Seungmin X Y/n - Tumblr Posts

11 months ago

× Campus Crumble Trailer ×

 Campus Crumble Trailer
 Campus Crumble Trailer

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 Campus Crumble Trailer


Pairing:- Seungmin x Reader

Genre:- Best friends to lovers au, College au, SMAU

Storyline teaser:- Y/N, Seungmin and Han decide that they are too bored and the campus life is too stagnant so they whip up a crazy idea to bring everyone closer by being an anon group/club called Campus Crumble who arranges meet ups at nights and delivers food inspired by people's daily life struggles in hopes to make their days better.

College isn't just studies so why not shake the whole campus up.

Join them on the adventures of cooking, sneaking around anonymously and making people's lives a little better somehow.

Will the "Food Santa Clauses" as the students refer to them stay anonymous or will they be found?


@→moodboard(Campus Crumble)


 Campus Crumble Trailer

@→directory @→processing

 Campus Crumble Trailer

Comment your @ to be added to the 'notify me' list. See you soon guys!

"Campus Crumble - Food makes life better"

 Campus Crumble Trailer

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1 year ago

Skz making a bet on you Maknae Line pt.2

Pairing: OT8 SKZ x f!Reader

Genre, AU: angst ofc, lovers to exes!AU

Warnings: cursing, mentions of cheating, many mentions of insecurities, a little suggestive. I think that abt it

Summary: you happened to learn one day that the never really loved you and only made a bet with the other members to see if you would fall in love with them

A.N: Not proof read at all and FINALLY GOT ALL PARTS OUT YAY

Parts: Hyung line Maknae Line pt.1

Skz Making A Bet On You Maknae Line Pt.2

HAN JISUNG Han sat there. He was stunned to say the least. He didn’t expect you to show up nor hear what he said. It wasn’t until Chan nudged his shoulder that he let go of the breath he didn’t even know he was holding. The older boy looked at Han disappointedly.

Chan held him by the shoulder as he told him, “Are you gonna be a dumbass and sit here or are you gonna chase after y/n and hope she’ll take you back?”

After hearing that, Han finally got up to his feet as he nodded his head. “I’m gonna get y/n back be-because I don’t know what I could possibly do without her. Yeah… that’s what I’ll do.” Then he bolted out of the room to go and find you.

As he ran down the hall and almost out of the building, a particular box caught his eye. It just so happened to sit on the top of the rest of the garbage. He could tell it was yours from the way it was made and decorated. Seeing the box there on a pile of trash made him tear up. He grabbed it and held it tightly to his chest.

You were walking down the street by now. Kicking at the rocks that stood in your way. All the hard work you put into everything just for him to turn his back on you. All the tears had already been cried and dried. Now you were extremely exhausted and your only goal was to get home.

Making your way through the crowded streets, you suddenly hear your name being called. You whipped around to see a very distressed Han racing towards you. Seeing the tear streaks on his face made your heart break. In that instant, you almost forgot the hurt he caused you. But when you did remember what happened earlier, your past anger returned and you decided to walk away from him.

When he saw you turn back around and just walk away, he became panicked all over again. He chased after you until he was right behind you. As soon as he could, he grabbed your wrist and made you face him.

“Y/N!!! I understand that you’re hurt and you don’t want to talk but please just hear me out! You mean everything to me and—”

You immediately covered his mouth. He tried to take your hand off but you put another hand over his mouth.

“Let’s talk about this at home. Please?”

Han finally eased down and nodded his head. The two of you were just a couple blocks away from home anyways. So you and Han walked side by side in awkward silence(insert song, sry I had to😭). He constantly glanced between you and the floor until he gathered the courage to ask you,

“Can I… mmm… Can I at least hold your hand? I’m scared you’ll run away and you won’t listen to me. Then I’ll never see you again! You’ll break up wi—”

You grabbed his hand so he would just shut up. So he did. The rest of the way was in silence with the soft comfort of each other’s breath and presence.

When you made it home, both of you sat on the couch. Spending a couple moments in silence. Eventually, you spoke up, breaking the uncomfortableness.

“Are you not going to explain yourself?”

No answer.

“If you don’t say anything, I’m gonna go to my friend’s house. I need some time. Food’s in the fridge so warm up something for yourself to eat if you get hungry.”

No answer.

You sighed as you rose from your position, almost walking away before you felt a small and gentle touch on the tip of your small finger. A soft voice of the one you loved spoke.

“Don’t go… I’ll talk. However much you need me to. Just don’t… leave.”

The last word made you feel a pang of pain in your heart.

“It was a stupid bet we made when we were younger. Hyunjin brought it up during our debut. The first girl we found the most attractive, we would ask out no matter the circumstances. It took me a month to even get to know you and a year to get close to you. I was scared but they made me confess. So when you accepted I was so happy. Nothing matters more than you. I promise. You’re everything I could ask for so please don’t… don’t leave me. I’ll do anything you ask. Just don’t.”

As much as he tried to keep strong for you, there were tears brimming his eyes. You knew you couldn’t stay mad at him for long. And the way he confessed the truth warmed your heart. How could you leave him?

“I forgive you. I’ll just need a little time. I promise, I won’t leave you alone. I just need to take a bit of time for myself, yeah?”

Han slowly nodded his head as you pressed a kiss on his cheek.

Everything was fine though. You returned on the second day and boy did he make it up to you. In more ways than one. If you know what I mean. 😘 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ LEE FELIX You didn’t hear from him for a few days. It angered you. He was the one who did the wrong thing and now he just thinks he can pretend you never existed!? It’s probably for the best. You don’t know what you would do if you saw him again. Forgive him? Probably not. You’d rather jump on him and claw his face right open. Wait, let’s backtrack that. Probably just punching him in the face was enough.

It had probably been a month since Felix last contacted you, and you to him. It hurt you, you admit. But you were slowly moving on. Finding people you could actually trust in.

Well let’s just say… things did not go according to plan.

On a late night out with a couple of you girl friends, you were drinking and getting hit on. It was fun. The freedom, you mean. You weren’t held back by the restraints of a relationship.

But I guess not everything goes like what you'd expect. Because while you were drinking a margarita, in walks in, no other than, Felix. And who did he just happen to walk up to first? You. The audacity to even take this action made you give him a hard slap on the cheek.

“Hey, asshole. How’ve you been?”

Felix just held his cheek in shame. He couldn’t exactly just yell at you. It was his fault in the first place.

“Hey, y/n… I’ve been awful.”


You were fuming. You were not gonna let some man walk back into your life after saying such hurtful words and then ghosting you for a month. You absolutely loathed him. That wasn’t really true though. Deep down, you still loved him as much as you used to. But, you were too scared to get hurt again.

Felix was equally as irritated but you mattered more to him right now, than his petty thoughts. So he grabbed you by the hand and dragged you out of the bar, ignoring your cries and pleas.

When you were finally outside, his grip loosened but he didn’t let go. You just sighed and rolled your eyes.

"The hell do you want?" You said as you yanked your hand away and began rubbing your wrist.

"A chance to explain myself to you."

"After you ghosted me for a month? Not a chance. Get a life."

"Wait, y/n-"

"Leave me the fuck alone."

"I still want to be with you..." He nearly said breathlessy.

"Well I don't." You were fighting every fiber in you to run back to him tell him how much you love him and never let go. But you didn't want to be the dumb, naive girl, who always ran back to the same man. The same person. The one who hurt them. But you stayed there and listened.

A moment of silence was exchanged until Felix said something.

"We were just immature little fucks when everything happened. Minho made a bet with me, that if I got the number of the roundest woman I could find then he'd give me 200 bucks. I was foolish, so I took up the bet. Had it never happened, I wouldn't have gotten to know the great person you are. I never expected to love you this much, but I do."

You looked up into the night sky to prevent your tears from falling. It was stupid of you to want to run back into his arms. To feel the warmth of his smile and presence again.

“That doesn’t change anything, Felix. You still think I’m a woman who weighs too much and looks… fat. You told me yourself that you love my body. But that’s all a lie because if Minho never made that bet then you would’ve never approached me. You’re just like the rest of them, Felix. Someone who only focuses on looks and not the actual person. You’re no different than Minho. It might have been just an immature joke to you but it meant everything to me.”


“No! Don’t talk to me. I don’t want to ever see you again. You ruined me, Felix.”

Felix could do nothing but stay silent and so you walked off. The emotions were too overwhelming for you. You may not have been able to punch him in the face but you were able to express yourself. A month of no closure and now you finally got it. At first, you thought that it’d make you hurt most. But surprisingly, it felt as if you lifted a weight from your chest and now you could be yourself again. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ KIM SEUNGMIN You weren’t walking for a long time before you heard another pair of shuffling feet right behind you. You began to panic. It was dumb of you to leave the house this late at night, especially in a big city like this. Your pace quickened and so did the person's behind you. Not only your pace but your breath too. Your fight-or-flight response immediately kicked in and you were definitely opting to flee.

Suddenly, the person ran up to you and grabbed your arm, yanking you back.

"Ahhhhh!!!" Your scream peirced through the night. "Get the fuck off of me! Leave me alone!" But the person only brought you close to their body and hugged you. Then, you heard the soft voice of your boyfriend. "Shh.. shh... y/n it's me. It's me, Seungmin."

You gladly hugged him and thanked him. "Oh god, thank goodness it's just you, Seungmin. I was so scared that someone was following me. That I was going to get abducted or something. Thank you, thank you, thank you." You stuttered out between shaky breaths.

Seungmin only continued to comfort you. "Shh... it's okay. I understand. You're safe now. Sorry for making you so scared, love. Shh..." He rubbed soft circles onto your back as you sobbed into his arms. "I came to find you because you didn't grab your coat and I got worried. Even when we're mad at each other, you shouldn't be out in the cold. I understand if you don't want to talk to me but please make sure you won't get hurt or sick."

It was moments like these that kept you from being mad at Seungmin. You could argue for hours but you would still be his highest concern.

With your hands still holding him to you, you whispered, “Can we just go home?” Seungmin nodded his head, still rubbing your back. “Yeah, let’s go home.” He kissed the top of your head before taking your hand and leading you back to your house.

When the two of you arrived, the once comforting silence became awkward and insufferable. You patted the sides of your arms as you stared at the ground. While Seungmin rubbed the back of his neck and looked everywhere but at you. The uncomfortable silence was eventually broken by Seungmin.

“I’m sorry for saying that. I shouldn’t have taken my stress and anger out on you when you had nothing to do with it. I should’ve talked it out with you instead and I’m so stupid for taking you for granted.”

“What about the last part, where you said… you know.”

“I said that out of anger. But it was mainly because me and a few of my friends made a bet to take out the first girl who walked through the door at that party we met at. Lo and behold, it was you. But then I really fell in love with you and I became thankful that that bet was made. Because if we never made that bet then I wouldn’t have found you, the wonderful and amazing person I love.”

You couldn’t help but tear up at his words. Seungmin didn’t get upset easily but when he did, he would argue with you for days on end. But he always came back around when he all too quickly became worried for you. That’s what made you love him.

When Seungmin didn’t get a reply from you he suddenly asked, “Are you going to break up with me now?” But then he heard your sniffles and his heart broke. He constantly kept making you cry even when he didn’t mean to.

Unexpectedly, you ran to him and hugged him. “I can’t even think of ever leaving you. I love you so much and your way with words just makes me want you even more. You know me too well, Seungie. I love you.”

He kissed the top of your head before resting his head on yours. “I love you too.” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ YANG JEONGIN Jeongin waited outside the bathroom for you to come out. It wasn’t like he could go in. He’d be casted out of the restaurant for being a creep and a pervert. So he patiently waited.

Eventually, you did come out but you had washed all your makeup off. The crying left streaks of mascara running down your face so you washed it before exiting. As soon as you saw Jeongin, you turned the other way. But unfortunately for you, that way just so happened to be a wall. You sighed before turning back to him. You were being a bit dramatic but you didn’t know how else to deal with it.

Jeongin spoke up quietly. “Do you want to talk about it? We don’t have to if you don’t want to.” You slowly nodded your head in response and he held out his hand to you. You silently took it and followed him into a more quiet and private room.

“I’m sorry for walking away instead of listening to you.” You said.

“No.. no, I’m sorry. I should’ve told you earlier and this was a horrible way for you to find out about it.”

He paused to see if you had anything to say. But when he got no response, he continued.

“Umm… so I used to have a big fat crush on you…”

You giggled at that, a little surprised that he could admit it so easily.

“D-don’t laugh at me! I’m being serious!” He said out angrily. "I-I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to." You said as you kept giggling. Jeongin was happy to see you smiling again so he kept going.

"When my hyungs found out they constantly teased me about it. But then the teasing turned into bets. They were betting on me to see I would ever confess or not. I told them I would but I never actually stayed true to my word. One day, they got bored with each other and came to me. They said that I should confess to you. If I succeeded they'd get me the latest Bruno Mars album and if I didn't then I'd have to give each of them 80 dollars. So we shook on it. I didn't want to lose so of course I mustered up the most courage I possibly could and asked you out. When you said yes, my whole world suddenly brightened as if this was what I was waiting for for my whole life. After I took you on a date, I told them of the success."

Your heart swelled at his words. You never knew he was so in love with you. It was almost as if the past event never happened. Now you were smiling from ear to ear as he told the story. Upon seeing your smile, Jeongin did too.

"I thought they'd stop teasing me after we got together but they never did. Calling me a simp and stuff. I'm not saying I'm not because I'm glad that I love you so much people can see it. But I hate being titled that."

Your eyes were full of affection for each other and it was clear as day. Every word that came from his mouth only reminded you of why you loved him so much. So how could you not voice it?

"Innie?" His ears perked up, indicating he was listening to you. "Have I ever told you how much I love you." He immediately pouted his bottom lip and opened his arms as an invitation. You slowly made your way over into his embrace. "Have I ever told you how much I love you too?" You chuckled as you nodded your head. You looked up at him and saw that he was still pouting. So you took it as your responsibility to kiss it away. Glad to say it worked as he laughed at you antics.

How could you ever doubt him when he loved you this much?

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Taglist: @123rinu @pgnwook @mixtape-racha @hannieslovebot @lolareadsimagines @garrixer-06 @bandolls @chansbabygirlsstuff @camilagonzalex @mariteez @beccaskz @kibs-and-bits @kaitchan

@lynlyndoll @bangchansslut6 @hanniemylovelyquokka @changbinsjuicybiceps @xx-twalia-xx @bangchansprettygf @lvlnijiro @totallynotlyntv @htnw004 @shecheatedwithme @jiisungllvr @neteyamsmate4life @yoongles2025 @cosniffee @gdaymates @iilliess @tadashisdisaster @celticcountrygal @dazzlingligth @mylilliposts @troublemaker02

Tags :
1 year ago

Back To Me

Pairing: Kim!Seungmin x F!Reader

Genre/AU/Tropes: Angst, non-idol!au, lovers to exes

Warnings: breakup, language, regrets(if that counts idk), implied cheating, daddy issues

WC: 2.5k

Summary: Things with Seungmin just didn’t seem to ever look up and when you confront him about it, he lashes out

A.N: !NOT PROOF READ!Feedback is greatly appreciated*★,°*:.☆( ̄▽ ̄)/$:*.°★* 。also, I’ve been obsessed with “Back To Me” by The Rose since it came out and this ff idea has been weighing heavily on my mind. I am not implying that said idol(s) behave anywhere near what is mentioned in this ff. Inspo from 

Song rec: ‘Back To Me’ by The Rose

Back To Me

You can still remember those sweet moments with Seungmin. You ran along the seashore as he snapped pictures with his camera you gifted him on his birthday. He took you on a short trip to the park and took pictures of you with your hair blowing in the wind. The both of you laid beside each other, getting lost in the other’s eyes.

But you can’t remember when it all started. What caused that sudden change in your relationship? Was it you? Was it him? You would never know…

You didn’t sense it. It all kind of just… happened. Slowly, Seungmin started to grow distant from you. You wish you knew why. I mean, you could’ve just asked him what’s wrong right? Well, the answer is no. How do you ask someone who’s never home and doesn’t reply to your texts? On days he would actually come home, he wouldn’t talk to you. When he did, all he would do was lash out at you for things that weren’t even your fault.

