he huffed. Obviously annoyed with the thought of how many people had tried to take him down. He brought up George again. Who is George?

“I do have another quick question..” He looked away from the computers and back at me. Nodding his head slightly to indicate he was willing to listen to what I had to say.

“You… you keep bringing up someone named George. Who is George? if you don't mind my asking” I spoke quietly and nervously. If he did end up hiring me. I don’t know how I will be able to cope. Maybe I should have missed the interview today. I would be fine with disappointing everyone around me if it meant I wouldn’t have to deal with seeing his face every day.

He smiled upon hearing my question. Almost eager to talk about his best friend.

“George was the man that greeted you outside my door. He’s my best friend and employee.” He continued to smile as the confusion was slowly cleared off of my face. I nodded slowly before looking around the room again awkwardly. A couch sat opposite the bookshelf, a small round table sat next to the couch, a book left open, a corner of the page doggy eared, making me cringe inwardly. Turning back around to the man in front of me, did I only notice how cluttered his desk was. There was a lamp sitting on the corner of the left side of the desk. A monitor sitting opposite on the right side. Papers were scattered across his desk, a multitude of folders towering slightly on a tray sat next to his lamp. Pens and highlighters littered his desk, some without caps. The ones that were capped were very obviously on the wrong pen. The man followed my eyes, soon noticing himself how messy his own desk was.

“Oh my... i'm so sorry i didn’t realise how messy things had become” He quickly picked up all of the papers, stacking them neatly and pushing them to the side. Before scooping up all of the pens and highlighters, capping them correctly and disposing them into a cup that had sat next to his monitor. He looked at me sheepishly, sticking his arm out in front of me. I grabbed his hand and shaked, assuming that is what he was asking of me.

“Clay, my name is Clay. Apologies yet again. This Interview has been somewhat of a disaster.” I shook my head and smiled, retreating my arm and telling him my own name. Clay… that's a really nice name. Genuinely,

He smiled, an amused expression on his face yet again.

“I am aware of your name. It was on your resume and application” A goofy grin was on display. Blush seeped up the back of my neck, settling in the tips of my ears. I was thoroughly embarrassed.

“Oh right.. Sorry. I forgot you had access to that.” I rubbed the back of my neck taking a few deep steady breaths to calm myself down.

“Don’t worry about your desk, by the way. Trust me when I say I have seen worse.” He laughed slightly and shook his head, amused. He stopped abruptly, face turning into a hard expression. Suddenly becoming serious.

“Look uh. We have run out of time for the interview today.” His voice no longer sounded smooth, but was gravelly almost. “You took your time entering my office and kept me waiting.” Oh god. Here it is. He’s going to reject my application. Panic immediately settled in my stomach. It began churning, I felt like I was going to throw up at any second. Why was he suddenly stoic. Did I do something? Was I mucking around? I didn't mean to if I was. I thought I was pretty calm. He took a deep breath in. The anxiety was like a volcano. It felt like it was about to erupt. The shaking being the voices of worry filling my mind, the lava rising being the anxiety attack that was slowly settling in.

“But. Considering you did take notice of the computers, and questioned me about them instead of just ignoring them. And you did answer the one question I did ask you.”

Here it comes. Any moment now. He’ll break the news and tell me to get out.

“I will keep in touch with you” what? “I will let you know if you have gotten the job in around a week's time.” Oh. My. God. The volcano inside slowly started dying. The shaking coming to a stop, the lava settling back down into the pool of my stomach.

He pushed the chair back from his desk and stood up walking towards the door. I followed suit, not wanting to keep him waiting any longer than I already had. When I had reached him he stuck his hand out waiting for me to shake it once again. I gripped his hand firmly and shook. Feeling more confident now than I had all day.

“Thank you for taking time out of your day to interview me sir. Even if it wasn’t the interview either of us were hoping for.” He nodded, smiling slightly at my words, the smile didn't last long before it returned to the position it was previously in. He reached to open the door, stepping back in the process to make room for me to leave.

“Of course. Until next time. We’ll keep in touch.” He responded bluntly, looking at me once more before shutting the door the moment I left the office. What the fuck kind of interview was that? I looked around the room, my eyes settling on the man I now know as George. He rolled his eyes before nodding his head at me. I nodded back, swallowing the bump that had found its way into my throat. Making my way to the elevator I thought about everything that had happened today. Only one detail sticking out more than the others.

How attractive Clay was.


I'm not the best at writing and contemplated uploading this, so I hope you enjoyed whatever it was lol. - Birdy

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3 years ago

IM BACK!! Could I have a Rindou x gender neutral reader where the reader is super clingy with Rindou. Like, they don’t leave his side. They have to hold his hand or they are sitting on his lap. One day he just brings them with him to a meeting and of course, Izana is pissed but he doesn’t say anything only towards the end when the meeting is done and Izana just asks Rindou why his s/o is with him and Rindou just shrugs and says “they get lonely and I am pretty sure they are one of the best fighters you have on this team.” And gets smug about it because Izana can’t refute that at all because he knows it’s true. Thank you again for writing everything I send in.

A/n: Sorry I didn’t post this sooner! I was put all day since today’s my birthday. Hope you enjoy!

