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1 year ago
Brad Rowe Blushed When He Saw Gabe Waiting For Him On The Pier, The Latter Looking Cross For Some Reason.

Brad Rowe blushed when he saw Gabe waiting for him on the pier, the latter looking cross for some reason. The bodybuilder gulped loudly as he approached the smaller man.

“H-hello, Gabe,” he barely whispered, already fearing the worst.

The smaller man looked the bodybuilder up and down, noting his red shorts and tank top. “You didn’t get permission to wear that, Brad,” Gabe tsked, even going so far as to wag his finger at the paling muscle man.

“W-well, I thought th-that…” the bodybuilder stumbled over his words, knowing that he’d fucked up and had made Gabe angry. He’d known that Gabe had wanted him to wear just the tiny thong that’d been left at his place, but he couldn’t bring himself to wear such a demeaning piece of clothing. He’d figured that he’d compromise with a modestly revealing outfit.

Gabe narrowed his eyes at him and Brad felt that fearfully familiar tingle wash over him.

“W-wait!” he tried to cry out when he felt his center of gravity shift. Slowly, Brad’s body began to shrink.  However, the more he stared at his shortening stature, the hunk was horrified to realize that it wasn’t a proportional shrinking.  Instead of maintaining his usual muscle physique, he appeared to be compressing down, all of his years’ worth of muscle piling up on each other.  His long arms pulled inwards, his biceps puffing up until they forced his limbs out at an awkward angle.  His legs followed suit, his quads and calves inflating as they shorted, making the man to adopt a wider stance.  His clothes stretched to the limit as they struggled to contain his widening frame, giving the mortified hunk an outlined view of his cock which also pulled into his body, transforming into a little nub.  With a whine of panic, Brad instantly reached for his puny member, only to bristle in shocked annoyance when his bulky, short arms were virtually inflexible due to their new mass, prohibiting him from reaching his new nub which probably wasn’t even two inches big.  Even Brad’s torso compressed too.  His flat six-pack pushed out slightly as his stomach scrunched down.  His pecs inflated outwards as well, nearly blocking his view of the rest of his midgetized body.  Had the funhouse mirror not been close by, Brad wouldn’t have noticed his bubble butt push outwards from his altered body, forming a near perfect shelf from his broadened back.

When the dizziness passed and his head began to clear, Brad’s jaw dropped… and his chin automatically brushed up against his protruding pecs.  The hunk stared wide-eyed at his altered frame in the mirror.  He had to only be about three and half feet tall now, having lost nearly half of his height, but none of his weight.  His arms stuck out akimbo from his bulky torso.  He even tried to take a step forward, blushing profusely at the way his new thighs rolled over each other as his walk was reduced to a waddle.

Gabe nodded to himself. “I think you’ll stay like this for the day,” he teased.

“Yes, Sir,” Brad mumbled, wincing at his higher octave voice. Ever since he’d ran afoul Gabe at the gym, the warlock had it out for him, taking pleasure in humiliating the bodybuilder every chance he could get.

Last week, Brad had walked around looking like a twink with barely any muscle mass on his tiny frame, the week before that his head was the size of a plum, and before that his ass looked like two yoga balls had been attached to his back. The bodybuilder was surprised that he could even feel any semblance of humiliation still after all that’s happened to him.

“Why don’t you go flex on the beach with the other muscle men?” Gabe suggested.

Brad felt the wind blow over him and he looked over in one of the fun mirrors to see his warped body wearing a bright red poser. The back of the poser was hidden between his puffed out ass cheeks and the front pouch was a little loose as it blocked his shortened cock from view.

“Yes, Sir,” Brad squeaked again, waddling off the pier towards the beach, trying to get the hang of maneuvering with his compressed musculature. He just hoped that one day Gabe would forgive him and set him free and let him stay in his normal body.

[I don't remember where I found this picture. If it's yours, please let me know so I can give proper credit!]

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1 year ago

31 Days of Derek Hale

Day 26: Twink

Info │ 01 │ 02 │ 03 │ 04 │ 05 │ 06 │ 07 │ 08 │ 09 │ 10 │ 11 │ 12 │ 13 │ 14 │ 15 │ 16 │ 17 │ 18 │ 19 │ 20 │ 21 │ 22 │ 23 │ 24 │ 25 │ 26

31 Days Of Derek Hale

Derek bumped into some small, tiny guy. The little guy wore comically oversized clothes as he ran off, looking panicked and frightened. 

“Fuckin’ weirdo,” Derek snorted, readjusting his gym bag over his broad shoulder. 

The 6’3” alpha sauntered into the gym to workout. Normally, the muscled stud preferred to lift or perform bodyweight exercises at home where he wouldn’t have to deal with a lot of people. However, after renovating his house, he didn’t want to mess it up with his musk, so he’d opted to get a gym membership. After a few weeks of working out at one of the local gyms, Derek was surprised to discover that he actually liked to work out in public. There was something about being one of the bigger guys at the gyms that filled him with a sense of pride. Towering over the other men and easily out-muscling them only cemented his role as an alpha, and Derek could only smirk as he threw his weight around the gym.

After changing in the locker room, Derek strutted out onto the gym floor clad in only tight gym shorts that strained against his powerful thighs. His impressive chest muscles were on full display as he moved towards the weight pile. His chiseled, plump pecs illustrated sheer masculine power, and Derek frowned a bit when he realized that the gym was virtually empty.

