Sheridanvca - Tumblr Posts

Myosotis Sylvatica ✨ I think the dark mode forget me nots are my favorite version 😊 how about you? . The Myosotis prints can be found on my Etsy (LunalinStudio) in the “botanical illustrations” category 🌿 .

Speckled Wood Butterfly 🦋 what a lovely October friend! Have you seen any of these butterflies where you live? Ive been seeing lots of little yellow and white butterflies, even a few monarchs but as the weather gets cooler they’ve been coming around less. I’ve added shimmer to his wings so he catches the sun 🌞 .

Moths in the dark ✨ .

The design for the larger linocut I’ll be working on✨ my hands are going to be so tired 😬 I'm also going to try mixing inks to make the blue areas a pretty green! We will see how it goes 😌

🦴Sacrum + pelvis bone study🦴 I don’t mean to scare you, but do you know there’s a skeleton inside your body right now? A spooky scary skeleton 😬 just hanging out in there!

Do Twinkies really last forever? Well I don’t know about forever, but there is (or was?) a 43-year- old Twinkie found at George Stevens Academy high school in Blue Hill, Maine. I don’t think you’d want to eat it though 😬

Friend has come to request head pats. Do you comply? >Yes >Yes Her name is Swizzle! Be sure to call her with that name so she can ignore it🐈

A lovely place to sit and exist <br/>
I like how depending on the lighting the time of day seems to change 😊 the first photo was taken near a window ☀️, the last photo was taken also indoors but with kitchen lighting💡

A little mushroom friend to brighten your Sunday 🍄✨ .

Waking up to a new day and it’s still dark outside - time to go back to sleep .

Early morning is the best because everything is quiet and still .

Little critter in the hot springs ❇️ .

☀️ morning tasks ☀️ And here they all are together ✨ .

Behold! The final print ✨
Drypoint etching on copper plate

Goliath beetle ✨ Hot pressed 100% cotton, 9"x12", Watercolor original ✨ If you want to invite this friend into your home, they will be listed in my Etsy soon :) (I'm planning for December 14th)

Jacob and his favorite fruit✨ some Memento Mori vibes today .

Coco bear ✨ she's such a lovely little model ~ I'll need to paint Lexi next 💕 .

We have some lovely grey and late oyster mushrooms🍄 ✨ I like this vertical layout, it reminds me of a bookmark :) maybe I should make some for my reference books ^^ .

Classes starting today and the first project is making stencils for screen printing ✨ Im very excited about this project ☺️ . .

❤️are they in love? or are they just really good friends🤡 More digital collage shenanigans .