IM BACK!! Could I Have A Rindou X Gender Neutral Reader Where The Reader Is Super Clingy With Rindou.


IM BACK!! Could I Have A Rindou X Gender Neutral Reader Where The Reader Is Super Clingy With Rindou.

Rindou Haitani x Clingy Gn!Reader

Category: Fluff🥰✨

Warning: None!

“So? What’s the matter with them tagging along?”

IM BACK!! Could I Have A Rindou X Gender Neutral Reader Where The Reader Is Super Clingy With Rindou.

You and Rindou have been dating for some time now. Since the day you two’ve been dating, you were clingy to him like a lost puppy.

At first it kinda bothered him since he couldn’t really have any privacy without distracting you, but as time went on he just accepted how clingy you were.

And in all honesty, he fucking loved it a little too much. “Where are we going, Rin?” You asked using his nickname you came up with.

“We’re goin’ to a meeting with Tenjiku.” He smiled as he placed a hand on your head causing you to lean in to his touch.

“A meeting? But you never have any.” “That’s because you’re always attached to me and sometimes I just don’t wanna go.” He said and removed his hand. You had instantly held onto his hand without a second thought and leaned your head on his shoulder.

When they finally got to the location of the meeting Izana looked upset seeing Rindou’s s/o here with him, but he just continues talking about his plan with defeating Toman and all that kinda stuff.

At the end of the meeting Rindou could see Izana coming over to him with a very pissed off expression.

“Oo look candy!” Rindou said as he held a lollipop in front of your face making you let go of him and take the lollipop before putting it in your mouth, pretty much distracted by the taste.

“Why the hell is Y/n here? This isn’t a little walk in the park, Rindou.” Izana said as he glanced at you with a raised eyebrow before turning back to Rindou. Rindou shrugged.

“They get lonely if I’m not with them. And you know they’re one of our best fighters so let them at least get to know the plan, Izana.” Rindou said with a a smug smirk making Izana scoff. He knew Rindou was right so he couldn’t say anything about it.

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1 year ago

When You Have An Secret Admirer - And Everybody Thinks It's Them (1; Heartslabyul)

When You Have An Secret Admirer - And Everybody Thinks It's Them (1; Heartslabyul)

A love letter was left at your door and now you are searching for that 'secret admirer' - everyone wants to help you out...but have their own reason for it. Yet now, it seems like there are quite a few misunderstandings on campus...and everyone thinks they have finally found that secret admirer.

Spin-off of the first 'secert admirer' series + form of headcanons

note: reader is gender-neutral but mostly mentioned in 2. pov; a series of everyone being mistaken for the secret admirer. headcanon will follow each char. own thoughts on the situation.]

" think he could be the famous admirer of the Ramshakle prefect?"

Ace Trappola

The first time Ace has heard of such whispers was when he was with you out in the hallways.

Students on the other side whispering amongst themselves, a clique subtly pointing at him...and eavesdropping on their suspicions...

"...You guys think its Trappola? He's always hanging around with the prefect ever since day one..."

Man, Ace was so close to spitting out his drink.

Did he just hear this right? Wait, wait, whoa, whoa, wait! He...didn't hear that just now, did he?

"Yeah, can't be anyone else. Have you seen how he looks at them?"

Oh no, he did right.

...Ha! Haha! Seriosuly? No way, does just...everyone in campus believe such crap? Haha, it can't be...

Though he tries to brush it all off, Ace quickly ushered you away from the hallways and anywhere where there wasn't a single soul. He couldn't bare to hear more.

But, seriously? Nah. No, no, no waaaay could...could Ace pull such cringy, gushy stuff. No one could seriously think he would even write a love letter, right?

Pfff, no. Ace isn't the type to even be capable of getting some notes for alchemy class right, or, or to get some flyin' mirror from somewhere, let alone steal roses from his own dorm. Have you seen how angry Riddle gets?

Totally in denial. Well, he is not that oh-so-great secret admiiiireeer, so what is there to deny? Nothing, that's what!

There are certainly a bunch of students that doubt he would and could do that...but others only believe it more.

The trickster Trappola. Your best friend who always looks out for you, always sticks with you even if he gets himself in trouble and seems to always look at you a certain way...

After all, guys tease those they like, right?

The whsipers get louder and louder throughout the week and Ace is visibly getting uneasy. You note and tell him how more fidgety and sweaty he seems recently but he brushes it all off with a scoff and a joke as usual.

He tried to think of a way to end this gossip...or at least escape it. But Ace will not ever think of avoiding you just for some stupid rumors. He is your friend, your best friend and he isn't gonna be a chicken and disappear into thin air just some idiots cannot tell the obvious - that Ace just isn't that romantic.

Would you like him to be more romantic...?

Alas, one day in the dorm, a few students approach him and directly ask him if he is the admirer. They may not have evidence but considering how the ace of hearts hangs around you like a leech, there is no other way that he doesn't like you.

Ace cracks an nervous grin and shrugs it all off despite pearls of sweat running down his face and tainting his jacket. Pff, whuat? Crazy such a claim, crazy he says! How deeply wounded he is by this suspicion!

