Skz Kim Seungmin - Tumblr Posts
Self Love K.SM
Kind proofread

"God damn it," you mutter between clenched teeth as your head hits your pillow. It's been almost three months since your crush & his best friend became your roommates. & it's been two months since you bought your rose. Yes that rose.
As you lay in bed sweaty & coming down from my high, you heard your roommates return home.
"Y/n we're home!" Jeongin yell out as he got close to your bedroom door. You all have our own bathrooms in your rooms, which you thank god for. "I'll be out in a minute I'm about to take a shower," you yell back as you make your way to the bathroom.
When you first met your crush you all were juniors in high school. Seungmin was quite popular because he was our class topper, even though he has the cutest face ever his mouth could be very lethal, he did not take bull shit from anyone, & he hated bullies which is how you both met.
In high school, you wouldn't say you were ugly, you was just a lot more on the curvy side. Yes 17 years old 5'1 & a half weighting 232 pounds.
So yes that caused you to be bullied a lot. Your whole life no one ever tried to help you let alone talk to you. So the day Seungmin helped you was the day you fell in love. That was 2 years ago now & let's just say your not that shy, overweighted 17-year-old girl anymore.
After graduating you went to the States to visit your parents & over the summer you lost a lot of weight. 57 pounds to be exact. Your still curvy but just in all the right places as your best friend Kiara always tells you.
Most of your classmates all got accepted into the same college, so the looks you got from so many people were priceless even though you had talked to Seungmin almost every day over the summer break you never told him about your major weight loss. So even he was surprised when he saw you. With you both being roommates he & Jeongin were the first to see you.
Everyone still thinks your this shy good girl who hardly ever talks but in reality, your not. Seungmin & your best friend always makes it their job to let people know you're the complete opposite. You are loud, goofy & became very confident in yourself.
It's Saturday so that means movie night. You picked last weekend so it's Jeongin's turn which is most likely a scary K-drama or just something scary in general. The fox-looking boy is dating your best friend, so you take advantage of getting close & cling to Seungmin.
As you leave your room & make your way to the living room you hear more than just your roommates. When you reach the end of the hall you see that you was right. As you walk in you see not only your bestie there but also the rest of you roommates' friends. So now it is 8 boys in your living room.
"Hey Y/n," the squirrel-like boy says as he is the first one to notice your presence. Followed by a few waves & heys from everyone else.
"What's up squirrel boy," you reply & waving at everyone else as you make your way to the kitchen.
"Damn you two are lucky to have Y/n as your roommate," Chan says as half of them watch her walk away. "I got with a loud dwaekki & a singing, slow ass squirrel," he says while pointing at Changbin & then to Jisung causing both of them to yell at him causing everyone to laugh at the trio.
You wouldn't say your a goth girl but your favorite colors are red & black & the majority of your clothes consist of those colors. Since your at home you don't bother getting dressed up. You have on a black noodle-strapped tank top that has a built-in bra that shows off my belly & nipple piercings, paired with some off-black shorts.
You were about to go & sit between Seungmin & Changbin when someone knocked at the door. Before you got the chance to do or say anything Seungmin stood up & rushed to the door causing his hair to flop like cute puppy ears. After a minute a so he returns with a small girl clinging to his arm smiling so hard it looks like her face might get stuck that way.
"Guys I forgot to tell you that my best friend was coming over. She's here visiting from Seoul," Seungmin said smiling as they now stood in front of the TV.
You was surprised & a little pissed off to hear him say her name before he started pointing around the room & saying everyone's name. Once he got to you, you ignored them as you stood up & asked if anybody wanted anything from the kitchen & walked right past them almost bumping them causing them to take a step back.
When you returned Seungmin & the girl were sitting where you both usually sit. Before you got to say something Changbin said, "Y/n can you sit with Hyunjin? Kali is scared of scary movies," "But- fine whatever," you said but instead of sitting with Hyunjin you go to sit with Chan.
You wasnt even 20 minutes into the movie & you couldn't help but to keep glaring at Seungmin & his 'best friend'. At some point, you hear Jeongin whisper to Kiara how cute they would be together & reply with a sour face saying 'Ew'.
After another torturing 20 minutes you decide you can't take the sight of them or hear Jeongin talk about them no more.
