Shigure Sohma - Tumblr Posts

I made rice balls for the first time and all i could think about was the little rice ball story that torhu told about so ;-;💔

Kyo Sohma's beach snack
It's a Saturday, that Kyo waits so long for this time, to be member of zodiac instead of Yuki.
He used every plan to replace Yuki but in the end he and Yuki clashed into Tohru, and transform them into their animal form like Kyo's cat and Yuki's rat/mouse.
He decides to plan to do anything for it, but when Tohru told him , Yuki and Ayame that they will going for the beach, he agreed with her.
The next day come, they're arrive at the beach, with Kyo's car because Tohru teaches Kyo about driving a car.
While Tohru goes to the Resort Beach for a room, that they live for this week.
Meanwhile Kyo begin think about his plan to do with Yuki and Ayame to get rid of them.
Then Kyo finally realised that he had to eat them, first he thought it's a strange feeling to eat them.
But Kyo think deeply about it, it makes him hungry, that make no sense to him. Why he do that for? Until he heard his stomach growl.
That's mean, his stomach agreed with him, in his mind now, Kyo dreams about having Yuki screaming in his gut along with Ayame too.
Until someting hits the ground, he looks down at it, it's his own saliva.
Kyo knew that he's very hungry, and ready to hunt his prey.
Kyo wears his swim jacket and swim trunk underwear, while Yuki and Ayame wear swim underwear.
Kyo started his plan immediately, and he told Tohru his girlfriend that he's back for hours later. She agreed to her boyfriend Kyo, to wait him here.
Tohru wear her white Bikini, and goes for swimming in the sea, meanwhile Kyo ,Yuki and Ayame go to somewhere else of near Resort Beach.
When they're first arrive at empty place, Kyo told Yuki and Ayame to take off their underwear because he wants to eat them.
Ayame shocked that Kyo told them, but Yuki looks suspicious in Kyo's, and he asked him" What do you want to do with us,Kyo?" Yuki asked. Kyo replied in a handsome " I want to gt rid of you both for being a part of zodiac."
When they heard what Kyo tell them, Ayame confused even more, but it's too late for him because Kyo jumps in the air and open his mouth wide, and gulp Ayame down his throat immediately.
After Kyo finished ate Ayame, Yuki saw that his belly is bloated, and let a gurgle sound from Kyo's belly. Inside Kyo's belly, Ayame was around by the flesh of stomach walls , and he heard Kyo's heartbeat too, and then he struggled to escape from Kyo.
Meanwhile Kyo enjoyed his first meal, Yuki ready to escaped, but he's out of lick this time because Kyo won't let this chance down again.
Kyo walks closer to Yuki, Yuki saw and heard someone scream from Kyo's under skin.
Kyo sat down beside Yuki, and he grabbed his shoulder, and open his mouth wide, that's he can eat Yuki.
For Yuki, he tried his best to use his strength to escaped from Kyo's, but he hadn't such a strength like Kyo.
Yuki decided to accept his fate being inside Kyo forever for the rest of his life.
Kyo begins to put Yuki's head inside his mouth, and gulp his head down his throat, and continues to gulp more of him.
Soon Kyo pick Yuki up in the air, for swallowed easily, inside Kyo's throat, Yuki sense his feeling about being eaten by Kyo, that's make him think twice about it.
While Kyo swallowed Yuki, the other side in his belly Ayame feel not lonely anymore because he had friend to enter Kyo's belly with him.
Now Kyo swallowed Yuki's chest, and he licked Yuki's nipple, and it made Yuki's face turn into red , because he blushed and sensitive about someone touched his chest.
And he continued to swallowed Yuki's arm down to his waist.
And Now Kyo swallowed Yuki's waist, soon Kyo's now stopped swallow Yuki at his thighs.
Kyo thought that Yuki had a sexy thighs, and it tasted delicious, and now he swallowed Yuki's kegs.
Yuki's legs is so strong, that his legs now kick in the air like struggled to escape from this grasp.
Now Kyo gulp Yuki's sexy legs, and he's next to his feet, when he's at Yuki's feet, he licked his feet first for playing with his last meal.
After he played Yuki's feet, now he gulped his feet down his throat, and he felt that Yuki's feet slides down his throat and enter his stomach.
" I'm so full. Urp....." Kyo said after he finished ate Yuki's feet, and he look down his bloated gut, and he rubbed his belly about having Yuki and Ayame inside his belly.