Ace is honest and says, hey, he ain't the admirer. He ain't the romantic type either, he's just looking out for you, you know? Like the good classmate that he is.

A few believe that he is incapable of doing such acts and that it wouldn't fit his character at all. Though, that does not deter many to think that he does hold some feelings for you with how he is acting...

It just makes him more nervous.

Deuce Spade

Deuce coughed and cleared his throat the first time he heard such rumors at his club. Jack offered him water.

H-H-H-Huh??? WH-Wh-What, him? Him, Deuce Spade being your secret admirer?! Why would anyone think that?!

Genuinely baffled and surprised at this conclusion a few of his classmates came up with. How could he, Deuce, considered something close to a secret admirer?

But once he hears a few 'theories' his face is blooming a bright and deep red.

Constantly at your side? Protecting you in the smallest of ways like a hero? Giddy like a kid in a candy store when he gets praise from you? The thought of an ex-delinquent protecting and caring for someone being the ultimate proof that he is in love?!


H-Hold up! That can't be right! Deuce cares for you and you are his bestie but...! It isn't, it can't be...!

Too dumbfounded and embarrassed to do anything in the beginning. The thoughts and rumors of him even having feelings for you and people believing him to have done the things the admirer did, are constantly swirling in his mind. Day and night.

It's all getting too much...until only a handful of people approach him and ask.

Others back up in fear. "Hey, man, watch out! If you say anything wrong about his partner, the delinquent guy will beat you black and blue!"



Well, they are right, if someone were to hurt you, he would beat them up.


With the biggest blush on his face and back straight as a candle, Deuce seems like an upright, studious boy who loudly corrects them, saying it's all not true! Y-You are just his best f-friend!

The gossip affects him so much that he comes running to you, lips in a nervous but tight line, eyes as big as a deers and face blooming like a rose.


Unwittingly he blurts out but softly tells you of the rumors right after. He just doesn't want there to be a misunderstanding.

He fiddles with his fingers, quietly continuing; "Because, uhm...if I did like you like that...I'd be more direct with you than that admirer could ever be."

Cater Diamond

Eh, what? Cater? And being a secret admirer?

Hah! That is almost cute and flattering! But, uh...well, a bit embarrassing, too...

Some argue of how he always calls you 'cute' or wants to take selfies with you...but he does so with everyone.

Yet Cater has a tendency to call you his 'favorite, cute juniour' just like Trey.

Cater is one actually able to laugh it all off genuinely - but at the same time he does not deny any of these claims. Yeah, you are super cute and have they seen these pics? They must have with how many hearts they got on Magicam~

He isn't gonna go around telling people that he fancies you but he is sure to casually tell them, no, he isn't the admirer. Very flattering (and bold) that you assume that though!

Will straight up go to you and say the obvious. He is not, in fact, your dear, darling admirer but that doesn't mean he doesn't admire you at all~

Trey Clover


Trey laughed sheepishly, hiding his blush under his hat.

This isn't...That's not right!

Everytime he'd hear a whisper, he unwittingly gets nervous. The thought of him doing the admirer's deeds...and even worse, people believing him to be them!

It's stress and drama he didn't ask for.

Although it is kinda a nice thought...while the actions of the admirer, the gifts and confessions of love are too embarassing for Trey, the thought of him making you fluster and blush is nice...

Very nice.

With a sigh, he shakes the thought of. He isn't them. No matter how much he wishes he was.

So with a sheepish grin and a bit of a stutter he clears his name. Riddle would have his head if he did any of these things!

With a ruffle of your hair he confesses. Don't worry, he isn't lovesick. He just likes you normally.

Riddle Rosehearts


Excuse him?! What did he just hear?! Doesn't matter if it was not meant for him to hear, off with your head! ITS OFF WITH YOUR HEAD!

So...absurd! There's no way such gossip is being spread in his dorm, is it?! Riddle already once had an awful reputation. There's no need for one made out of lies!

...Even if the image of him writing love letters and handing you gifts does fit him...Riddle would never steal from his own dorm!

He would never cause such a wreck as that "secret admirer" has. It's insulting to compare Riddle to them, lest even think he IS them!

Though he hears of the rumors, no one has the gall to approach him. That doesn't stop his anger as he gets more and more agitated everytime he even hears your name slip off someone's lips.

"The Housewarden totally favors them, after all..."

"He invites them to Unbirthday parties all the time."

"And acts like a gentleman then!"

Red, red, red. Riddle's face blooms in a deep crimson but it isn't blood rushing to his head in anger, it is a blush of embarassment.

Each one of them is right.

He cannot take his feelings being dangled in front of his face like that. It's all so, so true but he shall never admit it.

Riddle will have to clear his name it seems for all of this to stop.

It's difficult - not many believe him considering how agitated he becomes at the topic, at the mention of you.

Yet he managed to calm the crowd...all there was left was to tell you the truth as well.

"Im sure youve heard of it," he began dryly even as he tried to hide his blush. "But you know me and I would never callously break the rules like that just to...confess. No."

He then turned to you, his voice firmer and eyes softer. "If I wanted to court you, I'd do it in a way you deserve."

