Send Me Prompts - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago


scrolling and help a girl out by sending me prompts! It just takes a few seconds!

I want to try to get back into writing (during this whole mess) and it’s hard getting back into the groove. Send a few words or... anything really; anything I could try to write poetry about, anything you’d want to see in poem form via my brain, anything.


Send Prompt

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4 years ago

my mega whump prompt list 2!

same thing as before, both lists will be linked on my pinned post, feel free to send me as many prompts as you’d like from both lists! This time it’s dialogue prompts!!


“please don’t cry”

“Yell, scream, cry. say something… anything”

“i can’t breathe”

“just talk to me”

“Can you move?”

“Don’t you dare leave”

“I should’ve known”

“Grab him!”

“All you do is whine”

“They’re coming”

“Please wake up”

“You’re mine now”

“you’ll never leave”

“Don’t hurt him!”

“You’re hurting me!”

Please… stop!”


“Put the bat down”

“Don’t talk back!”

“you can’t hide forever”


“One more inch and he gets it”

“Knife or taser”

“I don’t think anyone could survive that”

“Get off me!”

“Hold them down!”

“What are you doing to me?”

“I got you”

“N-no stop! I’ll do it!”

“I’m scared”

“You’re all i have left”

“Who are you?” 

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4 years ago

Angst/Fluff Prompt List Part 2

The first one was a big hit, so I hope you’re ready for a second one! These can work with ANY fandom! Reblog if you wish! (Please give credit, to where credit is due <3)!

“I need you.”

“You’re family.”

“I care about you.”

“Can I join you.”

“You made your choice.”

“This isn’t fair!”

“How could you do this?”

“Do you hate me?”

“I could never leave you behind.”

“Come with me.”

“That’s sweet.”

“You look great.”

“Where are you going?”

“That’s new.”

“Let me help you.”

“Drop the attitude.”

“Are you okay?”

“I’ve got you.”

“I’m worried about you.”

“You don’t seem like yourself tonight.”

“Do you like it?”

“You smell nice.”

“They didn’t deserve you.”

“I trust you, do you trust me?”

“Karma is a bitch.”

“What the hell?”

“Son of a bitch.”

“I hope your day gets better.”

“I’m here if you need to talk.”

“Are you listening to me?”


“Why are you doing this?”

“Why are you acting like this?”

“How do I look?”

“Damned if I do, damned if I don’t.”

“What is this about?”

“You look like hell.”

“I haven’t seen you in a few days.”

“It’s good to see you.”

“You know, you can stay if you want to.”

“I’m not pissed, I’m hurt.”

“Truth hurts, doesn’t it?”

“I almost feel bad for you.”

“What you did was stupid.”

“No.  You listen to me.”

“It doesn’t matter.”

“I know you’re scared.”

“You’re a terrible liar.”

“You’re not helping.”

“It’s not safe here.”

“You should leave.”

“Everything is fine.”

“I’ll keep you safe.”

“I hope you know what you’re doing.”

“Just go away.”

“You don’t have to act like you’re okay.”

“I’m only here to help.”

“Don’t mind if I do.”

“Don’t you think you’ve done enough?”

“Thanks for nothing.”

“I’m done.”

“You think that this is easy for me?”

“I hate seeing you like this.”

“You make me so mad.”

“I brought you dinner.”

“Say what?”

“You’ll be fine.”

“You’ve got me on your side.”

“I don’t like you…. I love you.”

“I don’t want you… I need you.”

“What are you doing here?”

“It’s okay to cry.”

“I can tell you’re lying.”

“You’re in danger.”

“You deserve better.”

“You’ve changed.”

“I think I’m in trouble.”

“You always find a way to surprise me.”

“You did what you had to do.”

“You have no idea.”

“Why am I not surprised?”

“This is just great.”

“You’re here late.”

“What’s on your mind?”

“I wanted to apologize.”

“It’s just you and me.”

“I’m just looking out for you.”

“I never meant to fall in love with you, I just did.”

“Calm down.”

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

“Oh come on.”

“No one is perfect.”

“You’ve been quiet.”

“What did you just say?”

“I’ll always be there for you.”

“Fair enough.”

“When you fall, I’ll always be right there to catch you.”

“I won’t let anything bad happen to you.”