Inside his belly, Yuki and Ayame had no place to breathe because it crowded inside here.
Meanwhile Kyo get up from the ground, pick up Ayame and Yuki's swim underwear inside his swim jacket before he turn back to Tohru that she's wait for them.
While Kyo walked back to Tohru, his stomach let a gurgle noise, and ot make Kyo blushed a minute about approaching Tohru with this gut of his belly.
With that, Kyo covered his belly with his swim jacket, and approach his girlfriend Tohru, at first she looked surprise to see her boyfriend Kyo with big bloated bulge stomach.
When they're closer at each other, Kyo belched in front of Tohru, and she asked Kyo"Where are Yuki and Ayame?"she asked.
Kyo replied with" They're her inside my belly." And he revealed his bulge belly to her, Tohru saw that his belly had someone struggle and squirm in there.
But Kyo's afraid that Tohru might get angry by this point of eating his friend.
But he realized that she loved when he had a big bulge bloated belly for her to rubbed his stomach.
Kyo's shocked when he saw her reaction to his belly, and then she take off his swim jacket, and take it back to the room meanwhile Kyo wait for her while patted his belly.
When she came back, she tell him to go swim with her, but Kyo must promised one thing is " Don't digested Yuki and Ayame."because if he'll do it, she might broke up with him.
Kyo agreed, go with his girlfriend Tohru, to swim in the sea, and at that time in the evening Kyo and Tohru kissed for date in the next day for them.
But for now, they're now happy with eachother, and Kyo rubbed his stomach while Tohru slept beside him.
In the next morning, in the room Kyo wake up from his nap, and looked down at his belly, and asked Yuki and Ayame that " Are they okay in there?"he heard them replied that" They're okay in here."
Meanwhile outside the room Tohru begins to continue to swim in the sea again.
Kyo come out of the room with his swim jacket and swim trunks underwear, and he goes woth her to continue swimming.
Kyo looked down at his squirmed bulge stomach, and he rubbed the back of head, like here we go gain.
But Kyo liked what he became now, being a predator that can devour his prey.
Kyo looked at his belly, and he decided to sit on Beach blanket to watched his girlfriend playing in the sea, while he patted his bulge belly.
" I'm so happy today, for having you guys here with me." Kyo told them about having his friends and girlfriend here, " But not like this." Yuki replied in angry voice.
Kyo found that Yuki's angry noise sounded cute while he's inside his belly.
After the day passed, Kyo and Tohru went back home, Shigure sohma waiting for them.
After they're arrived home, Shigure asked Kyo that "Where are Yuki and Ayame?"he's shaken a bit.
Kyo tell Shigure the truth about Yuki and Ayame, suddenly he had a plan to do too.
Like Shigure wanted Kyo to eat him.
Shigure bring Kyo to his room, while Tohru awaited for them both, after hours later Kyo came out with bigger bloated bulge belly than before.
After Kyo came out, he's full after like eating a dessert, and now he's completely full at this point.
Kyo looked at his girlfriend, and he let a satisfied belch from his lips, and Tohru sit in his stomach, and kissed Kyo's mouth, and he kissed her back.
In the end Kyo had finally a big meal for replace Yuki, and for Tohru liked to rubbed her boyfriend any times she wanted.

Fruits Basket Wisdom (5/?)
Shigure to Haru

🐶 🐱 🐭 🍙 💖
Furuba is back and it’s awesome ;n; Tried a different-ish approach here, but I don’t think it’s too obvious 😂
Fruits Basket is wild because the premise is "Haha! Wow! These Pretty Anime Men turn into Animals when theyre hugged and then when they turn back they're NAKED!!! 😳😳😳 ehe silly anime!" but then you watch it and its like. Every Character on this show is physically, financially, and emotionally controlled by one person with immeasurable wealth and power. the main characters stories revolve around their slow recovery from the trauma of physical/verbal abuse, sexual manipulation, and neglect. there's a love triangle that isnt even about Who Gets The Girl, but rather each individual's growth as a human being, understanding that they are worthy of love and compassion, that there are people in this world who will love them, unconditionally, and that they DESERVE to be loved. love EXISTS and nothing about them makes them unworthy of whole, unbiased love. that realization is a pivotal part of their healing and it's a central theme of the show that comes up for each and every character, whose own journeys follow that same thread of healing past wounds with compassion, love, and friendship.
and then they like. barely ever turn into animals.
