Sidekick Whumpee - Tumblr Posts
June of Doom Day 7
"What's the bad news?"
| Disoriented | Bite | Chainsaw |
Cw: Kidnapping, ambiguity. I didn't use the chainsaw on my whumpee cause I'm not that cruel to poor Sidekick.
Exams have begun so tragically it will be a bit of "post schedule who?" for a while, but I'll do my best to keep posting every day!
Sidekick watched through half-lidded eyes as Villain hefted the chainsaw and began hacking at the door. They were groggy and tired, their head pounding, and all they could hear was the beating of their heart and the roar of the chainsaw.
They knew they had to do something. Stop them. Get away. But they could barely form a sentence, let alone get up and run.
"Villain," they managed, "Let me- let me go."
Villain let go of the weapon and dropped it to the floor, not even looking at Sidekick, only at the fresh cuts they'd made in the wooden door that separated the two of them from the outside door. That kept Sidekick inside headquarters.
"None of that now Sidekick, I'm trying to help you."
They stepped back, gauging the distance, before bringing their leg up and kicking the door with all their might. It rattled. They did it again. And again. Until the door crashed to the ground outside.
Sidekick flinched at the noise.
Villain leant down and scooped Sidekick up, carrying them like they were nothing out the door and towards their car. Sidekick was too weak to do anything against them.
Villain managed to swing the car door open and lower Sidekick in without too much hassle, but as they tried to buckle them in, Sidekick did the only thing they could. They bit them.
"Ow, fuck. Did you just bite me? What the fuck, Sidekick?"
Villain pushed them back against the seat, one hand firmly on their chest, the other pulling the seatbelt across and buckling it.
Villain pulled away, cradling their hand. "Don't fucking bite me again, okay?"
They climbed into the driver seat and sped away from headquarters, Sidekick getting more and more groggy until they finally fell unconscious.
AN: short ik but I'm trying. I like the ambiguity in this though. Like is villain caretaker or whumper? Who knows. Not me cause all I know is stress. If anyone wants to send asks feel free cause God knows I need the inspiration. I'll set up a proper pinned post for my blog whenever I find my sanity.
June of Doom Day 7
"What's the bad news?"
| Disoriented | Bite | Chainsaw |
Cw: Kidnapping, ambiguity. I didn't use the chainsaw on my whumpee cause I'm not that cruel to poor Sidekick.
Exams have begun so tragically it will be a bit of "post schedule who?" for a while, but I'll do my best to keep posting every day!
Sidekick watched through half-lidded eyes as Villain hefted the chainsaw and began hacking at the door. They were groggy and tired, their head pounding, and all they could hear was the beating of their heart and the roar of the chainsaw.
They knew they had to do something. Stop them. Get away. But they could barely form a sentence, let alone get up and run.
"Villain," they managed, "Let me- let me go."
Villain let go of the weapon and dropped it to the floor, not even looking at Sidekick, only at the fresh cuts they'd made in the wooden door that separated the two of them from the outside door. That kept Sidekick inside headquarters.
"None of that now Sidekick, I'm trying to help you."
They stepped back, gauging the distance, before bringing their leg up and kicking the door with all their might. It rattled. They did it again. And again. Until the door crashed to the ground outside.
Sidekick flinched at the noise.
Villain leant down and scooped Sidekick up, carrying them like they were nothing out the door and towards their car. Sidekick was too weak to do anything against them.
Villain managed to swing the car door open and lower Sidekick in without too much hassle, but as they tried to buckle them in, Sidekick did the only thing they could. They bit them.
"Ow, fuck. Did you just bite me? What the fuck, Sidekick?"
Villain pushed them back against the seat, one hand firmly on their chest, the other pulling the seatbelt across and buckling it.
Villain pulled away, cradling their hand. "Don't fucking bite me again, okay?"
They climbed into the driver seat and sped away from headquarters, Sidekick getting more and more groggy until they finally fell unconscious.
AN: short ik but I'm trying. I like the ambiguity in this though. Like is villain caretaker or whumper? Who knows. Not me cause all I know is stress. If anyone wants to send asks feel free cause God knows I need the inspiration. I'll set up a proper pinned post for my blog whenever I find my sanity.