“You’re not crazy.”

“I’m not leaving.”

“I hope you’re happy.”

“You’re the only person I wanted to be with tonight.”

“Don’t worry about it.”

“I’ll be there in a few minutes.”

“You’re not going anywhere.”

“You believe me, don’t you?”

“Regardless of what they think, I know you’re an amazing person.”

“Shhh…  You need to be quiet.”

“Fuck you!”

“You don’t even know me.”

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4 years ago

Get to know my character

Reblog this so your followers can spam your ask box. Have fun! ♥

01. What does your character’s name mean? Did you pick it for the symbolism, or did you just like the way it sounded? 02. What is one of your character’s biggest insecurities? Are they able to hide it easily or can others easily exploit this weakness? 03. What would be their favorite physical trait about themselves? 04. What are their favorite traits about their lover? (one psychological and one physical) 05. Are they sexually confident or more of the shy type? 06. Do they have any hobbies that their lover finds unusual, odd, or otherwise annoying? 07. Is there a catchphrase or sound that they tend to make a lot (likely without being aware of it)? 08. What is, perhaps, their biggest flaw? Are they aware of this or oblivious to it? 09. Do they have a favorite season? What about a favorite holiday? 10. Is your character more feminine or masculine? 11. What is something that would make your character fly into a rage? 12. Is there some particular talent, skill, or attribute that they simply could not give up? 13. What are your character’s sleeping habits? Heavy or light sleeper? Blanket stealer? One that always rolls onto the floor? Pushes their lover onto the floor? Sleep talker or walker? 14. Do they live alone or with family? How do they feel about their family/roommates? 15. Is there a certain person in this world that they cannot stand? The very mention of this person’s name makes them tremble with anger or fear. 16. Is your character the athletic type or more of a couch potato? What are some sports/games that they like? 17. Does your character have dreams of getting married and/or having children? 18. What kind of home would they want to live in? Where would they place this abode? 19. Would your character be the kind to get into fights? (physical or verbal) Would they be a good fighter or cave in rather easily? 20. Does your character like animals? What are some of their favorite animals? Would they want pets? What about mythological creatures? 21. What is one of your character’s biggest fears? How would they react when dealing with this fear? 22. What kind of tattoos, piercings, birthmarks, freckles, and other such unique physical features do they have? 23. What is your character like when it comes to school? What subjects are they good/bad at? Do they get in trouble a lot or are well behaved? 24. In their own words, how would your character describe what their lover is like? 25. Is there something traumatic from your character’s past that greatly affects them even to this day? 26. What is their lover like sexually? How do they feel about their lover’s quirks, needs, etc? 27. If your character was going to get arrested, what would be the most likely reason for it? 28. If your character became a celebrity, what would they be famous for? 29. What is one of the most courageous things your character has ever done for a loved one? 30. When it comes to the arts (music, film, theater, etc), what does your character like? 31. Would your character be the kind capable of killing? Would they enjoy killing or only use it when necessary or, perhaps, refuse to kill no matter what? 32. If your character’s lover offered to take them out on a dream date, what would they want to do? 33. If your character wanted to be alone, where would they go? 34. Does your character have favorite foods? (breakfast, lunch, dinner, dessert, snacks, etc) 35. Is your character afraid of death? If they got to choose how to die, how would they want to go? 36. Does your character have any medical conditions? Are they serious or minor? Do they affect their day to day life? 37. What are some of your character’s pet peeves? What are some things that annoy them or disgust them? 38. What kind of weather does your character like? Cloudy skies, rainy days, sunshine, etc? 39. When people look at your character, is there some assumption they might make about them just by appearance? Is that assumption correct? 40. Does your OC have any guilty pleasures they enjoy? Hobbies, past times, music, etc that they wouldn’t want known by others? 41. Does your character’s family affect your character in any way? 42. Is there anything in your character’s past that they regret, haunts them, or they wish they could change? 43. Does your character have a switch that changes aspects of their personality whether they are around friends, family, etc. Is there someone who gets to see their true self? 44. Is there a particular event that would emotionally devastate your character? 45. Is your character the kind to hide their true emotions or do they wear their heart on their sleeve?

