Skippy The Magnificent - Tumblr Posts
I drew exfor doodles digitally and all I got was a migraine (send help)

a full page of work doodles!

Page of exfor characters!
Ik Nagatha looks wonky and I said I didn’t care on Reddit but I do care I want to strangle myself but also I can’t do anything about it so Womp Womp to me ig loll

I’m def younger than Skippy, if Joe was an infant to Skippy, i wasn’t even born XD
and McKay, def younger XD
are you
older than you favourite fictional character
younger than them
the same age
idk if they’re older or younger than me
i don’t have a favourite fictional character/results
Colonel Simms would love my mom

Bonus doodle: Skippy scaring the crap out of Joe (and loving it)

some sketches I made in my friends book, she got tired of me not coloring them so she gave me her book and told me to color them in XD

I forgot about the two Maxholx back in the battle group Skippy stranded outside the galaxy, and the fact that they named them Dick And Morty 😭🤣 now I have to draw them lolll
For the character ask: Skippy
Also, because I know you're in the fandom, how about Starflight?
here’s the thing:
How I feel about this character
I RELATE TO HIM WAY TOO MUCH. He is literally me im just not as big of an asshole EXECPT TO ONE FRIEND. I am legit his Skippy and he’s Joe. 100%
Skippy’s character development/design is beautiful. He has a slow burn development that you kinda don’t notice, until you do. Just like Rodney McKay from Stargate. The parallels between Rodney McKay/John Sheppard and Skippy and Joe are all too similar. I’m convinced the author based Skip and Joe’s duo off of Sheppard and McKay. I’m also a SUCKER for the arrogant genius tropes. Skippy is my all time favorite character of all fandoms ever, which is funny bc that title had belonged to McKay which further proves my point.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Nagatha. Those two are freaking adorable. Nagatha and Nagatha alone. Sorry doll lol
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Halloween colors oooo
okay I really like Frey and Skippy’s friendship. The way she sings with him and makes him feel wanted and not like he’s a burden to talk to? Amazing. I’m here for it 100%. Also Skippy and Tripps! I would’ve KILLED FOR TRIPPS TO SURVIVE OH MY G O D. AHHHH. Also Skippy and Friedlander is hilarious. And Skippy and Joes mom. I can see her chatting away with Skippy over tea about Joe, Skippy tryna learn more about his favorite monkey and Joes mom tryna make sure Joe is doing alright and hearing about his adventures kicking rotten kitty ass.
My unpopular opinion about this character:
Home front was amazing. Seeing as it was written by skippy. My only problem with home front was the battle cries that’s it, I bore through everything else and loved it.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon:
I wish he actually snuck a puppy onto the ship…or had more heart to hearts with bishop…or yk…
How I feel about this character
baby boi baby
I wanna hug him 😭😭😭 he deserved so much 💀 it’s not his fault he was born into a bunch of racist, god complex, lyin little worms! Honestly his queen reminded me of the Maxholx commander Reichert loll. Anywho I was so sad when he lost his eyes but also that’s really cool to visualize. He needs a scavenger companion.
All the people I ship romantically with this character:
I think him and Sunny are a-freaking-dorable! I haven’t read the series in a while but yeah him and Sunny I can’t change it it’s too good. Ik I haven’t branched out from canon much but sometimes canon is so good it can’t be changed.
My non-romantic OTP for this character:
Star flight and Glory. The quiet, introverted, people pleasing bookworm and the loud, sassy, bulldozer of a queen. Love it so much. Also I feel like Starflight and Cricket would be such a great duo to follow.
My unpopular opinion about this character
uhhhhhh idk lol. It’s been a long while since I read the series.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
I wish he got a scavenger friend or two to help him in the library. Ik that’s it and boring but srsly it would’ve been adorable.
Col Smythe!