i’m currently watching fruits basket for the first time so here’s my thoughts before watching the whole series: funny, cute, think people are overreacting about the ending, shiguresohmaissofineineedhim
deciding whether or not to continue watching fruits basket because i just started my period and i’ve been crying at every little thing…😭
i think shigure is a sociopath
not in a bad way likes he's a villain and wants to hurt everybody
but in the way he takes things so lightly and treats everything like a game or insignificantly. and the way he lacks kindness or struggles with emotions other than when he gets to annoy people 😃
How I think the other zodiacs would've reacted if their curse were the 1st to break rather than Kureno's
Shigure - The whole story definitely would've been super different for sure. Shigure would've probably went along with Akito keeping the broken curse a secret and would be happy to have a sexual relationship from the minute Akito wanted so he could pacify Akito's worries about loosing him. Him enabling her would be out of the question at least when it comes to himself, it's very possible he'd let her get away with hurting everyone else. She wouldn't be able to take away his freedom the way she did to Kureno, Shigure's more selfish and independent and wouldn't be afraid to threaten her with the secret of the broken curse if she's unreasonable with him, though I don't think he'd actually ever reveal it, just threaten to.
Hatori - The likelihood Hatori would've acted the most like Kureno out of the non-Kureno zodiac members is 📈📈📈. He'd probably enable her as badly as Kureno did because he already enabled her as much as Kureno did in canon and literally forgave her for torturing Kana and blinding him in one eye.
Ayame - Akito isn't fond of him but I think she'd still have been distraught and hysterical if his bond broke 1st and would've begged him to not leave her. I can't see Ayame letting himself fall under her grasp though, they were never close and he's not a doormat or pushover. I think he'd probably also spill the beans that his curse broke.
Ritsu - His anxious personality would probably irritate her to no end but I can absolutely see Ritsu trying to comfort Akito and agreeing to not leave her if his curse broke. I think if Ritsu managed to keep his broken curse a secret for a couple years Akito may have trusted him with the knowledge of her true gender and begun a sexual relationship with him to keep him close to her.
Kagura - I'm genuinely not sure what Akito would do about her. Akito wouldn't attempt to have a sexual relationship like she would with the men but she'd probably try to get her to promise not to reveal the secret/leave & have Kagura move in close to her to have constant surveillance. If Kagura ever tried to run away Akito might lock her up and find a way to blackmail Kagura to keep her under her thumb. Kagura would tell Kyo if she was able to though, unless Akito threatened to kill him. I believe she cared about Kyo enough that she wouldn't want him to live with the curse especially due to seeing his true form and knowing how much harder it was for him.
Isuzu - Rin would want to bolt from Akito and the clan as fast as she could, but I can see Akito threatening to hurt Haru (maybe even threaten to kill him though Akito probably wouldn't want Haru dead) if Rin defied her wishes and didn't keep it a secret. If Rin did end up running away or something Akito would hunt her down and probably try to kill her herself.
Yuki - If his curse broke during the time Akito had him confined, I don't see Yuki having the will to fight against her. She'd definitely never let him go to Shigure's though if it happened. She might try to have a sexual relationship with him? but there's also a decent possibility she wouldn't & I can't see Yuki consenting at all. I think at 1st Yuki would follow her but eventually he would've found the strength to push back and leave her though. I don't know how long it would've taken him, but he was never as passive of a person as Kureno. He always had a bit of snark and attitude to him shown by how he interacts with Kyo and Ayame.
Kyo - He'd tell everyone. I think he'd even scream it to the entire clan. Yeah, Akito would 100% immediately be screwed if his curse broke 1st.
Momiji - I think Momiji was too strong willed for Akito to be able to keep a hold of him. He wasn't afraid of her and he didn't pity her. He may or may have not keep the secret of his curse being broken but he would not have stayed by her side.
Hatsuharu - Akito threatening Rin might have been enough to keep him with her for a little bit, but Akito would inevitably have hurt Rin and Haru would inevitably stand up to Akito sooner rather than later. He secretly visited Yuki when Akito had him confined, he'd risk everything to be with Rin even if it was only to hook up with Rin behind Akito's back.
Kisa - I can see Akito keeping the poor kid under constant surveillance. I think Kisa would've been too afraid to stand up to Akito anyways but I can definitely see Akito threatening Hiro to keep Kisa in line even more.
