Smol Titan Speaker - Tumblr Posts - Page 2
Updated the PFP!

(Muahaha I reveal myself. Now then)
*After leaving the city, the group goes into an area with very little visibility. The fog is so thick that you can't even see a foot infront of you. But, they are nearly there. . Soon they will be through the narrow path and in the safety of the hidden base. . Question is, what will they expect?*
The group keeps closer to each other while following the rumbles of the other Sawmen, nearing the pathway to the hidden base. Film softly chirping, Cinema purring with DJ as they're still in a deep recharge in their slings. Monitors hum softly to the other larges as they approach the pathway to the base's entrance, Woofer rumbles back quietly to Saws in a thankful tone. Crew is nervous as he holds Film closer to him, he trusts the saws but still feels vulnerable without being able to see.
*After what seemed like hours through the fog. The sound of rumbles followed by a very heavy door? Gate? Just something moving with creaks and groans of metal. The Large Saw tugs the group inside and the slam of the entrance closing startles them. The saw let's go of the tv's hand as he calls out to someone. Then, the sound of heavy boots against a concrete floor can be heard with some shuffling of movement going silent in an instant.*
*The Large Saw then slowly turns and faces the group, shifting a little so he stands up straight with a stiff posture before finally speaking*
["You can open your eyes and speak now. There's no need to have your sense of sight sound taken away any longer for you are safe. Safe in a place that remains untouched by the enemy we all face in this war. . And because of this I welcome you to the sacred and secret base we reside known as the stronghold of the saws "]
Monitors’ screens flicker back on as his visuals are turned back on, glancing around the hidden base before checking on the other two larges as they turn their visuals back on along with readjusting their auditory receptors. Woofer rumbles tiredly as he checks on the shrunken Titans which he’s greeted by Film’s bright blue lens looking up and around the new location, DJ rumbles confused as he wiggles around in the carrier. Film baps DJ and pulls him into a hug, chirping confused before softly asking why they move locations. Monitors hands Cinema over to Crew who looks panicked holding the shrunken TV Titan in his arms as he is still in deep recharge which Crew sighs softly in understanding. “Thank you for bringing us here, We weren’t exactly sure how long we would have stayed in the previous location. I’ll have to eventually get in contact with the Science Division with our Alliance to see if any progress has been made or that everyone has relocated to the new base.”
Broadcast Interrupted; P.O.V requesting for Broadcasting permission > Accepting Permission > Reconnecting to P.O.V C4m… “Hello Everyone! The Christmas Event will begin at Midnight Eastern Standard Time on December 18th and all of us will be available to ask questions! Those who are going to be available are; DJ (Titan Speaker), Cinema (Titan TV), Film (Titan Camera), Monitors (Large TV), Crew (Large Camera), Woofer (Large Speaker), Security (Scientist Camera/Mimic), P.O.V (Me!), [Them], along with any Cameras, Speakers or TV units that you fellas might know from my recordings!”
[Ask Anyone! Magic Anons on]
Hey P.O.V. !!
Imagine putting the titans some Christmas lights around them! Wouldn't they look pretty? :D
P.O.V laughs softly at the idea and gently tilts head sideways. "I know Cinema allows the other Units to decorate him like a Christmas tree when he's not needed on the field. Film gets dressed up as a Winter Wonderland setup while DJ ends up going for a Reindeer look! DJ nor Film like Christmas lights but will allow them to be on their arms but no where else"
This is for the tiny Titans (wherever they are)
I got some blankets and hot cocoa for them! With their signature colors too!
"Blankets!!" DJ does grabby hands for the blankets while playing soft Christmas music as Film takes his hot cocoa and blanket. Cinema emotes with ":D" on all of his screens. The Smol Trio is nestled under a Christmas tree of their own in the hidden base, purring with each other's company.
"Merry Christmas, Everyone!!!"
{And Happy News Year}
{DJ here!! Things have gotten messy with the new episode dropping and admittedly Smol/Galaxy is reeling at some information that may impact this blog. I'll try to get a small set up of what is canon and what is non-canon of this Skibidi-Verse, I hope I'm using that term correctly. We're all okay!}
The Titans are not smol enough. I want to be able to pick them up and squeeze them like stress balls.
Not a serious RP prompt; just being silly.
"Hehe! Of course, They may be smol now but make them even smoller? Yeah, I can do that! Here we go~!"

