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2 years ago

SKZ As Your Plus One At A Wedding


Genre: fluff

Warnings: References to drinking

Author’s Note: I feel like this idea just shows how I old I am lmao. Do you have any ideas? They can be ~spicy~, fluffy, or angsty. Send me an ask! 



The best plus one ngl

Would come as a friend or significant other

He’s polite and extroverted so he has no problem fitting in, even if he knows no one at the wedding

Definitely the type to come as support for you if you’re anxious

Probably overdresses because he wants to make a good impression on your friends/family

May accidentally lose track of you because he’s so into another conversation

Excited about the food

Keeps his hand on you the whole time; whether it be a hand on your knee, holding your hand, or gently touching your back as you make your way through the crowd

Will look like he’s drunk on the dance floor even though he didn’t drink a drop

Encourages you to be part of the bouquet toss

Congratulates the newlyweds politely whether or not he knows them personally

If there’s karaoke, get ready for this man to perform the hell out of a love ballad



On the quieter side unless he knows the couple, but even then he will probably stick to your side

WILL turn heads no matter what he is wearing and he is completely oblivious to it

You know in Pride & Prejudice how Mr. Darcy is standoffish and kinda rubs some people the wrong way initially? Yeah, that’s Lee Know. But, don’t worry, any bad impression will be short lived

Probably will only come with you if you’re extremely close or dating

Keeps close watch on you, especially if you’re more outgoing than him. As you flit around from table to table, he’ll admire your natural people skills and charisma. Otherwise, he’s there to make sure you’re comfortable and happy at ALL times

Happy to spend the reception drinking and dancing

Will somehow charm the grandma at the wedding. Probably by being polite when getting food or something

Outside wedding? He will find a cat

Even if there is dancing at the wedding, he will want to leave early

Speaking of dancing though, he will show off his skills before leaving ofc and will probably try to pull you in with him

Will slow dance with you and gently hold you as this is the one type of dance he’s not confident in, especially when its with you

Decent plus one, but will be more comfortable at a wedding where he knows more people than just you



He will pretend not to be upset that you might be taller than him in heels, BUT he also finds it insanely attractive

Ears go red when he sees you all dressed up

His shyer side comes out in a crowd, but if you’re also shy, he will be more than happy to take on a more social role

Polite and probably buys a gift even though you offered to put his name on yours

His surprising romantic side comes out, but does not tamper down his chaotic side as he pulls a flower out of one of the centerpieces for you towards the end of the night

Makes a good impression on everyone despite being a bit nervous about it

Insists on driving you to and from the wedding so you can have a good time without worry

You will probably have to force him to dance with you

Grabs your hand halfway through the ceremony cause he’s romantic like that

Stays to help clean up and definitely offers to take any leftovers

Goes to get you cake and comes back with the biggest possible slice and a wide grin

Pretty good overall and he will be a lot of fun




Unless he knows the couple, you might have to beg and/or act cute to get him to go with you

Might have a drink to help loosen up

Polite, but not overly talkative and does not let you leave him alone

Will dress to impress and likely will want to match you in some way; whether it be matching his tie to your dress or wearing complimentary pieces designed to go together this will be one facet of the wedding Hyunjin will take very seriously

You encourage him to talk more and be more social which he eventually does do as he gets comfortable

When the dance floor opens up is when he truly becomes comfortable and will definitely turn heads with his dancing

Will likely start being his goofy self more at this point

Becomes a bit cuddly and clingy towards the end of the night

Even though he didn’t want to come, the boy is a romantic and will be touched by the couple’s vows and the romantic atmosphere. It will make him feel even more in love with you as the night goes on

He’s a tad shy, but a good plus one



Poor Hannie is soooo anxious and shy cause of his social anxiety :( (it will be better if he’s familiar with the couple or several others at the wedding)

Still, he will go as long as it’s with/for you

Before you leave he will jokingly cover you with his jacket, but it’s his way of saying he thinks you look beautiful

Overly polite at times and may snack a lot to prevent himself from either embarrassing himself or you even though most people seem to find him friendly and charming

Will be relieved when the ceremony starts so that everyone goes quiet and he can just focus on you

Will probably focus on you more than the wedding tbh, he thinks you look so pretty and he’ll have to constantly stop himself from reaching up and fixing a loose curl or adjusting your bracelet

Excited about the cake and he uses that to get through the more social parts of the reception

Will probably dance with you, but might make you act cute for it

Secretly will love the slow dance and it may or may not inspire a new song

By the end, he is starting to enjoy himself more and has probably been accepted into your friend group and is making everyone laugh so hard that other tables begin looking your way

Idk why but I feel like he’s gonna want to stop at McDonald’s on the way home

Lets you fall asleep on him on the way home/to the hotel



Very excited when you asked him to be your plus one

Will spend weeks fretting over what to wear and what to bring with you may have to help him calm down his anxious enthusiasm

Making a good impression on your friends/family is very important to him so he will be extremely polite and friendly. Basically, the king of small talk who keeps the conversation going through the lulls

Might cry during the ceremony, but it depends on the vows and if he knows the couple or not

But, he will bring tissues in case either of you end up tearing up

Will thoroughly enjoy the wedding and will have so much fun dancing and taking part in any and all reception activities

If there’s a photo booth, he’s going to pull you in and the two of you will take cute and funny photos together

As the night goes on and he becomes a little more worn out, he’ll become a little more romantic towards you. He might want to constantly hold your hand or may sneak a kiss on your cheek

Feeds you cake because he’s adorable like that and doesn’t care if others around him think it’s corny

Holds you close during a slow dance and may even softly sing in your ear

Leaves the wedding with more friends

Will make a photo of the two of you from the wedding his phone background for the next few months



Agrees to go with you without hesitation even though he probably doesn’t want to go

Literally breathless when he sees you, but tries to hide it. Though, at some point, he will let it slip that he thinks you look gorgeous

Constantly looking out for you, especially because he notices others noticing you

Casual, friendly, and polite, but mostly keeps to himself

Offers to hold your purse outside the bathroom so that he doesn’t have to talk to strangers

A complete gentleman. He holds doors for you, gets your food and cake, carries your heels to the car after you got blisters from dancing.

