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I can't call Eclipse a cutie patootie 😔... In my heart, you shall remain as one...
When I hear "low energy music but not relaxing" I just think... The Wii E shop song? The jeopardy theme? Kahoot music? 🤣 Billie Eilish? Idk I don't listen to tons of low energy music.
Eclipse what kind of music do you listen to in the void?
I feel like that place is so empty some music might liven the place up. I like to put on music when I work on things.
I recommend to you (by your vibes):
Peper steak - DontBleedOnTheSuits - OFF ost
Dummy! - Toby Fox - Undertale ost
Vs. Suzie - Toby Fox - Deltarune Ost
Aleph (Gesaffelstein - sped up)
Cobra (Rock Remix) ft Spirit Box - Megan the Stallion (this is a mature song so listen with caution)
I Am Satan - Dingaling Production -LISA: the painful ost
Pet Sementary - Ramones (in the movie based off the Stephen King book, Pet Sementary)
Eclipse what's your most favorite song of all time?
Also, just so you know, you're a cutie patootie Eclipse! Have a good day :)
I don't care much about music. I'd rather have some peace and quiet.
Though... If I really had to choose it'd be low energy music, but not relaxation music. Can't stand that shit. Hmm. I can enjoy some rock or metal if the mood strikes me...
And do not. call me that.
I'm back from my trip! I am very tired, but when I readjust I'll be online a bit more!
I think the next ask I will be working on is 2012 lee Beebop (wait i think that's how you spell it??) and ler Rocksteady fic. I think it's a really silly and cute idea, so be ready for that ig!
My Little Pony: Magic Resistance/Anti-Magic
So I’ve wondered how magic could be combated/defended against in the world of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. There are guards, police and other forms of law enforcement, so they’re definitely needed to help keep the peace. So how do they apprehend unicorns or other magic wielding species that were criminals or threats of some sort? So I tried to recall and look up if there were any examples in the series. And I succeeded in finding a few examples.

The first example I recalled was from season 6, To Where and Back Again. Chrysalis’ throne that disabled all magic except changeling magic. Although this would hinder any soldiers or law enforcement that were non changeling magic wielders. It seems to be unlikely and rarely be used by non changeling.

The next example of magic suppression I could think of was the gate used in the Equestria Games to disable magic to prevent cheating. If there was or is a more portable or otherwise smaller scale version, I imagine it could be more easily used to disable magic wielders.

The next example I could think of were from season 3, where the Crystal Empire returns. Sombra uses his crystal magic to disable Shining Armor’s ability to use magic, and he uses his magic crystals to trap Twilight Sparkle when she was trying to get the Crystal Heart. The crystal cage she was trapped in prevented her from teleporting out.

The next example I could think of was from the My Little Pony Movie. The Storm King’s soldiers used shields, and possibly armor, that could resist and even to an extent, deflect magic. And when Twilight Sparkle was captured, she was put in a cage that prevented her magic from allowing her to escape. I forgot to draw the cage unfortunately. And we also see in the movie, captured ponies with muzzles. And at least one of the captured ponies, in addition to being muzzled, had a device on their horn that likely prevented them from using magic. However this device would probably only work on a strait horn that would fit in it, so it likely wouldn’t work on larger or smaller horns. And especially not curved or branched horns.

So I thought up and drew a cuffing device like a ring or bracelet that could be adjusted to account for horn size and would be unlikely to be hindered by the horn or antler shape. I imagine that the cuffs would be made out of a material the same or similar to what the Storm King’s army’s equipment and likely incorporated something similar to the magic disabling gates used in the Equestria Games. I drew up examples of how the cuffs would be used on different magic wielding species, straight horned unicorns, curved horned unicorns, goats/sheep, kirin, deer, and abada.
Blog change
I am very sorry however due to me not knowing how tumblr works I will be moving this blog to a different one (tagged below)
Really sorry for any inconvenience, this will still be a blog but its actually my main account, and so to more easily sort posts etc Im moving this one.
Of course I will still post on this, but it will not be about the Silmarillion, and so may be less interesting to those currently following.
Once again, very sorry for this - thank you for being a part of this blog with me so far, and I hope you enjoy the new one!
New blog: @officialfeanorians
Thank you!
I can't listen to any songs from the album 'A Beginner's Guide to Faking Your Death' by Jhariah without thinking about Light Yagami. If you haven't heard it you should give it a listen, it has some of my favourite songs in it :D
Random but people keep talking about the apple vision Pro or whatever it was called and using it relive their favourite memories and dude I can only imagine myself late at night haunted by embarrassing memories and going like 'it can't have been that bad', reliving them and realising it was worse
Are you ever sat quietly, enjoying a show or book and suddenly you realise that yes, this is the piece of media that your life will revolve around for a minimum of 4 months and that this will become your main source of joy for that time period
do you ever feel like ur a weird little mecha thing being piloted by at least three blorbos at any given moment because you base all of your decisions on the personalities of characters that you've adopted into your mindset or is that just me being mentally ill
honestly wished that I organized this more coherently (like is it how much I enjoyed and like the character as a whole or from an objective writing stand point because if it were the latter Emma would not have her own tier) but like WHATEVER look at my tier list it was fun to make

