Stray Kids Reaction - Tumblr Posts

PAIRING :: stray kids x fem!reader
GENRE :: fluff
WORD COUNT :: 1.6 words
WARNINGS :: not edited, none !
SYNOPSIS :: the kids react to having their cheeks' kissed by you !
NOTE :: if you don't know, this is apart of an official "kiss" series where i explain how the kids would react to being kissed in certain ways! down below is the links to the other posts "apart" of the series!

KIM SEUNGMIN ✸ he loves it but won't give the satisfaction of showing it
he's such a brat !
he just won't give you the satisfaction of knowing you truly flustered him when you gave him a kiss on the cheek as a "good morning"
it's not that he's not big on affection or anything, y'all have kissed and hugged before and he doesn't have a problem with it but he knows when you're searching for his reaction
there is a routine you usually follow in the morning so you kiss him on the cheek and then expectantly wait on his reaction (no matter how sneaky you think you're being), he can't help but act like he's not affected
he's amused by the little pout on your face when you notice that he's ignoring your little stunt and he giggles when you become unamused by his antics
nonetheless, he's not one to be out done so before going to take a shower for the day, he grabs you by the chin and gives you a kiss back on the apple of your cheek while mentioning how cute it is that you want his attention before sluggishly walking away
you can hear him chuckling all the way to the bathroom at the offended gasp you let out, damn brat
SEO CHANGBIN ✸ his heart can't take this but that's alright, he'll go to the doc later
he is suffering
as a man who prides himself on being cutesy and lovely, you truly take the cake with all of your sweet cheek kisses
it happened randomly, you just thought the way he smiles really makes the chubbiness (or what is left thereof) stand out and they are so soft to kiss
so anytime he smiles real big or laughs out loud, there are tiny whispers in the back of your mind going "it's free real estate" as you stare at his cheeks
your favorite time to do them is when you make him laugh, and he knows it too; he knows that as soon you make him smile or laugh, you're gonna swoop down give him a million tiny kisses all over his cheeks that's gonna give him palpitations
he's getting too old for these bouts of cuteness and loveliness coming from you- that's his job!
still none the less, as much he loves it, there is no doubt in his mind that you like doing it much more so he doesn't complain
he just sits back and tries his best not to smile immediately as you settle down and try to get him to smile for the umpteenth time that day
HWANG HYUNJIN ✸ he's so emotional about this...pls don't ever stop
this man will and HAS waxed poetic about cheek kisses since you do them so often
also another one who giggles into his kisses because he just loves you so much but he always feels more adored when you kiss his cheeks
now all of sudden, he's writing lyrics and poems on how soft your lips feel against his skin when you kiss his cheeks
definitely posed with you kissing him there to put it as his wallpaper on his phone but also to paint (you are his muse after all, the lil inspiration you are)
he just...feels a lot yall
he especially loves your cheek kisses when you come to visit him at work with snacks that you drop off before making your way over to him to tug him in your arms and kiss all over his face or when it's early morning and it's quiet all around with the source of warmth coming from your combine body heat and you plant little kisses leading from his neck to his jaw to his cheeks (before landing on his lips)
he just feels so cared for...and maybe he teared up about it but you know-
LEE MINHO ✸ he just did not see it coming
you are definitely not allowed to just kiss him and then just walk off like you didn't do what you just did
you had walked in from the room to get some water and on the way to the kitchen, you saw minho in the living room just relaxing on the couch watching some anime jisung recommended him with soonie, his sleepiest cat, on his chest and he just looked so....
so lovely !!!!!! who can resist sleepy relaxed minho !!!!
anyways that's not the point, the point is! you got distracted and decided that minho needed a kiss from you or else but while walking over there, you noticed that he wasn't actually positioned correctly for a kiss on the lips so you went for the next best thing
you kissed him right on his cheek, without even saying hi or anything, rubbing his chest and lightly hugging him before walking away (and ofc petting your oldest baby, soonie)
he didn't even notice you walking up to him, to caught up in the anime's recent scene to notice, and jumped when you touched him. now he blushes knowing that you just came over to give him a kiss
he later tracks you down to ask you why and why you didn't announce yourself, but if you pay attention, you'll notice his ears are bright red ! kiss his cheeks again for long lasting effects !
YANG JEONGIN ✸ he. is. baby. he. will. get. what. he. wants.
brat part two! but he's a manipulative lil shit
jeongin loves all of your kisses, even though he gets embarrassed easily and giggles his way out of ANYTHING- he loves all of your affection
but for some reasons, he really was on a binge when he really liked your cheek kisses but he couldn't get them as much
either you were busy or just thought he didn't like your kisses that much, jeongin silently noticed that you weren't giving him cheek kisses as much he would like you to so he came up with a plan to fix that
he found out that couples usually copy each other after a long while especially each other's habit so jeongin made it his habit to kiss you the cheek often
so enough you did it in return and did it so much that you didn't even notice that he stopped
when you asked one day which one you started the cheek kisses, you or him, he just was like "i dunno...but we (i) like them so i guess it doesn't matter >:)"
you just shrug it off and give him another cheek kiss as he reels in the success of getting his favorite kisses
(silly boy could have just asked but he would rather initiate changbin's hugs than do that it seems)
LEE FELIX ✸ once again, this is THE cuddle boy himself! he is having the time of his life rn
i love writing felix's part because it's nearly the same thing every time. he's just so lovey dovey and adores physical affection so this is like a dream come true
hugs, cuddles, back-hugs, kisses, tummy kisses, pouting kisses- any and all physical affection will make felix incredibly happy
however, the first time you give him a cheek kiss is when he first baked you something
it was a time where he wanted to freshen up on his brownie skills as the resident "baker/brownie boy" himself and to avoid the chaos of 7 grown adult men acting crazy over one small pastry, he asked to bake at your place
it was only when he noticed that he hadn't really baked anything for you before that he really tried his best to make this batch perfect, in a way you liked best
when he was done and showed off his hard work, seeing your smile when you ate it was thanks enough but you pulled him in to kiss his cheek, thanking him again as you walked to the fridge to get something to wash down the chocolate, his face got bright red
now he's giggling up a storm and giggling that you'll be the very death of him if you keep this up
(he's also doing everything in his power to gain more cheek kisses from you so expect more baked goods in the future)
HAN JISUNG ✸ this is a normal occurrence, we are not new to this.
my cutie lovely boy, i love him very much
i would think that you already kiss his cheeks a bunch, it's extremely hard not to
in my eyes, he's used to it now since you did a lot when y'all first got together but like i said- IT'S SOOOO HARD NOT TO
*ahem* alright my bad
so when you grab his face in the middle of the day to kiss his cheek or when that's the first thing you do when you wake up to him or when he stuff his food when he eats, he just blinks....then goes back to day the as usual
you do it so often, as SOON as you see him start to puff up his cheeks either purposefully or not, you are QUICK to kiss them with such swiftness
for jisung, he just hums or smiles in response or i will grab at you before you can leave his vicinity to kiss you back
BANG CHAN ✸ oh he loves this so much, this is heaven
omg he is in love
melting in his seat, giggling up a storm, head in hands, ears are so red
just give him a minute, he feels so loved right now
you would think he would get better at noticing when you're going to give his cheeks a kiss and sometimes he does, sometimes he asks for them but every once in a while, you catch him off guard
he had invited you over to listen to some of his music when he was struggling, force him to take breaks, and generally just to chill while he works (work while he works)
the usually ever so observant chan is lost to the world while in the throws of his music coming from his headphones so when he feels a pair of lips pressing ever so insistently on his cheek, all of his focus is broken (see the first three bulletpoints)
once he gains his strength back, he's on you immediately trying to get his revenge or just whining cutely about how you spooked him and flustered him at the same time
god, he could never get sick of this

all writing content created here belongs to @/svngcore, you are allowed to reblog my posts but please DO NOT repost any of my works on other platforms without permission.
reblogs and comments are cherished and highly favored !