May gently place his hand on your knee/thigh under the table both as a comfort to himself and as a way to show his affection as he worried others thought he didn’t care for you (literally no one thought that lol)

If an opportunity arises (or if you force him), he may get up and sing a love song

Will dance with you if you ask, but prefers to sit through the reception or do other things

Weirdly prepared, he has bandaids when a kid fell and scraped their knee and he somehow remembered to grab your lipstick so you could refresh it

Likely won’t drink beyond perhaps a class of champagne during the toast

Just happy to see you happy



Happy to go with you, but worried about what others will think of him

Spends a lot of time getting ready and may even help you get ready too

Will actually give good advice when you’re stuck choosing between two dresses

Everyone is charmed by how sweet and cute he is, especially when he’s around you

Others will notice how he seems so smitten with you regardless of if you two are dating yet or not

Goes bright red when you ask him to dance and kicks himself for not being the one to ask

Probably arrives early enough to help set up and may stay late to help clean up

Will do his best to make you laugh during dinner which only endears him to the rest of the guests at your table

Watches over you if you drink and makes sure you don’t drink too much

Eagerly listens as you point out old friends and family and give him all the tea. Honestly, he couldn’t care less, but loves hearing you talk and seeing you laugh at old memories

As he grows more comfortable in the environment, his trademark brand of sarcastic humor will work its way out

Somehow, by the end of the night, the two of you will end up holding hands

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2 years ago

SKZ Comforting You After A Bad Day At Work

SKZ Comforting You After A Bad Day At Work

Genre: fluff

Warnings: none

A/N: I needed this one personally, so I hope y'all find some comfort in it too. I'm accepting requests/suggestions for SKZ reactions/drabbles. Send me an ask!


Chan is going to let you talk it out. He too has his long days at work and knows how the frustration can build. He'll criticize your boss' harsh treatment or your coworker's sly comments. At some point, he is going to pull you into his arms and just hold you. Probably will run your back until you fall asleep. Perhaps you'll share a pair of headphones and listen to a perfectly curated playlist.


Minho will worry about somehow making it worse. So, he does what he knows is guaranteed to make you feel better. He puts on your favorite show, makes dinner, and lets you lean on him as you eat and watch together. He might make a few stupid jokes he knows will make you smile, but unless you bring it up, I doubt he would.


Not gonna lie he might be a bit angry that you get mistreated and have to work long hours. But, seeing you upset takes over any of his own feelings and he wraps you in a big hug before encouraging you to stand up for yourself more (aka him telling Felix the same in that one Two Kids Room). He'll take you out to distract you: a movie, mini golf, whatever, he doesn't care as long as it makes you feel better. If you truly want to stay in, I see you building a blanket fort or something else a little ridiculous and watching a movie until the two of you fall asleep.


Hyunjin will follow your lead. You want to talk about it? Great. You don't? Fine. He'll lightly stroke your hair and give you plenty of kisses on the temple and along your hairline. Hyunjin will run you a bath and order something sweet for the two of you to share. He'd compliment you and make you promise not to tell the other members how he babied you. Overall, a quiet night with Hyunjin spent being the sweetest man in the universe.


When he realizes you've had a bad day his face falls a bit and he'll initially hug and cuddle you. But then, his strategy will switch to him doing everything in his power to make you laugh. He has no qualms making a fool of himself if it makes you smile after a bad day. When he does succeed, he will smile himself and the laughter will continue. Things will quiet down and he'll let you lay on his chest as you fall asleep. He may talk with you if you want at some point but will always somehow loop it back around to a joke or a funny face.


The sweetest honey bun 🥺. Honestly, if you cry, he'll cry. After the two of you get done crying and holding one another, you'll make some cookies and spend the rest of the night watching Disney movies or playing video games together. Of course, Felix is also great at talking things out and he'll listen intently and reassure you that you're good at your job and one bad day doesn't reflect badly on you.


Like Minho, he'll be on the quieter side and mostly listen to you if that's what you need. Otherwise, he'll suggest ordering dinner from your favorite place. Seungmin will disappear into the apartment for a few minutes and come back with a blanket, a candle, and some sweet smelling lotion to cheer you up. You'll lay your head on his lap after dinner and he won't have the heart to wake you, so he sleeps sitting up, stroking your hair.


Concerned and like some of the other introverts, he freezes at first. Once he realizes you just need his presence, he'll stay with you and let you cuddle him more than usual since he's normally not one for skinship for long periods of time. He'd sing to you because he knows that's the guaranteed way he can comfort you. Might also jokingly sing some songs badly in an effort to make you laugh.

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2 years ago

Hiii! How are you doing? I wanted to request a SKZ reaction to their partner wearing spicy lingerie to surprise them but they come in with another one of the members unannounced lol

Skz Reaction To Their Partner Surprising Them With Lingerie But They Unexpectedly Brought Another Member

Hiii! How Are You Doing? I Wanted To Request A SKZ Reaction To Their Partner Wearing Spicy Lingerie To

Genre: smut (18+ only)

Warnings: suggestive content, cursing

A/N: This was my first request! Thank you so much and I hope this fits what you wanted :)


When he walked in and saw you standing in the lacy, black lingerie you’d specifically been saving to surprise him, he’d instinctively smirk. Then, he’d remember that Changbin had been coming in behind him.

Turning around, he saw that the man of principles had already turned himself around. “I’ll see myself out,” Changbin said. “Uh, enjoy your night. We can work later.”

Chan would feel a bit of embarrassment and probably text Changbin to apologize later. But not before fucking you silly of course. A punishment even, perhaps?


He’s quick thinking and tosses his jacket at you. This confuses you and causes you to run into the other room. But, once you hear Jisung’s voice, you realize just how bad this could’ve been.