June of Doom Day 13
"Say something"
| Rescue | Broken Promise | Weak |
Cw: The tags above, implied beating, betrayal
Sorry for formatting I'm writing on mobile. I'm also close to death with this cold so i apologise for the state of this.
Sidekick lay, broken and bloodied, in the middle of the street.
Villain had spotted them, about ten minutes ago, and battled off Other Villain, and Henchman had arrived soon after. They crouched next to Sidekick, rolling them onto their back to reveal the myriad of bruises.
"Who did this," Henchman growled.
"Other Villain," Villain told them, looking down at Sidekick in pity. "From what I've heard, Hero sold them out."
Sidekick groaned, their eyes fluttering as they fought to stay awake.
"Sidekick? Sidekick it's me, Henchman."
"They promised," they muttered, "they promised they wouldn't."
"Sidekick, what are you talking about? Come on we have to get you out of here."
Henchman, with some help from Villain, hoisted Sidekick to their feet, arm around them, holding them up.
"Hero promised," there were tears in their eyes, "they promised they wouldn't sell me out."
Henchman's grip turned tighter in anger as they led Sidekick away, towards their car.
"Hero will pay, Sidekick, I promise."
Sidekick just slumped against them and Villain helped carry them to the car and buckle them into the back seat.
"Hero will pay," Henchman repeated, and Villain nodded.
"This went too far."
June of Doom Day 13
"Say something"
| Rescue | Broken Promise | Weak |
Cw: The tags above, implied beating, betrayal
Sorry for formatting I'm writing on mobile. I'm also close to death with this cold so i apologise for the state of this.
Sidekick lay, broken and bloodied, in the middle of the street.
Villain had spotted them, about ten minutes ago, and battled off Other Villain, and Henchman had arrived soon after. They crouched next to Sidekick, rolling them onto their back to reveal the myriad of bruises.
"Who did this," Henchman growled.
"Other Villain," Villain told them, looking down at Sidekick in pity. "From what I've heard, Hero sold them out."
Sidekick groaned, their eyes fluttering as they fought to stay awake.
"Sidekick? Sidekick it's me, Henchman."
"They promised," they muttered, "they promised they wouldn't."
"Sidekick, what are you talking about? Come on we have to get you out of here."
Henchman, with some help from Villain, hoisted Sidekick to their feet, arm around them, holding them up.
"Hero promised," there were tears in their eyes, "they promised they wouldn't sell me out."
Henchman's grip turned tighter in anger as they led Sidekick away, towards their car.
"Hero will pay, Sidekick, I promise."
Sidekick just slumped against them and Villain helped carry them to the car and buckle them into the back seat.
"Hero will pay," Henchman repeated, and Villain nodded.
"This went too far."
June of Doom Day 19
"I'm not going anywhere"
| Wound Cleaning | Guilt | Chair |
Cw: The tags above, planning murder, implied betrayal and abuse.
I'm gonna do a continuation of Day 13 cause yall liked that as much as I did. No need to read that one though.
Sidekick was slumped in the chair in Villain's lair, conscious but weak, as Henchman stitched them up.
"I should never have trusted them," they cursed out Hero, Henchman listening with clenched fists as they rinsed out the cloth and used it to wipe away the blood staining Sidekick's torso.
"I'll kill them. I'll kill them for this."
"Hey, it's not your fault," Sidekick assured them. Henchman dropped the cloth into the bowl of water woth a splash.
"It is. I never should have left you with them."
"It doesn't matter, you can't change it. Just don't leave me now."
"I'm not going anywhere."
"Good," Sidekick smiled weakly and Henchman picked up the cloth again, wiping away the blood and grime that coated Sidekick's arm.
"They're right, Henchman," Villain interjected, standing at the doorway to the room, leaning against the frame. Henchman hadn't heard them enter. "It's my fault. I never should have let Hero go this far. They're my enemy."
"What are you going to do?"
"That's up to Sidekick, actually."
Sidekick raised their head in surprise.
"I'm going to go after Hero, and I'm going to beat them to a bloody pulp. Do you want me to drag them back here for you to take a turn? Or can I kill them where they stand?"
Sidekick thought for a moment, before looking up at Villain with a sneer.
"Kill them, I don't ever want to see their face again."