You tried to support him, you really did. You always kept your calm and told yourself it was just because of his stress stemming from work. But it wasn’t long before it broke you down. Nipping at even your smallest insecurities. So on one of the days when he came home, you just said it all to him.

As soon as you heard the door open, so did your mouth. “Come eat dinner. It’s gonna get co- I’m not hungry”, he cut you off. You got up from your seat at the table and forced him to sit down. He sighed heavily. “What do you want, Y/n. You're driving me crazy. I have enough shit from work and now you're being so demanding.” You scoff. You don’t know where it came from but a fire set ablaze in your eyes and all you felt was irritation.

I can make you mad, I can make you scream

“I’m the one driving you crazy!? I’ve just been looking after you and trying to help you through this stress. But suddenly I’m the problem? You know what? I’m tired of this. You can’t just blame me for shit I didn’t even know of. I’m trying to be a good girlfriend and for what? For you just to come home and berate me when you feel like it?” You were breathing heavily by now and the anger consumed you. “Well, you’re not the one working are you? You’re not the one earning money. You’re not the one putting food on the table. You’re not th- But I’m the one trying to make this relationship survive!!!”, you cut him off because you couldn't bear to hear those words come from his mouth. He knew how much they hurt you. 

Your dad said the exact same words before leaving you on your own with your sick and dying mother. When your mother died, it left you in shambles. You were barely 12 then and so your aunt adopted you. And she treated you like her own. She was the only family you had left until you met Seungmin. But now it feels like she was and still is the only family you have left.

Seungmin huffed before taking a bite of food. But, he immediately spit back out along with his venomous words. “What the fuck is this!? It’s salty as hell! And you wonder why I’m not eating this shit.” Before you could even process his words, you heard the front door shut. You were all alone now. Again.

I can make you cry

After taking a shower you had no strength to do anything else. It wasn’t exactly a physical problem. You were just mentally and emotionally exhausted. You laid down in bed and curled yourself in a tight ball, with the blankets covering you. You felt vulnerable and weak. Like you couldn’t do anything to save your once perfect relationship with Seungmin. Suddenly your face began to feel wet. You were crying. But now, you were beyond the point of just crying. You were sobbing uncontrollably. 

Did he fall out of love with you? Or was he just playing you all along? Did he find someone already and he was waiting for a perfect chance to break up? Why did he change? Was it because of you? Or was this his true self and you were too blinded by love to realize it? What happened to that sweet smile that was always hidden behind the camera? What happened to his velvety laughs that would echo through the night? What went wrong..?

You ended up crying yourself to sleep but when you woke up, you found that you had a cold. It must’ve been from the crying last night. You felt your head pounding from all sides. You quickly went to the kitchen and took some painkillers. If Seungmin was here right now, he would be the one taking care of you. Does he even want to be here?

“No. Stop thinking about him, Y/n. He’s the reason you’re like this.”, you thought out loud. You hated the thought of even contacting him in the state you were in, but you needed someone there while you were sick.

Calling all day but I never pick up, instead of pulling my weight always pushin’ my luck

So you called him.

No answer.

Called him again…

No answer.

The cycle went on a couple more times before you sent a voice message. 

“Hey, Baby. I’m sorry for what happened last night. I didn’t mean to yell at you like that and I understand that you’re also busy and stressed. But can you please come home? I just really need you here right now.”

It has now been several days and your fever isn't getting any better. You spend most of your time in bed but force yourself to take medicine and find something to eat. Left with no choice, you called your friend.

Yuna came over in no time, making sure that you weren’t hurt. But she could clearly see how much you were burning up and the immediate help you needed. She nursed you over the weekend until you were okay. When she asked about Seungmin and found out what happened, she tried her best to convince you to leave him. She always knew that he would do no good for you. But you wouldn’t listen. You refused to. It was only a fight between the two of you. He'd come back to you. Right?

You gave me all that I could take, yeah I take it all for granted. Head up in the clouds, yeah I'll never understand it

Seungmin didn't even return until a full three months later. When he arrived, he wouldn't even look at you. Even though he laid beside you to sleep at night, there was nothing but a wall between you two. It was suffocating you. But it clearly wasn't having the same effect on Seungmin. He would giggle in the middle of the night at some tiktoks he was watching, not minding that he'd wake you up.

It was all so frustrating but you just couldn't find it in you to leave him. Well... that's what you thought at first.

Love no longer remained and if there was any, it was fully one-sided. You were sick of this. The constant mental torture was doing you no good and it slowly killed you. It didn't feel as if you were even a couple. You felt like a caretaker. That's not what you bargained for when you started this relationship.

You tried everything in the books to get him to open up to you. Only to learn, that he was just getting tired of you. You no longer interested him. Or so he said,

"Meh. I've just been bored and trying to find a better entertainment source."

You were so fed up with his, if not irritated, nonchalant attitude. When would he realize that he was hurting you. This internal rage was constantly being built up and you just couldn't handle it anymore.

So you opted for the only choice left. To leave him.

I can make you leave. I can make you hate me for everything.

You packed your clothes and belongings into every box and suitcase you could afford and sent it off to your aunt's. You had already told her of the plan and she agreed. Now all that was left was for him to return home. Time ticked by and the anticipation was killing you. Your knee bounced furiously. You were chewing on your thumb nail until you heard the click of the front door. An exhausted Seungmin stepped through.

"Hey, Seungie. Can we talk?"

He groaned as he walked past you. "Let's talk tomorrow. I'm too tired."

"No. We need to talk like now. It's really important. Please?"

Seungmin rolled his eyes before walking back over to you. "What's so important that you're disturbing my rest?"

You nervously fiddled with your hands. It was more nerve-wracking than you thought. You mustered up the last of your courage you had left and looked him in the eye.

"Let's break up."


"Let's go our own seperate ways and break up."

"Okay." He waved you off as he headed to the bedroom to sleep.

Shocked wasn't exactly how you'd describe yourself. To be honest, you kind of expected this. They way he brushed things off so easily wasn't new to you. So you didn't even cry. You just grabbed what you had left and made your way to your aunt's house.

As soon as she embraced you, that's when you let your tears fall. It hurt all too much. Everything that Seungmin had been doing to you for the past two years were spilled out in the hour long conversation shared between you and your aunt. Your hatred only continued to grow for Seungmin and soon, all that was left was hatred for him.

Seungmin didn't even notice that you never came to bed. In fact, everything you previously said flew over his head from his exhaustion. It wasn't until he had awoken that he realized you were nowhere in sight. At first he assumed that you may have went to cook breakfast or collect grocceries. But then he remembered what happened last night. He covered his mouth and his eyes began to water.

He began remembering the horrible things he's been saying to you. He didn't mean any of it. Most of the time it wasn't even directed towards you. It was just pure exhaustion. He only tried to come off as happy so he wouldn't upset you. But that only seemed to make it worse.

What he chose to do though, was give you time. He knew he wasn't the exact person you wanted to talk to at the moment. He shook his head at himself. You'd be back in a week hopefully. That's what he thought up until he felt like the house was a little too empty. SO he checked every nook and cranny. None of your belongings remained. No toothbrush, no clothes, no books, no devices, no personal items. Not even your scent lingered.

God, what had he done?

Calling all day, trynna make things right

Seungmin quickly grabbed his phone and called you. His fingers ran through his hair as the call never made it through time and time again. Now he was extremely worried. What if something happened to you?

So he called your closest friend, Yuna. She picked up rather quickly.

"The hell do you want, assface?" She said almost immediately.

Seungmin swallowed hard before asking her, "Do you know where y/n is? I haven't been able to reach her. Do you know if she's okay?"

"Shouldn't you be able to know the whereabouts of your own girlfriend?"

"Look I really don't know and I'm worried. Something went on last night and she's not home. Now my calls aren't getting through and I don't know what to think."

"Well to me, it looks like she finally took my advice. Have a horrible day, bitch." And with that, Yuna hung up.

"FUCK!!" Seungmin cursed loudly as he flung his phone across the room. Had you really left him? Was he that horrible of a person? He chuckled. Who was he kidding? Of course he was that horrible. The amount of pain he must've inflicted on you. His heart clenched.

He began crying as that was all there was to do left.

It's been a couple of months and both of you were trying to move on. Was it easy? No. At least you both tried though. But fate seemed to have other plans.

Just to fuck it all up when I see you tonight. Since you told me hit the road, I've been runnin' on empty, If anything I know it's how to ruin a happy ending

It was a Friday night and Seungmin chose to spend it at a local bar. Guess that bar must've been a little too local. Because there you were, standing just 20 feet away from him. Seungmin could feel his heartbeat accelerate. He so desperately wanted to run and hug you. It felt like hell without you.

You were no longer there to remind him that he was loved. You were no longer there wishing him good nights and good mornings. You were no longer there to cook him his everyday meals. You were no longer there to give him a goodbye kiss.

But you were here, with another man. Seungmin knew he had no right but he couldn’t help but feel jealous. You told him that you’d always be his so why was it different now? Truth was, he knew the answer. Anger and jealousy blinded him though.

He stomped the whole way over there and yanked you by the wrist. “Who’s this!?” He asked angrily. “What the fuck, Seungmin! Why the hell are you here!?” Seungmin didn’t even hear you as he suddenly flung his fist into the dude’s face.

You grabbed Seungmin by the collar and pulled him towards you, landing a hard smack on his face. “Stop, you fucking asshole.”

He immediately snapped out of it. Seungmin looked at you apologetically but it was already too late. He could see it in your eyes. The disgust, hat and annoyance. How could he do that to you?

”Wait, y/n…”

And he couldn’t even salvage it. So he left. That’s all he could do. He knew you wouldn’t take him back. When he thought about it, he wouldn’t take himself back either. So he began drinking. Drinking all the pain away.

But I can’t make you come back to me

He’d lost you completely and there was nothing he could do. He wanted to scream at you that you couldn’t leave him. But he knew he was in the wrong. On your wedding day he watched as you posted the photos. You and some other dude instead of you and him.

He couldn’t find the strength in him to go to the actual event. He’d lose control if he did. He wanted to tell you,

“I’m sorry.”

But what good would that do. If he truly wanted you to be happy, he’d leave you alone, and that’s what he did. He watched you from afar. He still cried from time to time. He was happy for you. But he had to admit,

“But, I still wan’t you.” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ a.n: this has been on pause for 3 months now😭 and idk if ya caught on to the 2nd song at the end but yeah. Anyways, hope ya enjoyed bc this has been a long awaited fix. Sry to anyone who was waiting. Have a great day/night!!! Love y’all!!🫶💕💗

Tags :
6 months ago


Ok so favorite trope is enemies to lovers with Seungmin and genre angst :3

Ohhhhh enemies to lover is my favorite trope as well djdjjdjss ok so


Everything was almost slowmo, Seungmin waiving your old teddy bear around laughing before it tore, your eyes widen the whole room went quiet

"it was old anyway" he shrugged "Kim Seungmin apologize now" Chan stood up making his way towards Seungmin glaring "Hyung it's just a stupid stuffed animal" he scoffed looking down at you "I will buy you a ne-" he stopped himself when he saw one single tear fall down, your eyes were fixated on the torn plushie on the floor.

Before he could say anything you whispered "it was my mum's" you looked up at him to see his eyes widen, you and Seungmin used to be best friends, before he turned cold one day, so he knew what your words meant "it was the only thing I have left from her" you said looking straight into his eyes

"Y/N I swear I didn't know I woul-" "I told you to stop it, I told you to give it back, I don't know why you hate me so much Seungmin but I will never forgive you for this" you said tears streaming down your face picking up the torn pieces of your teddy cradling it to your chest before leaveing

You could still hear Seungmin yelling apologize and him swearing he didn't know, but you didn't care you can't believe you ever had a crush on him...



Tags :
6 months ago

✨Can't stop Thinking about Dog Hybrid Seungmin✨


Imagine DOG HYBRID Seungmin that has a bad boy image around collage campus, because he is stonic most of the time, it's rarely to see him showing any kind of emotions on his face, everyone is wary of him, plus him haveing a tight circle of friends that he's always with and never with others make him less approachable

Or maybe it's because his wolf hybrid friend Chan threatened eveyone the first year not to fuck with them when one student made little lixi Tear up.

But what he lacks in facial expressions he makes up for with body language, more specifically his tail, it's so embarrassing for him that whenever you pass by his tail automatically Wags, it's gotten so bad that all his friends noticed and started teasing him

And according to Jisung he looks at you with heart eyes, but that could just be because he watched too many K-Dramas

I can see him trying to keep his cool as best as he could and sit next to you, and you being your oblivious self would gasp "you're a Dog Hybrid!" and for a minute Seungmin's heart sank because some humans think of hybrids as less, and not equals, there were many people that looked down on hybrids and demanded that they don't get an education, or the same rights as humans

He tried not to look too disappointed, he tried to control his ears from dropping if you were one of those human, he would really be sad and distraught

But that concern quickly flew out the window when he heard you shyly ask "I don't mean to offend you, I'm from a small town so we don't get to see a lot of hybrids can I pet you? I DONT THINK OF YOU AS A DOG OR JUST AN ANIMAL!! I JUST.... YOUR HEAD LOOKS FLUFFY AND...OMG I'M SO SORRY FORGET I SAID ANYTHING"

Cute that was the word that Seungmin described you with, in order for you to stop your rambling, he lowered his head towards you "are you sure?" "go ahead" as soon as you pet him, you squealed "omg so soft... I could do this forever"

"will forever is a long time how about we have dinner first and see where this goes" you looked at him wide eyed before looking down and blushing "sure I would love too"

⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾ ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☁︎⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾ ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☁︎⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾ ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☁︎

✦ Masterlist ✦

Tags :
5 months ago

Roomate Series: Felix & Seungmin Version


➽ Genre: Crack, humor

➽ Warnings: Kitchens are being burned down


Roomate Series: Felix & Seungmin Version
Roomate Series: Felix & Seungmin Version
Roomate Series: Felix & Seungmin Version
Roomate Series: Felix & Seungmin Version
Roomate Series: Felix & Seungmin Version
Roomate Series: Felix & Seungmin Version
Roomate Series: Felix & Seungmin Version
Roomate Series: Felix & Seungmin Version
Roomate Series: Felix & Seungmin Version

✦ Masterlist ✦

Will probably post the others as well later this week, tell me if you like it :)

Tags :
5 months ago

Enemies to "Maybe" Lovers 👀: Seungmin


➽ Summary: Seungmin was just messing around, when he accidentally Tore down plushie he doesn't understand why you got so angry until Chan tells him..

➽ Genre: Angst

➽ Warnings: Seungmin gets slapped, some swearing and mentions of deceased parents

Note: Idea inspired by this

[PART 2]


Enemies To "Maybe" Lovers : Seungmin
Enemies To "Maybe" Lovers : Seungmin
Enemies To "Maybe" Lovers : Seungmin
Enemies To "Maybe" Lovers : Seungmin
Enemies To "Maybe" Lovers : Seungmin
Enemies To "Maybe" Lovers : Seungmin
Enemies To "Maybe" Lovers : Seungmin
Enemies To "Maybe" Lovers : Seungmin
Enemies To "Maybe" Lovers : Seungmin
Enemies To "Maybe" Lovers : Seungmin

✦ Masterlist ✦

[PART 2]

Tags :
5 months ago

Enemies to "Maybe" Lovers 👀 2: Seungmin


➽ Summary: Seungmin was just messing around, when he accidentally Tore down plushie he doesn't understand why you got so angry until Chan tells him..

➽ Genre: Angst

➽ Warnings: Some swearing

Note: Idea inspired by this

[PART 1]


Enemies To "Maybe" Lovers 2: Seungmin
Enemies To "Maybe" Lovers 2: Seungmin
Enemies To "Maybe" Lovers 2: Seungmin
Enemies To "Maybe" Lovers 2: Seungmin
Enemies To "Maybe" Lovers 2: Seungmin

Sooooo since I honestly don't know where this is going, you guys need to help me out!