Now, Jisung might’ve caught a glimpse, and his socially anxious ass noped out of there immediately. After making sure there were no more unexpected surprises, Minho came into the bedroom.

“You almost got caught, kitten,” he said, chuckling and his hands roaming down to your ass. Low key, the near exhibitionism would turn him on.


When you planned to surprise Changbin, you didn’t expect him to be quite this surprised. As he walked in with Seungmin, his eyes widened when he saw you and he immediately hid you behind his body. Even if you’re taller than him, all of the important parts are hidden enough.

Embarrassed himself, Seungmin left without much prompting from you or Changbin. He will probably scold you after Seungmin leaves, but don’t get it twisted, that doesn’t mean he didn’t like the surprise. He’ll make sure you know how much he liked it by ripping the lingerie off you.


This dramatic king will probably scream which will only make Felix laugh when he sees you and what is happening. Hyunjin also attempts to hide you, but he can’t stand still for two seconds.

“I’ll leave you two to it,” Felix said, still laughing and absolutely planning to roast Hyunjin in the group chat later. Though, as soon as Felix is out the door, Hyunjin’s mood shifts.

It now resembles more of what got expected. He gently fingers the soft silk of the lingerie. “For me?” he asks.

“All for you, Hyune.”


Freezes as soon as he sees you. Ears red and eyes wide. If it weren’t for the terrified sound of his voice as he asks what you’re doing, it would’ve been cute.

Minho only smirks and seats Jisung on the butt a couple of times. He doesn’t look away quickly and might make a threesome joke on his way out, only further exasperating Jisung.

Instead of scolding you, he’ll whine and ask what you were thinking. But, his hands still run down your body slowly and before you know it, he’s lost the ability to ask you anymore questions.


His entire face turns red and his mind goes completely blank before he hears Chan enter behind him. At first, Chan didn’t notice you and put one of his hands on Felix’s shoulder as he asked him a question about what they planned to work on.

Seeing Felix’s still state, he’d look up and see you, instantly turning his head. “Ah, sorry, mate, seems like this is bad time.” Despite being respectful, Chan definitely teases both of you for it later, but his ears do turn red the first time he sees you afterward.

Felix is a little angry, but not enough not to appreciate your surprise. He’d probably scold you as well, but is also a little proud that he has a witness for how hot you are and how lucky he is.


Seungmin doesn’t have too much of a reaction, but once he remembers that Jeongin is coming in behind him, he actually laughs. But, it’s not because he finds the situation funny (though he does a little), but because he’s not exactly sure what to do.

He tries to stop Jeongin by blocking the doorway, but Jeongin thinks it’s some weird prank or something before he sees you. His mind definitely goes a bit blank before he puts together what is happening.

Seungmin definitely scolds you and asks you about why you wanted to surprise him. Still, ultimately, he’s a sucker for you and can’t help slowly taking the lingerie off as you’d wanted him to do.


Similar to Jisung, he freezes, but he begins assessing the situation a bit sooner. He tries to act quickly so that Changbin won’t walk in, but it happens anyway. Jeongin is a bit embarrassed, but handles it with surprising grace.

He cracks a few jokes about the situation as he pushes Changbin out the door. As soon as his member is pushed out, his voice deepens what sounds like two octaves to you.

Jeongin attempts to swear Changbin to secrecy afterward, but considering the others all heard the fall out of the surprise later that night, it didn’t take long for the mishap to be spread to the rest of the members.

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2 years ago

SKZ MTL To Date Someone The Complete Opposite Of Them

SKZ MTL To Date Someone The Complete Opposite Of Them

Genre: fluff

Warnings: none

A/N: Sorry for the weird formatting. I wrote this on my phone and will fix it once I’m on my computer again. I’m accepting requests/suggestions for SKZ reactions/drabbles. Send me an ask!


Jisung Chan Seungmin Changbin Minho Felix Hyunjin Jeongin


Jisung needs someone quite different from him. That’s not to say there wouldn’t be any shared interests or traits, but I imagine he would gravitate towards someone who is outgoing, boisterous, and makes him feel comfortable being himself. Whoever he dates needs to be understanding and know exactly how to calm him down whenever he’s anxious or angry.

Chan and Seungmin don’t strike me as people who care too much about the differences in their partners. I imagine them both with someone who brings a little chaos to their extremely rigid routines. Their partner may even annoy them at first by absentmindedly leaving messes around or interrupting their schedule. But their different way of life will also fascinate them which eventually leads to dating.

Changbin and Minho do not need partners overly similar to them. But, their partners do need to share some core beliefs and values. For example, it would be important to Changbin that you get along with his family and for Minho you have to at least like cats. They have some sillier dealbreakers, but also love teasing their partners for the way they differ from them. It’s all in good fun.

Felix and Hyunjin do not have a strong preference. Though, I do think they will gravitate towards people with similar interests or certain personality traits they also have. While it is possible they could date someone completely opposite from them, I think it would eventually put too much strain on the relationship if their partner was too different.

While it is not out of the question for Jeongin, he’s definitely going to prefer someone similar to himself. His partner will likely share a similar sense of humor and probably a hobby as well. Someone too different from himself may turn him off to the point he avoids them, so I think it’s less likely (though not impossible) that he dated someone the complete opposite of himself.

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2 years ago

Stray kids reaction to a prank where you’re both listening to a Kpop playlist and you skip to the next song when a Stray Kids song comes on. Please make it light hearted where you’ve both been annoying each other all day for fun.

SKZ Reaction When You Skip A Stray Kids Song

Stray Kids Reaction To A Prank Where Youre Both Listening To A Kpop Playlist And You Skip To The Next

Genre: fluff

Warnings: cursing and suggestiveness (it's only slight. It was totally pure until Minho had to ruin it)

A/N: Thanks for the request! Hope you like it. :) As always, I’m accepting SKZ reaction/MTL requests. Send me an ask.