46. What is some random affectionate thing that your character always does to their lover? 47. Is your character outgoing? Would they be the leader of the friend group, or the quiet one that gets dragged along? 48. Is there anything in particular that would ignite your character’s jealousy? Or does your character not get envious? 49. What is something that your character has nightmares about? Are these frequent? Do they heavily affect your character’s mood? 50. If your character confessed love to their crush, boyfriend, girlfriend, etc, what would they say?

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An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works


Please send me requests! I need them to live ;)

Love you all

Please check out my story!

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8 months ago

July Prompts 🌴

Word prompts to use for doodling or writing

summer kiss





message in a bottle

lemonade stand

summer dress


road trip

football game




ice tea

sun screen

treasure hunt

pool party




pink skies



flower field



dancing in the rain

sun burn



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8 months ago

More prompts, more chaos! Send me something about Gale and my Tavs. Should be fun.

Prompt List

I compiled some prompt lists I found to form a list of 76 kiss prompts. Send in a number and a character and one of us shall write a one shot based on it. 

“Good morning” kiss

Kiss on the forehead 

Drunk/sloppy kiss

Awkward kiss 

Angry kiss 

“I’m sorry” kiss 

“I’ve missed you” kiss 

Seductive kiss

“War’s End” kiss 

“Goodbye” kiss

“I almost lost you” kiss

Kiss on the nose 

Kiss on the ear

Kiss on the neck

Kiss on the back 

New Year’s kiss

Needing to kiss to hide from bad guys

“I do” kiss 

Shy kiss 

Surprised kiss 

Kiss on a dare 

Sad kiss 

Exhausted parents kiss 

Kiss of life 

Kiss inspired by a song

Jealous kiss

Giggly kiss

First kiss 

Last kiss 

Kiss under a full moon

Kiss at dusk 

Kiss at dawn

Kiss in a dream 

Returned from the dead kiss 

Themed kisses

“We can never be together” kiss 

It’s-the-end-of-the-world kiss

Awkward teenage crush kiss

Spin the bottle kiss

Hiding/hoping not to be caught kiss

Forbidden kiss

Sated kiss

Soft kiss

Tender kiss

Passionate kiss

Long kiss

Quick kiss

Morning kiss

Before Bed kiss

In Secret kiss

Public kiss

Accidentally Witnessed kiss

Against a wall kiss

Against a Locker kiss

True Love kiss

Caught off-guard kiss

Breaking The Kiss To Say Something, Staying So Close That You’re Murmuring Into Each Other’s Mouths

Moving Around While Kissing, Stumbling Over Things, Pushing Each Other Back Against The Wall/Onto The Bed

Kissing So Desperately That Their Whole Body Curves Into The Other Person’s 

Throwing Their Arms Around The Other Person, Holding Them Close While They Kiss

Hands On The Other Person’s Back, Fingertips Pressing Under Their Top, Drawing Gentle Circles Against That Small Strip Of Bare Skin That Make Them Break The Kiss With A Gasp

Lazy Morning Kisses Before They’ve Even Opened Their Eyes, Still Mumbling Half-Incoherently, Not Wanting To Wake Up

Routine Kisses Where The Other Person Presents Their Cheek/Forehead For The Hello/Goodbye Kiss Without Even Looking Up From What They’re Doing

Being Unable To Open Their Eyes For A Few Moments Afterward 

One Small Kiss, Pulling Away For An Instant, Then Devouring Each Other 

Staring At The Other’s Lips, Trying Not To Kiss Them, Before Giving In

When One Stops The Kiss To Whisper “I’m Sorry, Are You Sure You-” And They Answer By Kissing Them More

A Hoarse Whisper “Kiss Me”

Following The Kiss With A Series Of Kisses Down The Neck

Starting With A Kiss Meant To Be Gentle, Ending Up In Passion

A Gentle “I Love You” Whispered After A Soft Kiss, Followed Immediately By A Stronger Kiss

When One Person’s Face Is Scrunched Up, And The Other One Kisses Their Lips/Nose/Forehead 

Height Difference Kisses Where One Person Has To Bend Do Wn And The Other Is On Their Tippy Toes 

Kisses Where One Person Is Sitting In The Other’s Lap 

Kisses Meant To Distract The Other Person From Whatever They Were Intently Doing 

Top Of Head Kisses

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