Enemies To "Maybe" Lovers 2: Seungmin

✦ Masterlist ✦

[PART 1]

Enemies To "Maybe" Lovers 2: Seungmin

Taglist: @finnbbl @aalexyuuuhm @multi-fandommaniac @rundontwalkshesaid

Tags :
7 months ago

Self Love K.SM

Kind proofread

Self Love K.SM

"God damn it," you mutter between clenched teeth as your head hits your pillow. It's been almost three months since your crush & his best friend became your roommates. & it's been two months since you bought your rose. Yes that rose.

As you lay in bed sweaty & coming down from my high, you heard your roommates return home.

"Y/n we're home!" Jeongin yell out as he got close to your bedroom door. You all have our own bathrooms in your rooms, which you thank god for. "I'll be out in a minute I'm about to take a shower," you yell back as you make your way to the bathroom.

When you first met your crush you all were juniors in high school. Seungmin was quite popular because he was our class topper, even though he has the cutest face ever his mouth could be very lethal, he did not take bull shit from anyone, & he hated bullies which is how you both met.

In high school, you wouldn't say you were ugly, you was just a lot more on the curvy side. Yes 17 years old 5'1 & a half weighting 232 pounds.

So yes that caused you to be bullied a lot. Your whole life no one ever tried to help you let alone talk to you. So the day Seungmin helped you was the day you fell in love. That was 2 years ago now & let's just say your not that shy, overweighted 17-year-old girl anymore.

After graduating you went to the States to visit your parents & over the summer you lost a lot of weight. 57 pounds to be exact. Your still curvy but just in all the right places as your best friend Kiara always tells you.

Most of your classmates all got accepted into the same college, so the looks you got from so many people were priceless even though you had talked to Seungmin almost every day over the summer break you never told him about your major weight loss. So even he was surprised when he saw you. With you both being roommates he & Jeongin were the first to see you.

Everyone still thinks your this shy good girl who hardly ever talks but in reality, your not. Seungmin & your best friend always makes it their job to let people know you're the complete opposite. You are loud, goofy & became very confident in yourself.

It's Saturday so that means movie night. You picked last weekend so it's Jeongin's turn which is most likely a scary K-drama or just something scary in general. The fox-looking boy is dating your best friend, so you take advantage of getting close & cling to Seungmin.

As you leave your room & make your way to the living room you hear more than just your roommates. When you reach the end of the hall you see that you was right. As you walk in you see not only your bestie there but also the rest of you roommates' friends. So now it is 8 boys in your living room.

"Hey Y/n," the squirrel-like boy says as he is the first one to notice your presence. Followed by a few waves & heys from everyone else.

"What's up squirrel boy," you reply & waving at everyone else as you make your way to the kitchen.

"Damn you two are lucky to have Y/n as your roommate," Chan says as half of them watch her walk away. "I got with a loud dwaekki & a singing, slow ass squirrel," he says while pointing at Changbin & then to Jisung causing both of them to yell at him causing everyone to laugh at the trio.

You wouldn't say your a goth girl but your favorite colors are red & black & the majority of your clothes consist of those colors. Since your at home you don't bother getting dressed up. You have on a black noodle-strapped tank top that has a built-in bra that shows off my belly & nipple piercings, paired with some off-black shorts.

You were about to go & sit between Seungmin & Changbin when someone knocked at the door. Before you got the chance to do or say anything Seungmin stood up & rushed to the door causing his hair to flop like cute puppy ears. After a minute a so he returns with a small girl clinging to his arm smiling so hard it looks like her face might get stuck that way.

"Guys I forgot to tell you that my best friend was coming over. She's here visiting from Seoul," Seungmin said smiling as they now stood in front of the TV.

You was surprised & a little pissed off to hear him say her name before he started pointing around the room & saying everyone's name. Once he got to you, you ignored them as you stood up & asked if anybody wanted anything from the kitchen & walked right past them almost bumping them causing them to take a step back.

When you returned Seungmin & the girl were sitting where you both usually sit. Before you got to say something Changbin said, "Y/n can you sit with Hyunjin? Kali is scared of scary movies," "But- fine whatever," you said but instead of sitting with Hyunjin you go to sit with Chan.

You wasnt even 20 minutes into the movie & you couldn't help but to keep glaring at Seungmin & his 'best friend'. At some point, you hear Jeongin whisper to Kiara how cute they would be together & reply with a sour face saying 'Ew'.

After another torturing 20 minutes you decide you can't take the sight of them or hear Jeongin talk about them no more.

"Hey guys I'm going to go lay down I'm not feeling too well," you said as you got up & walk toward your room not giving anyone a chance to say anything.

Every time someone came to your room & knocked on the door you just ignored the & pretended to be asleep. Everyone but Kiara believed you truly was but with you best friend being the only one knowing you liked Seungmin which you made very obvious by the way, knew you wasn't okay.

She talked to you but you didn't say much before she got up & left as everyone was now leaving.

A/n should I make a part 2? Please reblog & let me know if you like it! It would mean so much to me🥰❤️

Stray Kids M.List

Main M.List


Tags :
1 year ago

Seungmin x Quality time for the weekend❤

This is actually one of my comfort fics. His character is so healing.

what i’m looking for

What Im Looking For
What Im Looking For
What Im Looking For

you, quite literally, run into kim seungmin on your escape from an arranged marriage.

tags: strangers to lovers, hidden identity, she/her!reader

genre: fluff, hurt/comfort

word count: 3.4k

you never thought you would be in a situation like this, running through the woods in poorly fitting clothes and shoes, branches snagging at your hair and arms as you wind your way through the forest searching for something, anything. and yet, here you are. cursed engagement ring hidden away in your satchel along with a pocket of gold coins and whatever stale pieces of food your handmaid was able to steal for you before you took your leave.

you’re surprised it took you until a week before your wedding to run away, but you were never one to back down from a challenge; you tried everything you could think of to call it off, but your parents wouldn’t budge. something about it being the best decision for the kingdom, or whatever - nevermind what you want. nevermind that your brother would become king and therefore you were simply a bargaining chip to be used for political power. nevermind the reputation of your betrothed, the reputation of his kingdom and how they treat women like you. nevermind that they’re sending you into a life of despair and discomfort. 

the cool dusk breeze beating against your face feels almost euphoric as you sprint, cautiously looking behind you to make sure you’re not being followed. surely someone had noticed your departure? but you made sure to cover your tracks well; the boots you’re wearing are several sizes too big, stuffed with cloth to ease the fit, and any tracker would dismiss them on their hunt for you. 

you’re abruptly sent down to the forest floor when a boy appears almost out of nowhere, tripping you and making you lose your footing. he tumbles down with you, taking the brunt of your fall, and annoyance pings within you when he groans at the impact. you’re scrambling off his lap as fast as you can, hands scrabbling at dried leaves on the ground that stick to your palms. 

“where did you come from?” you demand, watching him stand up with an indignant look on his face. his pouty lips are twisted into a frown and his hair is fluffed up from his fall. in any other situation you might think he was cute. “do you not watch where you’re going?”

“oh sorry, i’m not really used to people running through my property,” he says with a roll of his eyes, and a reprimand that you have to tamp down sits at the tip of your tongue. for all he knows, you’re a commoner; announcing that he should be aware of your royal status and that technically, you own this property probably isn’t the best move. he would turn you in faster than you can speak your own name, collecting whatever reward your father most likely posted in return for your safe delivery back to the palace. 

“your property?” you land on, feeling it a safe question. you look past his head and notice a tiny cottage a few yards away, ivy lining the bricks and a soft puff of smoke escaping from the chimney. 

“yes,” he drawls out, as if talking to a child. “the place where i reside. you know, sleep and eat. surely you know what that is?”

“of course i do,” you huff, crossing your arms. did you look homeless to him, or something? a terrible idea sparks in the back of your mind as he looks away from you and you notice the rapidly setting sun. it hits you that you had no plan, nowhere to go, nothing to eat and no shelter for the night.

“anyways. enjoy the rest of your. jog?” he says, voice lilting up at the end like he’s not sure whether or not to be suspicious of you. he turns to walk away and a flash of panic takes over your body.

“wait!” you lunge to grip at his sleeve, a display of impropriety that you usually wouldn’t let yourself indulge in with anyone other than your closest advisors. the material feels rough under your skin, as do the borrowed clothes hanging off of your shoulders. “do you have an extra room? or a mat on the floor? i can pay you, i just need somewhere to stay.”

“what, are you on the run or something?” a spark lights in his eyes, and your hair stands on end when you realize that he’s amused. as if he knows anything about you.

“or something,” you grit out, knowing that whatever sarcastic comment that you want to make probably won’t end up with him agreeing to let you in. despite his inarguably annoying personality, he has a house, and you need him right now. you can’t imagine that you’ll run into anyone else tonight, and sleeping on the forest floor does not seem safe. 

“how much?” he says, quirking an eyebrow up. you mentally cringe at the amount of money you have hidden away in your bag, 

“enough,” you squint your eyes at him, gauging him. he meets your gaze for an impressive amount of time before nodding his head towards the small building and starting his trek. 

“what’s your name?” you ask, following behind him, knowing but not caring that not offering yours first was rude. he looks back at you for a beat of time before shrugging. 

“kim seungmin. and you?”

you give him your name, grateful to your parents for the first time in a while. they kept your true name hidden from anyone outside of the palace, and their secrecy was annoying until this very moment. it would be nice to be called something other than princess for a while, you’re sure. 

he mouths your name, letting it sit on his tongue for a moment before grinning. 

“well then, welcome to my home. i’ll make up a cot for you in the living room, are you hungry?” he rambles as he lets you in, closing and locking the door behind you. the skeptic sarcastic you met outside seems to melt away to reveal slumped shoulders and tired eyes, unmasked by the comfort of his space. it warms you up along with the shelter of a roof, a reprieve from the biting cold of the outside. 

he doesn’t wait for your answer before walking off, leaving you to stand between the small kitchen and cozy looking living room. there’s small trinkets strewn around, soft mismatched couches with worn blankets and a rickety looking kitchen table surrounded by stools. he returns with a thin padded mattress and a pillow and he sets it down by the burning fireplace. it’s not the luxurious four post bed that you’re used to, but it’ll do.

“let me treat that for you,” he gestures at your knees, where small dots of blood seep through a tear in your trousers. there’s a small scrape you didn’t notice until now, the sting making itself known when you bend your leg just a bit to get a better look. 

“it’s just a scratch,” you protest, not wanting to bite off more than you can chew with him. you already owe him for letting you in, you don’t want to think about how fast your reserves will dwindle down if he does you any more favors.

“please, i insist,” he guides you to sit on one of the stools at the kitchen table before reaching into the cabinet next to him. “i’m an apothecary, and i know my way around basic medicine. it’s not a big deal.”

you nod stiffly and let him inspect the small wound, the breath leaving you when he drops to his knees in front of you to get a better look. he rolls up your pant leg and he cleans it with rapt attention, making sure not to press too hard, and applies a greenish looking salve onto it.

“there, all done,” he says, patting the bandage he had wrapped around it before letting the cloth of your trousers back down. 

“thank you,” you say, genuine in the way his returning smile is. you reach into your bag, fishing for the small bag of coins. “how much? i can pay you in advance for letting me stay, and for this.”

“keep it,” he says, voice even softer than it was before. “you can help me around the house. the weeding, or gathering wood for the fire. i don’t want your money, not when you probably need it more than i do. i make enough to get by.”

so you do. the first morning you stumble through the garden, side by side with him as he shows you which plants in his garden were herbs he could use for his medicines and which were leeching weeds that needed to be plucked before they took over the entire space. he disappears to town in the afternoon, delivering medicines and coming back with a pocket jingling with coins and a bag full of fresh pastries for the both of you. they taste better than anything you’ve eaten from the palace cooks, and you can’t help the way you moan around the cherry hand pie. you catch his eye and he meets it before you both dissolve into giggles, leaning into each other’s space on the same side of the table. 

he helps you wash your clothes that night, tutting at how you only have one pair. he lends you a pair of his, an old set that he doesn’t wear anymore. you lay at night and swipe the fabric between your fingers, smiling at the gesture even though he isn’t there to receive it.

his kindness shocks you, you’re not used to people doing things for you without the authority of the crown making them or them demanding something in return. it’s nice, knowing that there’s people in your kingdom that contain such compassion, especially for strangers. 

the next day he takes you deeper into the forest to pick berries, and the red and purple bursted splotches staining your fingertips for hours after. he feeds you some with his bare hand, swiping his thumb against the corner of your mouth when sweet juice escapes it. you bristle at the action and he laughs, and you have to hide your smile in your sleeve as you wipe the rest off yourself. you stay out until the sun begins to set, him busy teaching you about every type of plant the two of you come across on your stroll and you listening with rapt attention. his voice is soothing, words speeding up and slurring together a bit when he finds something particularly interesting that he wants to show you. he makes you feel almost like when you were a child studying with your tutors, quizzing you every now and then to test your retention, but the smile he rewards you with is better than anything they ever gave you. 

on the third day, he’s gone before you wake. he left a note on the table for you stating that he had to go to town for a medical emergency, and that there was bread and cheese in one of the cupboards for you to eat while he was away. you busy yourself with two knitting needles and a ball of thread you find in the living room, trying and failing to create a pattern of knots. he comes home as the sun is setting, the last rays making his hair a honeyed brown and his skin glow. your stomach clenches at the sight of him, the relief you’re feeling foreign to your body. 

he grins at the sight of you surrounded by unraveled strings and gently pries your hands from the needles where they had become clenched. he wordlessly shows you how to create simple weaves with the needles, and you have to ask him to show you twice because you’re too busy staring at his tongue poking from his lips to focus the first time around. you end up with a wobbly looking hat, some knots too bit and some too tight that create gaping holes in weird places, but he places it on his head and thanks you for it anyways.

“you have a lot of secrets,” he muses the next night, sipping tea with you by the fireplace. you almost lose your grip on the mug from his abruptness.

“i do?” you ask, not willing to give away information that he doesn’t already have. you had spent the day in companionship, trading back quips and sarcastic comments between meals. he taught you about the medicines he was making that day, explaining each ingredient and its properties as he cut them up and beat them into a paste. his comment was out of place, but it’s something you’ve come to expect from him; there’s no predictability to him past the way his eyes crinkle up when he smiles and the way his face goes soft when he looks at you. 

“you pretend you’re a commoner, but your hands are free of callouses. your hair is full and healthy, you speak formally, you’re clearly well off. or at least, you were. what i don’t understand is why you decided to leave that behind.” his bottom lip is twisting between his teeth, not knowing whether he’s crossed a line with you.

“true,” you admit, wrapping your hands further around your tea and letting the warmth seep into your hands. it grounds you. “i didn’t think i had a choice. i wanted to make my own decisions, wanted to decide my own fate, not have someone do it for me. i felt suffocated, so i just. left. i don’t know what i was looking for, but i needed to get out.”

“have you found it?” he says, peering at you from above his mug as he takes a long sip. “what you’re looking for?”