{Working on a "core" center piece for a reference for my Fic}

The Smol titans are so freaking cute!I just want to hug them
"Hugs?" DJ squeaks as he looks around the new base that he and the others has been brought too. "Hugs?" Film echoes what DJ said while seeing Cinema looking around a bit nervously before holding onto Film's hand.
A ruckus near the entrance of the base drew the attention of many of the units inside. One of the Cameramen skated towards the area using the unique wheels on their ankles, picking up on a few new and odd voices. "Of course they aren't here! They left two days ago! You didn't read the letter until yesterday!" a gruff English voice shouts. A moment of silence passes as the Cameraman rounds the corner, spotting six individuals standing in the entrance area of the base. Their heads were very differently shaped compared to the normal three types that the Cameraman saw around base. All of their heads were rounded cylinders that laid in a horizontal position with varying sized divots. Upon further inspection, they looked distinctly like firehose nozzles, and their heads matched their attire, which was mostly firefighter gear. One of the units had their arms crossed in front of their chest and they were glaring up at a slightly taller unit who was tapping their index fingers together in a nervous manner. A much taller unit gestured something to the angered unit and said unit turned to face the Cameraman. "You. Over here. Now." the unit stated firmly, pointing at the spot in front of where they were standing. The Cameraman approaches nervously, standing in the spot the unit had pointed too. "I'm getting right to the point here. My name is Chief and were trying to find the human. This letter here that someone-" he pauses, putting emphasis on the word as he glares at the unit he had been yelling at earlier, "-forgot to read, says that the human left here, and this was a couple days ago. So, any idea which base they've gone too?" the unit asks gruffly. There's a soft clacking noise of small boots before something, or someone, falls down with an oomf. The small titans, which had been stacked together on each other's shoulders listening and watching from around the corner, fall out into view of the group. "And you three are?" the unit asks, crossing their arms again and looking down at the three small titans while the other firehose head units look at the small titans.
It’s been quite a busy few weeks as the Alliance factions had to recon their original plan of having the TVs, Speakers and Cameras all being in one base by a set date but due to the raid on the original Camera base, this was sped up as their respective Titans are currently unable to fulfill their duties with their current size. With the help of the Saw Faction within the Deep Frost region (composed of what was Canada and northern regions of the U.S), the Alliance were able to relocate and settle down into their now united base within the lower parts of Deep Frost. Woofer, Crew and Monitors being the last to show up with their respective shrunken Titans after thanking the Saws and well, Woofer somehow managing to, unintentionally, woo a Saw into joining him back to the now bustling base. The Titans get a check up after arriving at the new location to ensure they’re still functional to their best even if their weaponry, jetpacks and a few other defenses are disabled.
With the ruckus that occurred just now at the door, Cinema glances at Film and DJ who nods a bit nervously before answering the Firehose Chief.
“I am Cinema, Titan TV… or was Titan TV, as you can see sir that me, Film and DJ were attacked by an unknown substance that made us shrink down in size.” Cinema explains, a bit nervously at the Chief before Film answers
“I am Film, Titan Camera a-and if you’re looking for a human, we don’t exactly know where they are. We have a human named Galaxy and they're alive a-and on the move with Silky-Spice and Excalibur.” He chirps while keeping a close hold on Cinema’s hand.
“I’m DJ, Titan Speaker.” DJ hums a bit before trying to see who these fire hoses are. He’s already liking how they look considering he got introduced to a different faction only a few weeks ago.
“I’m sorry but I’m going to have to say, any concerns on humans will have to go through me. Name’s Security and I am Titan TV’s Chief Engineer, before you ask about my mimic nature, I was a normal unit before an incident that happened.” The scientist mimic camera speaks smoothly as he steps out from around the corner as he was coming to check out the noise at the base’s entrance.
“Perhaps we can discuss some more if you all are not in a rush to track down this particular, if it's not Galaxy?” Security offers.
Halloween Event; Duration will be October 13th - 31st
Event Type; Magic Anons & Lore Information along with typical Halloween interactions, Trick or Treating w/ other Blogs (Please let me know so I can get everyone set up), a little bit of a take over :3
Characters available; Majority of the Alliance, a few Skibidies and OCs