Send In Requests - Tumblr Posts

So I’m trying out a new art style, and I’d like to practice it... so if you want, send in some requests of what I should draw (The new style is the 2nd image) What I won’t draw: furries, nsfw, overly complicated mechanics, some animals (cuz I can’t in general) K das all. Please I’m so bored And I need practice (because I may start doing commissions once I get better)
Hi everyone! Been a lil since a I really posted any Drifteris art 🥲 I would love to draw some more of them though, so absolutely feel free to send in some art requests guys!
Hey guys, first of all thank you all so much for the reblogs and likes each one makes my day better. While I’m still new to writing I’m already super enjoying it, and even though I’m only doing head cannons or built point style fics please feel free to send in any requests or ideas. I’m primarily focusing on obey me at the moment so I’m sorry for right now that’s what my inbox is open to others will of course be put to the side for later but right now obey me is on the menu Much love 💕 and appreciation!
Peter Parker - Homework

Requested by peterparkersnerdgirl : “Hey Can u do an imagine where Peter Parker was helping u with your homework and u get distracted by him and u started kissing him”
Your brain was a marvellous tool which allowed you to get into Midtown School of Science and Technology, a school full of kids who were geniuses in one way or another. Your natural talent for languages and maths was incredible, putting you in the high end of every class, except for one.
“Peter I don’t get why this is necessary, woodwork is such a useless and irrelevant class,” you whined to your boyfriend of a year, who just rolled his eyes and shook his head from his position on your bed. The two of you had a tradition of spending the weekend at each other’s house, which your parents and his aunt had eventually agreed to, provided the two of you did all your schoolwork. Unfortunately for you, this included your woodwork project.
“C’mon (Y/N), it’s not that bad.”
“Not for you it’s not, you’re actually good at it.” You got up from the foot of your bed and dramatically flopped down next to Peter, causing some of his pens to fall onto the floor.
“You’re good at it too babe, it’s a lot easier if you spend more than three minutes working on it though.” He retaliated, not taking his eyes off his page which was filled with physics equations and roughly sketched diagrams.
“But I’m not, Pete!”, you continued, “I know how it should work, but then I try it and it doesn’t work!” Even Peter couldn’t deny it, he’d seen first-hand how your attempts to construct even the simplest of things somehow managed to go wrong.
Peter glanced over to your workstation in class, only to do a double-take upon seeing the state of your project. You were supposed to be making a cupboard as your final project of the year, but you had somehow managed to put on the doors backwards with the handles facing in, making you unable to open it to fix it. You were sat there with a look which Peter had to make a real effort not to laugh at. Not out of malice, of course, but because the face which you pulled reminded him so much of a picture Ned had shown him in a study period earlier that day.
“Haven’t we done enough work anyway? We’ve been doing this for as long as I can remember!”
Peter laughed. “We’ve been doing homework for less than an hour, (Y/N).”
“What?!” You shot up from your lying down position, looking at him in despair before dropping back down. “Ughhhhhhh, I give up. Is it too late for me to drop out of high school?” Peter just chuckled and turned back to his homework, focusing back in on the question he was working on before your interruption.
You meant to try your work again, you really did, but instead you found yourself watching his face with a level of intensity that probably would’ve been creepy if the two of you hadn’t been together for as long as you had. His brow creased slightly and he pressed his lips together whilst twirling the pencil he held in his hand. His hair fell slightly in front of his eyes and god knows how many freckles he had dotted on his face.
“I really need to stop”, you thought, “this really is getting creepy.” But you couldn’t seem to pull your gaze away from his adorable face.
“How on Earth did I get so lucky with this guy?”
Somehow, maybe due to his spidey sense, Peter looked up from his work and back to you, feeling you watching him with such intensity and adoration. He smiled back down at you, raising his eyebrows slightly.
“Can I help you?” He joked, slowly coming to terms with the fact that the two of you probably wouldn’t be getting much more work done. He expected some kind of witty answer that you usually came out with, but was instead met with a pair of hands on his cheeks, pulling him down to your level, followed by a pair of lips being pressed to his. After a moment, he was released and pushed himself up slightly so he was hovering just above you.
“What was that for? Not that I’m complaining, obviously you can do that whenever you want, I really don’t mind, but-“ Peter’s high-speed rambling was cut off by a soft laugh which made him stop in his tracks and gaze down at who he thought was the most beautiful person who ever existed.
“God, I love you Pete.” His smile grew even wider, which you hadn’t even thought was possible at this point, and he leaned down again to press another gentle kiss to your lips.
“I love you too, (Y/N). Very much.”
Peter adjusted himself so he was lying next to you, taking your hand in his and gently playing with your fingers. After a moment of silence, you turned to him.
“Hey Pete?”
“How much self-restraint did it take for you to not quote Star Wars at me just then?”
“Oh god, so much, you wouldn’t believe how hard that was for me!”
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Sorry it took so long for me to write this but I hope you liked it! Also this is the picture I was talking about which is a constant mood tbh

Requests are still open!