“maybe,” you pause, looking into his eyes. they’re cocoa-dusted brown, the fire dancing across his pupils. he looks away after a moment, and you’re grateful for it. you wouldn’t want him to see the flush thats traveled up to your cheeks and ears. 

by the fifth day, you’re able to identify the uncomfortable feeling in your gut whenever he walks into a room. or looks at you. or breathes, really. 

you’re falling for him. 

you’re not in love with him, you’re not so deluded by his puppy-like charm and stupid smile and cute teeth and sparkly eyes that you’re calling it love. you can simply identify the feeling of free falling as clearly as it was laid out in the novels you used to sneak into your room to read by the candlelight before bed. 

it isn’t as difficult to look him in the eyes after you’ve identified it as you thought it would be. if anything, you’re even more drawn to his magnetism, your body moving towards his without your permission at any given time. while he’s preparing lunch, or chopping herbs, or telling you about his trip to town, you’re in his space. and the worst part is, he doesn’t seem to mind. in fact, he seems to gravitate towards you with the same intensity, or you hope so at least; it isn’t unrealistic that it’s your rose-colored vision making you see things that aren’t there. 

regardless, it brings something more dangerous to your attention: hope. the hope that maybe, this could be a life for you. that this temporary stop in your journey might become permanent. that you’re far enough from your home that no one will recognize you if you step into town, that you could spend the rest of your days with him in this cottage, eating pastries and knitting and picking berries. 

there was no need to tell him that now. you were fine with the way things were, you were still technically engaged, and you didn’t even know if you were ready for something like that. for the infinite time since you can remember, you’re cursing your sheltered upbringing for not teaching you how to live.

it’s on the sixth day that things go crumbling down.

he’s gone again, leaving you in comfortable silence broken up by birds chirping outside and the sound of leaves rustling past the windows. it’s domestic, the way he works during the morning and comes home a few hours later to you twiddling the knitting needles between your hands, a ball of yarn by your feet and a haphazard scarf forming under them. 

“your highness?” he says, and you hear a rustle of paper, him putting his mail down most likely.

“hmm?” you sound absentmindedly, still focused on the knitting you’re trying to painstakingly learn. it hits you a moment later what he said, and you drop the scarf and needles with a gasp. you look up to see your worst nightmare in the form of him holding up a missing persons poster, a drawn image of your face adorning the middle and your name plastered underneath. missing princess, it reads, complete with a reward for your safe return. you knew this would happen, you just didn’t think it would happen so soon. a day before your wedding. you thought you had more time. you were so close to your freedom, and you could feel it slipping through your fingers.

“shit,” you curse, hiding your face in your hands so you don’t have to take in the shocked look on his face. you feel all the blood in your head rushing south, leaving you lightheaded and overwhelmed.

“you’re the princess?” he clearly has no care for your distress in this moment as he stalks towards you, the poster crumpling in his hand when it curls into a fist. “i’ve been harboring the missing princess in my home?”

“yes?” you mumble into your fingers, letting the despair settle in your traitorous stomach. he lets out a sharp breath through his teeth and you flinch, thoughts swirling.

“do you know what would happen to me if anyone finds out i’ve been keeping you here? prison would be a paradise.” you hear his feet bringing him closer to you, each drop synchronizing with your heart beating in your throat.

“please,” you remove your hands, sniffling when a traitorous tear traces down your face. “don’t send me back. i’ll give you all the money i have, just don’t send me back there.”

“hey,” he soothes, anger melting into concern as he folds to his knees in front of you. “i won’t. i wouldn’t. i just- why didn’t you tell me?”

“i didn’t know if i could trust you, at first,” you stutter out, ignoring the way your heart clenches when his face falls. “and after…there wasn’t a good time.”

“why would you give all that up? a life of luxury, never needing to ask for anything, why would you leave that to spend your days here? don’t you want to marry some prince and live in your castle?”

“i don’t want some prince. i want you,” your voice is wobbly, vision clouded by the tears you won’t let fall, but your intention is clear.

“you can’t just-” he cuts himself off, taking in a sharp breath through his nose. “you can’t want me. i’m nobody.”

“you’re not,” you press, standing until you’re level with him. “don’t you understand? it’s you. you were what i was looking for all this time.”

“but,” he protests, running a hand through his hair, mussing it up from its careful placement. “why me?”

“you’re my home, seungmin. i’ve never felt more safe or more comfortable than i have within these walls.” desperate tears continue to sting at your eyes, and he reaches to wipe them away before he can help himself. your palms move to cup his hands to your face, keeping his warmth there. “you’re the only one who sees me as more than just something they can use, you see me. please don’t send me away.”

“would you be happy here?” he asks, voice trembling. he wants you to stay.

“i’ve been happier these past six days than i’ve been my entire life.”

he surges to kiss you, finally letting your lips touch after days of lingering glances, and it feels like coming home.

you didn’t know if you would go back to the palace, but you knew you had responsibilities that you couldn’t just ignore and that you had to deal with them soon. what you were completely sure of was that, despite the wishes of your family, you won’t marry at all if you aren’t marrying him. 

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1 year ago

Stray kids family as an actual family

Stray Kids Family As An Actual Family

⚝fic type: headcannon (comedy/crack)

⚝genre/contains: a rundown of the kinds of relatives you will encounter at a typical family gathering, except it’s stray kids

⚝word count: 1.5k

⚝A/N: hi hi! if you’ve ever been to a large family gathering you’ll probably relate to one of these, no matter where you're from haha. did these from jeongin -> chan instead of the usual order to spice things up (⁠◠⁠‿⁠◕⁠) p.s: this is just for giggles so don't take it too seriously. enjoy!

Stray Kids Family As An Actual Family

。Yang Jeongin*゚

Grandma Jeongin has two modes, and she will be interrogating you either way.

Most of the time she’s talking about other family members while she cooks or cleans up the kitchen. Jeongin knows who is most likely to get married next, who will never get married, who’s about to get a divorce and even which of your cousins is at loggerheads with their respective bosses.

Whether she ends up being right about her crazy notions or not, she does not care. Jeongin will always have something to talk about, no matter how controversial it may be.

If you’re in the kitchen, then it seems you must automatically join in on these speculations. Better play it up, because it’ll distract her from putting you on dish duty- and get you early access to whatever she’s cooking up (a storm piece of cake).

“Help your grandmother,” she’ll grumble, if she figures she won’t get much out of you. “Kids these days. When I was your age I didn’t have to be asked. You’ll never find a spouse with this behaviour.”

At other times, your favourite granny is sweet once she’s been sated by her 4th cup of tea. Or a cup of soda, on days she’s feeling ‘adventurous and bold’. Jeongin will spontaneously call you over and ask you who your girlfriend or boyfriend is now. Jeongin wants to know what you’ve been doing with your whole life, but all in good faith haha.

Grandma Jeongin will also be commenting on your fashion choices and giving you rather outdated skincare tips on how to age gracefully like her.

。Kim Seungmin*゚

The cousin you’re always being compared to, academically or otherwise. Seungmin is 100% that overachiever who is constantly being praised by all your uncles and aunts who think the world of him.

It’s hard not to be jealous or annoyed when your parents compare you to your genius cousin and ask you unbelievable questions. “Why can’t you get A’s like Seungmin?”

No matter what you’ve done in your life, it seems Seungmin has outdone you lmao. He’s the golden child who can do no wrong and you just have to live with it.

In spite of the pressure to be perfect, Seungmin is still really fun to be around. He’ll also do your homework/projects for you if you ask nicely enough.

(Who are we kidding, this is Kim Seungmin. You’ll probably have to cough up some cash haha.)

。Lee Felix*゚

The fun cousin. Now, one person like this is enough to survive a family gathering.

Felix is the cousin who you need to show up. He’s the person who actually makes family gatherings tolerable. Like, if Felix doesn’t pull up then everyone is kind of bored.

He’s everyone’s favourite cousin; you can count on him to make those boring dinners interesting, and be your crime partner in the event you and your cousins plan to sneak out- distracting you guys’ parents with detailed stories of how he managed to win 63 medals in ‘taekwondaur’.

He’s the adults’ favourite, too. When you were children, and needed to send someone to ask for permission to game/watch TV, he was for sure the one appointed- because no one can say no to him.

When your grandmother is interrogating you and you can’t think of an exit plan, this cousin will charmingly swoop in and save your ass.In any kind of familial sticky situation, Felix has got your back.

。Han Jisung*゚

Han was probably forced to come lmfao. He was most likely threatened by his parents because they’re tired of being asked where their son is and why he won’t visit.

Jisung is that relative you see once in a blue moon. You’re not quite sure what side of the family he’s from, but you are somehow related. You barely know anything about this guy- what he does for a living, or if he’s been to college… Han Jisung is quite the mystery.

He’s the person that shows up late, leaves early, and is really just there for the food. You don’t really blame him, though; family gatherings can be exhausting. It’s understandable that some people would rather just bypass as many of them as possible.

Your other relatives will call him antisocial because he’s mostly on his phone, but he’s really just trying to avoid being spotted (and probed) by Grandma Jeongin- or Auntie Lee Know, who you’ll meet further down this post haha. Someone like Felix might manage to rope him into making conversation here and there, but Jisung’s interest widely remains at large.

Jisung disappears from the feast as quietly as he came in, and it takes a while for anyone to notice his absence. With his ability to remain evasive, Han might as well be a spy bahah.

。Hwang Hyunjin*゚

The rich aunt who lives abroad and only comes to visit every three or four years. All the kids love her because she comes loaded with presents for everyone. She’s super fun to be around because she’s got this carefree nature that’s simply infectious. Hyunjin just oozes rich auntie vibes. I mean, did you see him in that 5-star trailer?! Definitely the one who’s been supplying Grandma Jeongin with her collection of eccentric footwear.

Since she’s not around much she doesn’t know what you like, and will give you enough money to buy yourself something nice. Aunt Hyunjin will also come through for you in any financial trial you might be going through. You need a new computer? She’s on it. Rent is due and you’re in a tight spot? Aunt Hyunie to the rescue!

Of course, quality family time cannot be substituted with money, no matter the amount. But hey, if Hyunjin wants to slap a fat wad of cash in your hand, you’re not complaining…

。Seo Changbin*゚

The relative who can’t stop gushing over how big you’ve grown. Whether you’re 15 or 28, you’ll have to endure his speculations over how it was ‘just the other day’ when he was changing your diapers, and look at you now. Once he’s had a drink or two, Changbin does not hesitate to dish out super embarrassing stories of you as a child.

Nevertheless, Changbin is really fun to be around. He’s present at most family gatherings and more or less keeps them happening.

Changbin is also that uncle who’s trying to help everyone get their lives in order lmfao. You’d easily mistake him for a life coach or fitness guru with the way he’s spewing out tips on how to live a healthier lifestyle every 15 minutes. His advice is valid, sure, but you’re really just trying to enjoy your food, you know?

“You shouldn’t be drinking that. Don’t you know coca cola can be used as a toilet cleaner?! And you’re still willingly ingesting it…” He’d say, shaking his head in disappointment.

。Lee Know*゚

The nosy aunt.

Auntie Lee Know will sidle up to you with an offering of cookies or potato chips while she not-so-subtly pries into your dating life. Given the chance, she can turn any encounter you have into the possible beginning of a romantic trope. You tell her someone was glaring at you on the bus? Strangers to lovers. Your classmate keeps gloating over the fact that they beat you in a recent exam? Academic rivals to lovers.

For all its worth, Auntie Lee Know is a fantastic cook and the thought of her beef wellington gets you through most interrogations.

If Auntie Lee Know isn’t grilling you, then she is most definitely gossiping in the kitchen with Granny Jeongin about you and everyone else. Those two are a force to reckon with when put together. And there is really no escaping them when they get their hands on you. Like, you literally can never win, this auntie wants to know it all.

Auntie Lee Know also acts as the kitchen’s bodyguard, keeping out hungry relatives (mostly her brother, Changbin) until Jeongin is done cooking. Beware, she’s armed with a wooden spoon and she sure as hell knows how to use it!

。Bang Chan*゚

That foive-year-old kid you find sleeping in your bed when you sneak away to your room for some quiet time.

If you’ve ever hosted a family gathering at your house, you’ll know what I’m talking about.

Sometimes you just need a moment to pull away from everything, and what better solace than your bedroom? Of course, you do not expect to find someone’s kid lying on your bed, and drooling on your pillow.

Going back into the fray to enquire who’s baby it is would only beat the purpose of your sneaking away, and additionally show your room to unnecessary people who might decide it’s the perfect place to lay down their babies too!

And you are not trying to run a day-care here.

Chan would also be that one kid who keeps asking if you have games on your phone. RIP your peace of mind if he finds out you’ve got Pokémon on there.

You can’t find it in you to get mad at him, though. After all, it’s not his fault that his slightly irresponsible parents left him in your room.

Stray Kids Family As An Actual Family

⚝A/N: Thank you for reading! As a present for making it to the end, here’s visual proof of Lee Know being the nosy aunt that he is jksbdiskancdg 💀 I hope they film skz family 3 this year, sigh... need to know if Chan is secretly Seungmin's son. Anyways, remember to reblog and share your thoughts with me if you enjoyed ʕ⁠ノ⁠•⁠ᴥ⁠•⁠ʔ⁠ノ

Stray Kids Family As An Actual Family

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10 months ago

TᑌTOᖇ ᗰE

Category: ♥ Fluff, smut ♥

Teacher!Seungmin x fem!reade!student


Another day, another time, it sucked. You were a student at the university of Seoul. You were doing great at almost every subject you choosed, exspect... math.

You didn't even know why math was one of your subjects. You never choosed it. You even sended a mail, but you couldn't change now. So you had to survive it this year. Your worst nightmare, you worst fear, *math*.

Your teacher didn't had time to tutor you, so he asked another math-teacher to help you. Today was the day to meet him, after school.

The entire day went very slowly, but atleast your friends were comique so it wasn't to boring. Your teachers were always gossiping about every student. And then they dare to say that we are horrible?! How?

After school you had to stay in your classroom. You were waiting and playing with your pencils. When he wasn't here yet for the past 5 minutes, you decided to walk around the classroom. Just walking and staring at the walls.

Suddenly the door opened and you saw an interesting man walking inside.

'Miss... I/N Y/N?" his eyes widened when he saw you. You were very beautifull, he could not deny.

'Yes, that is me, i am here for you tutoring lessons.'

'You can seat yourself next to me.'

You walked over and seated yourself. The chair hurted your butt, but that does every chair in this university.

'Could you tell me what you don't understand?'


'Everything is much.'

'Yeah i don't know much about math.'

He started with chapter six, because thats the most important chapter. His voice was very soft and it made you relaxed. You could quit understand a bit, but it was very difficult, because maybe this would sound weird... he was extremely hot. You could call him 'smexy'.

You were staring a bit to him. Not really focusing on this theorie of this chapter. His lips were cute, his nose also, but his eyes. You just could stare in them forever.

He saw you watching his face. He actually didn't mind it. You snapped out of you deep-stare.

'I am sorry, i was just wandering into my thoughts, mine apologies.'

'It is okay, this part is not very important.'

He was actually only supposed to teach you for 1 hour, but he taught you for 2 hours. You didn't watch the clock, you loved each other's presence. He could explain everything so well, his voice was so beautiful. For him, 2 hours feels like 10 minutes. Its beautiful; hands turned the page.

Suddenly your alarm went off, and everything was a little disrupted. Seungmin looked at his watch.

'Oops, it's already 8pm, my apologies. I'll give you some papers to work on at home. You have lessons from me every day, so finish these papers by tomorrow if possible.'

'That's probably possible, depending on what tasks I still have to complete from my other teachers. Thank you for this lesson.'

you stood up and started packing everything up.

'I'll see you again tomorrow. Have a nice day!'

He watched you leave the classroom. He never noticed what a beautiful figure you have. He had already seen you walking around, but of course he had never spoken to you. Of course he had never spoken to you before, you are a student and he is a teacher. It is not forbidden, but it is frowned upon. Still, some girls flirted with him, sometimes tried to touch him themselves, but always avoided them. If you flirted with him, he wouldn't avoid it. But you weren't really that romantic, you read a lot of novels, but even when you were little you realized that not everything in the books could be fulfilled.


You and your teacher started to grow a little closer together. You could say that you two formed a friendly bond. Sometimes you got jealous when some girls tried to twist Seungmin around their fingers. But yes, Seungmin also got jealous when boys came to you. You were very beautiful and intelligent, so boys took their chance, even sometimes girls tried to take their chance with you. You didn't always notice that. Your eyes were actually only focused on Seungmin.


You sat in your class and you followed the reading. You sometimes overheard some conversations that were happening in front of you. You were learning about Korean Culture when you suddenly heard Seungmin's name in front of you.

"He's so handsome, could he be that good in bed?" two girls giggled.

You straightened your back and started to lean a little closer.

"He could play with me."