similar works here !
pouting kisses - ot8
tummy kisses - ot8
SKZ Reaction To Painting Each Other’s Nails

Genre: fluff
Warnings: none
A/N: Quick note that I am still accepting requests, but there are certain ones I will not do. I decide this at my own discretion, but if you have any questions, feel free to message me.
Chan is going to do his very best to paint your nails neatly. He'll even look up the best quality polishes and might even invest in a nail dryer if y'all do it often. At first, it's a little messy, but after a couple times, he will become an absolute pro. He also loves when you paint his nails, even if he has to take it off for promotions or appearances. Though, he sometimes leaves it on for Chan's room.
Like with many things you do together, Minho will act like it is such an inconvenience. Yet, he is almost always available at the same time every week so you two can paint each other's nails. When he's away, he'll even try to Facetime you while you do yours. He loves it and is secretly pretty good at painting your nails. Minho also is meticulous about caring for the nail itself. While he would be okay with you painting his nails whatever color you want, you usually just do a few clear coats because it pains him to take it off for his activities.
It all started when you would do your nails in the studio while he was working. You were messing around one day and painted his pinky finger. Eventually, he started doing yours. At first, he was pretty messy. He felt so bad about it that he called his sister for advice. Still, even if they were a bit messy, you enjoyed seeing him bent over your hand and gently applying the polish. You normally painted his too, but it didn't last too long with all of his working out and such.
We all know Hyunjin likes to paint and so when he sees you painting your nails one day, he asks if he can try. This man would create tiny masterpieces on your fingernails. It became a nice point of bonding for the two of you. Even if you fought, you stuck to the tradition and often ended up making up after the first hand. With Hyunjin, you saved so much money because you didn't have to go to the salon. With his nails, even though you were much less skilled and could barely paint your own nails well, he was encouraging and always complimented them when you finished.
It's his favorite time of the week, tbh. He occasionally would do his own nails for fun, but when he learned you wanted to do them, it became routine. Jisung wasn't too confident about doing yours, despite having done his own for so long. He said your nails were too pretty and he didn't want to make them look bad. When you insisted though, he would do it and come to enjoy picking out a different color every week.
It always happens late at night. Often, he will come home from a long day and you will help him relax by painting his nails. Felix likes to watch you focus and you have to constantly tell him not to touch anything cause he's trying to move hair out of your face or rub your arm lightly. While he preferred to watch you do his, he would do yours, but would sometimes get nervous about it, even though he usually did a fairly decent job.
Under absolutely no circumstances will he admit that he takes great care and pride in painting your nails. It took a while to get Seungmin to do it, but you discovered that he had a secret talent for it. He was so careful and had a remarkably steady hand. Like Minho, he usually let you do a few clear coats because he wasn't necessarily a fan of nail polish and didn't want it to interfere with his schedule.
You hadn't expected Jeongin to be so cool about you painting his nails. When you suggested it on a quiet date night in, you thought he would laugh it off. Instead, the two of you painted on matching nails and you couldn't resist taking photos of your matching nails. From then on, the two of you always took the time to paint each other's nails during movie nights.
hi lovely, hope ur ok :) can I request skz reacting to their s/o being a metalhead? It's okay if you don't do it <3
SKZ Reaction To Their SO Being A Metalhead

Genre: fluff
Warnings: none
A/N: Thanks for the request! I had no idea I had requests coming in as I most often check Tumblr on my phone and idk but it just didn't allow me to see them there. I'm slowly going to work through them :) I'm currently working on a cross-country move and preparing for grad school. Things might be sporadic, but I'm going to try and get most of the requests done.
As expected, he's perfectly supportive. He listens to some metal himself, but certainly wouldn't consider himself a metalhead. He'd add a few of your favorite songs to his playlist and he'd keep an eye on any metal concerts coming to town. He would probably end up getting weirdly inspired, possibly even write a metal song just to make you smile. If it makes his SO happy, it makes Chan happy.
He'll likely tease you a bit. However, you will also come home to merch folded neatly on your bed with a small note on top. Minho wouldn't mind if you listened to metal sometimes, even if he wasn't necessarily a fan himself. Though, he will jokingly create choreography for one of the songs you listen to most which never failed to make both of you break out into giggles.
Oops, you just inadvertently introduced Changbin to his new favorite gym music. Like Chan, the producer side of him listens to the technical aspects of the music and may even get a bit nerdy and explain them to you. He grows to be a casual fan and will definitely go to shows with you or listen to the newest album with you. And, of course, the two of you will regularly work out to a perfectly curated metal workout playlist.
For Hyunjin, this is an opposites attract sort of situation. It's not that he doesn't respect the music, it's just not his style. He has a few songs he likes, but ultimately it's just not for him. However, he loves seeing you get so excited and passionate about it. Hyunjin doesn't mind if you talk to him about the latest release or an upcoming concert. Perhaps the two of you will open each other up to new music.
Low key, he finds it hot. He tries to hide just how hot he finds it, but it's not difficult to tell. Jisung's favorite thing about you is how you have such as sweet, cute face, but your headphones are blasting metal. The juxtaposition was part of what drew him to you in the first place. Jisung tries to keep up on the latest news so he can talk to you about it and even buys a couple of metal band T-shirts for himself just so you will steal them.
Honestly, Felix is pretty chill about it. At one point, he'll use his deep voice to mimic one of the songs and it then became a game to see if he could repeat parts of the song back to you. Normally, it started off with you being impressed and ended with a blushy Felix and the two of you giggling. Like Chan, he'll go to shows with you and loves to spoil you with merch and metal related gifts.
Indifferent--or at least--it seems like he's indifferent. Seungmin never really showed interest in the music genre himself, but he did know you liked it and would subtly find ways to include it within your relationship and everyday life. He probably has some sort of spreadsheet that lists your favorite bands, songs, etc. He wants to make sure he gets everything right. Also, stalks your Spotify so he can add some of your favorite songs to joint playlists.
Like Minho, he might tease you a bit, but ultimately it makes him all smiley and blushy when you get excited about it. Asks you to take him to a concert/show him your favorite album because he wants to learn more about the things you like/love. Also, get ready to up your metalhead style. Jeongin might even have a metal style Pinterest board queued up and will help you live your best metalhead life in style.
Stray kids Hyung Line - Hyunjin Reaction Asking them to teach you how to masturbate

would first make 100% sure that you want HIM to teach you how to pleasure yourself, he would probably start of with sitting you between his legs against his chest and have your laptop on porn.
while he takes your hand and guide you down your exposed legs he would keep his hand on yours just cause he wants to feel how wet you would get and an arm around your waist. kissing your head every once in a while and whisper sweet encouragement.
“such a good girl, wanna go faster now?”
Lee Know
I feel like he wouldn’t like the idea at first, he wants to be the only person that can give you that pleasure but once he agrees oh hell it’s going to be torturer he wont touch you he would tell you to use your imagination to get wet i think he would be a dirty talker.
“i can see how wet you’re doll come on add another finger for me”
out of all the members of the Stray Kids i think he’s the perviest (i obviously don't know them this is all fictional), i feel like he will just end up fingering you himself and have some fun afterward he would sit in front of you and keep asking if you wanted him to stop
“don’t you want me to stop? but how are you going to learn?”

