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"Terrorism and Communism" by Leon Trotsky is book published in 1920 as a reply to Karl Kautsky and others who had criticized the Bolshevik use of political terror, compulsory labor, and other tactics. It is a defense of the use of revolutionary violence by the Bolsheviks during the Russian Civil War. Trotsky argues that in the struggle to build a socialist state, the use of force and even terror is justified to protect the revolution against its enemies, both internal and external. He critiques those who condemn Bolshevik methods, claiming that the harsh measures are necessary to ensure the survival and success of the workers' government. The book contrasts the violent methods of the bourgeoisie, which Trotsky argues are used to oppress, with the revolutionary violence of the proletariat, which he believes is used to liberate and create a just society.

Revisionism to the revolutionary ideas of Vladimir is one of the greatest enemies of the proletariat, and can only work to strenghten bourgeois ideology, never forget that, prolet.

"Extremes are always bad" "you should be respectful to your enemies" "violence is never the answer"

YEAH RIGHT!!!! Never listen to the anti-revolutionaries, they can only strenghten your exploiters and ruin your efforts to live a better life :3
Maoism-Third Worldism is based y'all, the revolutionary potential in all of these bad boys is simply, divine!
Our boy Mao was pretty much on the money, common Mao W.
But we gotta figure out how to get that Left Globalization thing going y'all...
Embracing Freedom: A Year of Liberation Shaina Tranquilino February 12, 2024

In the journey of life, each passing year brings with it unique challenges, triumphs, and lessons. For many, the concept of choosing a "word of the year" has become a powerful tradition. This word serves as a guiding beacon, encapsulating aspirations and intentions for the months ahead. In 2024, as the world continues to evolve and reshape itself, the word that resonates deeply with many individuals is "Freedom."
Defining Freedom: Freedom is a word laden with profound significance, transcending its mere dictionary definition. It embodies the essence of liberation, autonomy, and the ability to live unencumbered by constraints. A year of Freedom, therefore, beckons us to explore various dimensions of personal and collective emancipation. Freedom of Mind: Embracing a year of Freedom invites the liberation of the mind. It encourages individuals to break free from self-imposed limitations, fears, and doubts. This journey may involve introspection, mindfulness practices, and a commitment to fostering a positive and open mindset. As the mind expands, creativity flourishes, and the capacity for resilience grows.
Freedom in Relationships: A year of Freedom extends its influence to interpersonal connections. It encourages individuals to build relationships based on mutual respect, understanding, and support. This may involve setting healthy boundaries, letting go of toxic connections, and cultivating an environment where people feel free to express themselves authentically.
Financial Freedom: Economic empowerment is a vital aspect of personal freedom. This year, individuals may strive towards financial independence, breaking free from the shackles of debt and cultivating a secure financial future. Budgeting, investing wisely, and exploring new avenues of income can pave the way toward lasting economic freedom.
Freedom of Expression: In a world that values individuality, a year of Freedom urges people to embrace their authentic selves. This might involve expressing one's thoughts, beliefs, and creativity without fear of judgment. Whether through art, writing, or vocal expression, the pursuit of authenticity becomes a cornerstone of personal growth.
Social and Cultural Freedom: On a broader scale, 2024 as a year of Freedom can also be a call to engage with and contribute to social and cultural causes. It may inspire individuals to advocate for justice, equality, and the rights of marginalized communities. By participating in collective efforts, one can contribute to the broader pursuit of societal liberation.
Choosing Freedom as the word of the year is an empowering decision. It signifies a commitment to self-discovery, growth, and the pursuit of a life that aligns with one's true values. As we navigate the complexities of 2024, let Freedom guide us towards a year of liberation, breaking down barriers and unlocking the full potential that resides within each of us. May this year bring about a profound sense of freedom in all aspects of our lives, paving the way for a brighter and more fulfilling future.
Celebrating the Legacy of Bob Marley: More Than Just a Musician Shaina Tranquilino April 17, 2024