You looked at them as if they were crazy. Seungmin isn't that type of guy. What are they thinking, talking about him like that, aren't they ashamed? Your brow furrowed as you heard their multiple conversations. Deep inside you were burning with jealousy, so many girls wanted to have him. So many girls, some were so beautiful in your eyes. You started to focus on your classes again, but what if... what if Seungmin enjoys all that attention? What if he likes one of those many girls? What if he's... a spicy teacher... if you know what I mean? No, that's not possible, no, Seungmin a spicy teacher? Maybe...

You were walking around the square with one of your friends, just chatting about boys and also the new Arcade. You went through the main hall when you saw a group of girls surrounding Seungmin. They all asked him questions and if he could tutor them. They gave him cookies and so much attention. It made you angry, even though there is absolutely nothing between you and Seungmin. He saw you looking from a distance, he saw anger in your eyes. He turned away from all the girls and came towards you. Why is he coming towards me, you thought. You panicked a bit, he looked so good today. His sleeves were rolled up, his blouse was very tight, his buttons could pop off at any moment. You looked in all directions, your girlfriend looked at you strangely, as if you were a mad dog. You dragged her with you to the girls' toilets.

Seungmin tried to speak to you but it was already too late. Of course he wasn't allowed in the girls' toilets.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lately you started to distance yourself from him. He didn't understand why. He tried to have a conversation with you outside of school, but you avoided him every time. The tutoring sessions were also filled with a kind of tension and not good tension. Sometimes he tried to sit close to you, just to give you some comfort.

He wanted to ask you about it, but he didn't want to bother you with all those questions. At some point he had enough, because he cared about you a lot. He wanted to love you and he would do anything to fix it.

Tutoring was over, and you started packing your things. You wanted to go to the door, but suddenly he blocked you.

“I can't take it anymore Y/N. What did I do wrong? Did I hurt your feelings? Did I accidentally hurt you?'

'What are you talking about?'

"Lately I feel like you're trying to avoid me, have I done something?"

You were quiet. You looked at the ground.

'No nothing.'

He lifted your chin with his index finger.

'Do not lie to me. You can tell me.' '

No, I can't do that.'

'Why not?'

“It's not your fault, it's just…”

you took a deep breath

“all the girls are hanging around you. Flirting with you and for some strange reason it makes me jealous and an-'

he interrupted you by kissing you on the lips. His tongue slid through your mouth. He placed his hand on the back of your head. You opened your mouth wide, giving him all the access. He slid his tongue out of your mouth.

"Does that answer?"

'Don't know.' you teased.

"Maybe you should be a little more clear?"

"Of course princess."

He brought you in for another kiss. This time he held your cheeks with both hands. He stroked it with his thumbs. He made you step back until you bumped into his desk. He opened your legs with his knee. From your mouth his tongue went to your neck. He started licking it like a puppy. You whined softly. You heard him laugh against your neck. His fingers slid into your underwear. He slid between your folds, which were very wet. 'Wet for me? I love that.' He began to gently caress your clit while still sucking on your neck.

You started to position yourself on his desk. He pulled your panties down so he could get a good view. You could see through his pants that he was already hard. You took off his belt and pulled his pants down enough so you could take out his member. He groaned when you started to gently pump his dick. Just to make sure it was hard enough. He positioned himself at your entrance, he began to quietly nestle himself into you.

He held you tight as he slowly started pumping into you. You felt safe with him, his warmth. You heard his heart beat faster. He whispered soft words into your ears, which actually made you more excited. The fact that he was only your tutor two months ago.

His rhythm quickened, so did his breath, his hands felt every part of your body, his hair got wet, his body sweaty, and this all happened in a boring classroom. Your legs were shaking with excitement. Your arms clung to his neck. Everything was perfect, even if you did it on his desk.

"I *kiss* love you so *kiss much, baby."

You brought your two heads closer together.

'You are my soulmate. You are my soul, ohh *kiss* Seungmin, *kiss* what would I do without *kiss* you?'

He kissed you with passion, he kissed you like it was the end, he made sure you knew how much he loved you.

When you both came, he still held you tightly. He looked at you and caressed your cheek.

'That I could love you, as I did just now, is what you call happiness.' 'I feel happy with you.'

Your lips met again, and you devoured each other. You couldn't keep your hands off each other. Everything was perfect at this moment, the atmosphere, the sounds and the one person who could make it all happen: Seungmin.

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Stuck with me - Kim Seungmin

Pairing: Kim Seungmin x Reader

tags: fluff, clg bf Seungmin, popular singer boy seungmin, mention of previous breakup, oc gender not specifically mentioned, friends to lovers, puppy seungmin

a/n: not proofread, just trying to live my delulu through writing, Seungmin in glasses has been stuck in my head


Stuck With Me - Kim Seungmin
Stuck With Me - Kim Seungmin
Stuck With Me - Kim Seungmin

"You what?" Your voice comes out in a screech that turns many heads in the cafe you frequented often, like most other students from your university.

Seungmin, who stood in front of you, looking calm and gorgeous as ever stared back at you with a glint of amusement in his eyes.

"You heard me." He says in a cool way that throws you off more.

"I- I need a minute." You manage to let out and cover your head in your hands. The embarrassment from screeching in the middle of the cafe and the shock of what had just happened was all too much to take in at once. You need to breathe.

It was yet another normal weekday filled with assignments, delusional romcoms and endless caffeine ingestion. After a rough summer filled with heartbreak and a depressing start to the fall semester, you had finally gained your footing. The fall had brought with it a lot of changes in you.

You found new classmates who had helped you through the rough times and cared about you. Amongst those classmates was also Seungmin, the menace of the group but surprisingly your favourite confidante. He had been nothing but a little prankster and a comedian who ensured the other boys- Hyunjin, Changbin and Jeongin, never got a single second of peace.

He went a little easier on you and Ryujin, the other girl in the group, and you figured it had less to do with your gender and more to do with the fact that he was positively scared of both of you. While he had been a little less annoying with you, it didn't mean you were entirely free of the classic Seungmin pranks either.

Which is why your first instinct on b being asked out on a date by the Kim Seungmin was to believe he was pulling a prank on you.

Seungmin might be a comedian amongst his friends but you were very well aware of his status as the golden boy of the university's band and the boy with the golden voice. On top of that angelic voice, the boy also had a face that could make everyone melt. That smile had made your heart skip beats on several occasions too.

You had met him on a very surly day of your class during the first week of the semester to discuss forming project teams. What began as a purely academic bond evolved into a sureshot friendship as his friend group got acquainted with you and your friend. You had grown very fond of the boys as they helped you forget your pain.

Seungmin was the first one to reach out and notice your melancholy and something about him made you open up about your struggles. It had been two months since then and he had been your source of support through the entire time. While the other boys were also sweet and Ryujin was your primary pillar of support, Seungmin gave you a comfort that felt worlds apart from the others.

You had your fair share of childish fun with him too. You started to notice how he let only Jeongin and you tease him. Changbin and Hyunjin never stood a chance against Seungmin and despite the latter's fear of Ryujin's brash honesty, he never let her off the hook easily either. It was not exactly a surprise to realise that Seungmin had a soft spot for you.

The surprise was that he had walked into the cafe on a random Tuesday afternoon and chose to utter the words "Will you go on a date with me?" in the most nonchalant Seungmin way with absolutely no warning.

And an even bigger surprise was how your heart was skipping several beats on hearing it and your brain was practically shouting at you to say yes even though you had never let yourself think about Seungmin in that sense.

Correction- you had consciously tried your best to not let Seungmin and his actions, smile, voice, hair or even his pranks affect you in a romantic way. You had just come off a horrendous romantic experience that should keep you sworn off romance for a decade at the least. But you would be lying to yourself if you said you hadn't thought about being with Seungmin at least a couple hundred times in the last month alone.

It had all started with that dream. One cold October afternoon, you decided to make the mistake of taking a nap and ended up dreaming of cuddling with Seungmin while watching the snow from your window. The dream threw you off balance and ever since you have been trying and failing to remove Seungmin out of your mind. The random blushes creeping up your cheeks and a pang of jealousy weighing down your mind every time he performed on stage and you had to watch all the girls drool over him. It was all really frustrating, to have to act normally around him while convincing yourself that you are better off as friends.

Especially since he had started wearing his new prescription glasses and smiling at you randomly. Everything he did got magnified and took up extensive real estate in your brain. Each night you convinced yourself you don't have feelings for him and each morning he would do something so small that would have you fighting for your life trying not to melt.

And now he had the audacity to prank you with something as big as a date and you had no idea how to react.

You parted your hands from your face to look up at him through the gaps in your fingers to find him missing. This made you sit upright and look around, part of you hoping he had left and another part sighing in disappointment at the idea of it being a joke after all. But no, there he was, waiting in line at the counter for his order- which you knew was an iced americano, no sugar and extra ice. You watched as he politely thanked the lady who handed him a drink, then turned around and smiled at the group of freshman girls giggling at him. An involuntary eye-roll escaped and you turned toward your laptop waiting from him to take the seat opposite yours.

"So?" He says, placing his drink on the table and placing his hands on the table as he leans forward.

God, that smirk on his face made your stomach do a backflip.

"So what?" You forced yourself to look and sound as normal as possible. And judging by the smirk that has taken on residence on Seungmin's face you weren't doing the best job.

"Y/N, come on. Stop playing hard to get with me."

"Seungmin what the hell! Stop trying to play one of your stupid pranks on me." This broke his stance. His face turned from playful to serious and it only made your heart beat faster.

"I'm not playing pranks y/n. I am serious." And he looks it too. You gulp down the ball of anxiety forming in your throat.

"You want me to go on a date with you? For real?"

Seungmin flinches at your tone. "Is that really such a weird thought for you?"

The doubt flashing on his face tugs at your heart and you immediately leap to say "no".

This brings the faintest hint of a smile back on his face. He takes a sip out of his drink and says "So it's a yes?"

You say the only thing that comes to your mind at that moment. "Why?"

"What do you mean why?" Seungmin's voice is barely above a whisper.

"Why me? Why now?" Your voice falters at the thought of being vulnerable only for him to end up calling it a prank or a mistake. But the way his face softens at your question removes the worry from your mind. He reaches out and takes your hand in his. The butterflies are doing a full ballet routine in your stomach and your heart thrums in your ears in anticipation.

"Y/N, I knew you were dumb but never thought you were this dumb!" You pout in response and he chuckles. "Okay okay, I was joking. But what I mean to say is... I've liked you for a while now. So I thought I'll ask you out on a date, see if it is an infatuation or something more and then figure out what to do."

It was very Seungmin of him to say that.

"What about my feelings for you?" You questioned out of curiosity.

"That's obvious. You're already head over heels in love with me." He says it with a shrug and you remove your hand from his in frustration. "Ya Seungmin, do you have a death wish?" you exclaim and roll your eyes. Of course, you knew he was joking but your stomach still churned in anxiety.

"Jokes apart, I really do like you y/n and I hope you give me this chance to show it to you. I was waiting all this while for you to take your time after your breakup and move on. Yesterday when you said you didn't even think of any of that mess or feel sad anymore I decided it is time to make my move. And of course, there is no force on you and I won't hold it against you if you reject either. But I really hope you give me this chance. The semester is almost over and we can go on one small date during the break and then figure out everything else. Please?"

Everyone called Seungmin a puppy and you were wary of the nickname initially but at that moment he was looking at you with the softest eyes, lips in a pout and a questioning look that made him look like the cutest puppy on the planet.

His heartfelt confession gave rise to a gazillion butterflies and everything beautiful in your stomach. The big smile formed on your face involuntarily.

"Seungmin that was... cute", you said chuckling. "Who knew you could be this wholesome!"

His pout intensified. "Hey, I am very cute always. But the fact that you haven't slapped me yes makes me hope I might get a yes?" The last sentence sounds more like a question even to Seungmin and you let out another chuckle.

"Yes, Seungmin. I will go on a date with you. Just one though." You feign nonchalance but he sees right through you.

"Y/N, please! I know you are squealing with happiness on the inside right now."

"Yea sure, like I am one of your cringe fangirls ugh! I am just doing this as a favour to you."

"Ahha I see. How kind of you ma'am." He says with a mock bow while his face is glowing with joy.

"Ya stop teasing me or I will back out." The ultimatum sounds like a joke even to your own ears but you keep up the act for the fun.

"No, you're stuck with me now. No backing out!" He said with indignance.

"Do you mean just about the date?" The question left your mouth before your brain could understand it and you regretted it the instant his expression turned serious again.

Seungmin looks into your eyes for a moment too long before responding, "You're stuck with me. That's all."

And just like he leaves for his next class, leaving you to smile to yourself like an idiot. A ping from your phone distracts you.

Seungmin: I'd be wholesome to you forever if it meant seeing you smile like that.

You didn't know what the impending winter would bring but for now, you decided to bask in the happiness and this new facet of Seungmin.

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1 year ago



Paris!boy seungmin

Seungmin x fem reader


Good boy during the day, rebel at night.


Playlist: fever by dua lipa

Youngblood by 5sos

Billie bossa nova by billie eilish

Flawless by the neighbourhood


A/n: went through hell and back to get this posted. Tumblr kept losing my original edited draft, so I'm sorry for any grammatical errors. Tried my best to re-edit it.

Hope you enjoy it.

BTW I don't know anything about stealing or Paris. So sorry if it's not accurate.


When your dad told you that you'd be moving to Paris because of his work, you were so excited. You couldn't stop imagining all your little scenarios, it was all you could think about. All the shopping sprees you'd do, all the food you'd eat, all the pictures you'd take and all the boys you'd meet. Boys, you honestly thought you'd have a Paris love story but after living here for a year you haven't seen much of it. None of the guys you've met are what you thought they'd be or what you hoped for, they were kinda boring.

They never had that excitement you desperately wanted. Maybe it was on you, maybe you were looking too much for the unachievable.

Your parents haven't been happy with you recently, always complaining about your late night outs. You're grown enough, what's the big deal? plus you're bored. Nothing is exciting and you've been getting kinda depressed, so you take the night time as the right time to go out and breathe. Though there's only so much you can do by yourself.

The only friends you've got are the ones you left back home, even though you enjoy every moment you get to talk to them. It's not the same as being in each other's presence.

You grab the canned drink you've been eyeing and go grab a snack for it.

You're by the counter waiting in line when you spot a guy by the cigarette stand. His hair is blonde and his body is hidden by a large hoodie, he looks like he's your age. You don't know why you keep looking at him, maybe you're waiting for him to turn around so that you can see his face.

You watch as he grabs a cigarette box and after looking around casually he stuffs the box under his large hoodie. He's stealing, you chuckle. He's gonna be caught and it's gonna be a sight to see. You internally laugh as you stare at the cashier who doesn't seem to notice anything. It's quite a small store so not many employees who care to pay attention. Plus the store is kinda packed.

The guy turns around and your eyes meet, you can't seem to move your eyes, he's just caught you staring. Now that you see him he's actually good looking, very good looking. Though his face doesn't look like one of a thief.

He smirks at you and by the way he looks at you he knows you've just seen him stealing.

He walks towards you like nothing's wrong. When his body is now in front of you and his unwavering eyes stare at you, you can smell his smoky and nature like scent. He smells like some plant you used to stick your nose in when you were younger, you loved that plant. You were sad when your dad uprooted it and you never saw it again. It's funny how he smells exactly like it, very nostalgic.

"You should try it. It's fun" he says encouragingly and he chuckles and walks out. You stand still not knowing what to say. His voice is as warm as the heat that radiates off him.

You stand there waiting for someone to run after him for stealing but no one does. He actually got away with it. Was it that easy? Maybe you could try, this would be an opening for a new excitement if you actually were able to get away with it. But if you don't, you'd be getting yourself in trouble and embarrassed. But if he didn't get caught, you surely won't either.


So when it's your turn to pay for your things, while the cashier is turned away, you grab a pack of gums that you see. You swiftly but nervously stuff it into your pocket. Your heart is pounding as the cashier turns to hand you your bag, you hope they haven't noticed but by the way they're looking at you makes you feel otherwise.