✦ Masterlist ✦
✨ Thinking About Prank Wars with (Seungmin) ✨
You know what I can't stop thinking about? Prank wars with Seungmin, you two always doing something to piss the other off. going from putting yogurt in your shoes to replacing his hair dye to a pink one.
You know how Seungmin would get back at you? Yup he will make you spicy food because you hated it and couldn't take it, he thought it's a perfect way to get back at you, it went all according to plan you didn't suspect anything and smiled taking the first bite devilish grin splitting on his face.
But soon fell when you took another bite "baby this tastes amazing" it didn't, he knew it didn't and he could tell from your face expression, so why did you put on an act? "really now?" you nodded blinking the tears in your eyes "i'm really happy you took time out to make me something to eat that's really sweet of you" you said shyly, so that was it?!
Shit he fucked up, you were pretending to like his food to not hurt his feelings, he found this stupid and incredibly adorable he ended your misery by taking the plate from your hands and dumping the food in the trash "hey I was eating that!!"
You tried to protest but he silenced you with a kiss, your whole face turning red, not used to his affection, "you better improve your acting skills for when I actually try and make you something edible" he mumbled not giving you a chance to reply before kissing you again and again.
Leaving butterfly kisses along your neck "I don't fucking deserve you" he knew he didn't why you're still with him is still a mystery but he will do everything in his power to prove to you that he's worth your time.
⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾ ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☁︎⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾ ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☁︎⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾ ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☁︎
✦ Masterlist ✦
Stray Kids Hyung Line Reaction: To you wearing nothing but a hoodie with their name on it
Chan would be rushing back from the studio running over three Red Lights already. He promised you, He promised he will come before 9 and now that it’s past 11 with about 5 missed calls and 3 messages about how you're going kill him, he knew he messed up.
He’s running up the stairs to your shared apartment, He would see you there laying on the couch your back to the door at first he would think you were really upset “y/n I’m so sorry there was this song an…” he would soon trail off when he comes closer finding you sound asleep and……pantless with only a hoodie on.
Then he will realize what you're wearing it was the hoodie you wore when you first met each other. It was in a fan sign. He would without thinking smile at the memory.
He knew you were a light sleeper so he went to your bedroom and picked a blanket up and slowly walked back to where you were still sleeping on the couch now facing him he would creep in careful not to wake you up and put the blanket on both of you covering you bodies.

Lee Know
I don’t like how some people think that Lee Know is known as the “Cold one out of Stray KIds” I actually think he would be really sweet in a relationship.
He would come home to you dancing and singing along to whatever song, shaking your butt from side to side only then he will notice the hoodie you have on it has his name on the back.
at first he would find it weird where the hell did you get that from but he will soon remember that you were his fan before you guys even got together. and quite honestly he likes the idea of him still being your favorite after all these years.
He will soon approach you slowly smiling his biggest Bunny smile when you jump back screaming and cursing him for scaring the shit out of you.

Now Binnie will love it, he loves how you always support him no matter what. but coming home early and seeing you in this hoodie and nothing pretty much covering you. kinda turned him on a little “Baby i love this hoodie but i think it would look better off”

Ok everyone knows Jinnie is Cuddly no matter how much he says he doesn't like skin ship. I think he would really be touched by it like his first reaction about seeing you. he wouldn’t think anything about it he has seen you pantless more than one time.
but when he reads his name on the back of the hoodie he would be really touched by it even though it wasn’t a big deal for you it was certainly a big deal for him. he would be so smiley he would probably talk about it to the members too like “my jagya wore a hoodie that has my name on it” repeating it every ten minuets.

✦ Masterlist ✦

❋ Drabbles/Ideas
➽ Bangchan
The Pretender (Mafia Au)
Rough Sex with Chan (Smut)
Wolf Hybrid Collage AU (Suggestive)
Messed with the wrong man (Mafia Chan / Thief reader AU)
Fuckboy Chan / Virgin reader Chapter 1
Filming you while riding him (Smut)
Sugar Daddy Bangchan (Fluff)
Burglar Bangchan (Smut)

➽ Lee Minho
Hitman Minho (Fluff)
Cuddling with Minho (Fluff)

➽ Seo Changbin
Married Staff member crush (Fluff/Angst?)
Injured Hybrid Changbin (Fluff/Angst?)

➽ Hwang Hyunjin
Meeting Scary Vampire Hyunjin [How it's like living with vampire Hyunjin]

➽ Han Jisung
Cuddling with Hannie Continuation

➽ Lee Felix (Yongbok)
Cuddling with Felix

➽ Kim Seungmin
Prank wars Gone Wrong (Wholesome)
Dog Hybrid Seungmin (Fluff)

➽ Yang Jeongin
Toxic Fuckboy Jeongin (Angst)

❋ Reactions
How Would SKZ Hyung Line give Oral
Stray Kids Hyung Line Reaction to you Wearing nothing but a hoodie with their name on it
Stray Kids Hyung Line Minus Hyunjin Reaction: asking them to Teach you how to masturbate

