Sparrow Oak - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Imagine when we see Henry Oak it’s just him alone in his house, the last of the dads still alive, Mercedes gone, his sons not speaking to him in years. Alone. A sad excuse of the man he once was, shrivelled up in his home with all of his loved ones gone or not speaking to him. Maybe it’s not all o-ak.

I’m not going to be mentally o-aky till/when we see Henry again and him trying to fix his relationship with Lark and Sparrow :)

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10 months ago


Midnight thoughts at it again :)

Sparrow named Normal and Hero that way because Hero was supposed to be a sacrifice to save the world and Normal was just the replacement kid. He didn’t be a father to them because he didn’t want to grow bonds with them and watch them die. In the end, he didn’t even take in an optimistic hope that perhaps everything goes well without his children dying and just named them what they would be in his story. A hero and a normal kid.

You would think that she’d have at least a little bit of a relationship with Hero, the person he focused his whole attention on but instead it most likely just concerned her, made her feel alone and made her distance herself from him as much as she could. Think about it. Your dad and your uncle always takes you on these ‘trips’ to go hunting, learn how to use guns and knives, etc. without your younger brother going as well. You just have 2 fully grown adults going, teaching only YOU something. Wondering why your brother doesn’t come either and if this is a normal thing that happens to people. Then, you are told by them that you are the chosen one and now put this incredibly heavy weight onto you, A CHILD. You never asked for this but you also can’t talk to anyone else about it so you’re left alone, with just your thoughts.

And Normal. You’re ABSOLUTELY wondering why your name is Normal but your sister’s is Hero. And the fact that she constantly goes on trips with your dad and uncle that you NEVER get invited to. At a very young age, you are already questioning what is wrong with you, why does your dad not like you as much, why am I not as good as my sister. You feel isolated away from them, like there is something that everyone knows is obvious that you don’t. It makes you feel like an idiot. Even if you ask, your dad doesn’t allow you on these trips so you just stay at home, wondering. Your dad never puts in much effort to be your dad, what are you doing wrong? And if he never puts in any energy into being a parent, why should you put in effort to be his son?

Sparrow was too scared to get attached to his own children.

(I love Sparrow but my GOD, he needs to take a lesson from Ron’s books and be the dad that stepped up)

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2 years ago

So my friend said that Lark and Sparrow are basically Calvin from Calvin and Hobbes and she is absolutely right. The hyperactiveness, the inexplicably advanced vocabulary and grammar, resistance to authority, everything.  

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2 years ago

In season 2, episode 1, Anthony accidentally says Lark is Normal’s dad. Do with that information what you will.

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2 years ago

It’s nice that the kids in Dungeons and Daddies were all able to make the best of their situation and do things they like. Terry spent time with his dad, Nick got high, the twins became cult leaders and watched people fight to the death while plotting to unleash a eldritch horror onto the world, and Grant played fortnight. 

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3 years ago

Anthony Burch: *gives us a description of what the canonical older versions of Lark and Sparrow look like and how they’re nothing like what my personal interpretation of the characters looked like in my head*

Me: huh. That’s cool and all. Anyways—

Anthony Burch: *gives Us A Description Of What The Canonical Older Versions Of Lark And Sparrow Look
Anthony Burch: *gives Us A Description Of What The Canonical Older Versions Of Lark And Sparrow Look

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3 years ago
More Of The OG Kids Past And Present-this Time Its Lark And Sparrow

More of the OG kids past and present-this time it’s Lark and Sparrow 💪🏻

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2 years ago

Over arching thought of Season two

fuck every body trying to convince all of the season 2 daddies to accept Willy stanpler as an alley!!! He really kidnapped some 12 year olds, endangered their lives, killed Glen Infront of everybody, and tried to fucking NUKE EVERYONE. He really destroyed their worlds, AGAIN and AGAIN in front of their face and expects them to just deal with it.

And then for those kids to live in a world with the doodler knowing that it was their fault and spending their whole childhood trying to kill this LITERAL GOD. Imagine being 17 and having your brains constantly scrambled by horrible lovecraftian baddies. The odsey-dads fought tooth and nail for their kids to go back home, that was their role model, that was their standard for being a good dad. Then trying to be a parent yourself after getting abused so hard by the world. Not having the time you need to heal only compounds that shit. when there's a literal god out there trying to kill you and your spouse and your kid and everyone you love while having your sanity constantly challenged, you can't expect someone in that position to make logical, ethical decisions. My gut turns at the thought of them switching the forgot relm and earth but I feel like my parents probably would have done the same if given the option.

I'm conclusion: I want more content with season one kids teen years. And for them to be cut some fucking slack!!

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Normal seems like the type of kid who in grade school wore one animal costume. The same costume every day, nothing else. Whether or not it got washed is anyone's guess.

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2 years ago

Broke: Sparrow is ableist

Woke: Sparrow is Autistic

Bespoke: Sparrow has five generations of internalized ableism and the end of the world weighing down on him and is trying everything he can to make his son ”normal” in society because he believes that that is the only way he could break the generational curse on his family

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