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doctor who s14 finale spoilers no context
It took him that long to learn to make them well enough to not get stopped by spare Claras and great intelligences
incredibly amused by the implication that Sutekh has been 3D printing Susan Triads for thousands of years and the Doctor didn’t notice until like six months ago
Damn the time vortex has strict leash laws
Sutekh in flatline:

the finale is here, and i knew that hit song would become plot relevant

i’d be done w the doctors bullshit too if i had to deal with this
tHe mOST dANgeROuS pRIMe MIniStEr

Ok, was there a parallelism between Ruby's goodbye and Rose's in Bad Wolf bay or was I just traumatised by Billie Piper saying "am I ever going to see you again?" And "I love you" and The Doctor proceeding to cry alone in his TARDIS?
I love how the TARDIS had a human form with eleven and she was like "my thief, my thief, I love my thief" BUT FAILED TO MENTION THE GOD OF DEATH HAD BEEN IN HER BACK FOR DECADES.
Fourteen and Donna waking up after their movie marathon was interrupted because they turned into fucking dust

as a barista that shop looked lowk busy i would in fact be confused about why no one was collecting the drink
barista: oat milk cappuccino for Ruby
Ruby: That's me. I'm named after a road.
Ruby's mom: oh my god it's you. it's really you. I am so sorry I left you as a baby, but now you're here all these years later and oh my god you're my daughter.
Ruby: *sobbing*

mrs flood i hope you're the master because deciding to devote your life to narrating your boytoy's adventures and threatening to fight god would be iconic, actually
Doctor who theory time kids.
So, as we know, Ruby's mother is an ordinary human. Nothing extraterrestrial or godly about her (unless we're being lied to, of course). But there's still so many questions unanswered, such as:
How come she can make it snow?
Why was Maestro so scared of her?
How did Ruby's DNA have no connection, whilst her mother was still living a normal life?
I present to you something so very simple that I have quite literally never seen talked about:
Who is Ruby Sunday's father?
I'm fairly certain that they just... Don't talk about him. Other than Kate mentioning his name and age, there's nothing. No photos, you don't see him, no real character or information about him. He could be literally anybody. They say right at the end of the last episode that they've found him, which opens up some intriguing possibilities. If we see him next series, which I suspect we might, is he going to be ordinary? Is he going to want anything to do with Ruby? Is he a regular human, or is he something else? Because everyone has been speculating on who her birth mother is, but pretty much all of those theories can be applied to her father. It's such a simple conclusion to make, but I haven't seen anything about it. That makes me think that there's something more that I've missed about who her father is, but I might not have so I'm posting this anyway.
Thanks for reading my rambling, if you did.
so ruby's mum was a normal person, who was just wearing a cloak? and omniously pointed at a sign? yes of course, makes perfect sense and is in no way anti-climactic

well I think I speak for everyone when I say. wholeheartedly.
who the fuck is mrs flood