❋ Fake Texts
He Calls you a Gold Digger : Bangchan & Minho Version [Part 2]
Accidental Confession in the wrong Group Chat : Lee Know
Roommates with Felix & Seungmin Version
Enemies to "Maybe" Lovers 👀: Seungmin [Part 2]
Idol Star X YouTube Star SMAU: Felix
❋ Requests/Ask Game
How about you tell me your favorite trope, about which memeber and what genre you want it to be and I'll respond by writing a small paragraph?
Enemies to lovers Seungmin (Angst)
Soulmates AU Jeongin (Extremely Angst)
Soulmate AU Mafia Bangchan (Fantasy/Fluff)
You fell first but he fell harder Minho (Smut)
One Bed trope Hyunjin (Fluff)
Vampire / Vampire Hunter (Fluff)
All Headers & Dividers were made by the talented — - @saradika-graphics
Stray Kids reaction saying I love you for the first time
You and Chan hadn’t been dating for all that long only 4 months but already you could feel the feels. Chan felt the same which is why he sent you a surprise text that said to get dressed in your most pretty outfit because he wanted to take you out for a nice dinner. You just chose a simple black dress because you could never go wrong with a simple black dress. While out on the dinner Chan took your hands in his just after you finished sharing dessert, he stared deeply into your eyes and said “Y/N, I love you” Your mouth was open in shock but you were so happy that you repeated it back.
It happened very nonchalantly, around 6 months into dating. You and Minho were that couple who always played it cool because neither of you liked that cliché stuff. So one day when the both of you were just having a chill day together at home, watching movies and cuddling, you decided to get up and make some popcorn. “Hey babe will you grab me a coke?” Minho asked as you got up. “Yeah sure, regular or vanilla?” “Ohh vanilla sounds nice, thanks babe love you” You stopped in your tracks, so did Minho but life went on as usual once you turned around to peck his lips and repeat it back.
You were very much an introvert, clubs, pubs and those types of places never interested you. Places like cool coffee hangouts, book stores or nice parks were more your scene. Thats where you met Changbin, he claimed he wasn’t a club person either so that drew you in, 10 months later and here you both were happily together. Changbin knew to be careful as at times you can be vulnerable when your anxiety plays up but that didn’t stop him from confessing his feelings one night. “Beautiful, I think I’m in love with you” You dropped everything and even started to tear up. “You love me?” you whispered out of shock and complete happiness. “Yeah baby I do, I love you so much” Changbin leaned in to wrap his arms around you and also kiss you.
It was very unexpected, yes Hyunjin cared for you deeply but he wasn’t sure if right now was the best time to take the next step. This all changed however when you surprised him on his birthday with a home made cake and new watch. “happy birthday gorgeous” you smiled before blowing one of those wrappers that made that noise and popped a small canon filled with confetti. “You did this all for me? baby I love it and I love you” Hyunjin couldn’t even stop himself at this point. He just leaned in and gave you a huge kiss, “I love you so fucking much” he repeated again and again so in love.
The whole night was planned, Jisung knew he wanted to take the next step but the said step had to be perfect. He had texted you while you were having lunch with Minho and Seungmin just to make sure you were having fun, not knowing that Seungmin and Minho were actually a distraction to keep you from the house. Jisung decorated the living room with millions of candles, rose petals and your favourite bottle of red. Once you got home you were so surprised by how beautiful the room looked. “Happy 6 month anniversary baby I love you” Jisung took your hand in his and lead you to the table. “Aw I love you too gorgeous thank you for this.”
It was only a few months into dating, but when Felix knew, he knew. Felix had planned a whole date day for you just because he felt like spoiling you. "Dam babe it's not even a special day, your so adorable for this" you giggle and continued to eat your slice of cake. "I did it because I love you" Felix looked straight into your eyes and it make you choke on your food. "Fuck baby, I should have waited for you to swallow first" he handed you a glass of water. "I love you too you idiot"
To say that Seungmin was a little shy was correct, you thought he was an amazing person but you were getting a little frustrated, it's been a whole year since the two of you started dating and you wanted to know where he stood. "baby can we talk?" you asked him, and he nodded his head. "Where do we stand, where do you see this going?" you asked a little more rudely than expected. "Oh um... your my favourite person in the world you know that!!! I love you so much, what brought this on?" you gasped, running over to him and kissing him, repeating back what he just said.
It was about 7 months into dating and similar to minho it was very chill and kinda an accident. you two were playing some uno to see who first got 10 wins and you made a deal that whoever won got to choose the takeout for dinner and the movie you watched. by the time the game ended, you had won by about 3 rounds, Jeongin just smiled while admitting defeat. "I won!! oh yeah" "good job baby I love you!" you stopped for a moment to register what he had said "aw I love you too, but you may not love me so much after I choose the movie!" "aw not mean girls again!"
Stray Kids reaction how they care for you on your period
Your always a little reluctant to be taken care of because you claim that you can do it yourself, that's not to say you won't indulge every now and then but it's never for long. That's why Chan secretly loves when you get your period because it means that he can force you to be taken care of. Chan loves cuddles so you can expect that is what most of your day will consist of, and maybe some chocolate of course along with a nice long hot bath.
Total sweetheart when it comes to your period. Might be a little confused baby however once you explain everything he turns into a total sweetheart. All you want to do is cuddle and eat Thai food and cry and wish for it to be over because it hurts so much, Minho is more then happy to make those things happen and will rub your stomach or get a heating pad. Might even play some board games with you to try and distract you.
A little awkward when it come to periods not gonna lie. Yes Changbin will defiantly cuddle you and comfort you if you cry and will happily watch movies with you even if they are chick flicks. However blood makes him squeamish so if you asked him to buy you pads I don’t think he would say yes and he wouldn’t like it if you talked about all the gross stuff happening to you. Changbin is the best at massages though so if you asked him for that he would never say no.
The ultimate king of periods and I mean the ultimate king! Need some pads? Hyunjin will go and get them for you. Want some cuddles? I mean who doesn’t love cuddles Hyunjin has his arms wide open for you to fall into and he will softly rub your stomach in hopes it helps ease the pain. Hyunjin will buy mountains of chocolate to eat with you and if you wanted a bath he would even get in with you, Hyunjin understands that periods are hard so he always wants to try and do his best for you.
This boy would move heaven and earth for you if it meant your pain went away, however that is not possible so he settles for cuddles and heating pads. Jisung would defiantly be that person who when out buying pads rings you just to ask for your pussy size, this has you in hysterics with laughter but then a cramp hits and it turns into crying and he is apologising for the joke even though he actually needs to know what to get you thats why he rang you. Might even surprise you with junk food along with the pads.
The sweetest person ever when it comes to periods. Even if you say your fine and you don’t need him he comes over anyway. Will probably bake you brownies cause he knows chocolate makes everyone feel better. Is always there for whatever you need and he means whatever. Felix will happily buy you pads, will happily pick up takeaway, will happily have cuddles and watch movies all day and comfort you if you cry.
Would probably be that person who would take care of you but would complain the whole time as if he’s the one on his period. If you ask him to make you food he will whine about it and make jokes, but in the end he knows your in pain so he will make the food. Would say no if you asked him to buy you pads but would Uber eats some to you plus chocolate loaded donuts. Seungmin would freak out at the gross stuff but deep down he loves you and just hopes you get better soon.
Total freak and has no idea what to do, but you kinda love that about him. He gets squeamish and doesn’t wanna know the details but he will do whatever you ask of him. All you ask of him is to comfort you and watch chick flicks all day, maybe order some takeaway and Jeongin can never say no to that. Will softly rub your stomach as the movie plays and smiles when you start to drift off.
Stray Kids reaction taking care of you when your drunk
You had gone out with friends, a thing that you do every Friday night just as Chan did the same with his friends. You and Chan were happily together and loved each other dearly however the both of you didn't wanna be dependant on each other so you set aside a night where you hungout without the other. For Chan this consisted of inviting over the guys for a night of pizza and movies. For you that meant girls night out and you may have had a bit too much to drink. When you walked in the door you were stumbling and almost fell over if it wasn't for Chan catching you. "Easy does it babygirl lets get you upstairs yeah?" Chan carried you like a princess upstairs where he helped out you of your outfit before gently tucking you into bed, he kisses your forehead before saying "I'll be up soon for cuddles, just gotta somehow kick the guys out."