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2 years ago

Bernard the elf x reader Masterlist


(Two souls entwined in the North Pole)Bernard the elf x reader

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Wrapped in love

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Tags :
4 years ago

My Dear~

ꕥPosted: 8/12/20

ꕥGenre: Fluff

ꕥPairing: GenderNeutral Reader! x Wooyoung

ꕥWord Count: 440

ꕥWarnings: None

ꕥA/N: I know it’s short but it’s so adorable and I still love it. Hope you all enjoy it :))


I lazily ran my hands through my boyfriend’s soft, fluffy hair. He was sleeping soundly, snoring a little. We were lying on my bed facing each other, his arm wrapped around my waist. It was times like this that it really struck me how lucky I was to get to love him, and to have him love me back. I smiled as he unconsciously nuzzled my neck.

“Y/n...” Wooyoung mumbled in his sleep. I felt my heart go soft. His voice wasn’t sexual, but rather whiny, making me hold him closer.

I placed a finger on the bridge of his nose, tracing it softly. Wooyoung twitched in his sleep, making me giggle. I couldn’t help but admire the man in front of me. He was astonishing. The most handsome man I had ever seen, easily.

Listening to his even breaths, I soon began to lull myself off to sleep. Wooyoung being on my mind even as I drifted off.


Gradually, I opened my eyes. I saw Wooyoung’s dark orbs looking back at me, a cute expression on his face. The sunlight shining through the window was coloring his face, giving his sun-kissed skin a glow. He looked like an angel.

“Hello, my dear. Sleep well?” He pulled me closer against his chest.

“I did. You?”

Wooyoung smiled and kissed my cheek. “I slept fantastic.”

A moment of comfortable silence fell between us as we took the moment to admire one another.

“So what’s the plan today, y/n?”

“Well, I, for one, think it would be a wonderful idea if we spent all day in bed together.”

My boyfriend nodded in agreement as he yawned, covering his mouth with a hand.

“That is a wonderful idea. Possibly your best one yet.”

“Why thank you, good sir.”

And so that’s exactly how we spent the day. Giving each other tired kisses in between naps, watching Netflix, and cuddling.

These days were few and far between given his busy schedule, but it made me appreciate them more. I could tell he felt the same.

As the day came to an end, I pouted. I wasn’t ready for the weekend to be over so soon. I didn’t want to let him go.

He noticed my reaction and smiled, knowing what I was thinking.

“This won’t be the last time we do this, you know. I’ll even make sure to spend the night next weekend.”

“Really? You mean that?”

“Of course! I love you. I can’t have you feeling lonely now can I? Gotta take care of my baby.”

I hid my head in the crook of his neck, slightly embarrassed. “I love you, too.”

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2 years ago

Im just picky at this point lmao

I'm so done with seeing the writing style of

"You asshole, suck a dick." (Aka coloured speech/People speaking is coloured) AND Y/N IS ALWAYS PINK, and it's just the whole fic in general, bc I mostly read Genderneutral stuff even tho my bio says Genderfluid. It's like people hate not having a feminine coded reader, like we get it that's your main style of writing but like drop a hint? Just add a little side note that it's "Feminine coded", and I'm not saying pink is a feminine colour because like be fr it's a colour people :/, but it's how people write the reader ex. 'Y/n applied their glittery lip gloss and popped her pink lips' "Mmm strawberry" and than having the audacity to say that the fic is actually Genderneutral, when THEY LITERALLY USED 'HER', especially cause there are all different kinds of Genderneutral people, some masculine, some feminine all valid. But just a little side note would be nice yk. -_-

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4 years ago

sickeningly sweet

written by: 🥺

genre: little bit of angst, mostly fluff

warning(s): swearing, smoking/ vaping, mentions of alcohol

summary: skater!jisung is sickeningly sweet. he tastes it, too.

Sickeningly Sweet


Clouds of steam swirl through the night air, obscured by streams of tangerine light from a nearby lamppost. It smells of something like candy-floss or bubblegum, though you can't tell which. There's not much difference between the two--they're both sickeningly sweet, causing you to scrunch your nose up at the smell. You really should be used to it by now, but for whatever reason, that's not the case.

"Don't listen to Jongmin. Half the time he's drunk, the other half he's high. Don't take anything he says seriously."

You chuckle humourlessly. "That's no different from you. I still take what you say seriously."

"Hey, I'm trying my best," Jisung exclaims in an accusatory tone. He lifts his hand and jabs his vape in your direction, "And I know for a fact that you don't take anything I say seriously."

"Well... Yeah, you're right."

You lean back on your hands. Cold concrete numbs your skin and you wince, but don't move away. Instead, you shiver and tug Jisung's leather jacket closer to your body.

"He's a dick. A massive one. I'll give him a piece of my mind next time I see him."

"You don't have to do that."

Jisung takes a long drag of his vape, holds it in for a few seconds then blows it out in a large puff. "I will. You call my best friend a-"


"Right. Sorry," he says and clears his throat. "Say what he said, you deal with me."

You successfully suppress a laugh, but its not easy. You're grateful that Jisung is protective of you, but where he excels in toughness and trash-talk, he lacks in stature and physical capability.

"Thanks a lot, Sung."

"No problem."

