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The Sahrijinn
In Cryas Darkstalkers Cast Bits 3, I had made mention about a race of beings known as the Sahrijinn. I want to discuss about this race of beings from Makai as they are quite important in terms aspects of world building. So first of all, what is with the name? Sahrijinn is the combination of the words sahri (سحري) and jinn (جن,). Sahri translates to basically 'magical' while jinn is a term many of have heard. Sometimes, jinn are angelized into the word genie. However, I was really against the idea of using that term genie. Still, the idea of the Sahrijinn are these magical beings who have quite the skill with magic of varying kinds depending on the different Sahrijinn among their race. Among the Sahrijinn are the Marid, Jann, Ifrit, Sila, Vetala, and Shaitan. Let us briefly talk about each group of the Sahrijinn.
Marid have the ability to bend spacetime and thus are able to create portals. However, they generally are limited to areas within the dimension they are in. They do however have a sensitivity for nexus points which can allow them create portals to areas outside the dimension they reside in. However, should enough energy be used, Marid can create brief nexus points to other dimensions if they are aware of other dimensions in the universe. The Marid were the first to find the nexus point to the afterlife of Makai, Inkai. They also used their abilities to open the nexus point that would eventually become the Gate. Marid have the capability to manipulate gravity, part of the reason for their ability to warp spacetime. This can allow them to fly without the need for wings or use of wind. Another notable trait of the Marid is their generally smaller size compared to the other Sahrijinn. However, the Marid are capable of entering into a state of being that increases their size exponentially known as the Unbound State.
Jann are beings with a powerful affinity for the wind. This allows the Jann to be capable of powerful forms of wind magic, from the lightest of breezes to the most devastating windstorms. This wind magic also allows them to control the atmospheric conditions of the areas they are in, inducing different forms of weather. The Jann have an affinity for desert areas, preferably finding oasis to hang around in. While they lack wings, they can fly via the use of wind currents. Due to almost being one with the wind, the Jann have a natural love for travel. During the exodus from Makai, they helped lead their fellow Sahrijinn as they traversed the unknown lands of Makai till finding a nexus point that would become the Gate. Once on Earth, they helped in making the first explorations of the ancient world. Their findings helped the Sahrijinn when it came to forming their own realm.
Ifrit are those who have a love for fire and battle. With their control over the heat, they are capable of producing using various forms of fire magic. Interestingly, they are capable of also absorbing heat, both from living beings and the air. Their bodies are capable of absorbing a high amount of heat, though when reaching critical levels, they must expel out the excess heat lest it prove to be fatal. Among the Sahrijinn, they are great warriors with a knack to fight and employing different battle tactics on the field of combat. Ifrit were the ones to help establish the first sense of civilization among the Sahrijinn, both in the ancient times in Makai and later on once the Sahrijinn left Makai.
Sila are shapeshifting beings that like to mimic the form of other beings in the name of fun. While they can be tricksters and like to get involved with others, they do have generally good intentions or just want to have fun. Once the Sahrijinn left Makai, they were among the first to interact with the ancestors of humans. Their interactions would lead to the first hybrids of Sahrijinn and humans.
Vetala are natural born psychics. Their psychic capabilities range from telekinesis to mind reading. Not only do they have these psionic abilities, they also have quite the high degree of intelligence. They purse to learn much in the way of knowledge no matter how big or small. Even in death, their stubborn pursuit of knowledge will lead them possess bodies, preferring the bodies of the recently deceased so as to not compete with control of the body. While they theoretically could keep doing this so long as they have a fresh supply of corpses, they usually only keep this up till they are content with the knowledge they know. Their incredible intellect helped lead to the creation of the realm for the Sahrijinn.
Shaitan are known for their way to weave words and sway conversations. While they lack the psychic abilities of the Vetala, the Shaitan have been noted of having a very uncanny ability to read the body language of others and get into the heads of the ones they converse with. This made them quite powerful in the form of political affairs during the time in Makai and later on with many other beings on Earth. Magic wise, they are fully capable of making use of dark based magic. Not only that, but they also have the ability to make use of various toxins that they can form from within their bodies. They can use these toxins to defend themselves should they be in a tight spot. The toxins from within a Shaitan can cause various effects from nausea to as serious as muscle spasms and temporary paralysis.