You and Minho decided to invite some friends over for a chill night of drinking, playing games and listening to music. The night started out slow just playing cards and drinking beer. However the night got real drunk real fast with a game of truth or drink and if you didn't wanna tell the truth then you had to take a shot of soju. This is what lead to you having way too many shots then your body could handle so you ran to the toilet, Minho right behind you to hold your hair and rub soothing circles on your back, "That's it gorgeous just let it out" he praised. Once you thought you were done Minho declared the night over and asked everyone to pick a guest room and crash. Minho didn't need to change you since you were just in sweats and a cropped singlet so after he changed himself and lead you to the bed safely it was time to sleep.
Lets be real Changbin is such a gentlemen, he isn't really into going out or drinking in general but he knows you love it so he went with you anyway bless his soul. It was a plus that he could also be there for safety reasons so that if you had one drink too many or even if not the both of you always got home safe. Tonight you did happen to have one too many drinks which lead to Changbin insisting that it's time to go home. He ordered an uber for all your friends to share before driving you home. "Come on baby it's time for bed. Did you have fun?" he asks while helping you to walk up the stairs. You only nodded your head and giggled a little, words seemed to be a struggle for you right now. "Here drink this please" Changbin handed you a glass of water for you to drink while he got changed. Once he was changed he helped you to change before the both of you passed the fuck out while cuddling.
Wedding bells are ringing, one of your friends got married today so that meant pretty dresses and fine wine. Oh there was lots of wine and it was free like it never seemed to end and you didn't even realise when you started to mumble your words a little. Hyunjin took this as a sign to leave now before you did something you really regretted. "Thank you so much for having us yeah Y/N just isn't feeling too good. Congratulations once again!" Hyunjin ordered an uber for you both and luckily you passed out on his lap for the duration of the drive. Once you arrived home it was a struggle to get you upstairs because you had decided to try and kiss him non stop, "Princess we can have kisses later lets get changed first hmm" You seemed to be all over him so getting changed was also a struggle. In the end it was too much movement for you and you almost threw up so you gave up and just let Hyunjin take care of you, surely he wouldn't break his word and indeed kiss you later.
You were never one for drinking, infact you hated it. You had tried a few things here and there because your friends enjoyed it however you found out that it just wasn't for you. Plus a bottle of red wine is expensive and you'd rather spend that money on a pair of shoes or a good meal. However for some reason even though you didn't like drinking it was on your bucket list to get drunk, just once. You did not trust yourself in public so you invited your boyfriend Jisung to come over and asked him to bring a few bottles of red. The night was spent fighting the urge to gag and somehow managing to drink all 3 bottles with Jisung's help, he offered to get drunk with you but a little less than you so that he could still take care of you. When you were puking in the toilet at 3 am was when Jisung held your hair back and praised you that you finally did it, not long before he carried you bridal style to bed for a nice makeout session until you both passed out.
Going out and getting drunk is nothing new to you and Felix because you do it quite often, basking in that drunk haze that comes with having a little too much fun. Your drunk and most likely so is Felix because he wanted to join you. He tries his best to take care of you in the Uber ride home by demanding a little too loudly (since he for some reason thought he was still inside a loud nightclub) that you give him cuddles. Once your both home it’s making out and hopefully having drunk sex but passing out on top of each other instead. You both wake up at 3am by needing to puke and you each take turns rubbing the back and praising whoever’s by the toilet.
It’s very rare for you to get drunk, like it hardly happens. Seungmin has only seen you drunk say 4 times in the many years you’ve been together. You love a nice wine or espresso martini when your out at events (your only really a social drinker) but you usually know when to stop yourself because you don’t like to get drunk. However this night was a friends album launch party and the bar were topping up drinks for free you had no idea what glass of wine you were on they just kept pouring more when they saw your glass nearly empty. Seungmin noticed this so he took you home knowing you didn’t like people seeing you drunk even if it only made you giddy and overly touchy. He helped you change into your pj’s then got in bed for cuddles, you never puked until the morning anyway.
You and Jeongin liked to host a monthly game night at your house, you did this because you loved your friends and didn’t wanna loose touch with them. The night mostly consisted of you making dinner while Jeongin cleaned to make your place presentable, then once your friends arrive it’s eating that food, drinking, and playing one of the many variations of cards against humanity that you own (it’s your favourite card game for a reason) You may have had one too many shots of soju which lead to you getting drunk. So did some of your friends so you let them crash in your spare room. “Come on baby, time for bed” Jeongin stayed as he led you to your bedroom, a small lamp lit so that it wasn’t too dark yet. “Drink this please, all of it” Jeongin handed you a glass of water and wouldn’t join you in bed until you did drink all of it.
Stray Kids reaction your afraid of storms
How ironic I'm writing this during a storm of my own but for real it's been raining n shit all day like has not stopped at all so I got very inspired to write this cute reaction :)
You sighed after looking at your phone, of course, there was going to be a huge storm tonight. You have had a nice and pleasant day all day and now this storm was going to ruin it. Just as you suspected within the next 10 minutes rain started to fall and loud claps of thunder filled the air. You tried playing games on your phone to try and distract you but it was no use and you prayed that Chan would be home soon. It isn't until your crying into a pillow that Chan walks in the door. "I'm so sorry baby I tried to come earlier but there was lots of traffic" Chan explained as he took off his shoes before walking to you. His face fell upon seeing your state, you jolt in fear as another clap happened. Chan is quick to wrap his arms around you and gently rock you back and forth. "It's ok baby I've got you, shh shh your safe in my arms" Chan knew that it was hard for you to concentrate on anything else when in this state (distracting does not work) so he just held you and continued to whisper sweet nothings.
"I need you, please come home" was a text that Minho just received from you, it concerned him and also confused him until he heard a loud clap of thunder and suddenly put two and two together. You were afraid of storms. Minho wasn't really doing much himself just sending some emails and knew that he could send the rest of them tomorrow because you were much more important than emails. He came home to find you a whimpering mess hiding under the bedsheets. "Oh, sweetheart come here" Minho frowned while getting into bed to have you cling onto him like your life depended on it. "How come you never told me about this hmm?" he asked while gently rubbing your back. "so far there's never been a storm during our relationship so I just-" "shh babygirl breathe, I'm not going anywhere." Minho waited until you had calmed down enough to try his next method. "Why don't we get out of bed and play some board games and put on really loud music" he suggested which made you slightly smile from how much he cared.
Changbin was nervous, and also annoyed at himself. He knew that tonight there would be a storm and knew that you were scared of them however he was currently on a business trip and away from you. All he wants to do is wrap you in his arms and tell you that everything is going to be ok but he sadly can't so he opted for a facetime call. You scrambled to find your phone in the midst of tears and hyperventilation when it started buzzing but cried in relief when it said *Changbin wants to facetime* "Changbin" you whimpered, too out of it to care how you sound. "Hi gorgeous, I'm sorry I can't be *Thunder clap* *you yelp* aw baby it's ok, take a few deep breaths for me?" Changbin winced from the sight on his screen, you were hugging a pillow, crying, and trying to breathe as instructed, a lot more difficult when Changbin wasn't physically present. "doing so well gorgeous, I promise it will be over soon." You wanted nothing more than to hold Changbin right now however this would have to do, at least you could hear his voice and see his face.
"I swear it was so loud, like Jisung just let it rip" Hyunjin continued to tell his story which had you almost peeing with laughter. That laughter however was cut off and turned into a whimper when the both of you heard a loud clap of thunder and rain beginning to fall. "I didn't know there was a storm tonight, come here baby" Hyunjin pulled you into his arms and directed you to the couch. Whimpers turned into cries as the outside world only got louder. "Shh baby it's ok, I'm right here" Hyunjin tried to comfort you by gently rubbing your back and whispering sweet nothings, but nothing seemed to work until he had another idea. He connected his phone to the speaker and put on your current favourite album, the new Monsta X one, and turned it up as loud as it can go. This drowned out the storm sound and you were quick to stop crying. "Let's have a dance party yeah?"