You glance at Jisung. His skin glows and eyes sparkle in the warm, overhead light. A circle of light surrounds his messy, blonde hair like a halo, but you think he's the furthest from an angel that could ever be.

Jisung turns to you suddenly, those doe eyes gazing at you and you suddenly feel naked.


"You wanna see some tricks? I've been working on a few lately."

You simply nod. You watch Jisung grab his skateboard from where it lays at his feet and push himself off of the brick wall. With one swift movement he's skating down the ramp and up another. He stops at the peak, then jumps a little, twists around mid-air and skates back down.

He returns to you with a proud smile and, yeah, now you can see why he's so often mistaken for an angel--if you ignore the cuts littering his face, leather clinging to his skin and alcohol on his breath.

"Come on."

You stare at Jisung's outstretched hand and blink. "What?"

Jisung doesn't let you finish. Soon enough, you find yourself tumbling off the wall and into Jisung's arms. Your converse smack against the pavement and you almost crumple to the floor, but Jisung holds you up.

"Let me teach you."

"Jisung, I can't-"

But your words are of no use. Now clasping your hand, Jisung drags you to the flat section of the skatepark. He lets go to place his skateboard on the floor, then holds both hands out, palms facing up.

You make a face. "What do you want me to do?"

Jisung thrusts his hands in your direction. "Get on the skateboard. Hold my hands, you'll be alright."

"You won't let me fall?"

He draws a cross over his chest then extends his hands again. "Cross my heart."

You exhale a shaky breath; the puff of air forms clouds that eventually fade out, imitating Jisung's previous actions like an eager, younger sibling that can never quite live up to their older sibling's standard.

You step onto the skateboard. It rolls to the side a bit and you gasp in fear, but Jisung is quick to grab your elbows and, wow, you're a lot closer like this, so much so that you can smell the mint gum and candy-floss (or bubblegum) on his breath.

With a reassuring smile, Jisung begins to guide you, urging you to tilt your body to the side and reposition your feet. He pulls you gently to the left, directing you on when to place your foot down and the exact pressure to use when you push yourself forward.

"You're good at this," Jisung proclaims, but you can't tell if he's being truthful or not. "Ready for me to let go?"

"Oh god, please no."

Jisung chuckles and his fingers dig into your skin. "Alright then."

You expect Jisung to pull you along again, to repeat his previous instructions and praise you for doing the bare minimum once more. But when you look up, Jisung is frozen. His eyes sparkle like he's stored the galaxy in them, and you don't think you've ever seen Jisung like this, let alone so close. He's full to the brim with a strange sort of emotion that you can't entirely place but-


You notice Jisung's eyes flicker down to your lips. Only for a brief second, but you see it all the same. You recognise the emotion now—it's impossible not to. You've seen Jisung kiss people before, have sat bitterly in the corner of a house party as Jisung made out with whatever guy or girl he could find, so you know that look: it's lust. Or, perhaps, love. You can't tell, only hope.

But you recognise want. Need. And maybe you really need this too.

"Can I kiss you?"

It'd be a big fat lie to say that Jisung isn't an abrupt person, so it's really no surprise that he's the one who makes the first move. But if anything, you expected Jisung to just kiss you without asking. Instead, he requests permission gently, and the lust is still discernible, but it's softer than you have ever seen it.

You nod wordlessly. Jisung doesn't move so, now desperate for Lord knows what, you say, "Kiss me."

You hate how needy you sound, but Jisung doesn't seem to notice. The air around you is so cold, but Jisung is warm. Cold lips against warm lips, cold skin against warm skin, cold breath against warm breath.

When Jisung slips his tongue into your mouth you can tell that, yeah, it's definitely candy-floss.

And it's sickeningly sweet, but that's alright. Because when Jisung finally pulls away and confesses that he loves you, you realise that, despite his tough image, he is sickeningly sweet too.

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4 years ago

ice cream—

written by: 🥺

genre: fluff

warnings: swearing

summary: maybe being helpful does have it's benefits.

thank you again to @mrsunshine999 for requesting this, you always come up with the best prompts!!


Ice Cream

you would regard yourself as the helpful type, always willing to aid others who are in need. even if that means leaving the comfort of your bed late at night to buy ice cream for your sister.

what your helpfulness does not extend to, however, is willingly giving said ice cream (the last one in the store) to a stranger.

a handsome stranger, perhaps, but thats besides the point.

he smiles sheepishly. "uh, hi."

"hi," you deadpan, refusing to pull your hand away from the tub, despite how cold your fingers feel. already.

"nice pajamas."

you glance down at the clothes you picked out at random - cookie monster pajama pants and a bright orange hoodie. admittedly not the best combination but, hey, you're at the store, not a fashion show.

"thanks. give me the ice cream."

"sorry, but i have 7 hungry men at home and i lost a bet."

"i have a sick sister at home. she's... going to die."

he raises an eyebrow. "if you don't get her this ice cream?"

"yes." the word slips out of your mouth before you can stop it. the lie is incredibly obvious, but you still hope that he either falls for it or gives up. "it's her dying wish."

unfortunately, he is neither stupid nor cooperative. "strawberry ice cream. her dying wish... sure." his grip on the tub tightens, biceps flexing just slightly. you try not to focus on that detail. "look, i'm sorry about your sister, but there's another store, like, 10 minutes away."

you gesture to your body. "and you expect me to go out in the cold like this?"