Bob Marley is more than just a musician; he is an icon, a symbol of love, peace, and unity. His music transcends generations and cultures, continuing to inspire and resonate with millions around the world. As we celebrate his legacy, let's take a deeper dive into the life and impact of this legendary figure.
Early Life and Rise to Fame: Born on February 6, 1945, in Nine Mile, Jamaica, Robert Nesta Marley grew up in humble surroundings. Despite facing poverty and hardship, Marley found solace in music from a young age. He formed The Wailers with childhood friends Peter Tosh and Bunny Wailer, and together they created groundbreaking reggae music that would shape the genre for generations to come.
Music as a Message: Marley's music wasn't just about catchy rhythms and melodies; it was a powerful tool for social change. His lyrics spoke of love, equality, and justice, echoing the struggles of the oppressed and marginalized. Songs like "Get Up, Stand Up," "One Love," and "Redemption Song" became anthems for peace and revolution, rallying people around the world to stand up against injustice.
A Global Icon: Bob Marley's influence transcended borders, reaching far beyond the shores of Jamaica. He became a global ambassador for reggae music and Rastafarian culture, spreading messages of unity and spirituality to all corners of the globe. His concerts were more than just performances; they were transformative experiences that brought people together in celebration of love and harmony.
Legacy and Impact: Even decades after his passing in 1981, Bob Marley's legacy remains as vibrant as ever. His music continues to inspire new generations of artists and activists, carrying on his message of hope and empowerment. From political rallies to college dorms, his posters adorn walls as a reminder of the power of music to effect change.
Beyond the Music: Bob Marley was not just a musician; he was a symbol of resilience and perseverance. Despite facing personal struggles and health challenges, he remained unwavering in his commitment to his beliefs and his music. His life serves as a reminder that one person can indeed make a difference in the world, no matter how humble their beginnings.
As we reflect on the life and legacy of Bob Marley, let us remember him not just as a music icon but as a beacon of hope and inspiration. His timeless messages of love, peace, and unity continue to resonate with us today, reminding us of the power of music to transcend barriers and bring people together. Bob Marley may no longer be with us, but his spirit lives on in his music and in the hearts of millions around the world.
EVOLUTION"S REVOLUTION Written & Composed by Michael Woodhead Copyright ©1971, 2021
Are you one of us Are you on the bus of Evolution's revolution Are you in a dream Are you in the stream of Evolution's revolution Evolution's revolution It is what we feel Evolution's revolution In the minds we peel
Are you still alive Are you still deprived of Evolution's revolution What will you soon find Inbetween the mind of Evolution's revolution Evolution's revolution It is everywhere Evolution's revolution Feel it in the air
When the people stare And when you are bare Evolution's revolution Sit upon my chair Stroke your silken hair Evolution's revolution Evolution's revolution Know that you're so fair Evolution's revolution You know you are there With us as we share Evolution's revolution

Dancing workers in a popular front - happy 1st of May!
Wir haben immer die Obstgärten heimgesucht, besonders Durruti, der wollte immer alles, was da war, austeilen, an die andern. Bis uns einmal ein Gutsbesitzer, der hatte große Obstgärten in León, erwischt hat, und der rief: "Du da drüben", - denn er duzte uns, - "du da drüben, mach daß du verschwindest!" Und Durruti sagte zu mir: "Schau dir diesen alten Kerl an." Und er: "Könnt ihr nicht hören?" Und Durruti ruft zurück: "Doch!" Und er: "Aber dalli!" Da ruft Durruti zurück: "Wir haben keine Eile." Sagt der Besitzer: "Das ist mein Gutshof." Und Durruti fragt ihn: "Und mein Gutshof, wo ist der? Warum habe ich keinen Gutshof?" - "Ich jag euch mit Prügeln raus." - "Probiers doch, dann sehen wir schon, was passiert." So haben wir uns das Obst geholt, er und ich und ein paar andere. Das meiste haben wir hergeschenkt, das machte uns Spaß. Durruti konnte es nicht lassen, er gab immer alles her.
Hans Magnus Enzensberger: Der kurze Sommer der Anarchie, S.20

On this day, ten years ago, I started doing Drag. What started as a revolutionary act to abandon all predefined gender and identity categories, has become a hugely successfull commercial business. Online content, tons of products and beauty standards for Queens and Kings define how it has to be done in order to be correct. Even though Drag Race may have done a lot for the visability of the gay community (and a little bit for trans and non binary people) once more it becomes clear, that the Revolution will NOT be televised.

(via "Love is love" Magnet for Sale by Queueka)
I keep thinking about what it would take, in theory, to create the world we seem to want most of the time... A world of equality, community, sharing, gratitude, kindness and giving, self-restraint for the welfare of all... But people want to be adored too much. Want too much attention, too much validation, too much money to be more resourced than the next guy amidst finite resources, too much exclusivity to be special. Greed's pathology is born out of the quest for dominion, superiority and security. We can never change the world because humans are too emotionally brittle to overcome the limitless desire to be seen, heard, wanted, envied and devoured.
More on my half-orc rogue
He became know has kingslayer, wich became literally is family name, since it was an exploit. And it offered a bonus for negotiation with any tribal being - orc, gobelin, barbare.... The first force recruted in the rebellion. As for the idea itself, of fucking it's the barde who decided to start a rebellion since they already killed the king. He spread the story in the tavern and made allies with the others barde for spreading it further, even convinced the marchants to help finance it. In his word (OOC) " the french revolution was helped by the bourgeoisie against the aristocracie, make sense we do the same". Argument made, I, as GM, was forced to give him that. And our priest and paladin appealed to the mass thank to their righteous justice and god parole. Anyhow, that how the kingdom of Corynthe became a Republic, thank to a kleptomane half-orc and several critical fail and a bard trying to talk their way out.