During your second date, you and Jisung decided to play 20 questions and one of the ones he asked you was; "what is something that you are afraid of?" to which you replied with storms, it wasn't your biggest fear but it was definitely on the fears list. Jisung didn't really register it since he isn't scared of them at all, infact he actually enjoys listening to it and it helps him sleep. So on one unexpected night a storm started to happen, you were not prepared for it since the weather today didn't say one was going to happen. Jisung got happy while you on the other hand not so much. You yelped and hid behind Jisung's back hoping it would help. "What are you doing princess?" Jisung asked with a chuckle. "I don't like storms" you whispered not trusting your voice right now. "aw princess it's just a silly storm, there's nothing to be scared of. Especially when you're with me" Jisung turned around and brought you to his chest, rubbing soothing circles on your back. "That's it baby just relax hmm, feel my heartbeat. The storm can not hurt you while I'm here."
You never used to hate storms in-fact you quite liked them, as a kid weird weather always caught your attention because how can the sky do something like that? Until one sad night where your dad was murdered right in front of you during a storm, apparently he owed some guys some money and refused to pay so he was killed for it. Ever since then you hated storms because it reminded you of that night. Felix tried to rush home as fast as he could when he heard the loud noises, not wanting to be away from his baby for too long. "I'm here fuck I'm here I got stuck doing recordings at work" he walked around the corner to find you on the couch crying in a ball. "aw gorgeous it's ok i'm here now!" he gently rocked you bath and forth, softly kissing your forehead and humming, a trick he knew always calmed you down. "Those men aren't here hmm" *goes back to humming*
Why did a storm always have to happen while you were alone? alone and scared. Ever since you watched your first horror movie 5 years ago during a storm you found out a few things. 1 that you didn't like horror movies and 2 now whenever a storm happened it reminded you of that movie hence the feeling scared part. You weren't truely alone however, Seungmin was just out picking up some takeout for the two of you. What he didn't expect to see when he got home was you crying and hiding under the blankets. You never actually told him of your fear so he was quite surprised. "baby, why didn't you tell me!" Seungmin brought you into his arms, while also turning on a funny movie and playing it way too loud. "Just focus on the movie, and me holding you ok? are you hungry?"
When you told Jeongin that you were afraid of storms during a game of 20 questions he thought nothing of it at the time because he honestly wondered how a storm could scare someone. The next time you guys hung out was at his place and there was a storm while the two of you were watching some f.r.i.e.n.d.s episodes. You yelped and curled yourself into a ball, trying to block out the sound. "Oh come on y/n it's just a silly storm, don't tell me this actually scares you" Jeongin thought he would tease, it was just some loud noises anyway. When he saw you hyperventilating because you didn't respond to his banter, his face fell. "Oh god baby I'm so sorry I didn't think you were like scared scared, come here!" he brought you into his arms and started to softly rub your back. "Take a few breaths, i'm here baby!"
Stray Kids reaction they accidentally finish too fast
Warnings for smut!
It had been so long since the both of you had sex, too long infact it was just itching at Chan's skin. It wasn't anyone's fault, schedules just got a little busy and time spent together recently had been short. Thats why when Chan put his foot down and by foot I mean his dick inside of you which hadn't felt those tight walls in too long, sadly he finished too fast. "Oh god I'm so sorry, I feel like such a child" Chan hid his face in his hands, usually he can last way longer than that. "Don't worry baby I understand, why don't you eat me out, and then we're even?" you took his hands away and kissed them.
It was all so much, so overwhelming. When you walked out wearing that lacy bra and panty set Minho couldn't have kept soft even if he wanted too. Don't even get Minho started on the way you did a striptease for him which ended with you in a very sexy position asking for him to come fuck you now. The heat in the room, the sweat all over both of you, Minho just couldn't take it and finished way earlier than expected. "Fuck I'm cuming wait shit-" so lost in the pleasure that he didn't even realize that it was early until too late. "It's ok baby, just means there's time for a round 2."
What in the actual holy fuck, like what in the actual holy fuck! You had been edging Changbin for the past half an hour as a "punishment" for being caught playing with himself without you. On any normal day you would have been ok with that but today when you caught him it put you in a particular mood and you wanted to try something out. "Please baby please just let me cum!" Changbin was whining and begging at this point, which finally made you stop. You told him that you weren't gonna stop until he begged so now his punishment was over and you had mercy. What you didn't expect however was the moment you got on his dick he came, actually crying with relief. You weren't mad in the slightest, it turned you on even more.
"Baby please, you just look so good!" Hynjin asked while you were working on an essay for your class. "And what will you do if I say yes hmm? your taking me away from my work you know?" you replied with a cheeky grin, you were almost done anyway so a little break won't hurt, Hyunjin just couldn't stop complimenting how good you looked in your new shirt. "You can have your way with me, please just let me be inside you" That's what got you to break, which is how you ended up on your back and Hyunjin pounding into you, he must have been too lost in the pleasure because he came way too early it actually shocked you out of your own pleasure haze. "Did you just cum?" which made the both of you burst out laughing.
You had received a promotion at work, you were now one of the managers. Which in Jisung's mind called for a celebration, both a regular and a sexual celebration. The regular celebration was going out for pizza but the sexual celebration however, you had asked to be eaten out since he hadn't done that in a while. This made Jisung's dick harder than he ever wanted to admit, all the noises you were making were like music to Jisung's ears. It was no surprise to him when he finished earlier than expected, it did surprise you however you weren't mad infact you found it cute, cute to the point of wanting another round.
Felix was trying so hard to be your good boy, doing everything that you say so that he may be rewarded rather than punished. This proved to be quite the task for Felix. You had asked for him to not cum until you told him, Felix thought he would be able to do it however you decided to be very teasing and evil and make it hard for him. Felix was starting to think he would no longer make it which resulted in him chanting "no no no I can't please I can't" and he was cumming all over himself, crying that he wasn't able to be a good boy. "Such a naught boy, now I have to punish you."
Seungmin was away on tour so he hasn't seen you in over 2 months. There were many things that he missed like your smile, your laugh, the way you scrunch up your nose but he also missed your body. His hand was no longer enough and on your end, your hand was no longer enough too so you decided to surprise him. When you surprised him in his hotel room wearing nothing but red lace bra and panties Seungmin could no longer help himself. You started with a bit of thigh riding to get even wetter but what you didn't expect was for Seungmin to cum in his pants. "wow ok" you laughed and Seungmin hit you playfully on the arm. "don't laugh at me it's been a very long time!"
Jeongin always had a habit of working himself up too much too soon during sex which always resulted in him cumming way too early. Jeongin had no idea why this kept happening to him and was thinking about seeing someone about it. Just like tonight; you and Jeongin were making out but that soon turned into clothes being torn off of each other and touches getting dirtier, however only after a few strokes to his dick Jeongin was cumming all over your hand. "Oh I'm so sorry, again" Jeongin hid his face away in shame. You pulled it away and kissed him deeply. "I'm not mad Innie, I promise you it's ok."
Stray Kids reaction your first kiss
It was a week into dating. Chan wanted to try and be as gentelmen-ly as possible and do things the right way and one of tht things he read was to wait a week before you kiss her. You asked to be kissed earlier but Chan said no and that you shouldn't have a first kiss not be special. Chan took you out on a nice date to make the day special before finally kissing you at the end of it.
It was 3 days into dating. You and Minho had spent the whole day together doing cute stuff like sharing ice-cream and having a picnic in a park. The day turned into night and your sat in his car watching the sunset. "I had such a nice day today" You smiled at Minho when turning towards you. "me too sweetness, let me show you" That's when Minho leaned in and pressed his lips against yours. it was so soft and lovely you felt your eyes closing in pure bliss. "oh my, wow" was your only response, still in bliss even after he pulled away.
It was 4 days into dating. You were just chilling at Changbin's place watching some movies. The two of you had only started dating recently and so far it was only hugs and hand-holding. Changbin seemed to be getting bored of the movie however and decided to pause it. "lets do something else" he stated and turned to you. "and what would you like to do?" I asked as he leaned in, pressing his sweet lips to mine.
