So Happy Rn - Tumblr Posts
Ok so I'm a rare pair fan okay?
Like, I prefer to ship two characters whom I like, rather than the canon relationship.
And I recently got into Welcome Home.
And I saw Eddie Dear and I saw Frank Frankly and I was like
I really like the idea of them dating. So I went on AO3 and I looked up the ship.
And then it showed me 25 pages. 25 fucking pages. Like when I normally search fics for my rare pairs I get like 3-4 fics, maybe a couple pages if I'm lucky.
So obviously, I'm confused right? So then I look it up on Google and
They're MARRIED!!!??? WHY DID NOBODY TELL ME?????!!!!!

Wait? Infants are working now? I can actually play with them???
huh? I'm savouring these moments encase they break again
Oh my goodness gracious Tumblr I've had the best day!!
So I had work today, Light Training!! AND IT WAS AWESOME!!!!!!
I loved it! I loved it I loved it I loved it!!! We talked about and saw the storage space and went up to the spotlight booth and got to actually USE the spotlights!! There were levers to adjust the size and the clarity and make it look like a square and loosen it so you could move it around and it was SO SO SO COOL!!!! Also!! I almost fell through the floor!! So there's a platform, then the wall, and a little gapbwtween the two and I was distracted and didn't see it and my leg just disappeared!
Oh, I forgot we went up to the lights section of the blackbox room as well, before the spotlights!
After that, we went to the catwalks and watched group 2 mess with the spots, while we went over safety and upcoming shows and questions.
We then went to the edge of the balcony where there's this grate thing that some lights are on and I got put in a harness and it felt like I was a cat being picked up by the back of my neck as I went on it!!
There, I started talking to someone and made a friend!! Then we had a short break, the vending machine ate my coins, aaaaaand.. the most exciting part... IM GONNA WORK CHICAGO!!!!!!!
It's a 5:45 am load in and I don't remember the loadout time, but I'm gonna be there all day and I have my fingers crossed that I'm gonna work with the lights department! Audio is all full and the person in charge said that I was gonna be with electrical or carp and I don't really like doing carp, but I will if I have to, and I'm very very very very very (5 verys!!!) excited!!!
After the break, we set up light boom things, with the big pole and weights and the lights go on it vertically. We went into teams of 3, so mine was me, new friend, and someone who was hella cool and strong. We named our boom thing Francine, and after we put her away, friend and I talked a bit more, before we went home!!
Update: Bridge piercing has been acquired!
Doing anything for more piercings because they make me feel all fuzzy on the inside
hello!! as a moderator of Skyven on Roblox: I'm truly happy to hear that you've been enjoying our game! as a fellow therian: it's nice to meet you!! I resonate with your content greatly. I'd also like to recommend Cenozoic Survival on Roblox to you; in this game, you can play as an elk with herds of other players, and roam a massive continent full of various biomes and gorgeous scenery. I think you'd like it a lot! I look forward to seeing your future posts, even if I don't actively use Tumblr outside of monitoring mentions of Skyven. you're a cool person!!

OMGOMGOMGOODNESS HIHIIHI TYSM!!!! i wanted to make a blog that was sorta relatable but also i just wanted to be myself!
also i just tried cenozoic survival and YESSSS THIS IS MY FRIGGIN DREAM GAME I LOVE IT SM IM ADDICTED!!!
have some skyven ss that i took >:D

BTW YALL READIN THIS: go check out skyven on roblox!! its an amazing borb game where you can either survive and raise chicks or just explore, chat or rp i highly reccomend it for therians, roblox players, etc!!

This is every notable change via all campaigns. Helping to clarify some discrepancies between the swaps.

marina and her treasured pearl plush doodles

I'm gonna think about these tags all day I'm climbing up the amateur artist ranks

What’d he tell ye?