Colourpod - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago
Some Lineless Art Practice

some lineless art practice

palette by @color-palettes

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2 years ago
Bygone Brimstone
Bygone Brimstone

Bygone Brimstone

palette from @seesawsiya

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2 years ago
Vengeful Vines
Vengeful Vines

Vengeful Vines

(i like this)

palette from @seesawsiya

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8 years ago
I Was Bored And I Found A Blog That Had Multiple Color Palate Thingies And I Took Two Monochrome Ones

I was bored and I found a blog that had multiple color palate thingies and I took two Monochrome ones and used them to make these two drawings. The one in green is Luci. She is only ever mentioned in the comic as she is already been dead for many years when it starts. She was a good friend of Herobrine's though before she passed. So while drawing this I played a little with her design. Originally she only had short fluffy hair but I decided I wanted something tied into her hair so I added the small braid in her hair and tied to said braid is a feather and a piece of Nether Quartz. And she wears a diamond necklace. The one in blue is Fox-Hood. Fun Fact: Those who associate with a certain god(like interact with them on a regular basis) usually end up with some sort of charm from them. For Herobrine it's a feather of some sort and a piece of Nether Quartz, as seen in Luci's braid and the feather and Nether Quartz tied to the end of Starboy's axe. The sword Fox-Hood ends up with in the comic has a diamond and emerald tied to the hilt that are from Steve. Enda would likely give you an Endstone shard and Obsidian. I haven't quite decided on Notch or Stellra though. Anyway, the link the blog I found is this: go check it out, maybe you'll find a palate you like! >w< This was my first time doing monochrome coloring so this was a challenge and I probably could have done better but it was fun nonetheless~ Luci and Fox-Hood belong to me! Please do not use without my permission!

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1 year ago
Spewrmaster I ThinksI Got Some Fanart Coming So
Spewrmaster I ThinksI Got Some Fanart Coming So

spewrmaster I thinks I got some fanart coming so ‼️‼️

Spewrmaster I ThinksI Got Some Fanart Coming So

used this color palette from @/color-palettes :3 EDIT: this post

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5 months ago
Color Palette.I Was In A Blue Mood

Color Palette. I was in a blue mood

color palette used is Bubble which can be found: here this is my 3rd try of trying to post this bc my wifi is so bad-

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7 months ago
Artwork I Did With The Eucalyptus Eyes Palette On @color-palettes Blog. First Time Going Off A Strict

artwork i did with the eucalyptus eyes palette on @color-palettes blog. first time going off a strict palette so values are a bit muddier than usual

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7 years ago
The Colour Palette I Used Is Called "TV Static Radio Silence" By @color-palettes . Decided To Give It

The colour palette I used is called "TV Static Radio Silence" by @color-palettes . Decided to give it a shot at a more digital painting type colouring style.

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7 years ago
"i Guess I Got Sad Again" Palette By @color-palettes .

"i guess i got sad again" palette by @color-palettes .

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8 years ago
...I Actually Like Something I Drew What The Heck This Doesnt Usually Happen To Me. Usually I Reel Away

...I actually like something I drew what the heck this doesn’t usually happen to me. Usually I reel away in terror after looking at something I drew again but maybe it’s just late? Or maybe it’s because of the nice color palette I don’t know. I found this color palette called Soap Bubbles on colourpod and I just enlarged the palette and drew over it with this. At first it was kinda a simple graphic thing with the colors fading into each other but then it turned into this and I really like it for some reason!? It just feels really calm and nice maybe it’s just the palette... But yeah it was called Soap Bubbles so I just drew over it with what popped into my head when I read the palette name XD This is really nice I might do more of these. I was a little uncertain about posting this up publicly because... Well I usually like to have characters fully clothed especially if it’s a public drawing XD; But I just thought it turned out so nice how could I deprive the world of it? Not even really finished or rendered completely but it kinda has a sketchy impressionistic quality I thought looks kinda interesting so?? I don’t know this is a weird feeling I don’t usually like stuff I do but the palette is really soothing, I’m so glad I found this site.

Character (nobody in particular) © Me

palette «Soap Bubbles» by Witchysharks @ colourpod

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8 years ago
Well, I Think Ive Sat On This Picture Long Enough. Three Characters In One Picture That Will Not Be Named,

Well, I think I’ve sat on this picture long enough. Three characters in one picture that will not be named, do you recognize them? XP Who knows. Anyways. So I found this palette on colourpod and suddenly knew exactly what I’d be doing with it. I think I kinda cheated a bit though. I lightened, darkened, color dodged some colors so it’s not completely the same five colors anymore... but that kinda what you’re supposed to do with real color palettes anyhow though, right? XP But anyways, yes. Fluff. And a shipper looking on who I wanted to blur out because she gets too much attention in this picture (attention hog...) but in the end I kept her. The colors were a little muddy by the end of it so I used auto-contrast to make things a little brighter, and since it’s already been a couple weeks since I last touched it, I didn’t really feel like doing anymore serious work on it... which is a shame because I REALLY wanted to do CC’s character on the left more justice here (he looks so out of character oh my gosh XD but I headcannon this is past the awkward stage so let me dream) and take my little attention hog on the right there down a notch... I was even gonna switch the side the plate was on (that overgrown flat pancake leaning off her shoulder at an odd angle doesn’t even look like a plate with food on it, does it? It was supposed to have a pancake or several on it too ironically enough...) and had some layers to that effect, but I’m too lazy now to do anything with it. So sad. Well! There’s fluff. Achievement unlocked: Draw my OTP on a romantic dinner date! *cue PS3 achievement unlocked sound effect* Anyways now I’ll let you enjoy the fluff. Goodbye!

Oh but before I go,

Well, I Think Ive Sat On This Picture Long Enough. Three Characters In One Picture That Will Not Be Named,

A song that literally became the theme of my little attention hog there...

Thank you, @swordofpower, for introducing me to this ridiculous song and having me make it her theme song for this picture XPP

(I even made a gif of her twirling off in time to it. you need to play it to have this gif make any sense... XD then you’ll watch it mesmerized for hours.)

You’re welcome, tumblr. *bows out now*

Left character © CC

Middle character and the attention hog princess © Me  

Palette «Candlelight» by  Elisenel @ colourpod 

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