Couldn’t unscrew the lid, so I had to poke a hole in it and squeeze my apple juice out like ketchup

Hi, I'm Living with Type 1 Diabetes is a constant battle. Without the proper medical care and supplies, the risk of severe complications increases dramatically. Your support will not only help me maintain my health but also provide peace of mind during this difficult period. Please i need your support, I hope you support me, even if it is a little bit. Thanks 🙏🙏
Not sure if this is a scam or not but I decided it would probably be safer then sorry so uhh
Just be careful anyone who's looking into it, sorry I couldn't help more, and I hope you reach the goal you need
Hi! : )list 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox of the last 10 people who liked or reblogged something from you!
1. My family
2. My friends
3. My special interests. Six of crows right now
4. My hobbies. I recently got into book binding and am have a ton of fun
5. Dressing how I do. If you don't know me irl, that might be a bit out of no where, but I tend to dress in ways that get people barking at me in hallways
My list is a bit basic, I know, but honestly I'm at a point right now where I'm happy and these things are why.
Thinking about just making someone feel really loved and happy
Giving them lots of little kisses all over
Making them snacks
Maybe we watch a movie together
Just doing literally anything they want
Like yes, let's binge watch the entirety of your favourite show!
Hell yeah I'll go get your favourite drink!
Of course we're gonna go for a cute little nature walk
Yes I'll wash your favourite blanket so it's fresh for you to spend the night
Yes, please tell me how to kiss you!
Yes, let's cuddle and be cute together!
I'm not the best cook but I can still try to make you dinner!
And then we go to bed and we wear comfy pajamas and snuggle and fall asleep in eachothers arms <3

A little messy drawing I did of Bittergiggle and Toadster(or as I like to call him Toadstool) I tried to do something a little different and I'm quite happy about this oh and for anyone who wondering why Toadster has markings, I decided to made him a striped marsh frog to make him a little more interesting and more character!(But also because I don't like how plain he is, I still love him tho) I also gave him little puffy cheeks because I thought it would look nice. But anyway I hope you guys like it and have a great night, day, afternoon, or evening!

Some landscape practice. I like drawing landscapes and backgrounds but I just get lazy easily and they can be quite tough to do(I know some of y'all relate, especially artists that hate or have a hard time doing them) but anyway, I have you guys like it and I hope you guys have a nice day, night, or afternoon! And help free Palestine too!🍉

Some landscape practice. I like drawing landscapes and backgrounds but I just get lazy easily and they can be quite tough to do(I know some of y'all relate, especially artists that hate or have a hard time doing them) but anyway, I have you guys like it and I hope you guys have a nice day, night, or afternoon! And free Palestine too!🍉
Haven’t posted in ages so screw it, slight redesign of a character for the first time in it’s many years of existence. Happy 3rd year of capture, 022. You fiend

First non gt post but,,, I am so happy right now :)
This is the first time I’ve worn my binder in about a month or so because of how hot it’s been. I forgot just how fucking happy it makes me,,,, also got this new shirt that makes me feel so comfy and idk,, at home?
I just feel like me rn and it doesn’t feel bad for once :’)
Hi there 👋,
My name is Mohammad, and I’m reaching out in a moment of desperate need. I’m a father of three young children living in Gaza, and we are caught in the midst of a catastrophic war. Our home is no longer a safe haven, and the future here seems increasingly uncertain. 💔
I’ve launched a fundraising campaign with the goal of raising $40,000 to relocate my family to a safer place where my children can grow up in peace and have a chance at a brighter future. 🕊️🇵🇸
Unfortunately, my previous fundraising efforts were abruptly halted when my account was terminated without explanation. However, I remain determined to keep fighting for my family’s safety and well-being. 🫶
If you could take a moment to read our story, consider donating, or simply share our campaign with others, it would make an incredible difference. Every act of kindness, no matter how small, brings us one step closer to safety and a new beginning. 🙏
Thank you for your time, compassion, and support. ❤ 🔗