"Hey guys I'm going to go lay down I'm not feeling too well," you said as you got up & walk toward your room not giving anyone a chance to say anything.
Every time someone came to your room & knocked on the door you just ignored the & pretended to be asleep. Everyone but Kiara believed you truly was but with you best friend being the only one knowing you liked Seungmin which you made very obvious by the way, knew you wasn't okay.
She talked to you but you didn't say much before she got up & left as everyone was now leaving.
A/n should I make a part 2? Please reblog & let me know if you like it! It would mean so much to me🥰❤️
Stray Kids M.List
Main M.List

teddy bear

kim seungmin x fem!reader
description: though you're an adult, your parents decided to have kim seungmin, your ex-best friend, stay with you for the time they are gone. you don't want to be around him unless absolutely necessary. why? because he destroyed your teddy of course.
warnings: reader scared of lightening, mentions of a parent passing, smut, unprotected sex, small oral(male receiving), small dirty talk, doggy style, pull-out method, cuddles.
wc: 3.6k
a/n: I wrote this bc I actually lost my childhood teddy bear for 4 good hours. I was in a panic for the entire time. I somewhat proofread this but ehh. it not the best, but I still like it. :)) also this was my first time trying fake texts so bare with me and the random timetamps.. I would love to make a series with social media au, I just need to figure out what is best. you guys have any tips and apps to use with that, plz inbox me!
“really mom? I’m an adult, I can stay home by myself.” I whined as I threw myself on the couch. my mom sighed and looked towards my step dad. “honey, we know that, but we are going to be away for three weeks. we don’t want you to alone alone for that long. if it was just till next week it would be find.” dad explains, pushing my feet off the couch. “can I choose who stays with me then?” I asked, sitting up looking at both of them. “yes but only one person. also seungmin is going to be staying in the guest room while we are away.” mom said as she went to the kitchen. what the fuck, hell no. “why is he coming over?” I asked, raising my voice slightly while standing. “y/n, don’t raise your voice.” mom said. “dad!” i said, turning to him. “because he lives right next door, he’ll only be here during the night to make sure you and whoever are good and he’ll be gone in the morning. is that okay?” dad said, patting my shoulder.Â
I sighed and thought about it. “I guess so. as long as I don’t have to see him during the full day.” I said, giving up. “alright.” dad said, looking at his watch. “we have a flight to catch, so we have to leave now.” dad said, kissing the top of my head. “please try to be nice to seungmin while we are gone.” mom said, grabbing her luggage. “but-” I said, before my mom continued my sentence. “you two don’t get long I know…just try.” she said, before blowing me a kiss and exiting the door with my step dad right behind her. “we’ll send extra cash if you need it for food.” dad said, locking the door. “alright. love you!” I called out. “we love you too.” dad said, closing the door behind him.
I walked back to my room and grabbed my phone from the charger. texting my best friend, lia, to see if she wanted to stay for some of the days, but knowing her- she’s probably not going to respond till a hours later or maybe even tomorrow. I exited from her name and saw seungmin’s name pop up as he sends a text. I sighed and opened the message.

kim seungmin. the young man who as being my neighbor since I was born. we used to be friends, playing together every chance we got. we did everything together, were there for each other. he was there when when my dad passed away, there when my mom met my step dad, there when they got married. the good and bad of our lives, we were together. when we were 13 years old, he did something I think was unforgivable. stealing my stuffed bear that I had as a baby and threw it away. mom thinks I’m still being childish about it, but I couldn’t sleep correctly for months. he took something of mine and got rid of it, he lost everything that day. when he said he he did to my most treasured item. I only text and wiling be around him when I have to, like today…and the 3 weeks he has to be here. 3 weeks, alone, with seungmin, a person I don’t want to even be near for 3 fucking weeks. god, please kill me now. I looked at the time, I had 4 hours till seungmin was going to sadly show up. I guess I can take a nap while I wait. I turned off my lights and climbed into to bed. I turned on my favorite youtuber for background noise on a low volume. I laid my head down and closed my eyes. please let me a stress free three weeks, even if seungmin will be here and I have to work. please.