"Thanks" you say smiling awkwardly as you rush out the door.

The cold night air hits you and you smile at what you just did. Did you really just get away with it? This is gonna be a new exciting venture.

Your attention is pulled to your right when you see smoke **in** the air. When you turn you see the guy from the store, he's leaned against the wall with a cigarette, which is the one he probably stole.

"Feels good doesn't it?" He asks blowing smoke out of his mouth.

"Yeah" you smile walking towards him. He lifts himself of the wall.

"Seungmin" he says and you knit your eyes in confusion.

"That's my name" you've should've gotten that, now you look stupid.

You hum "Y/n" you share.

He doesn't say anything just nods acknowledging.

"So-" be he can speak both your attention is pulled to the store door that is abruptly opened.

"HEY YOU!" The cashier calls for you and you both immediately know you've been caught. Shit you aren't that slick after all.

The cashier moves to grab your hand but instead seungmin grabs it and pulls you.

"Come on" he says and you don't argue as you both run down the path, past some people who stare in confusion, and past some poles. You turn to see if the cashier is still chasing you, they aren't. They must've gotten tired by the distance.

"Seungmin he's gone, you say pulling his hand to stop. Which he does. You both breathe heavily trying to catch your breaths.

"I just stole a gum why are they being dramatic?" you mumble to yourself.

"What did you steal?" Seungmin asks still catching his breath.

You straighten your back and reach into your pocket pulling out a gum.

"Just a gum" you say innocently but you're surprised when he bursts out laughing. "What? "

"If you were gonna get caught you should've stolen something bigger" he runs his hands through his hair as the adrenaline wears off.

"I couldn't steal something bigger" you defend

"I can tell" he says, tone cheeky.

You stand there, hands gripping your plastic bag, not knowing what to do next. Do you just walk away, run away? What actually, heck do you freaking say?

"You should probably say thank you" seungmin's sultry voice breaks you from your thoughts. It's like he read your mind and you're kinda disappointed with yourself that he had to tell you.

"Ah.. y-you're right" you stammer, as you grip the plastic more.

"Thank you for getting me out" a smile creeps into your face "otherwise I would've been at the station right now" you chuckle which he does too, making you a little more comfortable. You were the nervous kind and if seungmin wasn't there you would've stayed frozen to the ground.

You stare down at the plastic where the reason why you were in the store lies.  You grab the can and it's still cold. You hold it out to seungmin who has his eyes elsewhere.

"Here, you" say and he turns to you his eyes falling onto the can.


"Take it as my thank you" you smile. He smiles too but **it's** more of a this-silly-girl  smile.

He pushes your hand back to you shaking his head. You shiver at his warm touch. Since you came to Paris no guy has gotten you interested, but seungmin seems interesting and you wanna know more.

"Keep it, it's yours" he says like he's the one who's giving it to you and you smile. His eyes watch your lips curl warmly.

You stand a few seconds in silence not knowing what to do next.

"So what now?" You ask

"I'm going to meet up with my friends" he fiddles his fingers in his pockets. "Wanna join? That's if you're free" he asks unsure.

Luckily you are free, well not really, your parents want you home before late, but you don't care right now.

"Yeah I am" you say, your own fingers playing with the end of your Jersey.

"I'm sure they'd be glad to meet you"


Well they weren't super against it but they watched you closely, especially the minho guy.

Hyunjin seemed unfazed not caring that you're the only girl.

"She's a high-school friend" seungmin says, knowing damn well you never knew each other until tonight. You stand a little awkward and nervous not knowing what to say or do.

"It's cool, it's not a big deal" hyunjin says his focus somewhere else. You try to find what has his attention but you can't.

"High school friend my ass, but you're welcome here y/n" his other friend han says patting your shoulder warmly, which makes a smile grow on your face.

"I still don't trust you but you're welcome here" Minho says a little distant and cold. Though he does look like he's genuinely trying to be welcoming.

"Don't worry about him, he doesn't bite" seungmin whispers the last part into your ear.

"Are those snacks?" you turn to han who eyes your bag. You nod and pull out the packet.

"Here you can have them" han smiles warmly.

"Sweet, I'm gonna like you" he walks away eating your snacks.

"Does that mean he doesn't like me right now?" You ask seungmin. He shrugs grinning, hands still in his pocket.

You watch han share the snack with minho, struggling a bit though. Hyunjin has his eyes down the road still distracted.

"Guys we should go before it closes" the distracted man finally speaks breaking his focus and walking down the road. The other two follow hyunjin behind. 

"Come on y/n" seungmin says walking ahead of you and you follow like a lost baby duck. You don't even know what you're going into. What do a couple of guys do late night in Paris?

"Where we going?" You ask curious.

"That art store over there" he points and you follow his finger immediately catching sight of said store.

That's one question answered.

"What are we going to do there?" He chuckles at your knitted eyebrows.

"You'll see" he takes your hand and pulls you past the store to stand near a pole as you watch the other three walk into the store. You stand near a pole with your hand in seungmin's and he doesn't seem to want to let go.

His touch is so warm against yours, you don't know what you feel with the way he's holding your hand.

Comfort. That's what it is. And it honestly warms your heart in this cold night. You don't even know why he's holding your hand, but is there supposed to be a reason. Its nice to have somebody to hold your hand. Its nice to have a hand to hold in this cold.

You look at your connected hands then you look at seungmin who's looking behind you, probably at the store door. You continue to admire his feature, heavenly blessed featuresm you think.

Seungmin can feel your gaze burn into his skin and so he turns to look at you.

"What?" He asks voice low and smooth, you're close enough to smell the cigarette from his breath, but it doesn't bother you, you just enjoy your proximity.

"Nothing" you turn away feeling your cheeks heat up under his stare.  He also takes this time to admire your face, your pretty features. It's been a while since he's met a girl like you in Paris,  that's if he has met any.

He doesn't know what but he feels something when you look at him, he noticed it when you stared at him in the store. You stared at him like you were worried he might get caught,  worried for him. He could literally see you beg him to just leave it but again they also told him to take it and see what happens. He never even planned on saying anything to you, didn't want to linger any longer in the store. But he went against his own judgement and spoke to you.

He told you to steal for the fun of it, to scare you even but he didn't expect you to do it. He was kind of impressed that you did it but also disappointed that you did what a stranger said, were you so naive. He doubts you are, you wouldn't have done it if you really didn't want to. He guesses you really did just want to do it. And after your attempt at thieft he knew he had to keep you by him, all night or forever. Maybe he can teach you how to get better at not getting caught.

"Tell me what's on your mind" he asks eyes still on yours. His stare makes you nervous but you're still able to hold eye contact.

"I'm just wondering why we're here?"

"Is there somewhere you wanna be? " he raises a brow at you.

You shake your head "No I just.." you shy away from saying.  Seungmin doesn't pry on your unfinished sentence.

"Hyujin had his eye on a certain art book" he turns back to the door.

"Oh, so he's just buying a book" you say naively.

Seungmin laughs. It's like you haven't caught on. You feel him grip your hand as you hear the store door open. It's minho.

"No" seungmin answers you.

Suddenly he turns to face you and with a suspicious grin he speaks sharply.

"Don't let go of my hand" you're confused and want to ask but can't when minho taps seungmin's shoulder sharply.

"Lets go" minho syas hurriedly and starts running and so do you and seungmin.  You want to ask but don't bother. What you've learnt today is ask no questions, run.

As you're running you turn and see hyunjin and han run behind you. No one's chasing you guys though. You run and watch seungmin's hair blow as the wind passes by, he has a smirk on his face and you can't help but smile as well, enjoying the thrill of running for no reason and having someone holding your hand not letting go of you.

Once you've all gotten far enough you stop and catch your breaths.

"Are you okay y/n" seungmin asks more concerned for you than for catching his breath. You give him a thumps up hands on your thighs,  trying to sustain a stable rhythm of breath.

"Why are we running, no one's chasing us" you straighten your posture.

"For a head start.." han starts.

"...just incase they start to chase us" minho finishes.

You stay silent thinking.

"Fuck that was amazing" hyunjin exclaims excitedly running his hand through his hair. You hear seungmin laugh.

"Finally got that book you wanted huh?"

"Yep" hyunjin exclaims "the best book for art enthusiasts" he smirks admiring the book.

"They probably won't notice until..." han scrunches his face " I don't know actually" he has confused look on his face.

"It doesn't even matter" minho adds zipping up his Jersey.

You pause analysing their conversation.

"Wait you guys are thieves?" You whisper-shout finally getting it.

"So are you babe" seungmin says. You guys start walking you're not sure where to but your legs move.

"No like serious thieves" you clarify " not like casual cigarette thieves" you say that part looking at seungmin's who's now pulling out a cigarette and handing one to everyone.

"What did you think babe" he tries hand you one but you shake your head.

"I'll share yours" you say and seungmin nods not minding.  You do smoke, you just didn't want to have a full one today.

"It's like a part time thing though" han clarifies lighting his cigarette.

You walk dumbfounded,  well you suspected it but damn, you're surprised.

"What? are scared?" Seungmin asks and you shudder when he places his weighted hand around your shoulder.

"No I'm not" how can you be, "this is exciting" you never knew it but you guess this is the excitement you've been waiting for. Late nights runs with Paris boys.


"What else do you guys do?" You ask stuffing your face with the sandwiches minho bought. You're now getting comfortable around them

They all stare at you confused.

"Like you steal? Okay. But do you like, gamble, drugs..." you pause "murder?"

They all laugh and look at you like you're crazy.

"Hold your horses princess" hyunjin says "we only steal, that's it" He adds diving into his food.

"We only steal what we need" han states.

"And some other things for fun" minho adds seemingly reminiscing on a memory,  which han catches onto and laughs.

Your face falls in understanding.

"What?" Seungmin asks and you turn to him. "Are you into that kinda stuff sweetheart?" He leans into you and your heart beat quickens.

"N-no" you stammer. He leans back and chuckles.

"I would've been surprised cause you can barely steal without getting caught" he mocks you and you smack his shoulder.


"So y/n what are you into" hyunjin asks. You stare confused.

"Like hyunjin's into art and stuff and seungmin's into cigarettes and the thrill..." you tune out the rest of han's explanation finally getting it.

"Oh yeah, I'm into clothes. Like fashion" you say.

"That's good cause there's like a stop around the corner" minho adds and your eyebrows knit.

"Why does that matter?"

"Cause we're gonna get you some clothes baby" seungmin smirks.


You'd never have thought you'd be wandering around Paris and stealing clothes. Obviously you didn't go to any high-end stores, you'd be caught in a flash. Instead the boys took you to some store. You know the store, you even know the owner. You usually come here to thrift and buy fabric.

"Y/n how have you been" she greets and you greet back warmly as though you're not here to steal from her.

"Some new fabrics have come in I think you'd like them" she tells you as the boys look around. "Want me to show you?" She asks sweetly but you decline.

"Maybe next time", you give her the best not awkward smile you can.

"Y/n come check out what you want", Seungmin calls out, and you follow.  The owner stares suspiciously at the boys.

You go through a series of clothes and the boys take notes of the ones you like and want.

"I like this one" you exclaim running your hands over the body-fitting dress you're trying on.

"Yeah it brings out your curves" Seungmin says eyeing your figure and you blush. Somehow his compliment doesn't sound creepy, if it was any other man you'd be cussing him out.

"Take it off and give it to minho" he says kinda bossy and you smirk, he's cute when he's giving out commands. You do as he says and give the dress to minho.

"So you're gonna pay for that one and they're gonna pack up the rest" he says to minho and then turns to you.

"And you baby are gonna take her to check out those fabrics" he caresses your cheek and you shudder.

"But I told her no" 

"And now you're gonna go back there and tell her yes, okay?" With the way he's looking at you, you can't help but obey.

And you do. The owner escorts you to the back to check the materials as the boys leave the store with your other clothes. It's a night shift, so she's alone with no other employees.

"Your parents called" the lady speaks and you turn to her "they asked if you were here"

"And what did you say?"

"I told them no" you groan "I can't keep lying for you y/n"

You know she can't, she can only lie so far. You sigh. 

"You need to go home y/n" she sounds like the angel on your shoulder right now. You need to go home but you won't. You can't leave this new-found excitement. 

You can't leave Seungmin.

"I will" you lie.

You walk out of the store and look around for the boys. They're walking down the road, so you ran after them.

"Hey, you left me." 

"We didn't, head start, remember" hyunjjn says, holding your bag. You hum.

"So where are we going now?"

"To drink" Seungmin says.


You laugh and giggle over stories as you scrunch your face at the burning trail the liquid leaves on your throat. 

"Have you never drank alcohol?" Seungmin says analysing the scrunched-up look on your face.

"I have" you straighten your face "this one's just kinda strong"

Seungmin takes a sip of your cup, clearing the liquid like it's nothing. You scoff. 

"You're such a show off" You joke and Seungmin tightens his hold around your waist.

"Im glad you noticed" he whispers against your ear, causing your body to shiver.

"We should head out now" hyunjin says standing up. "Are you coming Seungmin?" He nods to you and Seungmin. 

"Ahh. I think I'll join you guys later" he turns to face you "there's somewhere i wanna take y/n" you give him a confused.


"Where are you taking me?" You ask Seungmin as he drags you through the night.

"You'll see"

After walking and wandering around, Seungmin stops in front of a fountain. The water shoots out artistically as the lights allow the water to glow; the blue makes it look like a fairytale. You've seen this fountain before; you know it. But it looks and feels different under the circumstances you're in. Under the thrill and excitement Seungmin's brought you,

You're so caught up in the moment that you don't notice Seungmin take off his hoodie and jump into the fountain, which is illegal.

"It's so cold!" He exclaims, and you catch sight of a wet seungmin.

"Seungmin, what the hell are you doing?" You say, placing your hands on the edge of it.

"Taking a swim," he says, laughing and laying back. The fountain's deep enough for the water to reach his waist.

You laugh as Seungmin moves around, enjoying the water. He has this big and welcoming smile on his face that rubs itself onto you.

"You can get in trouble, you know?" You whisper-shout over his splashes.

"I know, and that's why you should join me." As he says the last part, he swishes his hand in the water and throws it in your direction.

"Ah," you scream, wiping water off your face.

"Come join me."


"I'm going to drag you in then," he says, moving to you and pulling you in. You don't even have time to react when your body is pulled into water.

Seungmin holds you so that you don't drown, even though it's not possible.

"Seungmin, we're going to get in trouble," you tell him, concerned.

"All that we've done tonight, and this is when you're worried about getting in trouble," he whispers as his eyes momentarily move to your lips. He's right, though.

"We won't be here long," he reassures you, his eyes falling on your lips again.

You look around a bit, not seeing anyone around. When you turn, you find Seungmin eyeing you, and you begin to blush.

"What?" You ask him shyly as he moves closer to you. His nose brushes against yours, and your hands move by themselves to his soaked chest. His thumb brushes your cheek as he smirks.

"I just think you look even cuter under the fountain lights." He doesn't let you react as his lips meet yours. His mouth is warm on you as his tongue brushes against yours. Your grip on his chest tightens, and his own grip tightens on your hips. He pulls you impossibly closer; his hand moves to your cheek, deepening the kiss and not allowing you to move.

"I'm so glad I met you tonight," he says in between breaths, causing you to smile against his lips.

You would've never guessed that tonight you'd be kissing some guys you met in the fountain that you've thought about swimming in before.

Before he can move his hands any further down your body, a bright light flashing in both your faces stops you.

"HEY!!" The security guard screams and starts running towards you.


"Come on." You both leave the water, and when your bodies detach, the cold of the night engulfs the both of you, the only warmth being from Seungmin's hand that's holding you as you run.

The water drips from your clothes, leaving a trail behind. Your clothes slightly pull you down, but the adrenaline helps you defy gravity and run fast.

Seungmin pulls you into a dark tunnel, and by this time, the guard, due to his physical limitations, couldn't catch up to you.

You lean against the wall as Seungmin stands in front of you, laughing.

"That was wild," you laugh.