“Guess the other guys just can’t keep up,” he hummed to himself, grabbing the heavier weights on the rack and performing bicep curls like it was second nature to him. His bowling ball-sized mounds flexed with power as he lifted, and Derek couldn’t help but admire his bulky form in the large mirror.

Derek was so caught up in working out that he barely noticed when another gym patron walked up to the weight pile, grabbing a weight that was a little heavier than Derek’s.

This other guy rivaled Derek’s size, both in height and musculature, much to the alpha’s annoyance. This other guy’s thick curly hair reached the same exact 6’3” height as did Derek; that fact bothering Derek for some inane reason. Plus, this other guy also worked out shirtless, showing off his pumped up muscles that exuded manly power. His chiseled pecs were just as rounded as Derek’s, and when he lifted his weight, his bicep bulged to the same exact size Derek’s had.

The other guy glanced towards Derek and nodded at the lighter weight in his grasp. “My girlfriend likes to use the smaller weights too,” he chuckled.

Derek bristled at the obvious attempt to make him look weaker than the unknown douchebag. He just clenched his jaw as he set the weight down, opting for an even larger one than the other guy’s. Gritting his teeth, he began to rack out several bicep curls.

The subtle way the other man’s eyes widened caused the alpha to smirk, loving how his bicep pumped up to an incredible size. The arm burned with lactate and he could vaguely make out the other guy muttering something under his breath, yet Derek was too focused on trying to look like the bigger man.

Derek’s muscles burned from his workout, the burning sensation seemingly spreading throughout the rest of his body from his arm. The immense weight in his hand steadily felt heavier by the second, Derek chalking it up to reaching muscle failure. He thought that it was odd that he’d reached it in under a minute since he could usually lift heavy amounts of weight for a substantiated amount of time.

Derek grunted as he attempted to perform one more rep, yet his arm started to shake and he ultimately dropped the weight, letting it clang loudly onto the floor. 

The guy chuckled again, and clapped Derek on the bare shoulder. “Don’t worry, Little Guy,” he teased, “there’s no shame in starting off with the smaller weights. We all gotta start somewhere, right?”

Derek swallowed down a growl and instead tried to glare threateningly at the other guy to get him to leave him alone… but he stopped when he stared directly at the dude’s chin. Earlier, Derek could’ve sworn that they’d stood eye to eye.

Derek’s eyes widened when he witnessed the other guy actually growing. As impossible as it seemed, the other gym goer sprouted up in height, his muscles also packing on some serious size. His pecs plumped out even more and his arms took on some more consider meat. 

“What the fuck?” Derek muttered, freezing when he heard his voice. It was void of any baritone, making his voice sound lighter and almost squeakier, as if it had shot up a few octaves. 

Then the horror slowly dawned on Derek that the other guy wasn’t just growing, but Derek was also shrinking.

Derek watched as his line of sight kept slipping lower and lower, until he was staring directly at the other man’s plump pecs. It didn’t stop there though, as all of Derek’s muscles began to deflate. 

“What the fuck’s happening to my muscles!?” Derek squeaked out in his smaller voice, holding his arms out in horror as his biceps steadily grew flatter.

Derek was helpless to do anything except watch as all of his hard-earned muscles grew flatter and near nonexistent. His arms shrank until they looked like unremarkable sticks, lacking any bulges whatsoever. His pumped up pectorals gradually flattened as they shrank against his chest, looking smaller and smaller until his entire torso was flat— lacking major pecs or even any abs. Even his legs thinned out as quads and calves deflated, growing smaller until Derek had little twigs to stand on.

To add insult to injury, Derek paled as he squirmed and felt an uncomfortable bagginess in the front of his boxers, the front of his shorts looking flat.

When he was finally done shrinking, Derek stared at his skinny body in shock and horror, estimating that he must’ve lost well over fifty pounds of pure muscle, and that he had to have stood at a measly 5’3” now.

“Wh-what did you do to me?” Derek roared, but his lighter voice didn’t hold any sort of threatening quality to it at all. In his frustration, he tried to charge forward and pummel the now larger man, but as he swung his tiny fists at the man’s massive bulk, the other guy didn’t seem phased.

The big gym bully just snickered. “Sorry, Little Man,” he scoffed, gently shoving Derek away, yet the incredible difference in strength sent the tiny alpha stumbling backwards until he fell on his tiny butt with a thud. “There’s only room here for one gym alpha.” 

To illustrate his point, the larger man lifted his powerful arms and flexed his massive biceps which flexed to the size of small melons, easily out sizing Derek’s tiny stick-like arms.

Out of humiliation, Derek took off, sprinting out of the gym in a frenzy, embarrassed at how there was a lack of dangling sensation between his legs. He hurried into his Camaro and nearly wailed as he had to readjust his seat closer to the wheel because his shortened legs couldn’t reach the pedals.

As the tiny man sped off, a large bodybuilder entered the gym, his large muscles oddly already starting to burn the second the stepped foot inside…

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11 months ago

Wow, how lucky we are - we thought nature had nothing left when humanity went down the drain.

Hey little wasch fetish if this isn't the beginning of civilisation.

He/she/it since we don't know that we don't want to commit ourselves, so what we have to say is that he discovered washing before the handgun as a civilisation good, which as we know does not occur with all humans in that order.

Who knows if you have already intellectually overtaken the person filming you, but you don't show it.

As if we're going to fuck this up really hard with humanity and we're going down with our civilisation. It's better to cooperate than to be separatists.

But the way you look, we think you already know that.

Good luck building a new mammalian civilisation smaller.


And please don't start with religion, it only leads to ruin. If it's religion, then embed nature and life as a whole. Quite enough,

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