"your fashion choice, dude, not mine."

groaning, you reluctantly pull your hand away. absolutely not because you're giving in, but because in such thin clothes, the cold of the freezer is harder to withstand.

"look, dude," you say mockingly, "can you just go to the other store instead? please just give me the ice cream, i'm sick of this."

seemingly considering your offer, he licks his lips and allows his hand to fall to his side. just as you think you've won, the corners of his lips lift into a smirk. "fine, i'll give you the icecream."

"oh, thank fu-"

he grabs your wrist as you reach back into the freezer, and you cut yourself off in shock. "on one condition."

"and that is...?"

the smirk remains, but his eyes fall to his feet. "if i give you this, will you let me buy you ice cream another day?"

your eyes widen. did he just... no. what the fuck?

cheeks burning, and the room feeling hotter than ever, you clear your throat. "are you... are you blackmailing me?"

"no!" he exclaims, releasing his grip on your wrist, which you had previously forgotten about. "i'm trying to hit on you."

"right now? like, when i'm standing in my pajamas and being stubborn about ice cream?"

he nods.

"that is an awful deal. for you."

he shrugs. "not if i get to take a cute stranger on a date."

"oh..." you consider your options. he may have been an inconvenience at first, but he is attractive, and it means double ice-cream for the price of one, so— "sure, i'll do it."

a blinding smile takes over his features. "i'm changbin."


"can i... can i have your number? you know, to contact you," changbin says.

"i thought you'd never ask."

you arrive home roughly 15 minutes later. when you hand your sister the ice cream and she doesn't even bother to thank you, you can't find it in yourself to care.

maybe being helpful does have its benefits. the benefits, in question, being ice cream. definitely not going on a date with a pretty boy, right?

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1 year ago
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╰┈➤ characters... .•`GEKKO´•.

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˚₊·—̳͟͞͞♡ SYNOPSIS... my dating headcannons about him; what would it be like to date with him ˚₊·—̳͟͞͞♡ WORDCOUNT... 1,0k ˚₊·—̳͟͞͞♡ WARNINGS... fluff, slight nsfw (tw!), mentions of smut, boyfriend!gekko, gender neutral reader ˚₊·—̳͟͞͞♡ OTHER...​ reblogs, likes and requests are appreciated!

a/n:here's some headcannons of the protocol's best boy and my main main since he came out, mateo. i will call him mateo through the whole stuff bc i feel better that way. will be nsfw hcs [TW] but mostly fluff about your relationship with him and if or if not you're his 'partner' in the valorant protocol.

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⋆˙.’ if you're friends with him with him, he wouldn't afraid to be clingy -not too clingy- but since he's a chill guy i think this would be his love language, even if you're just friends.

⋆˙.’ he's blind. like, he wouldn't realize if you're in love with him. if some of his friends say it to him, he might just laugh it off awkwardly; like there's no way you could fall for him.

⋆˙.’ mateo's a gentleman. in every. possible. way. he might be sometimes a little 'wild' but in the end he will help you out or protect you in any situation.

⋆˙.’ he has a lot of girl friends, -by the cause of him being so cheerful to girls and not treating them differently.-

⋆˙.’ if he has a crush on you he's very awkward about it. everyone would notice it. even you. and the worst part is that he doesn't even know about it that you see through him. he thinks that he acts naturally but no. he's total weird.

⋆˙.’ mateo will treat you differently. he would want to be with you more often, not like before that. he's gonna blush at everything what you do with or around him.

⋆˙.’ his habits will leap into your life, not as much like being in a relationship with him but it will be very noticeable.

⋆˙.’ since he doesn't recognise love, he doesn't have any ulterior motive with girl friendships.

⋆˙.’ he wants to keep you away from battles if possible but he knows it's impossible even if you're not an agent so he will teach you the basics and how to defend yourself.

⋆˙.’ mateo would show his worry for you if you get injured in a battle. he doesn't think that's a weakness and it's important to show your feelings. would always take care of your scars and help you out if needed.

⋆˙.’ if you're his significant other he would be more affectionate towards you. too much pda isn't his thing but he wouldn't be afraid to show off his girl in front of others.

⋆˙.’ like i said his love language is physical touch so he often makes sure to be close to you. it would calm him down. even if you're in the same room as him, it's more than enough for mateo.

⋆˙.’ scratches. on his back or behind his ear and he will melt like butter.

⋆˙.’ he's the golden retriever type of boyfriend.

⋆˙.’ so this man makes sure that one of his limbs or something has contact with your body in his sleep. often interlocks your fingers with his. it's like a habit he can't sleep without.

⋆˙.’ ofcourse the best is when your whole body is against his.

⋆˙.’ at the beginning of the relationship, when cuddling and spooning, you often felt the mini him poking you. he didn't knew about this until you flinched away every time and he got flustered. at that time he apologized every day because of that to which you just giggled and shook your head and he became even more red.

⋆˙.’ he's not the jealous type or he just doesn't show it that much while he's going insane in his head. this or that, no in-between.