It was a week into dating. Hyunjin had been invited to your house to meet your family, invited by you of course. The night was spent for Hyunjin nervously trying to make sure that your parents liked him and maybe cracking a joke or 2. By the end of the night Your parents called it a night and headed upstairs, giving you two space to say a proper goodbye. "I had an amazing time tonight, thank you for meeting my family" you took his hands in yours, wanting to show your thanks. but Hyunjin had other ideas. Instead he pulled you in for a sweet kiss, a kiss filled with love and passion which left you breathless.
It was actually on the first day you met. You had recently broken up with your boyfriend but he refused to believe that you no longer had feelings for him so in the heat of the moment you said met someone else. For the next few days, all your ex wanted to do was meet your new man. While on your way to class you bumped into someone as your ex walked by "oh so this is your new bf?" he asked quite rudely. you leaned up to whisper in mystery boy's ear; "just go with it please, I'll make it worth your while" then replied to your ex "yes he is, say hello to my new lover" you leaned in to capture his lips in a sweet kiss, lingering for far too long just to annoy him before pulling away. "The names Jisung, now please kindly fuck off" he shoed your ex away. "So I guess I'm your new bf hmm?"
It was 5 days into dating. You and Felix went to see a movie together, but lets say half way through Felix turned to face you; "I'm not enjoying this movie babe, you you?" he whispered/asked. Truth be told you were also feeling underwhelmed with the movie, so you replied agreeing. "I really want to kiss you right now, can I?" and you nodded, anything to distract you from the poor movie, you weren't entirely sure whether you wanted your first kiss with Felix to be in a cinema or not but at this point you no longer cared as he leaned in and kissed you. It lingered for a few seconds but when he pulled away it had you longing for another. "nope, more" you pulled him in again.
It was 10 days into dating. You and your brother had been having some issues lately because you were thinking of moving out but he thought you were too young to do so. He said some things he knew he would regret since it made you storm out of the house in tears and all the way to Seungmin's apartment. "Oh baby what happened, come here" Seungmin took you in his arms and was quick to start rubbing soothing circles on your back. "Just my brother being an asshole, he claimed that I can't take care of myself just because I sometimes forget to turn off the lights!" "Don't listen to him baby he's wrong" Seungmin leaned in to kiss away your tears but in the moment decided to kiss you properly as well, capturing your plump lips and sealing them in his. So soft and so warm, it seemed to go on forever.
It was 2 weeks into dating. You had wanted to take things slow with Jeongin and it was nothing against him but your previous boyfriend wasn't the nicest so this time you wanted to be slow. You were hanging out at Jeongin's place when suddenly you felt ready, maybe it was the way he would laugh at your jokes or when he never wanted to let go of your hand but you were ready. "kiss me" you just randomly blurted out, so randomly that you covered your mouth in shock. "wait really? are you completely sure?" Jeongin wanted to assure since he knew your boundaries. "yes i'm sure, Innie kiss me." That was all the consent he needed to grab your face and pull you in for a kiss. it was the most sweet and loving kiss you had ever have it had you sighing with delight.
Stray Kids reaction your first time
Warnings for smut!
It was very unexpected, the both of you hadn't been dating for very long and Chan thought he would of have to have waited longer before he got to the good stuff. Quite on the contrary, after a night of drinks with the guys you and Chan practically made out trying to walk through the front door. Needless to say what transpired that night. A night of "I love you's", precious touches, fleeting kisses, and seemingly neverending experiences of highs that left Chan breathless and you in a love/lust haze.
Minho and you didn't want to make a big deal out of it, I mean it was just sex and to you, it didn't matter if Minho made it special or not. Minho felt the same way, he didn't like cliché things like roses and whipped cream. The both of you however decided on a date and cleared your schedule so that it could be special in your own way and you had hours to spare for hours of fun.
Changbin had actually planned the whole night out, he ran you a bubble bath and poured 2 glasses of red then proceeded to lay rose petals on the bed and grab a can of whipped cream, he was saving that for later. Changbin knew that it all was a bit cliché but deep down in his heart he didn't care because he knew that you deserved the best. "aw baby you did this all for me?" you asked in shock. good shock of course. "you bet, my baby deserves nothing but the best" was his reply while leading you into the bathroom. One hour and one bottle of red later was when the real fun started. Kissing turned into touches and touches turned into sweet, sweet thrusts and mantras of "oh god yes."
Hyunjin knew that sex was important to you and that you never gave it up easily, this did also help with your good girl image. Hyunjin never really understood that until you explained it to him and ever since then he promised to care a lot more. When you did finally feel ready enough Hyunjin was more than happy, kissing you right away and thanking you for trusting him.
It actually happened during the middle of the day, you and Jisung were just chilling at his place watching some kdrama on netflix that you were more mindlessly watching rather than actively watching. It was a hot summer's day, too hot to pay attention to things. "Hey, do you wanna have sex?" Jisung asked out of the blue, turns out he was feeling the same way you were. "fuck it sure" was your reply before diving in. Clothes were practically torn off and sweaty bodies got even more sweaty, the right mix of hot and steamy with slow and loving.
It was a little planned but also there was no pressure. You and Felix were making out and he had stated that if it led to something more then that would be ok but it if all you wanted to do was kiss that was also ok. Let's be real though when the kissing did lead to something more it made him extremely happy and giddy inside. It made him smile to know that you trust him like this, to share your most intimate part of yourself. His kisses got lower and your moans only got louder, music to his ears if you ask him he would make a playlist of all your different noises.
Seungmin had just planned the most amazing date ever, well to you any date with Seungmin was the best date ever. Once you got home he asked if you wanted to come inside. You knew what might happen if you took his offer, sex, however, you kind of wanted it to happen so you gladly came inside. The moment the door closed your lips were on his and he was leading you to the bedroom. Sweaty bodies colliding so beautifully that you never wanted it to end and sounds so sinful yet only added to the pleasure.
Whenever the word sex was mentioned it always made you want to hide away and cry, you had only ever had bad experiences when it came to sex and when you told Jeongin (your first boyfriend who didn't seem like an ass) that he would have to wait a while for sex he was more than supporting. Jeongin never pressured you because he didn't want you to have any more bad experiences. The day you finally felt ready to give yourself to him actually excited you as it would be your first ever good sexual experience, safe to say later that it was more than good.
Stray kids giving oral vs receiving oral
Warnings for smut, enjoy otherwise!
Prefer giving?
Chan, Hyunjin and Minho
I think these 3 prefer giving because they claim that they could spend hours deep inside your pussy and lick for hours without geting tired or turned off, it's even a kink for them they even get pleasure from it. Hyunjin could so cum untouched from this. Chan would be that person who says "tonight is all about you." Minho likes to be a huge tease when doing it so expect a few edges first.
Enjoys both?
Changbin, Seungmin and Jisung
I think these 3 enjoy both because I don't think they would get pleasure from it however they could spend forever eating you out and also spend forever having their dick sucked. It depends on their mood and what their feeling. Changbin is obsessed with the way you react and Seungmin loves the noises you make. Jisung is just obsessed with your pussy in general but also has a thing for your ass so would also be a person who ate your pussy from behind.
Prefer receiving?
Jeongin and Felix
I think these 2 prefer receiving because they will give you oral if you asked them too however they would much rather watch you gag on their dicks, the feeling of your lips on their cock is too much to ever pass up. Jeongin just loves when you pay special attention to the tip and Felix loves when you grab what you can't fit inside so that no part of him is left out.
Stray Kids ass vs tits?
Warnings for smut, enjoy otherwise!
Prefer tits?
Felix, Minho, and Changbin
They are the official members of the titty lovers club. Will hug you from behind and squeeze them or may just cop a quick grab as you walk by. Will happily play with them when bored and I see Felix specifically sucking on them for comfort. As for sex however expect them to be grabbed, sucked, bitten, and pinched all the time because they are obsessed with your tits and I could see Changbin as someone who would wanna fuck them. Minho would be that person who abuses them.
Has no preference / likes both
Chan, Seungmin, and Hyunjin