It was almost a tradition for you and Chan to listen to a joint playlist when you each worked on your own things. It was a small way of being connected when you both had to stay focused. After a few hours of this, you were growing tired of working and longed for a bit of attention. When "God's Menu" came on, you promptly skipped it.

Chan turned around to give you a somewhat confused look, but there was mischief hidden in it (think that look he gave Felix on stage when Felix said he liked being called best leader). Without even talking, he'd recognize your need for a bit of attention and he'd take a break.


You and Minho always loved to tease each other. It was almost the love language between you too. He loved discreetly grabbing your ass when you were not expecting it just to see your eyes widen. His other antics often were crimes of opportunity like when he got you relighting candles on your birthday.

Deciding to play a small trick on him, you skip a Stray Kids song you have playing while doing some housework. Minho was in another room, but you knew he was also listening. When you did it again though, this prompted him to come out and send you a playful glare before he came and planted a kiss on you.


Road trips with Changbin also involved making a joint playlist for the drive. Of course, this included Stray Kids songs. Throughout the drive, Changbin had playfully teased you about some of your choices, so when "Domino" came on, you skipped it.

Changbin was shocked and immediately asked you why you skipped it and went back to play the song again. After making a sarcastic comment, Changbin will roll his eyes, but you'll see the wide smile on his face as he drives.


You and Hyunjin both enjoyed having music on in the background of literally everything you did. Currently, the two of you were playing video games, something you were about evenly skilled at, but which Hyunjin had been winning at that night.

As a petty show of revenge after you once again lost, you skipped the Stray Kids song that played in the background, quickly changing it to a song you liked that Hyunjin was not fond of. You almost immediately were overcome by Hyunjin tickling you.


Listening to music with Jisung was nearly a date at this point in your relationship. He enjoyed listening to the newest releases for inspiration and you mixed in some of your favorite songs. Each of you had introduced the other to a new artist and it was an activity you could mutually enjoy.

However, that day, Jisung had been particularly mischievous that day. From small annoyances like tugging at your ponytail to finding any way to annoy you, you decided to get him back. When a Stray Kids song came on, you quickly changed the song and caught him off guard. Jisung immediately caught on and soon the two of you were in a war of skipping songs.


You and Felix put on a playlist while you baked cookies. It was taking longer than usual as the two of you danced to Twice and got distracted, but that was part of the fun. Though, when he tossed a bit of flour onto your face, the two of you found small ways to get back at each other.

Eventually, you heard a Stray Kids song come on and skipped it. At first, Felix was simply confused until he made eye contact with you and noticed your mischievous smile. He'd laugh and the two of you would take turns trolling each other with the music until the cookies are done.


Seungmin isn't really one to pull pranks in the traditional way, but he had been roasting and teasing you all day. You were never offended, knowing Seungmin was either being honest in his own way or just having a bit of fun. Though, it was starting to get on your nerves.

So, when "Can't Stop" came on, you skipped it, muttering something about being tired of it. Seungmin looked at you a bit incredulously, but he still smiled, and eventually, he laughed before playfully telling you that you would regret it.


Jeongin enjoyed teasing you in a similar fashion to Seungmin. However, he also would sometimes pull pranks, especially if another member got in cahoots with him. On this particular day, the two of you were out shopping and sharing a pair of AirPods to listen to the same playlist. He'd been annoying you in a vein similar to a little brother.

So, when "Maknae On Top" came on, you promptly skipped it and made Jeongin a little off guard. He immediately caught on though and laughed. Jeongin somewhat relented the upper hand to you--at least until he figured out how to get you back.

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2 years ago

SKZ Reaction To Painting Each Other’s Nails

SKZ Reaction To Painting Each Others Nails

Genre: fluff

Warnings: none

A/N: Quick note that I am still accepting requests, but there are certain ones I will not do. I decide this at my own discretion, but if you have any questions, feel free to message me.


Chan is going to do his very best to paint your nails neatly. He'll even look up the best quality polishes and might even invest in a nail dryer if y'all do it often. At first, it's a little messy, but after a couple times, he will become an absolute pro. He also loves when you paint his nails, even if he has to take it off for promotions or appearances. Though, he sometimes leaves it on for Chan's room.


Like with many things you do together, Minho will act like it is such an inconvenience. Yet, he is almost always available at the same time every week so you two can paint each other's nails. When he's away, he'll even try to Facetime you while you do yours. He loves it and is secretly pretty good at painting your nails. Minho also is meticulous about caring for the nail itself. While he would be okay with you painting his nails whatever color you want, you usually just do a few clear coats because it pains him to take it off for his activities.


It all started when you would do your nails in the studio while he was working. You were messing around one day and painted his pinky finger. Eventually, he started doing yours. At first, he was pretty messy. He felt so bad about it that he called his sister for advice. Still, even if they were a bit messy, you enjoyed seeing him bent over your hand and gently applying the polish. You normally painted his too, but it didn't last too long with all of his working out and such.


We all know Hyunjin likes to paint and so when he sees you painting your nails one day, he asks if he can try. This man would create tiny masterpieces on your fingernails. It became a nice point of bonding for the two of you. Even if you fought, you stuck to the tradition and often ended up making up after the first hand. With Hyunjin, you saved so much money because you didn't have to go to the salon. With his nails, even though you were much less skilled and could barely paint your own nails well, he was encouraging and always complimented them when you finished.


It's his favorite time of the week, tbh. He occasionally would do his own nails for fun, but when he learned you wanted to do them, it became routine. Jisung wasn't too confident about doing yours, despite having done his own for so long. He said your nails were too pretty and he didn't want to make them look bad. When you insisted though, he would do it and come to enjoy picking out a different color every week.


It always happens late at night. Often, he will come home from a long day and you will help him relax by painting his nails. Felix likes to watch you focus and you have to constantly tell him not to touch anything cause he's trying to move hair out of your face or rub your arm lightly. While he preferred to watch you do his, he would do yours, but would sometimes get nervous about it, even though he usually did a fairly decent job.