⋆˙.’ if he's in the easy going mood he wouldn't be vocal about it in front of you but he's gonna act cold. a little reassuring and a few kisses here and there and he's as sweet as before.

⋆˙.’ on the contrary there are times when even his patience runs out. and when that happens. well. if we wanna describe it, then i would say he's still not in the menace area but he would rather fuck out his anger on you. he's not angry with you but the other guy who was hitting on you or smth, -or himself if he had a bad day and this would trigger this anger out-

⋆˙.’ couple arguments. yeah. you can't argue with him. he won't yell back most of the times so you get even more frustrated and he knows that. he's not going to raise his voice cuz he knows it's not the best feeling being yelled at. if he wants to annoy you it's enough for him to just be silent.

⋆˙.’ but when he's not in mood for that mateo's gonna sit you down on the couch or somewhere and talk it out in a calm manner. he thinks that's the best solution and not throwing around slurs he will regret later.

⋆˙.’ not a horny animal. -most of the times- so don't expect too much from him in bed. the pace and strenght depends on mood and ofcourse on you, he wouldn't do something unless both of you want it.

⋆˙.’ praises. damn he loves praises so much. he's a sucker for those. don't be afraid to give voice to it how much you love him. how good he is. he will love that and yeah at first he got embarrassed, but as time went on he learned to get used to it and now he even encourages you to let it out those sweet sounds.

⋆˙.’ will praise you too but a lil shy about his moans so usually he tries to be silent.

⋆˙.’ totally a whimper guy. believe me.

⋆˙.’ will be grabbing you around or mostly your waist to steady himself while moving.

⋆˙.’ wasn't into quickies but time is money and he can't say no to his body's desires so he had to get satisfied with those.

⋆˙.’ loves giving orals. receiving is okay too but he prefers the first. loves to please you and if he could he would stay between those soft thighs of yours all night and day long.

⋆˙.’ fav pose is prob missionary. loves seeing your face in pleasure and if he gets too embarrassed he can hide his face in the crook of your neck.

⋆˙.’ if you have the time for that, be sure that he's gonna tease the words out of you. he wants to hear exactly what you want him to do with you.

⋆˙.’ mateo can be very freaky sometimes and do questionable things even in public. like keeping his fingertips on your inner thighs under the table and we can't forget the classic dirty talk which also wasn't something that he would do at the start but he got the girlfriend effect.

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𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ 𓈈 ᵈᵒ ⁿᵒᵗ ᶜᵒᵖʸ, ᵐᵒᵈⁱᶠʸ ᵒʳ ᵘᵖˡᵒᵃᵈ ᵐʸ ʷᵒʳᵏ ᵃˢ ʸᵒᵘʳˢ!

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1 year ago
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⇄ ◁◁ 𝚰𝚰 ▷▷ ↻ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆

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╰┈➤ characters... .•`YORU´•.

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r3linx - 𓂃𓈒𓍼ོ𓂃𓈒

˚₊·—̳͟͞͞♡ SYNOPSIS... my dating headcannons about him; what would it be like to date with him ˚₊·—̳͟͞͞♡ WORDCOUNT... 1,2k ˚₊·—̳͟͞͞♡ WARNINGS... fluff, slight nsfw (tw!), mentions of smut, boyfriend! yoru, gender neutral reader ˚₊·—̳͟͞͞♡ OTHER... ​reblogs, likes and requests are appreciated!

a/n: more headcannons! yoru might be mean sometimes, but he has a softer side, or at least i think so and i will tell you why in the next hcs. also yoru will be ryo. will be nsfw hcs [TW] but mostly fluff about your relationship with him and if or if not you're his significant other.

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⋆˙.’ if you’re friends with him, yes, he wouldn’t treat you any different from his other friends. in fact, the he’s the exact opposite from a ‘good’ friend. you even considered to cut ties with him.

⋆˙.’ he’s mean. he’s a jerk. ryo would always try to start fights with you and will tease you about almost everything. won’t stop unless he sees that you’re deeply hurt by his mocking and when that happens he just mumbles a quick ‘sorry’ and will ignore you for a few hours or days.

⋆˙.’ but not bc he’s THAT much of a jerk. he just never dealt and will deal with that much human emotion. he think’s it’s better to leave things calm down, rather than bringing it up by talking it out.

⋆˙.’ he’s like some online boyfriend. if he’s not in the mood for talking, he won’t. he simply walks past you, a quick glance and that’s it. but if you’re looking for his company, most of the times he won’t ignore you.

⋆˙.’ won’t initiate conversations at first, unless he needs something.

⋆˙.’ you have a crush on him? well, sorry but he couldn’t care less. ryo will notice in an istant the changes in girls’ behavior and your secret won’t be unknown anymore.

⋆˙.’ he will reject you coldly or it would take a damned long time for him to love you back.

⋆˙.’ when he has a crush on you, he. be. tsundere. like don’t expect him to tell you about his feelings. even more mean than before and you think that he actually hates you or something. but he’s not dumb. he will try tricks to be close to you and try very hard to impress you. sometimes too hard and accidentally harms himself. but keep in mind. never you. he would never hurt you on purpose. -only by mistake-

⋆˙.’ won’t confess. no amount of teasing from his friends will make him act. unless he’s drunk. if he drinks enough he will simply blurt it out. something like: “i like you. i won’t say it again so you better remember it tomorrow.” but we all know that he will say it again to you in the morning.