Villain smiled. "Good."
June of Doom Day 19
"I'm not going anywhere"
| Wound Cleaning | Guilt | Chair |
Cw: The tags above, planning murder, implied betrayal and abuse.
I'm gonna do a continuation of Day 13 cause yall liked that as much as I did. No need to read that one though.
Sidekick was slumped in the chair in Villain's lair, conscious but weak, as Henchman stitched them up.
"I should never have trusted them," they cursed out Hero, Henchman listening with clenched fists as they rinsed out the cloth and used it to wipe away the blood staining Sidekick's torso.
"I'll kill them. I'll kill them for this."
"Hey, it's not your fault," Sidekick assured them. Henchman dropped the cloth into the bowl of water woth a splash.
"It is. I never should have left you with them."
"It doesn't matter, you can't change it. Just don't leave me now."
"I'm not going anywhere."
"Good," Sidekick smiled weakly and Henchman picked up the cloth again, wiping away the blood and grime that coated Sidekick's arm.
"They're right, Henchman," Villain interjected, standing at the doorway to the room, leaning against the frame. Henchman hadn't heard them enter. "It's my fault. I never should have let Hero go this far. They're my enemy."
"What are you going to do?"
"That's up to Sidekick, actually."
Sidekick raised their head in surprise.
"I'm going to go after Hero, and I'm going to beat them to a bloody pulp. Do you want me to drag them back here for you to take a turn? Or can I kill them where they stand?"
Sidekick thought for a moment, before looking up at Villain with a sneer.
"Kill them, I don't ever want to see their face again."
Villain smiled. "Good."
June of Doom Day 25
"Don't move"
| Natural Disaster | Drowning | Stranded |
Cw: The tags above.
I went for more lighthearted today cause sometimes we need a lil sarcasm in life
Sidekick knelt, gripping the chains that shackled their hands to the floor as the water rose beneath them. They were desperatley pulling on them, trying to get higher.
"Don't move!" Villain called to them, standing on the edge of the precipice, a good ten meters from where Sidekick was chained, and slowly sinking.
"Oh really?" Sidekick said sarcastically. "I was planning on going and getting some tacos while I wait for you to unchain me."
"Don't be sarcastic, I'm panicking."
"You're panicking? You're not the one about to die!"
"I'm trying to help you, now shut up and let me think."
The water was rising quicker now. The earthquake had burst the water mains and left a furrow in the ground, leaving Sidekick the perfect captive the drown. Hero had run as soon as the tremors had started. "The civilians needed them" apparently.
Villain had arrived not long after, not about to let their captive die.
They'd brought them here to lure Hero, they weren't going to let the poor kid die.
They eventually gave up on trying to figure something out and just began backing up, trying to guage how far back they needed to be to get the running jump.
The water was reaching Sidekick's neck now, they were pulling the chains and holding themselves up. When they ran out of strength they'd be submerged.
Villain cursed and began to run, sprinting before leaping, only just landing on the platform as the water rose above Sidekick's chin.
They quickly dove beneath the water, key in hand, and began working to undo the shackles.
The first came undone quickly, but the second go stuck. With the little extra leeway, Sidekick was a little further away from drowning than they had been, but not much, and Villain didn't have the strength to keep ducking under.
But just as the water covered Sidekick's nose, the key turned and the shackle released, and the two enemies kicked off the ground the the surface.
Gasping for air, Villain let Sidkick grab their shirt and begin swimming towards the doorway.
They only just made it, diving through the door as the last of the floor dropped away and joined the rushing water below.
Villain lay on the ground panting for a moment before getting to their knees just in time to see Sidekick land a punch across Hero's jaw.
June of Doom Day 25
"Don't move"
| Natural Disaster | Drowning | Stranded |
Cw: The tags above.
I went for more lighthearted today cause sometimes we need a lil sarcasm in life
Sidekick knelt, gripping the chains that shackled their hands to the floor as the water rose beneath them. They were desperatley pulling on them, trying to get higher.
"Don't move!" Villain called to them, standing on the edge of the precipice, a good ten meters from where Sidekick was chained, and slowly sinking.
"Oh really?" Sidekick said sarcastically. "I was planning on going and getting some tacos while I wait for you to unchain me."