I woke up to my phone ringing and banging on the door. what the fuck. I grabbed my phone and answered the call without looking at it. “hello.” I said, getting out of bed to head to the front door. “are you gonna let me, it’s starting to fucking rain!” I heard seungmin’s voice say through the phone. I looked at the time, 5:25pm. “have you been outside for 25 minutes?” I asked, taking my sweet time. “no, I got off work, had time to stop at my house to get my mom’s cooking and now I’m here. open the damn door before I catch a cold!” he said, stilling banging on the door. I unlocked the door to see a wet seungmin, making me giggle.Â
“shut up.” he said, hanging up the call and pushing his way into my home. “rude.” I said, closing the door. “what were you doing anyway?” he said, handing the bag of steaming food. he took off his jacket and hung it up before taking off his shoes. “I’ll set the food up in the kitchen. you go change, wouldn’t want the sweet baby seungmin to get sick.” I said, walking pasted him into the kitchen. I heard he go to the guest room. I took out his mom’s famous cooking. giving each container a big sniff. god, it smells so good! I took two plates out of the cabinet and started filling up my plate.
seungmin entered the kitchen now dressed in dry clothes. I slid him his plate as I went to go eat my food inthe living room. “did you really take most of the chicken!” I heard him yell from the kitchen. “you live with your mother and her cooking, I don’t get to have it often. stop whining.” I called back out to him, stuffing rice in my mouth. seungmin walked in and made a face. “you know you look like a pig when you eat like that.” he said as he sat on the other side of the couch. I rolled my eyes and grabbed the remote from the coffee table. “I’m going to watch my favorite movie.” I said, quickly starting it from the beginning. “really this?” seungmin said, raising one eyebrow. I nodded my head as I felt myself go into a trance while watching the movie.
seungmin had already got done with his food and washed his plate. “you know you don’t have to stay in the lying room with me.” I said, looking over at him. he looked up from his phone and over at me before going back to his phone. I pulled the blanket off me- that I had thrown on my lap in the middle of the movie. taking my plate to the kitchen. as I washed my plate, loud thunder and the sound of lightening made me jump. dropping the plate in the sink as I screamed. “fuck!” I yelled. my soul leaving my body for a few seconds.Â
“you okay?” a voice asked. I screamed and turned around to see seungmin. “you still scared of bad thunderstorms?” he asked as he leaned on the side of the frame of the archway. “yes. you are going to make fun of me?” I asked as went back to washing my dish. “no, I’m not that low.” he answered before turning around to leave. “but you’re low enough to take a teddy and throw it away.” I muttered under my breath. seungmin stopped, looked at me, before continuing.
I walked back to the living room and saw seungmin wasn’t there anymore. he must of went to bed. I turned off the tv and headed to my room, turning off the lights on my route.Â
I entered my room and got ready for bed. I looked at my phone and saw a message from lia finally.

I looked up the weather and she was correct. it’s going to be raining for the rest of the night and all of tomorrow. great. I sighed plugging up my phone and got in bed. I laid on my stomach and fell asleep very quickly.
I woke up to a knock on my door. “what!” I said tiredly. the door opened and I saw seungmin. “hey I was letting you know. the roads flooded last night so we go anywhere.” he explained. I sat up and stretched, noticed what time it was. “it’s 5am seungmin, why are you up?.” I said with my eyes half eyes. “I go to work at 6am, but I was just telling you that we’re kind of stuck here unless we go to my house. but you can go back to sleep now.” he said, leaving and closing the door. I laid back down and closed my eyes, falling asleep once again.
I woke up to my alarm going off, piper piper by bts blaring- 9am. “oh my god!” I said, grabbing my phone and turning off the now annoying song. “I’m never going to be able to listen to that song anymore.” I said to myself. I got out of bed and walked out my bed, going to the bathroom.
I heard loud noises coming from the front of the house. what the fuck? I followed the sound into the kitchen and saw seungmin. “now what are you doing?” I asked him. he trying his head to me. “what does it look like?” he sassed back. “I’m cooking breakfast.” he said, turning back to what he was cooking. “what is it? are you going put some in my food?” I asked narrowing my eyes at him. “no. I want to eat dumbass and I’m sure you are too.” he said, rolling his eyes at me. “when will it be done?” I asked, standing on my tippy toes from where I was standing. “now.” he said, turning off the stove and remod-ving the pan. “it’s eggs, pancakes, and toast.” he said. I went and grabbed myself a plate and loaded up my plate.