"You should get used to it," he starts. "That's if you're going to be riding with us." He stares at you, waiting for an answer.

"Are you?"

It feels like a hard question, but you already know your answer.

"Yeah, I am," you say confidently. Seungmin smiles at your confidence.

"Then we should get going," he says, starting to walk.

"Going where?" You follow behind him.

"The boys and I were planning on going out of town," and, like on cue, a black open-roofed car stops in front of the both of you.

"And since you're a part of us, you're coming," he says, opening the car door, and you get in.

"Why are you guys all wet?" Hyunjin asks from the driver's seat.

Seungmin smirks at you: "Had some fun at the fountain.“

You chuckle, reminiscing on the recent memory.

You're not hundred percent sure what you've gotten yourself into, but you're here for it.

You're here for whatever Seungmin has for you.


Where are all my seungmin babes.🤭





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im gonna start crying omgggggg----<333333333

Mess is mine

Mess Is Mine

Pairing: Seungmin X gn reader

Summary: After missing for a couple of weeks, Seungmin comes back home to find you struggling with an anorexic relapse.

Genre: Comfort/hurt

Word Count: 1.7K

Trigger warning: Mentions of food, diets, weight loss and weight gain, starvation, counting calories, and body dysmorphia,

A/N: We're back on track with requests. Food and eating disorders are really mentally draining and ugh. They're really awful to deal with. I'm sorry to anyone who has to deal with them on the regular because they suck major ass. I always say it and I'll say it again, please be gentle with yourselves <3

_ _ _

You can’t see some illnesses and that’s just how it is. A person can look entirely normal to your face. Everything appears perfectly fine, but a smile can always be fake. Hidden beneath the skull, mental illness can bury themselves into the warm crevices of your brain far, far, far away from sight. 

Locked and drilled into you, how do you separate yourself from your mental illness? How do you keep it away from swallowing you and devouring you whole? How do you fight it before your mental illness claims your soul? 

Food was something you always struggled with. How amusing it must be to some people. How could you have a battle with something that every person needed to nourish their body? How did that happen? 

It wasn’t hard when you grew up in a world where models and actors and actresses were eye level in the store. The bold and accusatory titles had been ingrained in your head since you were younger. 

Some actress caught swimming at the beach had gained a bit of a stomach. Check out the interview with the Victoria’s Secret model who swore off sugar and went on strict diets for the upcoming famous Victoria Secret Fashion Show. Check out how this latest up and coming actor dropped a massive amount of weight for his new role. 

With everything at your fingertips, it wasn’t hard to find a parent’s worst nightmare. Tips on Tumblr for how to starve yourself. Reddit threads about how people lost weight and kept it off. Insane and unsustainable diets that were sure to cause you to crash and burn. 

It wasn’t a surprise when you fell victim to an eating disorder. A silent struggle that you always thought about any time a bite of food came near you. How many calories was in this and that? 

Did salt and pepper add more calories to your food? Maybe you should eat your salad plain and without dressing because calories count in every little thing. With your own brain against you, you were driving yourself mad until you thought you would burst and on and on it went and then…and then you met Seungmin. 

It’s not another person’s job to fix you, but when Seungmin found out, he helped you the best that he could. He took you outside on walks every now and then, so the two of you could talk. On the days you admitted that you didn’t have breakfast or lunch, he made you nutritious snacks. 

The beginning was the most difficult thing in the entire world. You remember the salted taste of the soup he made for you one day. The recipe was out of your hands and he didn’t tell you what it was. You silently freaked out in the bathroom because you didn’t know how many calories you consumed. 

A hundred calories was basically five hundred and five hundred might as well be a thousand, plus a few hundred. It’s a sticky situation that’s hard to get out of. 

However, you knew this inner battle couldn’t go on forever. You knew you had to try and fight and you were jealous. You were jealous of the people who ate what they desired and stayed around the same weight. You hated that you didn’t have the same mindset as them, so you tried. 

You tried to keep the same mindset and you were brave. You ate the dessert after dinner, you ate the snack between lunch and dinner, and you ate breakfast. You didn’t realize you had gained weight until you finally stepped on the bathroom scale.

The next day, Seungmin left for Japan. It was only a few weeks that they’d be doing promotions. When the band came back to Korea, they’d be getting ready for another comeback. Seungmin wouldn’t have time for you and you were grateful because this was a mess and you needed to fix it. 

Weeks later, you didn’t realize that Seungmin had let himself into your apartment. You came home from work utterly exhausted and defeated. You pushed the door open to your bedroom and stumbled inside. 

Seungmin was in the kitchen and he had helped himself to the items in your kitchen. He was preparing the two of you a snack when the front door opened. He dusted off his hands and began to head towards your room. 

Too distracted by your own thoughts, you didn’t hear his footsteps as he approached your bedroom. You bent down to tug off your work shirt and ripped it over your head. Your work pants soon followed and during that time, Seungmin’s heart dropped. 

Through the setting sunlight, he could make out the ridges in your spine. He was able to count your ribs again. You grabbed an oversized shirt and shimmied into it. The cotton baby blue hung down to your mid-thighs. 

You didn’t bother with a pair of pants as you dropped back onto the bed. Still unaware of Seungmin’s presence, you pulled out your phone and shot him a text. He was supposed to be home today, but you didn’t know when and asked for clarification. 

When a notification bell came from the hall, you jerked up in shock. Your eyes were wide as Seungmin stood in the hallway. You hated that the first thing you noticed was the disappointment in his eyes. 

Body dysmorphia was a very scary and real thing. You were starving yourself. The skin was stretched tight over your bones. Carved out cheekbones and a perfectly sharpened jaw completed your face. You struggled to force your eyes to meet him. 

“Seungmin, I-” 

“Why?” He got out softly as he approached you. His hands gently reached out and he grabbed your hips. The padded flesh had melted away. The comforting feeling was left jagged and unnatural. “When was the last time you ate?” 

“I can explain, I-” 

“You relapsed. You relapsed and you didn’t tell me. Why didn’t you tell me?” 

The tears filled your eyes before you could stop them. Your voice fell out shrill. “I-I’m sorry, but you were busy and I-” 

He pulled you into his arms and wrapped them around you. “You’re not and you’d never be a bother to me. I don’t care if I’m up in the air and halfway around the world or a few countries over. I’m your boyfriend and I don’t want you to suffer alone. I know this is hard and scary, but please don’t shut me out.” 

“I-I-” Your voice cracked as it wavered. “I didn’t mean to. I gained weight and it wasn’t that much, I know, but it felt like I suddenly gained a thousand pounds. I just wanted to lose a few more and I-” 

Seungmin’s sudden warm squeeze cut you off. You shut your eyes and put your head on his shoulder. In the very beginning of your relationship, you had struggled with things like this before. It was never easy to be vulnerable with another person. 

You were his entire world and he wasn’t going to let you suffer alone. He sucked in a deep breath and inhaled the familiar scent of your body. You were his home for months now and you always would be. 

It was finally washing over you that this was a battle that was greater than you. Sometimes we can’t fight battles on our own and sometimes it’s better to ask for help rather than suffer in silence. 

There’s a weariness and fear in being vulnerable, but there’s a warmth and a light in some people. Some people will do anything in the entire world to try to make you feel better. They’d set themselves on fire to keep you warm if they had to. 

“When was the last time you ate?” 

“I don’t know,” you finally admitted. 

Seungmin pulled away and looped his hands through yours. “Come on,” he tugged you towards the kitchen. Your feet remain rooted to the ground and fear began to bubble in your stomach again. 

“Please don’t worry. I made us a small snack and I promise you, you won’t gain weight from it. You need something in your system, so you don’t pass out. What if you passed out in the shower? Do you really want paramedics oogling over your moist and naked body?”

A smile began to tug at the corners of your lips. “You know that I hate that word a lot. It’s such a disgusting word and I-” 

“Oogling or moist?” 


“That’s just too bad. Come on, we have a lot to catch up on. Just wait until I tell you what the guys and I did. Come on, go faster! I got on pinterest while away and found the cutest little snack inspirations and I made them!” 

You smiled softly as you let him lead you to the kitchen. You weren’t sure what to expect, but it wasn’t too often that Seungmin could be so soft. It made you feel warm and fuzzy on the inside. 

“Ta-dah! Do you like them? I think they’re very cute. I’d say that you can pick yours, but this one is mine. I made it and it reminds me of Lee Know.” 

Your heart melted as you found a piece of toast on a plate. Seungmin gently pushed the porcelain plate towards you. It was so cute, you thought you might cry. 

A thin layer of peanut butter had been spread over the toast. The scent of bananas still lingered in the air. He had applied a small slice of banana to each top corner. Another banana slice sat perched in the middle of the toast. Two raisins placed above them created eyes and another raisin on the middle banana slice created a tiny button nose. 

“It looks like a bear, right? I thought it was cute. Sometimes you like to sleep a lot and it reminded me of hibernation and bears. This one is mine,” he pointed to his own slice of toast, “it’s a cat.” 

Two blueberries sat in the middle of the peanut butter toast for eyes. A single strawberry had been cut up. Two triangular speckled slices sat on each corner to create ears. Tiny snips of strawberry were placed along another smaller slice of strawberry for whiskers. 

“You know what dogs do to cats?” 

Before you could respond, he grinned and took a huge bite out of the toast. 

| ♡.﹀﹀﹀﹀.♡ | ♡.﹀﹀﹀﹀.♡ | ♡.﹀﹀﹀﹀.♡ |


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I have been blessed with more seungmin comfort omg ily-

Birds of a feather

Birds Of A Feather

꘎♡━━━━━♡꘎ ꘎♡━━━━━♡꘎ ꘎♡━━━━━♡꘎

Pairing: Seungmin X gn reader

Summary: After getting sick while trying to cram for exams, Seungmin takes care of you.

Genre: Fluff

Word Count: 1.2K

A/N: This was requested a while ago and I'm so sorry it's taken me this long. If anyone has exams coming up, good luck!! If they've already passed, I hope you passed them. Exams are difficult and kudos to you for studying or winging it, whichever one you choose.

Side note: it probably seems like I'm ghosting people and that's not my intention at all. I traveled to Chicago and then came home and ended up getting sick hours later. I've been absolutely miserable and zooted on Benadryl. I haven't had the energy to open Tumblr, but now that I'm better and not feeling high on medicine, the fun continues.

_ _ _

“Honey, I’m home!” Seungmin called out as he stepped inside the shared apartment. Upon not hearing anything in response, he sighed, and kicked off his shoes. 

College was hard and exams were harder. For the past week, you have been cramming yourself non-stop for exams. Seungmin had tried to get you to take breaks and slow down, but you were relentless about your studies. 

You had to memorize half a textbook for one course and multiple flashcards for another. Somehow remember a complex math formula, remember a few fancy vocab words for your English class, on and on it went. 

Seungmin had warned you multiple times that you were going to burn yourself out, but you refused to listen. You had waited until the last minute again and now it was biting you in the ass. 

The bag of fast food in Seungmin’s hands released a greasy scent that he was sure would capture your attention as he grew closer to your shared bedroom. 

He called your name and gently knocked on the door. “I know you don’t want to take a break, but I’m pretty sure that you’ve been working for hours without proper hydration and without food. I got us dinner, so can we eat together?” 

He held his breath and listened, but you never responded. His eyebrows creased with worry and he knocked a little louder. “Please don’t tell me that you’re ignoring me. You’re not fooling me, I know you’re in there.” 

When you didn’t respond a second time, he threw his head back with a groan. His hand reached out and he shifted the knob. Inside the bedroom, you were a wreck and his eyes went wide. 

You had taken multiple things off the bedroom wall. The framed photos of the two of you, the painting that Hyunjin had gifted you for your anniversary, and a poster of his band, it was all gone. 

In their places, you had plastered sticky note after sticky note. They were all color coordinated and had multiple scribbles on them that looked like chicken scratch. His jaw dropped as he stepped forward to read them. 

Each color of sticky note had been for a different class. Green for finance, blue for English, yellow for physics, purple for business. On and on they went. Each one had a scribbled reminder of things you needed to study. Some had a few lines through them and he assumed that those were ones you had already finished working on. 

“What the hell?” He whispered beneath his breath. He knew you were swamped with studying, but he didn’t know you were pushing yourself this hard. “Baby?” He called out as he approached the desk you were slumped over. 

Two different textbooks were wide open and your arms laid limp over them. Your head found a home where the two met. The dwindling sunlight from outside casted shadows on your face. 

He placed the bag in front of you and gently shook your shoulder. “Hey, wake up.” When you didn’t budge, he tried again. “Get up, please. You can’t lie like this, you’re going to hurt your neck.” 

The soft shaking sent your head up so fast, you nearly slammed into his chin. You sucked in a deep breath and blinked your bleary eyes. “Sorry, sorry. I’m up, I’m up.” You rubbed your eyes and yawned. 

“Are you okay? How long have you been studying for?” 

“Studying?” Your voice came out sleepily as your eyes shut again. “Right, studying. I should be doing that and I…” You trailed off trying to find the right words. “I um…I-” 

He frowned, “you look miserable.” 

“I’ve gotta study all night. The first final is tomorrow afternoon and I-” Your face scrunched up and you forced yourself to swallow. “I can do it and I-” 

“Do you feel okay?” 


“Honey, you don’t sound okay.” Concerned, he placed the back of his palm to your forehead. “You’re warmer than you usually are. Do you feel okay?” 

“I’m so tired.” 

“Besides that?” 

“My throat hurts a little.” 

“Sinus congestion?” 


“You do know what I’m going to say, right?” 

“Please don’t.” 

“You can’t attend your finals if you’re sick. You’ll risk getting everyone else sick and I-” 

“I’ll be fine.”

“They will be able to be taken another day. You can get extensions from your professors. If you try to take them like this, you’re going to fail them. Don’t even think about it.” 

You threw your head back and complained, but Seungmin wasn’t having any of it. He shook his head, grabbed your hands, and gently tugged you to your feet. “Come on, let’s get you feeling better.” 

“My brain hurts.” 

“Have you had anything to eat?” 



“I got tea from my favorite cafe earlier.” 

“You must have picked up a bug or something from there. You’re so tired and stressed out. You’ve been neglecting the basic human needs which means your immune system is down.” 

“Are you always a know-it-all?” 

“I wouldn’t have to be if you took proper care of yourself. Come on, arms up.” You lifted your arms without hesitation. “You should be glad that you have me in your life. All I want to do is help you.” 

You blubbered a response, but it was muffled and slurred. Your entire body felt awful. The pressure in your sinuses was causing a headache. You could barely breathe through your nose and the scratch in your throat was getting worse and worse. 

You didn’t fight it as Seungmin shifted your body around to wiggle you free from your clothes. He helped you into a t-shirt and a pair of your favorite shorts. He helped pull you to the bed and gently pushed you back. 

“I got you some food, but I bet you don’t feel up for eating, do you?” 

“You know me so well.” 

“I would hope so, you dork. We sleep in the same bed, so of course I know you. Does the term ‘boyfriend’ mean nothing to you?” 

“I love you.” 

“You’re so lucky I love you too. Get some sleep and I’m going to lay right here beside you. Let’s get some sleep together, okay?” 

You mumbled in an agreement and sank back into the bed. The body pillows caught your limp body parts. You sucked in a final deep breath. “Nighty night. 

“Yeah, yeah, good night. Get some shut eye and we’ll talk in the morning.” 

“But the exams-” you started. 

“Will be there tomorrow and we’ll discuss it then. Just trust me on it, you’ll be okay.” 




He cut you off with a kiss. His lips were salty from the warm french fries he stole from the bag. The granules were still coating his lips. When he pulled away, you licked your lips. 

“You’re gonna get sick.” 

“For you, it’s worth it. If I get sick, then you really have to stay home. You won’t want to leave me alone and dying, do you?” 

“You’re unbelievable.” You rolled closer to him and tucked your head beneath his chin. A final sigh escaped you as you closed your eyes. 