"Don't be sarcastic, I'm panicking."
"You're panicking? You're not the one about to die!"
"I'm trying to help you, now shut up and let me think."
The water was rising quicker now. The earthquake had burst the water mains and left a furrow in the ground, leaving Sidekick the perfect captive the drown. Hero had run as soon as the tremors had started. "The civilians needed them" apparently.
Villain had arrived not long after, not about to let their captive die.
They'd brought them here to lure Hero, they weren't going to let the poor kid die.
They eventually gave up on trying to figure something out and just began backing up, trying to guage how far back they needed to be to get the running jump.
The water was reaching Sidekick's neck now, they were pulling the chains and holding themselves up. When they ran out of strength they'd be submerged.
Villain cursed and began to run, sprinting before leaping, only just landing on the platform as the water rose above Sidekick's chin.
They quickly dove beneath the water, key in hand, and began working to undo the shackles.
The first came undone quickly, but the second go stuck. With the little extra leeway, Sidekick was a little further away from drowning than they had been, but not much, and Villain didn't have the strength to keep ducking under.
But just as the water covered Sidekick's nose, the key turned and the shackle released, and the two enemies kicked off the ground the the surface.
Gasping for air, Villain let Sidkick grab their shirt and begin swimming towards the doorway.
They only just made it, diving through the door as the last of the floor dropped away and joined the rushing water below.
Villain lay on the ground panting for a moment before getting to their knees just in time to see Sidekick land a punch across Hero's jaw.
June of Doom Day 29
"It's not really that big of a deal"
| Bruises | Secret | Acceptance |
Cw: Abuse, abusive partner, the tags above.
Sidekick fingered the bruise on their jaw. It was coming up ugly and purple, right across the left side of their face. It was obvious they'd been punched. They huffed a sigh and let their fingers drop, grabbing the makeup bag sitting beside the sink and rooting through it for the concealer.
Their partner usually wasn't that obvious. Usually they could cover them up with a long sleeve shirt. But they'd made them angry last night, and that had been their mistake.
They were half-way through covering it up when they heard the door open. They had forgotten to lock it.
They cursed, dropping their brush, and they leant down to get it, rising and quickly covering their face with their hand.
"Sidekick?" Hero asked, standing in the open doorway. "Are you okay?"
"I'm fine."
"What are you doing here? And why are you covering your face?"
"It's nothing, I'll be out in a minute."
"Is that a bruise?" Hero rushed forward, pulling Sidekicks hand away to reveal the ugly purple, half covered along their jawline. "Who did this?"
"No-one, it's not a big deal. I just fell."
"Not a big deal? Sidekick you look like you just went one on one with Villain!" Hero prodded the bruise gently, and Sidekick hissed. "You need to get some ice on this. Then we need to talk."
"About what?"
"About Partner."
"Sidekick, they hurt you. They shouldn't hurt you. You need to get help."
Sidekick was silent for a moment as tears sprang to their eyes, before nodding slowly. "Okay."
June of Doom Day 29
"It's not really that big of a deal"
| Bruises | Secret | Acceptance |
Cw: Abuse, abusive partner, the tags above.
Sidekick fingered the bruise on their jaw. It was coming up ugly and purple, right across the left side of their face. It was obvious they'd been punched. They huffed a sigh and let their fingers drop, grabbing the makeup bag sitting beside the sink and rooting through it for the concealer.
Their partner usually wasn't that obvious. Usually they could cover them up with a long sleeve shirt. But they'd made them angry last night, and that had been their mistake.
They were half-way through covering it up when they heard the door open. They had forgotten to lock it.
They cursed, dropping their brush, and they leant down to get it, rising and quickly covering their face with their hand.
"Sidekick?" Hero asked, standing in the open doorway. "Are you okay?"
"I'm fine."
"What are you doing here? And why are you covering your face?"
"It's nothing, I'll be out in a minute."
"Is that a bruise?" Hero rushed forward, pulling Sidekicks hand away to reveal the ugly purple, half covered along their jawline. "Who did this?"
"No-one, it's not a big deal. I just fell."
"Not a big deal? Sidekick you look like you just went one on one with Villain!" Hero prodded the bruise gently, and Sidekick hissed. "You need to get some ice on this. Then we need to talk."
