Susan Triad - Tumblr Posts

8 months ago

It took him that long to learn to make them well enough to not get stopped by spare Claras and great intelligences

incredibly amused by the implication that Sutekh has been 3D printing Susan Triads for thousands of years and the Doctor didn’t notice until like six months ago

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9 months ago
Me When I Started To Worry They Would Genuinely Make That Lady Susan (I Love Susan And Did NOT Want Her

Me when I started to worry they would genuinely make that lady Susan (I love Susan and did NOT want her to be that bad vibes lady)

Also this is your reminder to... Watch Classic Who wherever you can find it!! It's a really enjoyable show to put on while getting things done in the house or multitasking :)) and it's okay to skip Doctors, it's just too long not to. There's no shame in watching a show for fun.. as in watching how you enjoy it most. We're all true fans no matter how much we have seen. I personally watch at least the first and last story arc per Doctor as my rule right now, though I have seen a LOT of the First and I don't want to miss ANY Fourth at this moment (I'm on him right now.)

Nobody knows what I mean when I talk about that ridiculous space worm that was literally. And I mean GENUINELY. Just green bubble wrap around a guy. You're missing out on so many goofy effects, but also some clever editing for the time and some stories that are really exciting! And some boring ones! But the boring ones are when I get my things done so thank the writers for my productivity

Do yourself a favor and sit down while this senile old man uses a blue box to NEVER get where he intends to go. Realize how little things really have changed. Marvel at the stories somehow drawn out into 6 episodes. Make fun of it. Love our show and know that we are the luckiest fans because we will NEVER run out of content :]

Acquiring it is the hard part... If I could make mine available to you all I would... What harm would there be in the BBC putting it up somewhere for us? The old Moomins series was given to us free on YouTube and look at how that franchise has flourished!! I don't think anyone will probably read my 1am paragraphs but we should really just team up and grovel and maybe BBB (Big British Broadcasting (lol)) will let us have it 🥺

Anyways here's an unrelated keysmash from gebratenekinder

Okay, goodnight, or good morning, good wherever you are in time when you see this

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9 months ago

Maybe he is the Egyptian looking God from the 3rd Doctor Era.

Or maybe she is Susan foreman from Doctor who classic?!

Who Is Susan Twist?

Who is Susan Twist?

Any theories?

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