Hiro - She'd definitely threaten Kisa to have him keep her secret but I think with such a loving and protective mother like Hiro's, Satsuki 100% would've found out about the broken curse.
girl what
akito and shigure have kinky sex pass it on
i want to ask a question… is anyone a fan of fruits basket?… and another thing i LOVE FUCKING SHIGURE….. he's a bastard but i love him, and i'm sure he's an obedient dog :))
Guys, my biggest hear me out is Shigure Sohma

I know you.
Shigure Sohma x Reader
synopsis: Shigure Sohma, a complicated man with a lot of secrets, knowing him gave you everything, from love to happiness to frustration and pain. It can’t help that you cannot get away from him.
warnings: age gap relationship. angst. mean!shigure, domestic fluff, heartbreak, arguments, mentions of break up, mentions of cheating (not happening). nsfw. emotional s*x, doggy style, missionary, cream pies, mentions of pregnancy, breeding.
a/n: it’s a brief story for one of the men that has my heart, but unfortunately is in a unique situation with a person I loathe lmao. It’s something that I needed more than anything, I haven't written for some time so I hope it's decent. please like, comment, reblog, tip! thank you for reading!!!!
Masterpost • Masterlist

Living as a zodiac and as a Sohma, Shigure never saw anything beyond the walls of the clan when he was young, and he never thought about it either.
When he was kicked out after the whole thing with that woman and the other as well, he had no option but to. He had to find a house, find a job, a routine to follow, to live a life as a normal human and not one of the zodiac.
In that, he could not forget to fill his own release. How to pass time when he had the time to distract himself.
First, it was his few flees here and there, Mayu as well. But nothing and no one that made him feel less like the dog of the zodiac, only loyal to one woman in mind. No one was ever serious enough or enough in itself.
The appearance of the kids was a welcomed distraction but not ‘it’ yet, it was another failure. Their fights, their presence made him observing of what the zodiac was, therefore made her existence even worse and far more amplified.
When he met you, nothing changed at all at first. You were and are younger than him, just another woman, meeting him during your first year in uni in a random cafe in the city while he was 25.
It took you a bit of time to actually talk to him, to get the glances and looks to have an effect, to have him take you seriously at all beyond an 18-year-old looking at a slightly older man.
Maybe at that moment you were looking for a distraction from the workload as well, he doesn’t know really the motive behind your pursuing.
But he knew that neither of you were actually taking the situation seriously, it was all out of lust, for him to not think of Akito and the curse, for you to probably not think of family and your own problems.
Things weren't supposed to be taken seriously.
Yet, after three years, here he was, thrusting into you deep and hard, groaning into your mouth as he muffled your moans and made everything echo with the slick on your skin.
Your legs spread apart, feet planted on the futon while his hands pinned yours down. Chest against chest. Forehead against forehead.
You knew his secret.
His attraction grew even more after the discovery, you stayed and listened, you stayed and understood, you stayed and didn’t care.
You stayed.
He knew the difficulty in it though, you were a very affectionate person, for years you wanted to hold him, the man that was making your head go crazy but you couldn’t without ending up with the cute version of his dog.
Because while it was at least something, after years, and a title, it was still frustrating.
As he fucked you thoroughly, he could see the way your legs twitched every time to wrap around him and feel the most. He wanted it too, feel your legs tightly around himself, feel your arms around his back and leaving all the marks you wanted.
As he spilled into you, hands firmly on your waist, digging into your flesh as he pushed as deep as he could, he showed you the same amount of want and need. The marks perpetually being left on your skin, everyday you saw them, every time you remembered that none other would fit them as his hands would.
Panting against your chest, he was feeling your nails brushing through his hair, your lips leaving light pecks on the crown of his head.
It was an experience looking into your eyes every time. He never felt as overwhelmed as in those moments.
So much care and love that he probably shouldn’t deserve for who he truly was. He had told you things but not nearly as everything as he should have.
His head was still split into his zodiac and human, but now there was you, thinking of Akito felt like a betrayal each time, he felt shame that he still couldn’t figure out a way to break this curse and shame of feeling a pull that he would never feel with you. It was something unique with Akito, unfortunately and till then, when she called he would be with her as she wished.
While nothing physical had happened, that was the bare minimum. Just his thoughts were near enough awful for someone in a relationship, he couldn't do anything about the chain that tugged when she wished even in moments like these, where he had the only woman who truly loved him unconditionally with him, making love to her.
Much that he only snapped out of it when he felt you push him off your body. Scrambling around with the sheet covering yourself to find your clothes while he just closed his eyes with a sigh, knowing he had fucked up royally, his hand going to his face, eyes looking down with guilt and then at you, putting on his t-shirt and pants with your shoulders going up and down irregularly.