as I tried to walk out, seungmin took my plate. “thank you.” he said with a smile and went to the living to eat. I stood there and processed what just happened. the little bitch took my plate of food. “dick!” I yelled as I grabbed another plate and filled another plate of food. good thing he made a lot of food. I walked into the living room and turned on a show I wasn’t familiar with. I sat down and began to eat.
soon my plate became abandoned as I interested in the show. “why would he do that? he’s an idiot. she likes you dumbass!” I yelled at tv like the characters were going to hear me. I heard seungmin laughed at me. “you’re more into this than I am.” he laughed. I threw my pillow at him to make him shut up.
we sat on the couch, watching the the show. we were currently on the end of the second season. the sun had started going down. then everything went dark, I jumped out of my seat. in the a blink of an eye the lights came back on. “I think we might lose power.” seungmin stated. “I hope not.” I said, feeling my anxiety build up. I grabbed my phone and checked the time. 5:35pm. “we should charger our phone just in case it does.” seungmin said, standing up from the couch. I nodded my head and walked to my room. I plugged up my phone and walked to the kitchen to make something to eat. I grabbed two cups of ramen and made one for me and seungmin.
I watched as seungmin entered the room. I slid him his cup of ramen as I continued to eat mine on the counter. “thanks.” he said, which I nodded my head to. we ate in silence as the thunder rumbled far in the distance. I jumped off the counter and threw away my now empty cup. “I’m going to my room.” I told seungmin before walking away. I entered my room, looking around the area. I should put some things away so I don’t trip over them if the power does go out. I finished around 6pm. I sat on my bed, playing tetris on my phone.
“stupid game.” I said as I raged quit from miss clicking for the 4th time. “why do I tell have that game on my phone? I don’t even like playing it.” I cried to myself. I got up from bed and changed into fresh comfy clothes. I climbed into bed and went to bed early so i won’t be wake during a storm that was about to happen.
I woke up at 1am to it raining harder than ever outside. I looked around at the window. that looks bad. I watched as a flash of bright light went in front of my window with a loud crack and shake of the house. I screamed as I jumped out of my bed into the floor. I stood up and quickly got back intoto bed. I jumped as my door swung open fast. seungmin looked worried as he entered my room.Â
“you okay?” he asked, walking into my room and closer to me. I nodded my head and looked towards the window, scared that it would happen again. “y/n.” he said, making me look at him. “you’re crying.” he said. what? I touched my face and felt that my cheeks were wet. “did the lightening scare you that much?” he asked, standing at the edge of my bed next to me. “I mean it was right outside of my window, I’m okay though.” I said to him. he raised an eyebrow, “are you sure?” he asked, fixing the hood at was falling off his head. “yes.” I said, knowing I was lying though my teeth. “okay.” he said, slowly walking out of my room and closing the door.Â
I thought about my answer and called out to seungmin hoping he would answer and come back, but I don’t think he heard. I laid back down and closing my eyes, hoping to fall back to sleep.Â
“y/n.” I heard, making my open my eyes. I see seungmin once again in my room “yes seungmin?” I asked. “didn’t you call my name a few seconds ago?” he said, shuffling his feet and hands behind his back. my body wanted to cave in on itself, god I feel a little embarrassed. “yeah I did.” I said, fixing my position in my bed. “I was wondering if you could stay in here with me, just till I fell asleep.” I said, looking past him- not wanting to meet his eyes. “yeah I can.” he said, walking over to the other side of the bed and climbed in. I felt him get close and held my eyes firmer closed and tried to fall asleep. stiff is one word to describe how I looked in bed.
I felt myself slipping into my second sleep, when I felt seungmin wrap his arms around me and placed something in my arms. he didn’t let go, but loosely kept his arms one my waist. “I’m sorry for my actions when we were young.” he said, i could feel his breathe on my neck. I looked down and saw my childhood toy. I wanted to cry to have it back. I hugged it tightly into me. “I didn’t know I had it. some how it ended up in my bag and I found it when I was at a friend’s house. they saw it thought it was mine and took it from me. I got it back a few months ago after I got my new job.” he explained. “I should have told you what actually happened, instead of ruining our friendship into almost nothing.” he said, I turned around and looked at him. “thank you for giving it back.” i said, he nodded. “it was always my plan to get it back and give it back to you.” seungmin said with a smile. I copied his smile, feeling more sleepy as the seconds passed.
