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8 years ago
A Drawing Of Mitzi I Actually Like ! (Ignore The Perspective Goblin In The Corner)

A drawing of Mitzi I actually like ! (Ignore the perspective goblin in the corner)

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5 months ago

Why do you worship your god YHWH as the only one? This is a legitimate question? What good does it do for you? Everything your god has done for you shouldn't have anything to do with his status, or uniqueness. I've seen the power of gods alien to your own, from Hel (the goddess I'm closest to, though I do worship others), I've seen her stop animals from moving, protect the sick and wounded, and cause a blind preacher to see her and flee. And I've felt her love, felt her comfort (I probably wouldn't even identify as agender if it wasn't for her help). But because she is not your god you would call this demonic? And say my soul is bound for damnation? Why not admit the existence of other gods, and keep to your own if you wish. How can your relationship with your god even be safe if you can't leave for another? How can it be called anything but bigotry to deny another god's divinity while you worship one yourself?

hey !! i'll try and answer all your questions.

"Why do I worship God as the only God?" - Because according to the Bible, He is the only God. It's mentioned several times in the Bible (1 Kings 8:60, 2 Samuel 7:22, 1 Corinthians 8:4-6, to name a few). It would be heresy for me to believe in the Christian God and then try and affirm the existence of other gods. My relationship with God, as my protector, does me a lot of good and is very safe (Isaiah 41:10, 1 Timothy 2:7), and I believe only in Him because I do not need anyone else (Phillipians 4:19). He is abundance. Also, even if there were multiple gods, I'd still choose Him, because of the good He's done in my live and the lives of others. Finally, whilst there are a lot of bigots in Christianity, we are specifically called to be the opposite of that (Luke 14:7-11). I accept you have God-given free will to worship who you please, but in order to be truly saved, worshipping Him is the only answer.

"What about the existence of other gods/goddesses? I've seen XYZ." The actions you talk about Hel doing are all things God has done. Protecting animals (Psalm 50:10-11), healing the sick (James 5:14-15) and people running away from God (Genesis 19:26). Regarding the last one, how do you know that the blind preacher saw Hel specifically? Do you have any evidence to confirm that?

"What about the existence of other gods/goddesses? I've felt XYZ." God has also been shown to be a source of love (1 John 4:16) and comfort (Psalm 23:4). It's awesome that you've discovered your gender identity ! Are you sure Hel was the reason for that...

"Is this demonic? Is my soul bound for damnation?" You are not demonic. You are just, as respectfully as I can put it, worshipping a false god. That doesn't define you as a person. As for whether you are bound for damnation, literally no one believes in predestination apart from Calvinists. One of the main ideas in Christianity is that God has unlimited mercy and grace, and He will welcome you with open arms the second you repent and let Him in. No matter how far you've strayed, you can always come back ^-^.

Okay, I think that was all your questions. Hopefully you have answers, but if you're still unsure, just ask me again !! Also, I have questions for you.

-I'm assuming you're a pagan (last I checked, Hel was a pagan goddess, though idk a lot about paganism tbh). Do you have some kind of book/scripture/anything that affirms your belief in pagan god(desse)s? The pagan version of the Bible, essentially.

-In a similar vein, how did you get started with paganism?

-Were you ever involved in Christianity?

-You talk a lot about pluralism (the belief that multiple gods from different religions can coexist) but you seem reticent to admit the existence of the Christian God. Why? What about Him specifically makes you not want to believe in Him?

Sorry if I'm being rude, I'm really just trying to understand as much as I can ! Have a good day !! Jesus loves you ❤️ 🙏

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2 years ago

First non gt post but,,, I am so happy right now :)

This is the first time I’ve worn my binder in about a month or so because of how hot it’s been. I forgot just how fucking happy it makes me,,,, also got this new shirt that makes me feel so comfy and idk,, at home?

I just feel like me rn and it doesn’t feel bad for once :’)

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10 months ago


why do i let evil ceos get to me (he's my wife)


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