"I'm sorry." Is all he could say.
"It's not enough." You said with a crack in your voice. "I understand, okay? I do, I did for three years but I can't just ignore it every time. I know she's in your head but where am I? Are you wishing it was her? Are you just doing this out of pettiness? Are you just wasting my time? Am I wasting my time with a man that cannot stop thinking of his ex lover even when we are having sex? Did you cum because of her or me? These are all the questions that come to mind whenver this happens, I'm tired of it, Shigure." Tears were freely rolling down your cheeks, looking at him with sadness and disappointment as he just felt guilt. He couldn't even hug you.
"I know it's not enough but I'm trying. I don't want to think of her, I don't want to, I want to be with you. Why do you think we are where we are now? I want you, but I cannot stop that! I cannot break it." He said through frustration.
"And I get it! But you cannot expect me to not be hurt!" You said back to him.
The room fell in silence. When your breathing regulated, you started to walk off to the door, but he held you back by the wrist. "Where are you going?"
Snatching it back. "I will sleep with Tohru. I cannot be with you tonight."
You closed the door behind you. Shigure just fell back into bed, hunched over as he repressed the need to scream in frustration. He didn't want to admit defeat, unfortunately whenever this happens, he would lose you for three days at least.
He could not do anything, he had not found the way to break the curse yet. He was really trying, for you and for him to live a normal life. He was also sure that it will still take time for it to happen after he discovered a way.
He slept sporadically in the night, waking up every hour and hoping to find you back on the other side of the bed, but it was always empty. In the early morning he woke up and walked down to find the kids all up and about, you were with Tohru by her side wearing his long sleeved shirt and his sweatpants, with your hair wet after what he assumed was a relaxing shower whenever you felt stressed.
Tohru greeted him as gently and kindly as always, Kyo and Yuki doing the same with less enthusiasm, you stayed quiet, he only met your eyes briefly, recognizing the puffiness and the slight redness you tried to cover up, looking away as quickly as possible.
The kids knew to not ask. They ignored whatever had happened every time it happened. Breakfast happened as normally as it would've.
When the kids were gone, so were you, locked up in your shared room with him as you worked from your computer, he knew already he had to stay out of it, he stayed in his study room, writing when he could not do nothing but think to how fix things with you this time.
The first two days went exactly as he predicted, each of you staying in your own spaces, not a word said between you two. He felt anger that you got mad at something he could not control at all and frustration that he could understand it. He saw you each day with the same puffiness around your eyes.
The third was not as he imagined, after the kids went to school, he waited for you to walk up the stairs and disappear till they returned, instead you spoke to him. "We need to talk, Shigure."
Those words didn't inspire faith in him, just fear. Hearing his full name from your lips felt even worse, whatever it was, it was not something he probably wanted to hear.
You two sat in front of each other in his studio, in silence, heart racing in both your chests as you tried to find the right way to put it out. But there wasn't a right way, so you just said it.
"We should break up."
Your words felt like a bucket of ice poured onto him. His eyes widened and he spoke without even thinking. "No."
"I'm not asking, Shigure."
"I said no. I'm not breaking up with you, I don't care whatever you have to say about it, I am not ending my relationship with you." He said, anger visible in his eyes. "We are happy."
"If you think happy means having an argument every two weeks because of another woman, I doubt and am scared of your definition." You said with a chuckle.
"Are you unhappy?" He asked directly.
"I'm not happy entirely." You swallowed. "We have our happy moments, I know, everything apart from this is perfect. But I just can't overlook it every time. It hurts, Shigure, I feel it breaking me all the time physically and emtionally." You said to him. His jaw clenched.
"I'm trying, it's not something I asked for. I want to break it as much as you do and live a fucking normal life."
"And how much time is that going to take? A year? Two years? Five? Ten? Never?! I am 21, I am young and have time to start and build something with someone else, Shigure. I'm not wasting time being your second choice, I will want to get married and have children. What will happen then? Akito will have me end up like Kana and then what, Shigure?"
"You're not a second choice-"
"I am if there is another woman in your heart and mind. Because there shouldn't be. I do not have another man pop up every now and then to which I cannot say no, to which I cannot not accept advances from."
"You know, nothing ever happened. Don't start that shit with me, Y/N. You won't end up like Kana, I won't let Akito get close to you, I made sure of that for three years and Hatori knows he cannot. This conversation is over, I'm not breakiing up with you, forget it." He got up and started to walk away.
