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"I'm Stuck In The 90's And Early 2000's" (Part 2)
Gotta include TV Shows. They were awesome (still are)!
What’s your favorite 90's Greatest Shows?
i <3 black sitcoms!!
The way current American black girl fashion and hair trends rarely make it to the big screen or television needs to be studied…
A far cry from the 90’s and early 2K
My sisters very unique
backstory here me and my younger sister who’s 22 months and 10 days younger than me- she’s very particular about this- says the weirdest crap. Here’s some things she’s said recently:
Me: we should get a cat
Mum: we can’t paige doesn’t like cats
Me: Paige doesn’t like me but you still keep me
Paige from next room: True dat I don’t like her
Paige: I mean I will turn Into a pacycephalasaurs and end you
Paige: and I mean I am gonna turn I to a peterodactly and end your bloodline. I’m gonna. I’m just gonna.
*going grocery shopping* me: paige look it’s beans
paige: Scrumdillyumyumaperper. (She doesn’t like beans)
and there’s many more. I just need to tell someone about my mentally broken sister cuz it’s hard to live with her cuz half time I can’t breathe cuz I’m laughing too hard other half cuz she’s winded me punching me or smth