Shame On You - Tumblr Posts
I’m sorry but the way his features are so soft in these pictures.

Bizzaro Kal was really radiating second hand embarrassment in this episode, wasn't he. Like I feel for the dude but come on man, just stop. stop talking. I can't take it anymore.
Hello 👋 my ❤ friends !
I am asking you to support my newly created campaign to help my family survive the gruesome war over Gaza to safety and ✌️ peace.
Life has become incredibly harsh, tough and full of hardship and painful suffering. We lack all he basic living essentials and necessities such as food, water , medicine and other needs.
The war has made our life hopeless and desperate. My six-member family has been going through the hardest days they have ever experience for almost eleven months due to the disastrous war.
The war has taken every beautiful thing from us, leaving us homeless, displaced and jobless.
The rising prices of all necessary items of life has complicated our living conditions especially when all our savings were spent over the least necessities and needs.
So I am now asking you to lessen and minimize our burdens and loads of life through your contribution. You can help my family survive through donating whatever you can or reposting my messages.
It says you’re from Michigan.

For those that wanted to donate to an actual fundraiser.

Only donate if you can and if you want to. If not please share the link to help those who are affected by the war.
Those videos that are like “sorry millennials but gen alpha thinks side parts/skinny jeans/high ponytails/whatever are cringey” are so painfully embarrassing can you IMAGINE being in your ENTIRE THIRTIES and caring what a twelve year old thinks about you??
hey tumblr i know you realized i like danny phantom but that doesnt mean i want to see content shipping him with fucking vlad what the fuck is your fucking problem i do not ship children
Food out of their kids' mouths, obviously. This isn't some GIMMICK, it's a CAREER. And here you go takin' money outta @same-pic-of-the-sun-everyday's pockets.
Sun. Sunny sun sun, I hate to break it to you, but you are a gimmick blog
nope. not a gimmick
i'm ready to bonk everyone who fights to try and touch an idol. Like, a normal person touching someone randomly would be arrested but it's magically okay to do it to idols because they're famous??? People seriously FIGHT each other to touch an idol. Like cmon. Gain some sense and have more respect for YOURSELF and the idol.
Just because they're famous and good looking doesn't mean you can assault them with the excuse that you're a fan and wanted to say hi or something.
i keep seeing videos from kcon of people touching skz when they went into the audience and can i just say it’s making me feel really uneasy. like what makes you think that’s okay? why would u touch someone you don’t know? it doesn’t matter if they’re an idol, celebrity, or just a random person on the street, you don’t go up and touch someone without their consent…
purdge the bad
soo... I just blocked a bunch of people on of which as had a bunch of pro? I think pro naize stuff on there blog and the rest were porn bots who I just never botherd to deal with at the time so yup... if you want to know the one persons user name I tell you but unless someone asks im not gonna bacause well... I don't need this to be a shaming thing right off the bat and I'm honestly applaud so yup have a nice day night or evening and I suggest going though your fallowers and maybe just hovering over their name just to see what they're up to because idk people like that need to be shunned
excuse my spelling :)
click on one. then see read more for what it means
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what do you mean i have to "act normal"??? ive never done that. i dont even know what normal MEANS. im just being a little silly. let me cause chaos in peace. let me make everyone around me confused by saying random things. its fun
I don't relate to you I don't relate to you, no 'Cause I'd never treat me this shitty You made me hate this city And I don't talk shit about you on the internet Never told anyone anything bad 'Cause that shit's embarrassing, you were my everything And all that you did was make me fuckin' sad So don't waste the time I don't have And don't try to make me feel bad I could talk about every time that you showed up on time But I'd have an empty line 'cause you never did Never paid any mind to my mother or friends So I shut 'em all out for you 'cause I was a kid You ruined everything good Always said you were misunderstood Made all my moments your own Just fuckin' leave me alone