Under absolutely no circumstances will he admit that he takes great care and pride in painting your nails. It took a while to get Seungmin to do it, but you discovered that he had a secret talent for it. He was so careful and had a remarkably steady hand. Like Minho, he usually let you do a few clear coats because he wasn't necessarily a fan of nail polish and didn't want it to interfere with his schedule.


You hadn't expected Jeongin to be so cool about you painting his nails. When you suggested it on a quiet date night in, you thought he would laugh it off. Instead, the two of you painted on matching nails and you couldn't resist taking photos of your matching nails. From then on, the two of you always took the time to paint each other's nails during movie nights.

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1 year ago

hi lovely, hope ur ok :) can I request skz reacting to their s/o being a metalhead? It's okay if you don't do it <3

SKZ Reaction To Their SO Being A Metalhead

Hi Lovely, Hope Ur Ok :) Can I Request Skz Reacting To Their S/o Being A Metalhead? It's Okay If You

Genre: fluff

Warnings: none

A/N: Thanks for the request! I had no idea I had requests coming in as I most often check Tumblr on my phone and idk but it just didn't allow me to see them there. I'm slowly going to work through them :) I'm currently working on a cross-country move and preparing for grad school. Things might be sporadic, but I'm going to try and get most of the requests done.


As expected, he's perfectly supportive. He listens to some metal himself, but certainly wouldn't consider himself a metalhead. He'd add a few of your favorite songs to his playlist and he'd keep an eye on any metal concerts coming to town. He would probably end up getting weirdly inspired, possibly even write a metal song just to make you smile. If it makes his SO happy, it makes Chan happy.


He'll likely tease you a bit. However, you will also come home to merch folded neatly on your bed with a small note on top. Minho wouldn't mind if you listened to metal sometimes, even if he wasn't necessarily a fan himself. Though, he will jokingly create choreography for one of the songs you listen to most which never failed to make both of you break out into giggles.


Oops, you just inadvertently introduced Changbin to his new favorite gym music. Like Chan, the producer side of him listens to the technical aspects of the music and may even get a bit nerdy and explain them to you. He grows to be a casual fan and will definitely go to shows with you or listen to the newest album with you. And, of course, the two of you will regularly work out to a perfectly curated metal workout playlist.


For Hyunjin, this is an opposites attract sort of situation. It's not that he doesn't respect the music, it's just not his style. He has a few songs he likes, but ultimately it's just not for him. However, he loves seeing you get so excited and passionate about it. Hyunjin doesn't mind if you talk to him about the latest release or an upcoming concert. Perhaps the two of you will open each other up to new music.


Low key, he finds it hot. He tries to hide just how hot he finds it, but it's not difficult to tell. Jisung's favorite thing about you is how you have such as sweet, cute face, but your headphones are blasting metal. The juxtaposition was part of what drew him to you in the first place. Jisung tries to keep up on the latest news so he can talk to you about it and even buys a couple of metal band T-shirts for himself just so you will steal them.


Honestly, Felix is pretty chill about it. At one point, he'll use his deep voice to mimic one of the songs and it then became a game to see if he could repeat parts of the song back to you. Normally, it started off with you being impressed and ended with a blushy Felix and the two of you giggling. Like Chan, he'll go to shows with you and loves to spoil you with merch and metal related gifts.


Indifferent--or at least--it seems like he's indifferent. Seungmin never really showed interest in the music genre himself, but he did know you liked it and would subtly find ways to include it within your relationship and everyday life. He probably has some sort of spreadsheet that lists your favorite bands, songs, etc. He wants to make sure he gets everything right. Also, stalks your Spotify so he can add some of your favorite songs to joint playlists.


Like Minho, he might tease you a bit, but ultimately it makes him all smiley and blushy when you get excited about it. Asks you to take him to a concert/show him your favorite album because he wants to learn more about the things you like/love. Also, get ready to up your metalhead style. Jeongin might even have a metal style Pinterest board queued up and will help you live your best metalhead life in style.

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1 year ago

Skz reaction to you having curly hair?

Stray Kids Reaction To Their SO Having Curly Hair

Skz Reaction To You Having Curly Hair?

Genre: fluff

Warnings: slight suggestiveness

A/N: As a wavy-haired girl myself, this is def is a tad self-indulgent.


Chan will love your curly hair and it just might help him embrace his own curls. Ngl, he'll be a little amazed at your hair care routine and all it takes to keep your curls from frizzing or tangling. Whenever his hands end up in your hair, he'll be extremely careful because he knows how easy it is for things to get tangled in it, but running his hands through your hair during a kiss always makes him weak in the knees.


Honestly, I feel like this man doesn't have much of a preference on his SO's hair. Of course, he loves it because it's yours, but its not something that he immediately notices. During your relationship though, he'll love to gather your hair into a ponytail just to see your face better. Whenever you think your hair looks awful or it just won't cooperate, he's always there to reassure you that it looks fine and that it doesn't matter cause it will get messed up later.


Changbin LOVES your curly hair, especially when you wear it long. His hands are constantly playing with the ends of them whenever his arm is around your shoulders or when you lay your head on his lap. He'll love putting his caps on your head just to see how your hair looks in it. He's a sucker for you in a backward baseball cap. Changbin will also keep a list of your hair care products on his phone so he always gets the right one.


The two of you absolutely share hair accessories. One day you'll come home to find him using one of your headbands to keep his hair out of his eyes as he paints. Another day he'll find you using his clips while you style your hair. Truthfully, neither of you mind. Hyunjin rarely comments on your hair specifically, but he always goes out of his way to leave kisses in your hair.


Playing with your hair is a pastime for Jisung. It never gets old for him and he's constantly gathering it into a ponytail and letting it fall loose again just to repeat the process. He never explicitly says anything about your hair, but you can tell how much he loves it by how much attention he gives it. Something about curly hair will absolutely get worked into one of his sad love songs.


