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Googly Eyes
Sun x GN! Reader
Summary: A slow day at the plex leads to a lot of things and finding ways to entertain Sun was one of them.
Warnings: Just Fluff!

Today was an unusually quiet day throughout the Pizzaplex. The hallways and open rooms that were usually teeming with activity were early silent with only the sound of heavy rain hitting skylights and muffled thunder off in the distance. There was a freak storm passing through the city that had left streets flooded and electrical wires down. Every time you checked your phone you were met with news article warnings to seek shelter and refrain from traveling anywhere until the storm passed. Faz Co was an incredibly shitty and greedy corporation though, and had sent out emails to its human staff detailing the fact that no employee was permitted to miss any amount of work during the storm. Failure to show up for your assigned shift would lead to immediate termination. You were about 98% sure that you and the other employees could sue for such a claim and as far as you could tell, a very vast amount of your coworkers had in fact skipped out of work for the day and possibly the days after until everything outdoors went back to normal. You were not so fortunate though.
Being a broke college student that was hardly making ends meet as it is didn't give you the luxury of tossing away a decent paying job and honestly? What you were making now as a daycare assistant for the plex was far more than you could earn as a fast food worker and you weren't so keen on simply throwing this job into the gutter on account of some bad weather. Even if that bad weather might have been kind of life threatening. Why the damn place insisted on being open today was beyond your comprehension though. You practically had to swim to the doors to get here this morning and it was already almost noon with no sign of a single customer anywhere. You were glad that no one was stupid enough to even try to bring their children here on today of all days but it did make you question your own sanity a bit.
All things aside though, it wasn’t too bad being stuck in the plex while a huge storm raged on outside. As cheap as Faz Co was, they didn't skip any corners when constructing the building and you honestly felt like you’d be safer here than at your rundown apartment that leaked whenever it rained anyway. At least you were smart enough to bring a few things to keep you occupied for today. And so here you were, lounging across one of the huge bean bag chairs with your old tablet propped up in your lap and playing Gordon Ramsey’s ‘Kitchen Nightmares’ at full blast since there weren't any children around to hear it anyway. Your coworker; however, was not so happy about the show choice as he leaned his large circular head over your shoulder so he could watch as well.
Sun was very noticeably bored today. Usually he’d have so much to do but with the daycare empty for the day he just didn't know what to do with himself. He had been pacing back and forth before he decided to lay on the floor beside you and now he was making comments about the show. “He’s just so mean!” Sun exclaimed as he leaned closer, one of his firm silicone rays pressing against your cheek. “I don’t know how you enjoy watching this…” The animatronic gave another heavy sigh as he flopped fully onto the padded floor beside you. You just shrugged in response, too absorbed in watching Gordon yell at some incompetent manager to worry about Sun dying of boredom.
He huffed again before he rolled a few times and sprung up to his feet. You glanced up from your tablet as you shoved a chip in your mouth and watched as he took long strides over to the craft nook of the daycare. Deciding he wasn’t doing anything he wasn't supposed to, you went back to watching your show. You heard the jingle of his bells as he approached and were vaguely aware of him sitting beside you and messing with something but you didn't really mind as long as he wasn't whining in your ear again about the foul language that often came from the show you were watching. Sun began to hum along to the daycare theme that was playing quietly in the background and you could feel his hands brushing against the sleeves of your Superstar Daycare branded hoodie. You relaxed a bit further into the beanbag chair and let him do whatever he wanted, finding no harm in him fiddling with your clothing and soon he had drifted from your sleeve, to your shoulder, and even around the back of the beanbag chair.
After the episode ended, you turned your head to see what Sun was up to only to jump in surprise as you sat up and realized that he had been sticking fucking googly eyes to you this whole time. “Sun, what the fu- heck are you doing?” You questioned, catching the curse before it could slip out. Sun just hummed in response as he grinned mischievously, sitting with his legs crossed and a half empty sheet of adhesive googly eyes in his hand. “Well, you weren't giving me enough attention Starlight..” Sun said, his rays spinning from side to side as he watched you, “So I figured, if you had more eyes then you’d be looking at me all the time!” He laughed, falling onto his back as he kicked his feet and giggled as if his joke was the funniest thing in the world. You were not so easily impressed.
“You are one weird clown.” You said with a sigh but your expression cracked a little as you smiled at him. Sun didn't seem at all offended by your words as he pushed himself up and quickly crawled over to you. He shoved your tablet aside and flopped himself across your lap in its place, nudging his head up against your hand just like a cat. You rolled your eyes and began to stroke his rays in the way you knew he liked and he sighed happily in response. “You’re just a huge baby, you know that right?” You asked him and he tilted his head a little in your lap, his rays retracting where his faceplate met your thighs. “Yeah, but I'm your baby aren’t I?” He asked innocently and you felt your face warm in response. You scoffed and shoved him off your lap as he started up his giggles again.
“Okay, whatever weirdo. You better help me get these googly eyes off or else i'll take all the glitter glue home with me tonight.” Sun gasped at your threat and jumped back up immediately, removing the googly eyes from both you and the beanbag chair while pleading with you not to take his precious supply of glitter glue. You were pretty sure he ate it when everyone was gone but hey, everyone has some freaky habit so you couldn't really judge him too hard. You just laughed as you let him pluck the sticky eyes off of you.