“let’s go to sleep, shall we?” he said, getting more comfortable. we both fell asleep, me being in his embrace.
I woke up to seungmin moving around. “seungmin stop moving so much.” I groaned out before turning around. my back facing him. “sorry.” I heard him mumble. sadly my bed wasn’t the biggest(nor the smallest), but I every quickly found out why he was moving around a lot. I turned my head around, “seungmin are you hard?” I asked as I watched his cheeks turn bright red. “it’s not what you think!” he said, freaked out. I bursted out laughing. “really?” I asked, turning my body back around. “yes.” he said more quietly. I sat up and checked the time. 5:30am. “your morning schedule tiring me and I just woke up.” I said, making him laugh a little. I thought about if I should ask the question that was on a tip of my tongue. fuck it.
“did you want some help?” i asked him. “with what?” he quickly asked. I sighed and looked down at his crotch then back up at him. his eyes went wide and jaw dropped. “no I mean I don’t need help. I can handle myself.” he said, looking up at me. “did you want to help me?” he continued. “kinda, but if you can handle yourself, I’m going to go eat some cereal. I said about to get out of bed, but seungmin stopped me. I turned back around. the rising sun, hitting his face from the edges of the blinds. he looked good. “help me out y/n.” he said, making me smile.
“fuck.” seungmin moaned out as popped off his cock. “where did you learn how to do that?” he asked as I moved to sit on him. I shrugged my shoulders with a smile on my lips. I lifted my body up and aligned him with my entrance. slowly sinking down on him, till he completely filled me up. “oh god.” I said, placing my hands on his chest. “shit, you’re so tight.” seungmin said, throwing his head back, hands on my thighs. I rolled my hips, getting used to the size of him. seungmin glided his hands up to my waist and lifting me up. coming back down, completely becoming full once again. the head of cock hitting my g-spot perfectly. I moaned out as seungmin set the pace. I looked at him, sweat beading down his face, eyes closed from pleasure. he looks so hot like this.
I started coming down more roughly as I leaned down to kiss his lips. seungmin wrapped his arms around my back, keeping me in place. thrusting up into me. “oh fuck!” I cried out, digging my head in his neck. “I love how you feel in me.” I said, placing kisses on his neck. seungmin threaded his hand in my hair and pulled my head up. making me keep eye contact with me. “I love how me clench around me pretty.” he said, making me moan. “I’m wanna cum minnie.” I whined out. seungmin shook his head, “not yet pretty.” he said.Â
seungmin sat up with me still in his embrace. “off.” he commanded, lifting me off of him before I could protest. I watched as he sat up on his knees. “turn around, hand and knees.” he said, jerking off his cock. I quickly did so, arching my back and face laid on the pillow. with one hand he held on hip and lined up, teasing me by rubbing against clit. I moaned, moving my hips back. “how bad do you want to cum y/n?” seungmin said. “so bad. please make me cum minnie.” I pleaded. he pushed back into me with one stroke. slowly pulling out and thrusting back in hard, angling his hips till he found me g-spot again. I nearly screamed as he picked up the pace. I held the bed sheets in my fist tightly. the knot in the pit of my stomach becoming strong. “cum. wanna cum.” I said, trying to look back at him.
seungmin slid his right hand down under on body, meeting my clit. rubbing messy circles. I closed my eyes as my high snapped when hips thrusted a few more times. “oh fuck!” i screamed as I creamed over him. “jesus.” seungmin said, removing his hand to place it back on my hip with his other hand. he pounded into me with sloppy thrusts till he couldn’t handle it no more. seungmin pulled out and jerked off his cock, coming all over my bare back with a tight grip on my hip- most likely it was going to leave bruises.
I relaxed my body from exhaustion as seungmin got up and reached for something on the ground. I didn’t even bother seeing, wanting to take a nap now or have a snack. I couldn’t really wait what I wanted. I felt something by dragged across my back, cleaning his cum off me. once he was done, he placed a kiss on my back. right below my neck. seungmin laid next to me, wrapping his arms around me. I placed my head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat as it was starting to slow down from our activities. seungmin started laughing, I looked up at with tired eyes. “nothing, take a nap.” he said, playing an arm under his head. I placed my head back in it’s place, slowly falling asleep.Â
“your teddy bear watches us have sex.” I heard him say, making me burst into hard laughter.