"About what?"
"About Partner."
"Sidekick, they hurt you. They shouldn't hurt you. You need to get help."
Sidekick was silent for a moment as tears sprang to their eyes, before nodding slowly. "Okay."
Whumptober Day 1
Technically its gonna be past midnight when I post this but I only decided to do this like 15 mins ago so Imma still count it yall. Also loving the prompts today this is such a comeback.
Morning Coffee
Drugging / Sick / Poison
Sidekick tried their best to stay awake as they stood waiting for their coffee. They were wrecked, having spent the last three weeks working non-stop trying to track down Villain after they broke out of prison. Even despite their exhaustion, they knew Hero had it worse, at least Sidekick was stuck on desk duty as Hero raced all over the city putting out fires both literal and metaphorical.
Sidekick yawned as they took the americano from the barista, just nodding a thanks, before turning to the little stand to pour in sugar. They hated coffee, but something needed to drown out the taste of the triple espresso shot. They permitted themself a few minutes to sit in the little cafe and drink their drink before they returned, needing just a minute out of their office.
They were totally out of it, scrolling through their phone as they drank the cup dry, leaving it on the table after only a minute and grabbing their things to leave. It was only as they were rounding the corner at the end of the street that they realised the caffeine didn't seem to be waking them up, that they seemed to be getting more tired as they walked. The weariness spread from the shoulders and neck down to their legs, and they soon found themselves leaning against the wall for support before sliding to the ground, only realising something was wrong when they were too weak to fish their phone out of their pocket and call someone.
They tried to pick themselves up, using the wall to support themself, but they were only halfway upright when a wave of nausea made them lose their balance, and the only reason their head didn't hit the ground was that strong arms wrapped around their middle, holding them up.
"Shit," they murmured, their eyes meeting Villain's right as they lost consciousness and everything went dark.
Hero only noticed something was wrong when they hit the fifteen-hour mark. Sidekick had dropped off communication, but Hero had just assumed they'd finally gone to bed to get some much-needed rest. But at the fifteen-hour mark, a message popped up on their screen from Sidekick, and they clicked into it absent-mindedly, expecting more intel, but instead there was a picture of Sidekick, lying on their side on a concrete floor, looking pale and sweaty and in pain, their wrists chained to the wall, and a little message underneath:
You want to know where they are and how to cure them? You for them, come alone, eight pm, you know where :)
Love Villain
Hero scowled at the message, but then deleted it, erasing Sidekick's contact and all their correspondence. They didn't have time to deal with failures.
Whumptober Day 1
Technically its gonna be past midnight when I post this but I only decided to do this like 15 mins ago so Imma still count it yall. Also loving the prompts today this is such a comeback.
Morning Coffee
Drugging / Sick / Poison
Sidekick tried their best to stay awake as they stood waiting for their coffee. They were wrecked, having spent the last three weeks working non-stop trying to track down Villain after they broke out of prison. Even despite their exhaustion, they knew Hero had it worse, at least Sidekick was stuck on desk duty as Hero raced all over the city putting out fires both literal and metaphorical.
Sidekick yawned as they took the americano from the barista, just nodding a thanks, before turning to the little stand to pour in sugar. They hated coffee, but something needed to drown out the taste of the triple espresso shot. They permitted themself a few minutes to sit in the little cafe and drink their drink before they returned, needing just a minute out of their office.
They were totally out of it, scrolling through their phone as they drank the cup dry, leaving it on the table after only a minute and grabbing their things to leave. It was only as they were rounding the corner at the end of the street that they realised the caffeine didn't seem to be waking them up, that they seemed to be getting more tired as they walked. The weariness spread from the shoulders and neck down to their legs, and they soon found themselves leaning against the wall for support before sliding to the ground, only realising something was wrong when they were too weak to fish their phone out of their pocket and call someone.
They tried to pick themselves up, using the wall to support themself, but they were only halfway upright when a wave of nausea made them lose their balance, and the only reason their head didn't hit the ground was that strong arms wrapped around their middle, holding them up.
"Shit," they murmured, their eyes meeting Villain's right as they lost consciousness and everything went dark.