All of my writing is original work created by me. Please do not repost, translate, or alter them in any way.
This is my Y/N design for the Superstar Daycare

They're slightly more feminine but still mostly gender neutral. They act more reserved with adults and are much more comfortable around small children,(They're much less intimating in crowds than adults are). When they're enjoying themselves they tend to be childish themselves, perfect for a daycare.
They work as a mechanic for the daycare. Mostly for Sun and Moon, but they also maintain other things around the daycare like the lights or generaters. Whenever they aren't fixing things around the poorly maintained daycare, they are helping Sun and Moon with the kids.
Also, here's Sun and Moon.

And if you were wondering, they get along great.

I drew these awhile ago, but I'm still pretty proud of them.




this is a picture of my cosplay of sun and moon. And also I make a video of them and tsams too on my tiktok,this my name on maiko_evans and you guy want to see my art too it’s on my Instagram angelmai021. Pls: you guy want me to post pictures of my other cosplay pls tell me on comments

Following a promt list I found on Pintrest I present thee with sleepy Moon cuddles.
"Sleeping In"
Okay, genuine question.
If I wrote a y/n x daycare attendant story, where the reader came from a family of rich business people and straight up buys the Megaplex. Like, they could have any other company, but they went "This one, this one riiiiiiiiiight here!". And then they slowly fix the plex's problems, and upgrade and renovat the place.
Like........would yall read that.

Following a promt list I found on Pintrest I present thee with sleepy Moon cuddles.
"Sleeping In"

Sneak peak for Ch. 3!!!
Moonshine,, my darling,,, I love him so much... Can't wait to explore his insecurities and trauma ❤️🖤❤️🖤
For real tho I better update the tags bc after the cute slice of life stuff there will be ANGST (all capital letters). I love character study and I gave those two so much baggage, Mc really has their work cut out for them. 😔
Sorry for not posting here much! I just been dealing with my new puppy, my mom been yelling at me almost everyday not today (thank goodness) and I was on my period so I had a lot of things going on.
I will be going back writing for my Superlunary today!!! (It is my sun x moon x my sona writing)
(Also take this Anubis from one of my favorite Mangas)

why did i put effort into this

Gregory: Why does this Moon thing have such suspicious behavior?... He's definitely up to something!
Moon things:

The version without labels and a little experimentation:

Help wanted 2
I have a little headcanon about the ending with Vanny and the Glitch trap. Vanny and Moon made a "deal" which was that Moon helps Vanny deal with the Glitch trap, and in return she returns control to Moon and gets rid of the virus. In honor of this, I made a small comic.

Every time I’m in the mood to doodle these guys manifest onto the page.