⋆˙.’ if you’re his significant other ryo will let you know how much he loves you. pda isn’t something he’s afraid from and sometimes he can go too far, when that happens you have to tell him to behave himself. ofcourse you don’t mind little kisses and stuff but grabbing ass publicly is a little too much.

⋆˙.’ but on the other hand he doesn’t like to post on social media about your relationship. don’t expect activity from him; and even when you decide to share something, he hesitantly will say yes but only because you want it.

⋆˙.’ he doesn’t pamper. -or at least he says that- but will always give in to you. you just learned how to get what you want.

⋆˙.’ surprisingly good at cooking but won’t do it unless necessary. he thinks it’s women’s job. -tho at times you can get him to cook together-

⋆˙.’ since he’s a short king, he won’t be happy if you wear high heels even though he thinks it’s sexy. you’re not much shorter than him but his body posture is straight as hell bc he wants to appear taller.

⋆˙.’ his jealousy level is crazy most of the times. would not hesitate to warn the person who’s hitting on you. in the beginning he was more violent and would take action but you ‘practiced’ being at piece with him and explained how it would be better for both of you if he wouldn’t just straight up beat the shit out of the other person who got close to you.

⋆˙.’ so when his possessiveness hits, you shot a quick glance at ryo and he calms down like a dog and backs away. ofc he’s going to be a little upset but won’t show it. he would rather die than seem weak in front of you. (another red flag ahem)

⋆˙.’ but you see through him like you see through a sieve. in those times it’s best to comfort him. he doesn’t know that you realized so he just simply enjoys your kindness. he was all grumpy at first -or tried to seem grumpy-, now he just goes up to you with lowered head, flushed cheeks and slightly opened arms.

⋆˙.’ i love this man’s aggression. he only has a soft spot for you and you know it.

⋆˙.’ make out session are rough. almost as if he wants to make a competition from it. don’t get me wrong. it can be passionate but there’s always a way he makes it more harsh. expect a lot of touching while kissing.

⋆˙.’ expect a lot of you touching overall.

⋆˙.’ this man will not let you hear his moans. he’ll do anything and everything he could to seem more masculine in front of you. no amount of encouragement could change his mind.

⋆˙.’ so even when he lets slip out noises, it’s mostly groans. (for comparison when he teleports in game. ik it’s weird but i can only imagine him doing that sound)

⋆˙.’ he likes to put his whole weight on you, sticking together from sweat; doesn’t mean to hurt you or make you uncomfortable and that’s why he always asks for permission. it’s a habit of him that he couldn’t control from the start. it’s just goes without thinking. ryo wants to feel you as close as possible.

⋆˙.’ yes. ryo is a walking red flag most of the times, but he’s not crazy. and by that i mean that he probably doesn’t has any weird kinks. satisfied with vanilla, unless you want to try out something new. he’s always down for that.

⋆˙.’ only breeding kink but i guess it’s still okay—

⋆˙.’ and probably a masochist too some days.

⋆˙.’ he’s obsessed with your boobs. he loves all of you, but your chest takes a special place in his heart; -and mind- so when you just want to tease him, it is enough to walk in front of him a few times without a bra and you get what you want.

⋆˙.’ arguing with him can be kind of painful. he will just wait for you to shut up. won’t yell back unless you finished your rant. when that happens, he will simply just say back the most hurtful things he can think of, with the calmest tone that could be heard from him.

⋆˙.’ ryo’s goal is to crush all your dignity into pieces and he can reach it quite easily. you feel stupid to the core.

⋆˙.’ he WON’T sit you down with you to talk it out. after arguments you will be all pouty at him. ryo will either be the same, or wouldn’t care at all and act like nothing happened. if the second, it will fume your hatred even more.

⋆˙.’ sometimes to the point you’re not even mad, just straight up sad.

⋆˙.’ he notices it and that’s when he brings it up again. but this time he tries to not to put his own feelings first.

⋆˙.’ he tries. really tries but fails so in the end you’re feeling even worse.

⋆˙.’ at one point tears started welling from your eyes. that was when he finally just embraced you with a tight hug, placing his chin on top of your head, not daring to look into your eyes; just his arms folded around you and a simple apology.

r3linx - 𓂃𓈒𓍼ོ𓂃𓈒
r3linx - 𓂃𓈒𓍼ོ𓂃𓈒
r3linx - 𓂃𓈒𓍼ོ𓂃𓈒

𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ 𓈈 ᵈᵒ ⁿᵒᵗ ᶜᵒᵖʸ, ᵐᵒᵈⁱᶠʸ ᵒʳ ᵘᵖˡᵒᵃᵈ ᵐʸ ʷᵒʳᵏ ᵃˢ ʸᵒᵘʳˢ!

r3linx - 𓂃𓈒𓍼ོ𓂃𓈒
r3linx - 𓂃𓈒𓍼ོ𓂃𓈒

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