Felix is all for words of affirmation and never ceases to tell you how beautiful you are, including how much he loves your hair. Like Jisung, he always finds himself playing with it, but it's in a more absentminded way. No matter when you ask him if your hair looks all right, he will always say yes, even if you've just woken up. Will one day curl his hair so you two can "match."


Seungmin rarely says things explicitly. That doesn't mean that he doesn't say you look beautiful or that he loves you, it's just that he cannot fathom identifying one feature in particular when he loves all of you. Of course, your curly hair is part of that. However, if you got hold of his diary, you'd see just how much he thinks about your hair and that it is often one of the first things he notices about you.


He shows his love for you (and your hair) with teasing. It's mostly harmless and he knows when to be serious. If you've done something new with your hair or gotten all just up, this man will be speechless, and any thoughts of teasing you go out the window. I mean, he can't even form words. While he may not care about hair texture one way or another, he loves your hair because it's yours.

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1 year ago

Heyy!! Love your writing so much, and I wanted to request a skz getting reader flowers but reader is allergic to them. Lots of love<333

SKZ Reaction To Them Getting You Flowers, But You're Allergic

Heyy!! Love Your Writing So Much, And I Wanted To Request A Skz Getting Reader Flowers But Reader Is

Genre: fluff

Warnings: none

A/N: Enjoy! Sorry it takes me a while to do requests, but I try to always get around to them as inspiration strikes.

Chan: This poor baby feels sooooo bad. As someone with allergies and similar problems, he blames himself for not thinking of it earlier. As soon as you sneeze he'll put it together and immediately take the flowers outside, even if you protest. Once he comes in, he'll change (or just take his shirt off) so that any pollen on his shirt doesn't further bother you. Wrapping you in his arms, he promises to get you something else. The next morning, you'd wake up to the flowers arranged prettily in a terrarium where you can enjoy them without an allergic reaction.


A lesser known fact about Minho is that he's a very good and thoughtful gift giver. He's always bringing you little trinkets and snacks from abroad. So, it is not out of character for him to bring you flowers, but with spring in full swing, your allergies simply cannot handle flowers in the house. When you sneeze and have to leave the room, he doesn't immediately get it but follows you out of the room. When you tell him it's the flowers, his eyes soften significantly and he grabs the bouquet and is gone for around twenty minutes. This time he returned with some rose shaped chocolates and he gave the flowers to your elder neighbor.


Changbin didn't know that lilies were so infamous for how many people are allergic to them. He simply saw them when he passed a florist and had to stop to get them for you. They were beautiful and he just wanted you to have them. But, when your eyes start watering and become red, he looks between the lilies and you a few times before getting rid of the flowers as quickly as he could. Changbin would jokingly and cutely ask you to forgive him, which, of course, you do.


Hyunjin made this mistake early in your relationship--before the two of you were even official. Therefore, it's become somewhat of an inside joke between the two of you. It was your third date and he'd come bearing a beautiful bouquet of flowers that he had helped arrange. Though, it only took a few minutes for your body to react and a flush to come over your skin and tears to stream down your cheeks involuntarily. Hyunjin panicked. Luckily, you both find the whole thing hilarious now and on every anniversary of your third date, Hyunjin paints you a flower bouquet.


Ngl, he might cry. Jisung hates to think that he caused you to have an allergic reaction, even if it was minor. Even if he didn't, he would not hesitate to throw the bouquet away and try to salvage the situation he thinks is a complete disaster. Some part of him is even convinced that you might break up with him over this. Of course, you know it was an honest mistake and even find it a bit cute. The two of you spend the rest of the night watching anime and cuddling.


Felix had flowers delivered to your work none the wiser that you were allergic. When he comes to your place afterward, he sees the flowers placed in a vase on the table. But, he knows something is wrong when he sees your reddened nose and red eyes. When you tell him it's because of the flowers, he chastises you for bringing them in and carefully removes them, placing them on the balcony instead. Lightening the mood with a joke about how he's the only flower you need, he holds you the rest of the night.


One of the ways Seungmin shows that he loves you is by buying you small gifts and leaving them somewhere he knows you'll find them. So, when you wake up one morning to flowers on your doorstep, you know they are from him. Your allergies were hit or miss, so you hoped you wouldn't react to them. Unfortunately, an hour later, you're sniffling and have a headache. He FaceTimes you not long later for your reaction and he's so horrified by your reaction that he finishes his work as quickly as he can to go be with you. Throwing out the flowers, he brings over a few sheets from his diary--dated from after your first date and the way he felt about you so immediately.


Jeongin is excited as he approaches your place with flowers in hand. His was handpicked, having collected wildflowers and a few from a friend's garden. He knew that you would love the thoughtfulness of the present and he was right, beaming as he noticed your surprise and delight at how he assembled the bouquet himself. You didn't want to tell him about your hay fever and how some of the flowers he picked you were very allergic to because he was too sweet. Eventually, though, Jeongin noticed you wheezing and met your eyes to find them red and irritated. He feels bad when he finally gets the truth out of you and he will apologize, taking the flowers back with him. A few weeks later, he brings them back dried and pressed onto a framed canvas.

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1 year ago

SKZ Reaction To Being Caught Making Out

SKZ Reaction To Being Caught Making Out

Genre: fluff, suggestiveness (not straight smut but Imma go ahead and say MDNI)

Warnings: curse words, suggestive themes

A/N: Enjoy!


When Changbin accidentally walked in on you and Chan mid-make-out in his studio, Chan would have conflicting reactions and emotions. On the one hand, he is definitely surprised and stops kissing you. He may even weirdly try to hide you regardless of whether Changbin knows about your relationship. However, there's also a tiny bit of pride hidden in his chest, but it is superseded by the obvious blush that spreads from his cheeks and up to his ears.


