Spxcemuses / Thrax | ; You're The Flame To My Inferno - Tumblr Posts

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He never faltered when her weight collided with his frame, her pillar of stability and safety. Familiar heat rekindled in every fiber of her being by the scorching kiss, how she longed to be back in his arms.

Her smile soft and tender, she was quite content being held like this. Her skin a bit warmer than usual, still haven't cooled down from the long trip to the cosmos.
“Had to fight off and hopefully kill the abyss looming on the horizon, but that son of a black hole got away.” Cindy huffed, that meant some day, she will have to return to the eternal battlefield yet again
“And when I changed back, my hair remained like this. Oh and the scar is also his fault, but don't worry, he got the worst of it.” she tried to reassure her lover before smiling again
“And truly, I've never been gone.” not waiting for him to decipher the cryptic sentence, Cindy motioned towards the sun than to the ground concealing Earth's core.
“I am everywhere.”

@phoenixborn asked: For Thrax🥺❤:
A figure always too nimble for her own good, almost with the speed of light charged at the crimson virus. Light brown turning into bright ruby red hair billowed behind her; it only took her a second to solve the height difference, strong legs tightly secured around his torso. Her kiss was feverish, full of passion, possession and longing.
“I missed you so much Carinõ” Cindy whispered softly, her fingers gently caressing the rough edges of his face.

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Thrax had tensed, already anticipating the incoming impact that came with her embrace. Had it been anyone else, he would have tried to violently fight them. However, he knew it was Cindy, so he remains somewhat calm as she wrapped her legs around him. It felt like so long since he’s seen her but he pushes this thought to the back of his mind as the kiss was planted. Fiery, hot, full of desire.
He was delighted to return the passion, a pleased sort of growl coming from the back of his throat. He also takes this moment to place his clawed hands against the small of her back, holding her closer to him. After a few moments, Thrax pulls away, slow steady breaths coming from his broad chest. Yellow hues scan her face first, moving over to her gradient hair and whatever changes in appearance she’s gone through, smiling wider and leaning a little into the gentle touching of his face.

“ And I missed ya, mi fueguito… It’s been so long. Where’ve you been, baby? I see that you got your hair done too, looks cute. ”

Thrax's entry for Cindy! Checks = definitely, stars/asterisks = sometimes/situational! (there is probably another box or so I would've checked but i'm not sure... and don't worry, I'm planning to do more muses in the future >:) )
Referring to

“You...wouldn't be willing to tolerate when I'm...not well emotionally?”
“On the second thought, forget I asked.”