Hero only noticed something was wrong when they hit the fifteen-hour mark. Sidekick had dropped off communication, but Hero had just assumed they'd finally gone to bed to get some much-needed rest. But at the fifteen-hour mark, a message popped up on their screen from Sidekick, and they clicked into it absent-mindedly, expecting more intel, but instead there was a picture of Sidekick, lying on their side on a concrete floor, looking pale and sweaty and in pain, their wrists chained to the wall, and a little message underneath:
You want to know where they are and how to cure them? You for them, come alone, eight pm, you know where :)
Love Villain
Hero scowled at the message, but then deleted it, erasing Sidekick's contact and all their correspondence. They didn't have time to deal with failures.
“Don’t die.”
The sidekick’s hands pressed into the hero’s wound, and the hero blinked dizzily.
“I said, don’t die.”
“I’m sorry, wait, who are you?”
The sidekick’s gaze had an intensity the hero didn’t know existed. Then, they grinned, and it was like sunshine.
“Your new sidekick. And I can’t be your sidekick if you have the audacity to die on my very first day, so don’t die.”
The hero blinked once more.
“Nice to meet you?”
“I’ll say nice to meet you when you stop bleeding out.”
“Don’t die,” the sidekick reminded the hero, half laughing, half serious.
The hero rolled their eyes with affection.
“Have I ever?”
“Don’t die.”
The hero glanced up.
“Relax, it’s just a graze. No bullet holes, see?”
They held their arms away from their body, twisting to show the lack of harm.
The sidekick sighed with something close to relief.
“Die, yes, I know,” the hero finished. The sidekick’s eyes narrowed.
The hero’s heart twisted.
“I won’t, I promise.”
The sidekick nodded, once.
“Don’t die.”
The hero sneezed, eyes bleary.
“It’s just a cold.”
“Yeah, and people die from those.”
The hero laughed, voice nasally.
“The agency would be thrilled to have cause of death ‘common cold’ written in my file, I’m sure of it.”
The sidekick threw a pillow at them, and brought them soup.
“Be careful, okay?”
The hero snapped their head up.
The sidekick blinked at the sudden movement, mouth still half open.
The sidekick cleared their throat.
“I said be careful,” they gestured awkwardly with one hand. “It’s Supervillain. They don’t pull punches.”
The hero’s mouth was dry.
“Right. Yes.”
They strapped their last piece of gear on, and turned to leave.
“Oh, and hero,” the sidekick tried for nonchalance, smiling slightly. “Don’t die.”
The hero smiled back.
“You idiot,” the hero hissed, hands frantic. They didn’t know where to press, which wound to try and stop first. The sidekick coughed weakly.
“I had it handled,” the hero’s voice broke.
The sidekick managed a pained wheeze that might have been a laugh.
“Mhm. Yeah.”
“It’s Supervillain, why—“ the hero tipped their head upwards, tears slipping from their eyes.
The sidekick whimpered, slightly. “You could have gotten hurt.”
The hero pressed their hands onto the chest wound.
“And you getting hurt is okay?”
The sidekick didn’t answer. When the hero looked up, their eyes were closed.
“Hey, no no nonono don’t do this to me, sidekick, hey,” the hero scrambled, fingers slick with blood, heart pounding. “Don’t die.”
A curse, an oath, a command, a prayer.
Don’t die.
The sidekick, just barely, smiled, tugging the hero down to whisper into their ear. Just two words. The two words.
The hero sobbed, shaking their head, pushing back to find a pulse—
And found the silence of a waiting grave.
“Don’t die,” the hero said to themselves quietly, pressing a piece of gauze to their side.
The medic watched them intently, eyes soft, but didn’t say anything.
They knew. The whole goddamn base knew.
And that was the only thing that would come out of the hero’s mouth.
“Don’t. Die.”
The medic’s mouth pressed into a thin line, eyes watering, and they vanished out the door.
The hero realized, then, that their cheeks were wet.
Two words.
An oath. A prayer. A command.
“Don’t die,” They whispered, and for a moment, just a moment, they could pretend it was sidekick saying it.
The very first words they had said to the hero.
And their very last ones, too, pained hushed whispers in the hero’s ear, a final breath.
“Don’t die.”
The hero started sobbing, then.
And they didn’t stop.