And also his Dino plunger medal!!
the first one is a collab between me and another Redditor (u/jp_the_dude) they drew the mech and I drew Smythe/colored it all >:D
some SUPER old art I found while deleting photos, enjoy the cringefest

I also found a comic someone made and thought it was hilarious so I remade it back in 2023 with me and my interests in place XD

k last post of the night I promise
I found chibi exfor sticky notes I did months ago! Here are the cutest ones!

Re: the WIP ask game
Stranded and Scales!
Oh dear XD okay sry I’ve been a bit busy today it’s mah bday
okay so please please don’t judge me, but Stranded is based on a dream I had a long time ago.
so stranded is set sometime after Valkyrie and before Failure mode, except things have calmed down enough for the governments on earth to form a sort of internship program for college students to shadow the crew on Valkyrie. Don’t ask questions if somethings doesn’t add up, it’s a dream. So in the dream, I was a part of the internship program and was shadowing one of the engineers.
We were on a sort of routine check in with a Kristang relay station a couple light years away from a planet habited by a Kristang training facility for young warriors. Skippy had a mircorwormhole set up to monitor that planet. I had befriended Skippy and quickly became his favorite intern, bc well I mean I sung with him voluntarily. I was walking to his man cave to show him a new painting I had made, when something attacked the ship. We were just floating about in space while Skippy ransacked the relay station. The ship was sliced apart, like they were trying to cut Skippy out of the ship. Skippy, panicking and trying to save who he could on this side of Valkyrie, focused on the microwormhole and dumped a shit ton of his own power into it, managing to expand it into an unstable wormhole that connected to the atmosphere of the planet, a couple people were sheared to bits by the micro wormhole, but the parts of the ship that was cut off nearest to Skippy passed through and was dumped into the sky of the planet. The rest of the ship was being bombarded by whoever attacked and Valkyrie managed a chaotic jump away while the couple of us on the little piece with Skippy plummeted down. Skippy cut that microwormhole off and opened a new one to dump us lower near the ground into a tumble. Effectively stranding us on the planet. It was me, one other person and Skippy, but the other person got shot later on, so it was just me and Skippy on the planet being hunted by fanatic, young, moronic lizards. Don’t judge me. It was a dream. I thought it was cool 😭
Okay Scales dang it’s been a long while. It’s a bit incoherent but the basic gist is the main character is some sort of hybrid of an Angel (a Kellkie) and a human. And each human has a guardian angel and a demon that watches and influences their circumstances, but the main character (Opal’s) Kellkie died when she was young, leaving the demon (a Kellus named Amon) to become her “guardian angel” of sorts. It’s a bit lame but I thought it was cool a couple years ago XD I’m sure it’s been done before so I didn’t really flesh it out too much.
anywho, there u go :3
First drawing on my new iPad!! I love procreate 😭 def an upgrade from my Microsoft janky tablet

Joe looks bad but that’s bc I’m still working figuring procreate out 🤣
So the gif is crashing tumblr every time I try to upload it so here you go
I had needed a test subject for an animation, and now Skippy is gonna hate me
Semi Spoopy Skippy


Fun with avatars! (Art by rúe moon!!)
Foca and Skippy occasionally "fight", much to the amusement of the crew.
Fun facts about Foca's avatar!:
- larger than Skippy's, obviously
- it likes very much to put it on people; treats it like a real extension of itself
- if not on someone, may "swim" through the air
Also, if it's actively monitoring a specific room or area, the holo will be there. It has an idle sleep animation if not currently being puppeted.
@douknowanoah’s exfor pirate AU fanart. Bc I had to

I love exfor too much

I’m so glad dad listed to exfor in the car, Skippy hooked me and I started listening to it on my own. Skippy and the merry band of pirates have progressed me so much in my art abilities and skills. I’ve grown and learned exponentially since the 2022 early 2023 when I first heard and started drawing characters and species from exfor. My ability to draw facial features better, my shading, my expressions and body language, lighting, color theory, proportions, animals, hair styles, depth, clothes etc. without exfor I’d still be stuck way at a skill level insanely below the one I’m at. That’s a huge part of why I think Exfor will stay with me for a long time.