Moondrop harassment 🌙💥

Back to the daycare duo-
-k wanna just say this but I haven’t written anything down since elementary so, i sincerely apologize that this bad 😭😭
-PLEASE please I would really appreciate criticism and tips; for a while I’ve been reading and eyeing a lot of fanfics and just been wanting to write again because of it
-INCREDIBLY self indulgent. So apology again. If you r dealing with similar things like this; heyo it’s okay, u r not alone, hopefully I didn’t make you feel worse after reading this fic 😞
But now onto the thing:
Safe and Sound
Moondrop x GN Reader
TW: Parental Issues
You’ve been working at the daycare for so around a year now. At first you hesitated going to the megaplex as your first option. More so on the fact you’re really stalling on time and didn’t really wanna get a job at all. Just trying to enjoy what you’ve got left of your summer before school started again. Until you had dealt with another one of you’re parent’s quarrel.
Whenever shit like that happened you always brushed off because any of the threats/things they had said never end up happening. It was only until one of those quarrels had became reality and you had felt numb for a while. Sad, angry and just isolated with all of what was going on. Things between them felt unpredictable. You felt what both were going through but was also angry at them individually. Sometimes it was one-sided. You hated it all. So when they did come back together seeming all happy and shit, you can’t bring yourself to trust it. Just on edge the entire time on what’s going to happen next.
Today was hard. Your parents had fought again. You were off to work when you noticed one of them was not around. At all in the house. But you noticed the other one sitting by their desk working on the computer.
“Your ____’s gone. I’m not sure where they went. They wanted to go at it again with me and I’m done. I’m tired of it. So I’m not sure when they’ll be back.”
You said okay. You tried your best to just move on with your morning. But whenever one of them left without a word it irritated you so much. Just for them to come back again and get up all in your face about how you didn’t even care to contact them. Should You’ve contacted them? Are their emotions/problems your responsibility?
You arrived at the megaplex. As you enter in, the fresh air conditioner blowing your face cold to then meet the smells of different foods. You hear arcade machines, some classic 80s music, people chatting and laughing. The usual security bots roaming the area. You pass by and on your way to the daycare.
Your time to clock in was usually in the middle where children were getting ready for nap time. And by nap time you were accompanied by Moondrop.
Working here isn’t great but you stayed because of the two fellow jester bots that worked at the daycare. Sundrop; you don’t get to meet him often but he’s such a kind soul. Always in a positive spirit, looking out for every child at their time at the daycare and making sure they all have fun. Just a sweetheart. Moondrop on the other hand is kinda of a prankster. Well more like a dickhead but deep down he’s got a soft spot. And cares about every child, even if he doesn’t want to admit it.
You quietly enter in trying your best to not have the door creak. Closing it slowly you make your way to the security desk. You set your stuff down and sit down while you scan the area. The bright glow-in-the dark stars, a soft tune coming from a music box and in the middle of the play-mat, Moondrop. The stars on his hat and pants glowed and as well as his eyes. Have to admit it’s hard to not sleep in a place like this. Just so peaceful. Free from everything going on at home.
When you got a similar message like this before with one of their past quarrels, you didn’t respond. Because, for starters you just didn’t know how to respond. Could you just be not be involved in this at all? When they came back a few hours later all you heard from them was:
“Wow I can’t believe you didn’t even contact me.”
“You don’t care about me at all do you?”
“Why are you taking their side? They’re not even your real parent.”
So much more. You wanted to shout at them. You were so tired of all of it. I didn’t contact you because you were pulling one of you’re fucking dramatic antics again. I do care about you but sometimes some of the shit you do is ridiculous as I watch you and them fight. I’m not taking either side. But because of that comment. Fuck you.
That memory started to flood your head as they kept sending you more messages about how after your shift were going to stay over your older sibling’s house. And this poorly made plan of what their and your future will be after this. More memories of past fights fill your head. You hated this so much. You feel hopeless at the fact this is still going to continue, even after what? After college? After trying to have a life of your own? That possibility will be slim if they’re just trying to force themselves to be apart of it. In all honesty you don’t want either of them involved of what you have planned for your own future. You want them out of it so this wouldn’t continue. Because it’s not your problem to deal with. But here you are.
Tears starts to form in your eyes. You tried holding them in. You’re not going to have a breakdown right now.
“Hello Starlighhttt~. Couldn’t help but notice you’re not asleep just like the children are. Naughty little th-“
He stopped noticing sniffles coming from you. Facing down but can see the tears drip down, hitting the play-mat. Crooking his head down a bit, worried and confused.
“I’m so sorry-y.”
You didn’t want to look up. You felt embarrassed that you were crying. All the years being told by your parents to not cry or they’ll give you something to cry about. Whether it was about the most mundane things to the more serious shit.
You felt a cold touch to your chin to then facing Moony. You started to sob a little bit more. Muttering I’m sorrys and pretty much self deprecating things to yourself.
“Well this is stupid. Y’know…crying in front of you. Ahaha anyways I’ll j-just go now. I don’t think you care. Or anyone. Which-h I mean is fine. I think I got used to no one really being there for me anymore. It’s okay-y. It’s fine. I’m…I’m really sorr”
Without a warning, Moondrop pulls you in a hug. Surprisingly soft; he runs his fingers through your hair softly.
“I’m not sure what’s exactly going on but, I care. I really do. Please believe me when I say I care about you deeply.”
That was your breaking point. You tried not to sob too loudly since there’s still children sleeping. But you finally let it all out. Hugging him tightly as he returns this gesture back. Rubbing your back slowly and humming softy to your ear.
“You don’t have to talk about it now but, when you’re ready to open up on what’s been going on. But let it all out. I’m here, star”.
You’ve never heard his voice go this low and soft. His words were so comforting. For once you didn’t feel so alone. You felt loved for once.
You cried a bit more until you pulled away, wiping the last of your tears.
“Thank you Moony..”
You gave him a small kiss on the cheek and laid your head on his shoulders. You started to feel tired after crying so much.
“Sorry I probably shouldn’t be doing-“
He gently pats your head back on his shoulders. He picks you up and walks over to the original spot you saw him sat first.
“Shhh. No it’s okay. Right now rest.”
“But what about-“
“I said rest.”
You felt safe in his arms. Seeing each star on his hat glow. Hearing him hum once more.
You start to feel your eyelids get heavy and gave in. Resting your head. Forgetting everything else. You felt safe.
“Goodnight Starlight~”
He then gives you a small kiss on your forehead☆.

i decided to draw canon eclipse from the ruin DLC :)

i decided to draw canon eclipse from the ruin DLC :)