They like both and admire both. As you walk by they might slap you on the ass or they love to spank you while fucking. On the other hand, they also love to grab your tits while hugging you from behind and love to suck on your nipples during sex.
Prefer ass?
Jeongin and Jisung
They are an ass man and I will never take this back, they have no problems with slapping it as you walk by or just grabbing it randomly. When it comes to sex they love to spank you and other forms of impact play and just kiss your ass or might even wanna try anal they just wanna worship your ass.
Stray Kids you have a wet dream about them (M)
Chan was abruptly woken up in the middle of the night, and his first thought was to be angry because who the hell dared to wake him up at 4 am! However, his face softened when he heard your voice. You were moaning a lot and also tossing and turning quite a bit, Chan thought you were having a nightmare so he went to wrap his arms around you; "Baby it's ok shh-" Chan stopped himself when he heard your little breathy "oh fuck, chan" in the mists of wordless moaning. "Oh so my little baby is dreaming of me hmm," Chan thought to himself, however, he didn't wanna be a bad guy who ruins a good dream so he just wrapped his arms around you, lazily kissed your neck, and tried to go back to sleep.
Your mind couldn't stop itself that night. Minho just looked so good with the way he was dancing on stage and thrusting his hips at every chance he got. So it was not a surprise that you started having a wet dream about him. Minho didn't notice at first, he had just come home from the studio and was too focused on getting himself ready for bed. Once he was in bed however, he noticed the way your hips were moving and the soft moans you were letting out. Minho smirked at this, suddenly hard with one thing on his mind. Minho kissed you deeply so that you would wake up. "Hi kitten, what were you dreaming about?" he teasingly asked to which you blushed. "don't be shy, I just wanna make it a reality. What was I doing?"
Changbin was unable to sleep, no matter what position he got in, or no matter how many dam sheep he tried to count. Changbin just couldn't sleep, as if he might need to do something to tire himself out first, then maybe he might sleep. As if someone had just read his mind however, you started to stir in your sleep. You were moaning and whining quite loudly at first Changbin thought you might be having a nightmare or even worse felt sick; "Angel shh I've got you" but then Changbin noticed a few other things, your hips were moving in a way that would not correlate with a bad dream, rather a wet one. Changbin got an idea, so he woke you up by kissing you gently and caressing your face. "Hi bubs, nice dream?" he asked innocently, just to be a tease. "why don't I help you out hmm?"
You and Hyunjin had a thing, a special thing that only happened at night and only happened some nights, whenever Hyunjin felt like it. You had consented to it of course, so Hyunjin had the green light that from time to time he may use you while your sleeping. Your only two rules were don't do it if either of you has something important on the next day and if you woke up then you wanted to cum too. Hyunjin wasn't entirely sure if he was in the mood tonight, however, when you started having a wet dream about him he was suddenly in the mood. He lifted away the blanket causing you to whine; "shh baby it's ok" he soothed and started finger fucking you to get you ready for him, as you kept moaning however stayed asleep.
You weren't really a vocal person in bed, it just wasn't you. if you were having a nightmare instead of crying or moaning you would shake and breathe heavily. During sex you did the same, only letting out small moans during the climax or else just breathing heavily throughout. So it was a little hard at first to figure out what was wrong tonight, Jisung was just nudged hard in the back. He didn't know what was going on until he saw a wet patch in your panties. Jisung smirked at this, but chose not to do anything since he knew you hated being woken up during the middle of the night, he opted for just playing with himself for a bit and then tried to go back to sleep.
Felix couldn't help himself, he tried, he really tried. Felix tried to not listen to the soft moans that you let out while you were sleeping, he tried to ignore the way you were moving beside him, he tried going back to sleep but his mind would only display naked pictures of you so he had to do something. Felix tested the waters first, only inserting one finger, and smirking when your moans suddenly got louder. This was a good sign, so Felix kept going, he added another finger as he wanted to bring you to completion while you slept.
"Baby are you ok?" Seungmin turned his body around in the bed, he had heard some strange noises coming from you and if it were a bad dream he wanted to be there for you. You didn't respond, and Seungmin didn't expect you to, instead, you just moaned again, Seungmin pulled back the blanket a bit to reveal a wet patch on your panties. This made Seungmin blush and feel a little embarrassed as if he just invaded your privacy so he turned back around and went back to sleep, leaving you to enjoy your fantasies and will attend to his needs in the moaning.
Jeongin worked late again, he didn't want to but he needed to get the first half of the dance down so he could start learning the other half tomorrow. When he walked into the bedroom he was surprised to hear noises coming from you. When Jeongin took a closer listen, he could tell they were moans, "Yes Jeongin, more" you pleaded in your sleep, Jeongin did contemplate doing something, but he was tired af so he just let your enjoy your dream while he went to sleep but hoped he could dream about the same thing.
Some of my latest work
Incase you missed it babes!
Ateez - What a threesome with Seonghwa and Minho skz would be like
Ateez - Don't be greedy (Seonghwa)
NCT - choking you during sex reaction
Stray kids - wet dream reaction
Stray kids - his kitten (Minho)
Chan's kinks
Minho's kinks
Changbin's kinks
Hyunjin's kinks
Jisung's kinks
Felix's kinks
Seungmin's kinks
Jeongin's kinks
Stray kids how they would kiss you
When your kissing Chan it’s like the whole outside world doesn’t matter. You would kiss for what seemed like hours yet he would always leave you wanting more. Eventually you would have to pull away due to needing to breathe but because Chan was just so captivating you would whine and make grabby hands at him. Chan isn’t much of a tongue guy but he would more so massage his lips with yours, sucking your bottom lip within his.
Minho isn’t someone who would frequently kiss you on the lips unless things were getting more heated. This isn’t a bad thing, Minho's just more of a cuddle-er and forehead kisses kind of guy. This isn’t to say he never kisses your lips and when he does oh boy you better be ready. It’s a little too sloppy and a whole lotta wet but you love it, practically live for it. His tongue would dance with yours as if it was the best moment of his life.
Binnie would be too busy complementing you to kiss you so you would have to whine and pout at him to get him to lean in. His kisses would be short too as he goes right back to complementing. Not that you don’t love Changbin calling you pretty or saying that your lips are as soft as clouds, but you love kisses. Changbin is more of a closed mouth guy, never really uses tongue unless he’s hoping for things to get more heated. This is actually quite helpful as if makes it easier to understand when he just wants to kiss and when he wants sexy time.
The way that Hyunjin kissed you always left you both surprised and amazed, because he never kissed you the same way in a row. Hyunjin just preferred small pecks or cheek kisses when out in public because he isn't a fan of pda. When your at home however he loves to shower you with many lingering kisses. The wetter the better in Hyunjin's opinion he loves a good sloppy kiss with tongues dancing like if you pull apart and you don't look like a complete wreck then Hyunjin didn't kiss you correctly.
Jisung would be too excited and hyper for his kisses to be sweet and romantic. That doesn’t mean they aren’t filled with love. Jisung would peck your lips a million times over and you would be able to feel him smile against your lips. There would be no emotion other than happiness that Jisung feels when kissing you so he just giggles in complete euphoria. Just so overwhelmed with happiness because he gets to kiss you like this and he gets to see you smile along with him.
Kissing Felix would be like nothing you’ve ever experienced and you would be pleasantly surprised by how loving and gentle he is with you. He would start by cupping your face in his hands and then lean in close. It would be the most tender sensation that you breathe a contented “ooh.” Although Felix wouldn’t be 100% against pda, he would prefer to be kissing you at home that way he can take his time. Felix could kiss you for hours and never be disappointed that it was just kissing.
Tongue, tongue and more tongue. Boy does Seungmin love a good french. His kissing style would be so skill-full it would always leave you amazed. He would start out slow and romantic but quicker then a flash its more hot and sensual. Most of his kisses led to something more unless in public but that was totally ok because each time Seungmin kissed you it was like he was pulling you forward and your body would get so hot and all you wanted him to do was ravish you.
Innie baby would be so nervous at first almost as if he’d never kissed anyone before you. He would start rambling for far too long that it would have to be you to pull him in. He wouldn’t even move once his lips connected to yours until he realised that’s what he was doing, but then the tables would turn. As if an animal come to life he would ravish on your lips, kissing you hard and for long periods of time. Jeongin would get so lost in the pleasure of you, you wondered why he was even nervous in the first place.