So Much Kudos - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago

I’m working on a longer fic at the moment but I needed a break so here’s some soft comfort

summary: Eskel and Geralt discover that Lambert likes to wear dresses, modern au

All the brothers had keys to each other’s apartments. It was common practice to pop over every so often to share a beer, buy takeout, and watch shitty B movies, especially when one of them was having a bad day. That was how Geralt and Eskel found themselves at Lambert’s door. Aiden’s car was missing; he was probably still at work which meant that Lambert was home alone, probably sulking. The garage, more specifically his manager, had been a right asshole all week but today’s behavior led to the brothers getting an angry text that just read “I’M QUITTING” before Lambert stopped answering his phone. They knew he wouldn’t quit; he loved the garage, loved his customers, and he had a soft spot for it since it was where he first met Aiden when the man had crashed his bike and needed repairs. Lambert wouldn’t leave, but he would be in a foul mood all night if they let him to it. Of course it was time to intervene.

Eskel unlocked the door and they let themselves in. They’d brought beer for Eskel and Lambert, rum for Geralt (who was famously quoted as saying beer tasted like “feet” when he was drunk, something they never let him live down). Geralt had a variety of Lambert’s favorite chinese food with him, and as they set everything down on the coffee table they heard scurrying from the bathroom. Like someone frantically running from one room to the next.

“Lambert? Get your ass out here, we’re having fun tonight!” Geralt called. The man emerged a moment later wrapped in a robe. 

“Why are you wearing Aiden’s robe?” Eskel questioned. 

“Cold,” Lambert sniffed. Both men arched an eyebrow at him; while it was true that Lambert always seemed to have trouble keeping himself warm, it was a blisteringly hot day and his AC was, for the third time that summer, broken. 

“Suuuure,” Geralt clicked his tongue. “Whatcha wearing under that robe?”

“Nothing!” Lambert almost looked angry, but they knew him well enough to see the embarrassment barely hidden beneath the surface. 

“C’mon Lambert, whatever it is, I’m sure it’s not that bad.”

Lambert seemed to consider that for a moment, hands twitching around the waist of the robe. “Okay…but if you laugh I swear to fuck I will end you both!”

His brothers nodded, and a second later Lambert dropped the robe dramatically to the ground, with more confidence than he seemed to be feeling. If they were expecting something ridiculous, they were only mildly disappointed to find that that wasn’t the case. Lambert stood before them in a mid-thigh length dress, black lace overlapping creamy satin fabric. The dress was form-fitting, scope-necked, and the slightly looser sleeves fell off his shoulders, softening the muscles there. 

“It was a joke,” he said quickly. “Aiden wanted to film one of those ridiculous tik-tack thingies and I needed to make sure it fit.” Both men knew that he was lying, but they figured they’d bring him along slowly.

“If this is Aiden’s idea of a joke, he may need to rethink his design. I don’t see a joke in front of me,” Eskel smiled softly. 

“Actually,” Lambert muttered, looking guilty. “It…it wasn’t Aiden’s idea. I, um…”

“You like it,” Geralt finished helpfully. “And you should. Looks good on you.”

Lambert visibly relaxed, body releasing all of that built up tension. “So you don’t mind then? That I- that I like this sort of thing?”

“Of course not.” Eskel started rummaging through one of the bags and pulled out a beer. “Come on, these are getting cold. Join us!”

Hesitantly Lambert grabbed the beer, popped the cap and took a few big gulps. His brothers started to unpack the food, making no attempt to ogle him or question why he wasn’t going to remove the dress. So he just didn’t. He sat next to them, dress and all, and put on The Velocipastor.

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