“I love you too.”

| ♡.﹀﹀﹀﹀.♡ | ♡.﹀﹀﹀﹀.♡ | ♡.﹀﹀﹀﹀.♡ |


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1 year ago

𝕊𝕒𝕧𝕖 𝕄𝕖 (ℙ𝕠𝕥𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕚𝕒𝕝 ℙ𝕒𝕣𝕥 𝕆𝕟𝕖?)

 ( ?)

ᵖᵃⁱʳⁱⁿᵍˢ: ˢᵖʸ!ˢᵉᵘⁿᵍᵐⁱⁿ ˣ ⁱᵈᵒˡ!ᶠᵉᵐ!ʳᵉᵃᵈᵉʳ

ʷᵒʳᵈ ᶜᵒᵘⁿᵗ: 2.5ᵏ

ᵍᵉⁿʳᵉ: ᵃⁿᵍˢᵗ, ˢᵖʸ ˣ ⁱᵈᵒˡ ᵃᵘ

ʷᵃʳⁿⁱⁿᵍˢ: ᵃ ᵇⁱᵗ ˢʷᵉᵃʳⁱⁿᵍ, ˢᵒᵐᵉʷʰᵃᵗ ᵃᵍᵍʳᵉˢⁱᵛᵉ ˢᵉᵘⁿᵍᵐⁱⁿ? ᵐᵉⁿᵗⁱᵒⁿˢ ᵒᶠ ˢᵗᵃˡᵏⁱⁿᵍ ᵃⁿᵈ ʰᵃʳᵐⁱⁿᵍ, ᶠᵃᵏᵉ ⁱᵈᵉⁿᵗⁱᵗⁱᵉˢ.

ˢʸⁿᵒᵖˢⁱˢ: ᶠᵘˡˡʸ ᶜᵒⁿᵛⁱⁿᶜᵉᵈ ᵗʰᵃᵗ ˢᵒᵐᵉᵒⁿᵉ ⁱˢ ᵃᶠᵗᵉʳ ᵏᵒʳᵉᵃ'ˢ ᵗᵒᵖ ᶠᵉᵐᵃˡᵉ ⁱᵈᵒˡ, ʰᵉ ᵖᵃᶜᵏˢ ʰⁱˢ ᵇᵃᵍˢ ᵃⁿᵈ ᵖʳᵉᵖᵃʳᵉˢ ᶠᵒʳ ᵗʰᵉ ˡᵒⁿᵍ ᵍᵃᵐᵉ ᵒᶠ ᶜʰᵉˢˢ.

ᵃᵘᵗʰᵒʳˢ ⁿᵒᵗᵉ: ⁱ ᵈⁱᵈⁿ'ᵗ ᵏⁿᵒʷ ʷʰᵉᵗʰᵉʳ ᵗʰⁱˢ ˢʰᵒᵘˡᵈ ᵇᵉᶜᵒᵐᵉ ᵃ ˢᵉʳⁱᵉˢ, ⁱ ᵈᵒⁿ'ᵗ ᵏⁿᵒʷ ʰᵒʷ ʸᵒᵘ ᵍᵘʸˢ ʷⁱˡˡ ˡⁱᵏᵉ ⁱᵗ ):>

Authors note 2: This is stationed by order of events so it may seem rushed but like I actually spent a really long time working on this and trying to perfect it, sorry if it's not what you're looking for, I'll try to do better on part 2 :) I know that this part is a bit boring but like I just didn't have a way to make everything all connect without making this really really long and really boring for 3/4th's of the fic soo this is what were dealing with ):>, part 2 will def be more interesting if you would like to see one :D

ᵉˣᵗʳᵃ ⁿᵒᵗᵉ: ʳᵉᵈ ᵗᵉˣᵗ: ʰᵃⁿ, ᵖᵘʳᵖˡᵉ ᵗᵉˣᵗ: ˡᵉᵉ ᵏⁿᵒʷ.

ᵇʳⁱᵉᶠ ⁱⁿᵗʳᵒᵈᵘᶜᵗⁱᵒⁿ ᵗᵒ ᵐʸ ᵇˡᵒᵍ

 ( ?)

1:00 pm

You stood next to your members, as there stood a long line of fans, your leader said a couple of words before all of you took a bow. Everyone around you sat down while the people stood excitedly in line holding their albums.

It was fan meeting day, you sat down holding your pen and looking around and saw excited and easy moving fans pacing around in their spot, jumping up and down with excitement while communicating with the people in front and behind of them, you smiled lightly at the excitement of the fans, as the line begun moving.

You waited, you weren't exactly the last in line but you definitely weren't one of the first.

You greeted people and signed a lot of albums, your group name was written down behind you as you sat around the middle of the group, you made cute drawings on some of the albums along with some cute little messages.

Until he came… particularly one guy caught your attention, but you couldn't understand why, it's not like he looked suspicious he was just eye catching, you glanced at him while you were discussing with another fan, none of your members looked to share your reaction, but for some reason you just grew interested in him.

“Hello.” He spoke calmly, definitely different from the majority of people who you had talked until now, he handed you his album softly, and leaned on the table.

“Hello, how is your day going?”

“Good, what about you?”

You thought about your response teasingly and then responded

“Definitely better than usual.” You lightly said with a chuckle.

The guy laughed along with you as you lightly joked.

“What's your name?” You asked softly while glancing up at him.

“Yang Dongyun…” he smiled lightly, while watching your moving hand as you drew a cute little puppy on his album.

“That's a pretty name, do you have a bias?”

You could make out a small nod coming from him as he opened his mouth to talk before shutting it.

“You can say.” You said with a smile on your face, while looking back down to finish his album.

He chuckles lightly, while glancing up from your hand to you. “I'd rather not.”

“Aw, come on. You can't leave me on a cliffhanger like that!” Half joking… “I'll make sure you attend the next fan event so I can get an answer out of you!” This time somewhat cringing at your expression.

You noticed him laugh with you as the bell rang, you handed him his album and fist bumped him as he moved on to the next member.

Curiously though, there was something so hypnotizing about him that you couldn't figure out.

You glanced at him once in a while, trying to get a glimpse of where he currently was, you saw him when he got up and left the room, going out with another guy, who you guessed was a friend of his, you were so distracted that you didn't realize the next person calling your name.

“Oh- my bad!” You said while turning back to look at your fan.

3:17 pm

“Hello!? Is something in that brain of yours?”

“What do you want?”

“Geez why are you so mad all of a sudden… you just went to a fan sign, cheer up.”

“Speaking of, did something happen there?”

“Not anything out of the ordinary, just a regular.”

“Boy! You just met some of the area’s hot topics at the moment! That's one of the biggest girl groups right now!!! You could at least be more excited!”

“Why are you so interested whether I was excited or not?”

“Seungmin isn't a fan.”

“Minho, speaking of, why did you need Seungmin to get in a fan sign?”

“I needed him to inspect the members better.”


“One of the members is about to be targeted by an anti-fan. I needed Seungmin to figure out who.”

“Why couldn't I have been the one to go?”

“You would've forgotten the reason for your presence in seconds after seeing your favorite girl group.”


He said with a light voice, almost inaudible..

“So who do you suspect it is?”

“It's hard to tell.”

“Did no one have a tracker, or like something that could possibly resemble stalking?”


Silence filled the car as everyone felt a sense of hopelessness, with no keys on who it could possibly be.. now what was the next step?

“I do have my suspicions though.”

“What suspicions do you have?”

Seungmin glanced at his album, at the happy puppy that was drawn on the blank sheet.

“L/N Y/N”

Minho pulled over and looked at Seungmin, Jisung himself couldn't hide his surprise either, both stared in complete shock.

“Why her!?”

“I don't have evidence but I do have a theory.”

“We’re waiting?”

“L/n is the only member in her group with a solo career, and therefore it's very likely that this stalker is planning on attacking whenever their victim is alone. L/n has to go to the US for her tour very soon while her group will stay here in South Korea. L/n is the only member who has excused activities to be alone, therefore if she didn't appear with her group, no one would suspect a thing until it's too late.”

“Shit-'' Minho looked at the dark road as he grabbed his phone and began dialing a number

“Why would someone target y/n!?”

“She’s an easy target for any anti-fan. She gets to be alone often and is easy to talk to, probably easy to trick as well.”

Both Minho and Jisung looked over at Seungmin

The silence was disrupted whenever a small “hello?” was heard from the other side of the phone,

Minho quickly cleared his throat before speaking

“We found the victim. L/N Y/n, 24 years old, height,165 centimeters tall, member of ( ). ”

“L/n Y/n?”

“Yes, L/n will be having solo activities in another county very soon, the most likely option is that her stalker will approach her there.”

“Do you know what country she will be touring in?”

“I believe she will have a U.S tour.”

“Which country will she be in?”

“California I believe.”

7:01 pm

“I'm so tired!!!” Your maknae got tired easily, you chuckled lightly as you noticed your leader looking through the car’s reer-view-mirror.

“Should we stop by Subway? to pick up some takeout before returning to the dorm?”

Suddenly calm mood switched from the members yelling out their regular order, you heard a chuckle come from the passenger seat..

“Alright, alright, with pies and bobas too.”

The chaos in the car was loud, so you put on your earbuds and put on some music, looking at the calm night sky after a long day.

“Yang Dongyun”

“I’d rather not.”

“Hey girls, did you guys feel something weird about this guy named Dongyun?”

The car suddenly went silent and everyone turned back to look at you.

“Who's Dongyun?”

“Oh- he had small eyes, I believe he wore braces, he had soft brown hair, really calm personality.”

“I don't recall.”

“How do you expect us to remember the exact guy out of like 100’s of different faces we saw today?”

“Well I guess that's true…”

“What about him?”

“I don't know, there's something off about him.”

“Like creepy?”

“No… not creepy, he just stands out.”

You noticed your members all take turns looking at each other, before looking back at you, you noticed your leader look at you from the rest-view-mirror before smiling.

“Let's just go get Subway.”

You smiled softly and nodded but you knew that you wouldn't be able to escape the thought of this Dongyun guy.

Who was he? Why were you so attracted to him? What brought or hypnotized you into him? Did he put a spell on you or something? Whatever he did.. it worked.

Because he couldn't get out of your mind. He was just trapped in there internally, it shouldn't be this way… out of all the fans you met today… why was he the only one you continued recalling?

9:29 pm

Concerts and a bunch of upcoming events were taking place. You got out of the shower and entered your shared room with your roommate.

“You ready for the flight tomorrow?” She asked, glancing up from her journal to look at you.

You were the only member in your group with a solo career, and although you were quite proud of it, it meant a lot more stress for you.

“I partly don't wanna go but oh well. It is what it is.”

“Hey, at least you're getting a lot of attention right now for your solo activities and you're not flopping.”

“Yeah, in a way.”

“You gotta go to sleep early so you make it to the airport on time.”

“Yeah.” You were looking in your closet to pick on an outfit for the long trip to California for your tour. Along with your group, you just came back and the tour was gonna start now.

You took out a few pants and shirts from your closet, looking for what to wear to the airport. Your bags and luggage were already packed, you just needed to prepare your clothing for the morning.

“What's your airport fashion?”

“I don't know… which one do you like better.”

You put up a few shirts and played a game of save one drop one until you were left with a causal looking outfit, you nodded in approval and picked out some shoes before folding everything and laying down in bed.

“I feel like something may go wrong…”

You saw your roommate turn around to face you.

“Why? You shouldn't think like that, you'll have staff with you 24/7.”

“I don't know, it's just a gut feeling.”

“Maybe you're just paranoid…?” Her words came out half joking, insinuating that you're gonna miss the members and her.

“Maybe I am.” You added on to her joking pitch, raising an eyebrow.

“Better not die!! You're our visual and main vocalist. You can't die.”

“How can I control if I die or not?”

“Easy! Just don't die”

You both chuckled at your roommates answer, laughing off your silly sense or humor from the connection that each of you built with each other.

But seriously…

Why did you have a feeling that something very bad was about to happen…?


California, LA…

You're album, “Soul Night of Memories” was ranking high on music charts, for it's hypnotizing vocals, small rap, heavy choreography, and overall.. great tracks.

After all, you weren't the main vocalist, and lead dancer for no reason, you shined as a rapper without the need of the position, and although you missed out on some group promotions, you would still be able to reunite with them in about 2 weeks as you both were making a stop by Paris.

You once recalled your leader telling your group the words: “Loving a fan is simple as the feelings are shared, however some fans may have different intentions whether good or bad”

“Why do I always think of those when remember of Dongyun-”

“L/n Y/n?”


“Oh- Hello! I'm Yang Minyung. I heard you came on tour so I wanted to stop by and say hello.”

“Yang Minyung… you're the soloist, who used to be a member of Drama Club right?”

“Yes! I've been wanted to meet you for a while as I really admire your work.”

“That's really sweet… thank you…”

“I'll be here if you need anything.”

“Yes, thank you.”

Yang Minyung, once a member of Drama Club however the group passed through some tragic things that caused their disbandment. Minyung was really brave for speaking out about tragic things in her songs.

6:27 pm


“Hi girls.”

“How'd it go, first few days in Cali how's it going?”

“Pretty normal, we're having concerts, singing, a few fan meets, and fan video calls. Speaking of! Did you guys know that Yang Minyung came to California as well?”

“Yang Minyung? Like the soloist?”


“Former member of Drama Club?”


“Where'd you hear that from? She's still in Seoul, she actually had an accident and is in the hospital with a fractured leg right now.”


“Yeah, did a fan tell you she was in California?”

What the hell? If Yang Minyung had an accident that caused her to fracture her bone. Then why did you see her earlier? Or was it some sick fan who decided to pretend to be Minyung just for the fun of it?

“Yeah… a fan told me that she was in California and that she recently had a concert. I guess I believed it”

Your members laughed at your gullibleness.

“It sounded believable.”

“Yeah whatever you say main vocal.”

You rolled your eyes at your members before turning back to the phone.

“I think my food is here, I'm gonna hang up and eat, since I haven't eaten yet.”

“Ok! Take care y/n!”


“Just remember that this isn't an ordinary task, you're protecting one of Korea's most famous idols, best vocalist, and she's going to be surrounded by a lot of people for the next few weeks. Whether it's fans, staff, or friends she's always gonna have someone around.”

Seungmin wandered around the building where you were supposed to be spending the night, looking around for anyone who could possibly look suspicious. After all this was Korea's top female idol at the moment, how was he not supposed to put his absolute best effort to try to locate your perpetrator?

“Sir? Do you need anything?”

Seungmin immediately turned around to face the employee, shoving them into the wall, looking them straight in the eye.

“Did anyone suspicious come in earlier today?”

The employee, who was quite startled thought for a moment.

“I don't think so.”

“No one who looked to be in a rush? No one who was demanding staff to be quick with their work?”

“Now that I'm remembering, there was one person. But it was probably just because an idol came in earlier.”

“Do you remember what they looked like?”

“No… I can't recall.”

Seungmin got up, nodding and thanking the staff.

He dialed a number

“The perpetrator is going by a fake identity, they have already checked into the hotel L/n Y/n is staying in and treated the staff harshly. It is highly possible that the perpetrator has already contacted L/n in some sort of way or manner, whether it was digitally or physically.”

“Good job, keep up the pace and this will be quick”

“L/n Y/n seems to have no suspicions yet, as long as she doesn't come close to the-”

“Did you call me?”

The utter silence that filled the room was threatening, Seungmin didn't dare to move a muscle until he turned around, looking and facing the familiar voice behind him, keeping the phone a safe distance from his ear before pulling it back.

“I'll talk to you later.”


He hung up before whoever was on the other side was able to finish their sentence.

Turning his body to completely face the familiar voice, keeping steady eye contact.

He had been caught by the person he least wanted to see, yet the one person he promised to protect.

L/n Y/n...

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1 year ago

Currently writing part two for my series "Save Me" :)

Currently Writing Part Two For My Series "Save Me" :)

ᵇʳⁱᵉᶠ ⁱⁿᵗʳᵒᵈᵘᶜᵗⁱᵒⁿ ᵗᵒ ᵐʸ ᵇˡᵒᵍ

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