Embarrassed, but doesn't show it immediately. When Seungmin walks in, he'll act dramatically and yell at him to leave (though it's obviously not malicious). If Seungmin giggles or smirks at the scene, he'll make some baseless threat, but by the time Seungmin leaves, his ears are bright red. Minho will get up and lock the door quickly. Before continuing where you left off, the two of you will probably laugh and promise to buy Seungmin a meal later.


Binnie might like to put out a "dark" and "hard" era, but this man would be capital E embarrassed. I imagine him trying to act as if it wasn't happening and asking Hyunjin what he needed. He would only get angry if there had been an expectation of full privacy (locked door, etc.) or if things had escalated to the point of removing some clothing. Mostly, he would just want to forget it happened and would probably keep your future make out sessions in private, locked spaces.


Surprisingly, normally dramatic Hyunjin isn't too embarrassed. He might be a bit surprised, but he doesn't really get the big deal when Jeongin walks in and catches the two of you making out. Hyunjin is a romantic and kissing is fairly casual to him (think of all his paintings and sketches of couples kissing), and even though you were a bit more hot and heavy, he doesn't really care as long as the two of you were clothed. With that said, he will make sure you and Jeongin are not too embarrassed. But, overall, he's fairly nonplussed which surprises you.


In contrast to Hyunjin, Jisung flips the fuck out. He's not angry, but his face is bright red and he'll even hide himself in your neck when Felix catches the two of you. He probably won't even say anything and Felix will probably end up just apologizing and leaving the room quickly. Poor Jisung will probably be mortified for the rest of the day. Eventually, he will be able to laugh about it, and may even get more used to smaller public displays of affection. Still, it doesn't stop him from leaning down and kissing you again.


Felix is also a member who doesn't really see the big deal. I mean, he'd rather not be caught by Changbin, but it doesn't embarrass him really. Sure, Changbin might tease him a bit, but the members all knew that he was head over heels for you, so he basically just shrugged it off. He will make sure you aren't too embarrassed and if you are, he'll privately talk to Changbin later to make sure he doesn't mention it around you. I don't think he would necessarily restart the make out, but instead, just wrap you in his arms and watch a movie.


This puppy does not get embarrassed easily. But when it comes to you, he, for some reason, blushes even if a member just mentions your name. So, when Minho walks in on you two, Seungmin becomes half protective of you and half embarrassed by wrapping his arms around you, but you can also feel the heat coming off his face. He'll probably be polite and ask Minho to leave, even though anger started to settle in. Still, he keeps a level head but is unable to continue because he doesn't want to get caught again.


He's not the most embarrassed of the group, but his shy smile and the way he looks down tell you that Chan walking in startled him. But, while embarrassed due to the situation, he's willing to face pretty much anything for you, even negative emotions. Though, his hyungs tease him enough that after a few hours, he's mostly moved on. Still, from that day forward, he's much more careful.

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1 year ago

Stray kids reaction to seeing surgery scars on their s/o

Anon 🐻‍❄️

SKZ Reaction To Seeing Surgery Scars On Their S/O

Stray Kids Reaction To Seeing Surgery Scars On Their S/o

Genre: fluff, suggestions of smut

Warnings: mentions of surgery, body insecurity, cancer, mention of disease and injuries

A/N: My first anon 🥹 thank you so much and I hope you enjoy it. Also, thank you for 1,000 followers 🥺


Chan knew about your appendectomy scar and how it was one of your complexes, but you'd always managed to keep it hidden from him. He tried to express that it was perfectly normal to have surgical scars and that it wouldn't change how he felt about you, but it still took you time to show it to him.

Pulling up your shirt, you winced as the keloid scar became visible. Chan stayed quiet before gently running the softest part of his fingertips over the rough scar.

"Does it hurt?" he asked.

"Sometimes," you said. "But not too much anymore."

He nodded in understanding and reached down to intertwine your fingers.


Minho understood why you were scared for him to see your scoliosis surgery scar because he too had a surgery scar that he felt self-conscious of. While he'd sometimes caught a small glimpse of it, you always tried to keep it hidden. Eventually, though, it became impossible to deny the intimacy growing between the two of you.

"I'll show you mine if you show me yours," he said, trying to lighten the mood with some light sarcasm. It seemed to work since you laughed and some of the tension in your body. When you finally threw your shirt aside, his breath hitched at the long vertical scar down your spine. It lined up with the curves of your body linearly, making your body look like two butterfly wings sprouting from the scar.

"Fuck, you're so gorgeous."


Changbin knew you had a tumor removed from your kidney as a kid, but it never crossed his mind that you might have a scar. While you sometimes even forget about it, there are times you get reminded. Someone looks a little too hard at your abdomen when wearing a crop top, or someone was bold enough to ask what happened.

You'd long put your childhood brush with cancer behind you, but when Changbin first noticed your scar, your body filled with dread. Would it be the last straw and he would finally find you completely unattractive and dump you?

However, Changbin didn't say a word and just placed his palm over it. He'd continue to do this, sometimes without even thinking about it, just reminding you that he loved every part of you, even the parts you sometimes wanted to hide.


Hyunjin noticed that you always wore long sleeves. At first, he didn't think much about it, until there was an especially hot day when you refused to take off your long-sleeved shirt. When he questioned it, he saw the panicked look in your eyes and knew something was wrong.

After a bit of soft prodding, you eventually explained that you'd broken your arm as a kid and had had surgery, leaving you with a scar. Hyunjin was silent for a few moments.

"Is that all? You thought I would mind that?"

"Well, I mean, you're so gorgeous."

"I still have scars, babe." He chuckled and reached for your sleeve, gently pulling it up and rubbing the pad of his thumb over the scar. He didn't say anything else, but gently leaned down and kissed the scar.


When Jisung first met you, it was at a large event where you'd had your makeup professionally done. But, the next time he saw you, it was a late night at the convenience store where the scar from a skin graft surgery you'd had after getting a burn on one side of your face. Compared to what it could look like, it was relatively minor, but the scar was visible and you'd only just got used to doing small errands like this without covering it up.