With all that knowledge laid out, let me give a brief history regarding the Sahrijinn. In the ancient times of Makai, the Sahrijinn came upon a strange ore that was discovered by some Jann. Upon interacting with the ore, it showed them strange visions of what was later interpreted by some Vetala scholars as potentially the origins of Makai. Among this, it also made them aware of the existence of the soul, the essence of an individual. Not only this, but the visions also showed of a realm where the souls go to rest. Thinking it best not to walk around with a piece of ore as they desired to find this realm, it was eventually carved into a gemstone to be fitted onto a ring. This ring would be known as the Ring of Isis. Eventually, the Sahrijinn found the nexus point to Inkai, which would be opened by a Marid. There, they marveled at the otherworldly land they saw before them, feeling the strange energy emitted by this realm. Not long afterward, they came upon some souls. From them, the Sahrijinn were amazed to learn that these souls were of the ancestors of many beings long ago. Learning of their ways, their knowledge, and even piecing together more about the potential origins of the lands they walked, it was a wonderful time for learning all sorts of knowledge. However, this wouldn't last forever.
At the time, the Sahrijinn were a powerful tribe. While not the largest in number, they had the advantage of having the greatest magical potential together as a race. Because of this, they brokered treaties with other tribes. Among them was with the Aensland Tribe, led by Zeruru. While he wasn't the friendliest, he stuck to his word with the treaties that were placed. Eventually, word of the existence of Inkai was spread. While initially with good intentions to spread knowledge of the collective origin of all, this eventually led to a great conflict. When others were shown Inkai, among them being some emissaries from the Aensland Tribe, it was soon found out that souls had power. Not only that, but they could also be absorbed to obtain power with the consequence of destroying the soul. When the Sharijinn eventually found out about this, several Marid not only sealed the portal to Inkai (trapping some demons who were in there) but managed to use their power to move the nexus point somewhere else. While the souls in Inkai could be safe from further tampering, this could not stop the now known knowledge of soul absorption. The leader of the Sahrijinn of the time, Solomon, confronted Zeruru about this. As the argument grew heated, Zeruru killed Solomon, not only absorbing his soul, but also taking the Ring of Isis. This not only led to the discovery of the great power held within a Sahrijinn soul but sparked a major conflict as other tribes sought after power. In time, many of the allies of the Sahrijinn turned on them and those who did stick with them would either be wiped out or eventually turn on them for their own safety. The only ally they had left were the Bigfoot Tribe. While the Sahrijinn were powerful and the Bigfoot were incredible warriors in battle, they were easily outnumbered by the sheer number of tribes. Eventually, they sought to flee, find another nexus point and leave these lands behind.
It took time, but they eventually discovered a nexus point in a far-off island of a great mountain. There, the Marid opened what would become the Gate. However, to deter pursuers, several Ifirt and Shaitan used their combined abilities with fire and toxins to ignite the mountain. Once they passed through the Gate, all of the Sahrijinn imbued their magic into several Marid to scramble and seal the Gate. Hopefully, the other tribes would not be able to find them. Finding themselves in a new land, they eventually acquainted themselves in this new realm. Luckily, the species here were not of any problem as they were practically like animals. The Bigfoot tribe would eventually go their separate ways, bidding the Sahrijinn good luck. As time went on, the Sahrijinn would discover a species of great intrigue. Primitive at the time, these beings would be the ancestors of humans. Several Sila were the first to interact with these beings. In time however, the Sahrijinn felt it best to eventually isolate themselves from all other lifeforms, still scarred by the events that went down that caused them to leave their homeland. While it took much time, they eventually found a new nexus point that led to a pocket of nothingness. Based on both their memories of their old homeland and the new lands they saw on what would be known as Earth, they constructed a new realm for themselves in this void. Jannah, the realm of the Sahrijinn, was to be its name and the new home of the Sahrijinn.
While mostly keeping to themselves, the Sahrijinn still visited the new realm they found, interacting with creatures and what would become humans. Infact, several of the various Sahrijinn would eventually mate with these beings, eventually producing hybrids. Over the years, these hybrids would eventually dilute the Sahrijinn blood they had. However, it would remain, potentially being the basis for humans to have the ability of magic. Some of the Sahrijinn in time also sought to stay in this new realm permanently, integrating with these beings and hybrids.
Sometime after they did establish Jannah, the Sahrijinn were visited by a strange, but otherworldly race of beings. These were the Angels, observers of the universe and carrier of the souls to Reikai. The Sahrijinn were without a doubt frightened by these new beings but would be calmed when they realized these ethereal beings were not hostile. If anything, the Angels were curious by these new beings they see before them. Despite no words beings said, the Sahrijinn, felt further calm as the Angels merely only observed them for some time before eventually leaving. This wasn't the last they saw of them as they would see them again as their fellow Sahrijinn would die. The Angels would come to retrieve the souls of the dead. While anxious at first, they eventually came to realize these Angels were taking their fallen to a new afterlife, one for this reality. It wasn't Inkai, but elsewhere.
I hope you enjoy this world building bit! This is important beyond just establishing some prehistory of Makai, but also some backstory of this race as eventually a Sahrijinn will be a main character in Cryas Darkstalkers. Feel free to ask questions and I will be glad to answer. Till next time ya'll! 😄✌️
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