"Shigure. Shigure. Shigure!" You yelled following after him up till you were in your shared bedroom. "Stop behaving like this."
"I told you I'm done with the conversation."
"But I'm not. Can you not understand that I'm hurting and we have no way to know if this will end up in tragedy or will work out."
"Do you think I don't want that? I just want to have a fucking life, away from that, now that I'm with you. I did think of it, I want to get married and have a family with you, I just need time to figure this out and break it." Tears rolled down your cheeks at the thought of not having that.
You had fallen in the deep end with him.
"I'm not throwing away the best thing that happened to me." He said sincerely, with fear in his eyes as he looked at you. "I know things are not the best right now, but we endured it and I'm not giving up."
You sniffled, frusteation growing in you as well. "What if I want to get married right away?"
"Then we will get married, tomorrow if you want."
"First you'll have to get permission from the head of the family." You spit back at him.
"I don't care. I've been kicked out, despite being called back from time to time, I call all my choices. I'm marrying you, whether you want it or not, tomorrow or whenever you think it's right." He shrugged. Your jaw clenched.
"What if I was pregnant? What would happen then when you get called back, when she finally wants you openly because she will not want you with another? Where do we end up? Shigure, just understand, for once, things will not change." Your voice had some sincerity, his eyes narrowed at it. Looking at you up and down.
"Are you?" His voice was hoarse, in disbelief.
"I said if I was."
"And I'm asking if you actually are." He just looked at your frown, the veil of tears that was buidling up in your eyes as you shut your mouth in a thin line instead of giving him a proper answer. "You are." He said taking a step towards you, as you took a step back.
"I don't know if I'm keeping it, don't get your hopes up, I'm not raising a child in these conditions." Your words held bitterness. "You didn't even want anything when we started our relationship, you didn't want the committment, I'm sure a child was not in it as well."
"Things changed you know that. For fuck's sake we live together, how do I not want committment? With you? I just told you I'd marry you tomorrow if you want. I'm 28, a child is not going to scare me off and make me break up with you. It's just making me love you more."
Your breathing became visibly irregular from the anger or frustration he didn't know. But you had only given him a reason more to fight for you. "Gure, please." You just cried, breaking. "I am scared." Your head fell down, eyes shutting as you cried.
Despite it, he understood. He understood your fears, he understood that you were scared, you were young, pregnant and in a relationship with a man that it's chained to a woman he grew to despise, and that could not touch fully without becoming a dog.
His gaze softened, walking towards you and leaning his forehead down to the top of your head, the most intimacy he could give you, kissing your head. "I love you. I truly and incredibly am in love with you." His hand slid on top of your flat stomach. Your hand going on top of his. "I'm here with you, just hang with me a little more."
You faced him, lips colliding with yours as you locked in a burning kiss. Your hands quickly pulling down his yukata from his shoulders, pooling on his waist as your nails quickly dug into his skin as always giving him indication of your need for him.
It wasn't long after that you both found yourselves naked on the bed, his cock into you as he dug his fingers into your thighs to keep you down and yours in his shoulders in a position where it didn't trigger it.
His length going in and out of you deeply, whispering sweet things into your ears as you just moaned his name, making something snap in him, something he wasn't quite sure of.
"Mine, mine..." He repeated as changed and pounded from behind you, his hand keeping your head to the side, looking at you fucked out state as he erased any idea of breaking up from your mind.
He felt the pull, growing restless to have his attention, but he just couldn't, he was caught up, he had you, he had you forever, and with you he had a child that was enlarging his own proper family, that tied you in a way that he cannot be tied with anyone else, his dream of a normal life with you and away from everything else.
A tear fell down his cheek as you moaned out his name coming on his cock as he kept going in and out of you sloppily, reaching his own point of release as he came deep in you, spilling his seed in you once again, feeling the knot releasing and something completely breaking in him.
You both panted for air, crying silently and he fell on you, the urge in him to hug you tightly.
So he did, he hugged you.
Yuki: “miSs tOhRu, bE cAreFuL. tHeRe’s nO cOloR iN yOur fAcE.”
Me: sir, there is no color in your skin

GraffArt Shop x Fruits Basket ~ Rainy Season

This took a while for me to work on, but I finally finished it. I love the new Fruits Basket series as much as I love the 2001 series.
I also have a speedpaint video to go with this if you want to check it out.