Jisung can't lie and say it didn't catch him off guard, but it only made him more interested in you. He bought you a pudding and chatted with you, deciding not to mention anything unless you did. This surprised you because most people couldn't help but ask for the sob story of the car accident that resulted in major burns to your face.

Eventually, you did tell Jisung what happened though it took time and getting over some insecurities. But, Jisung's openness about his insecurities and your insistence that they didn't matter to him helped you come to realize how enamored he actually was with you.


You and Felix were both very open about your insecurities and who you are. However, you could never get yourself to show your biopsy scar. The scar was small, but noticeable. So, you kept it covered. As you and Felix became more intimate, you knew he would eventually see your scar.

Felix was a sweetheart. You knew he wouldn’t care and that such a small flaw would not affect how he felt about you. Yet, still, there was a nagging worry. When Felix does see the scar and notice the way your body tenses when his eyes graze over it, he takes your hand and kisses the back of it gently.

“It looks beautiful on you,” he said, as if he were looking at you trying on a dress and not gazing at your scar. His hand brought yours to his cheek.


On the outside, it wasn't obvious that you had lupus, but Seungmin had begun to notice that you never drank—not even beer or wine. He didn't mind but found it a bit curious since it was not something he was used to with people around his age. Still, he didn't ask questions. That was until he was staying the night at your apartment and caught a glimpse of the hockey stick shaped scar on the right side of your abdomen from having a kidney transplant.

His eyes widened as he began to put it all together. He didn't flip out but did ask if you were okay. After you explained, he felt better but also felt bad that you felt like you needed to hide such a major part of yourself from him. From then on, he would sometimes find himself absentmindedly running his fingers over the scar when you lie together.


Jeongin knew you'd had knee surgery a few years ago after tearing your meniscus. But, he'd never seen the scar. Of course, he was never actively looking for it but realized that you never showed your knees at all. When asked about it, he could tell it was a touchy subject, but a few sweet words and reassuring touches calmed you.

Rolling up your pant leg, you showed him the scar. It was larger than most other similar scars because your injury had been extensive. The scar—at least in Jeongin's eyes—wasn't too visible, but he made sure to give you a cute peck on the nose and encourage you to wear what you wanted since surgery scars were nothing to be ashamed of.

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11 months ago

SKZ MTL Likely To Date A Pisces

Genre: fluff, astrology

Warnings: none

A/N: I've gotten a few requests for other signs and just know that I plan on doing one for all of the zodiac signs, but want to go chronologically. Feel free to keep requesting just wanted to let you know that I DO plan to get to all of them :)


Minho Seungmin Hyunjin Changbin Jisung Felix Chan Jeongin


Minho and Seungmin both have ideal placements for compatibility with a Pisces. Minho's Scorpio Sun is perfect for a Pisces Sun. His Venus is also in Scorpio which compliments a Pisces. Minho would like the quiet and gentle nature of a Pisces. Many Pisces Suns tend to be quite cat like in their daily actions and lives making them a good match for Minho. Seungmin's Virgo Sun is also quite compatible with a Pisces, but they have more incompatible similarities than a Scorpio and Pisces match. Out of everyone, a Pisces can get Seungmin to loosen up a bit and he helps keep his imaginative Pisces grounded.

Hyunjin and Changbin have major advantages when it comes to attracting a Pisces partner. As a Pisces himself, Hyunjin innately understands a partner who shares his Sun sign. A double Pisces relationship is exceptionally romantic and they will live life very similarly. With that said, without a grounding sign in one of the major placements, they could face some strife due to over-idealization of their partner and the relationship. With the right balance, this relationship could be full of sweet glances and being one another's muse.

Changbin as a Leo has fairly good, but not perfect compatibility with a Pisces. However, the attraction is very strong between these two. With the right nurturing and communication, a Leo and Pisces can make a great couple. Changbin has a few other placements that would work well with a Pisces partner: a Mercury in Cancer and Venus in Virgo soften his Leo confidence into something principled and modest, often manifesting in the way he loves and protects others. This could especially be seen in the way he is constantly cares for his Pisces partner: walking on the outside of the sidewalk, making sure they always have a mask, and holding their hand whenever he senses the smallest bit of stress.

Jisung and Felix, our Virgo twins, both have moderate compatibility with Pisces. Jisung has a slight advantage because all of his major placements (that are known): Virgo Sun, Pisces Moon, and Libra Mercury and Venus are all highly or moderately compatible with a Pisces Sun. Jisung would feel safe with a Pisces because of their generally accepting and gentle way of life. Felix may find this quiet allure a bit off-putting. However, it's not enough for him to write off a Pisces partner altogether. Though, ideally, there would be some more compatible placements elsewhere in their charts. Felix would appreciate that they share similar sensibilities and kind outlook on life. A Pisces partner may force Felix to become more assertive in order to care for his Pisces whereas a Pisces may find a muse, confidante, and best friend in Felix.

Chan has mid-compatibility with the average Pisces. With the right combination of placements, it can work. Chan and a Pisces have better friendship material than romantic. They can both be stubborn and try for longer than they should to make a romantic relationship work. With that said, Chan and a Pisces partner appreciate each other's art. In ideal circumstances, Chan and Pisces would have great affection for each other and each would help the other out of their comfort zone. Pisces would help Chan relax and not work so much whereas Chan would bring some order and a bit of chaos to a Pisces peaceful existence.

On the surface, Jeongin and Pisces very little compatibility. Of course, if other signs in the chart match, it may overrule the incompatible Suns. Though, all but Jeongin's Moon and Mercury are fairly incompatible with a Pisces Sun. As an Aquarius, Jeongin is energetic and opinionated when it comes to his private life. This can scare aware the more reserved Pisces. Some more adaptable Pisces may find initial excitement in an Aquarius, but it is likely to burn out quickly. Now, Jeongin and a Pisces could work if the Pisces Sun has more compatible placements with Jeongin. In the right circumstances, Jeongin could essentially become a sunshine protector for his favorite Pisces.

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