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Darth Revan & Bastila (accepting both sides of the Force)
I love this story
Fanfiction net. Dark Destyny
Revan was silent for a minute, then said, "You have been misled by your so-called teachers. Light Side, Dark Side, you see them only as good and evil. In truth, they are so much more."
"Oh? Then what are they?" Bastila asked incredulously.
Revan began to explain his philosophy. "The Light Side is the, shall we say, wider area of the Force. It consists of the, for lack of a better word, 'higher' emotions. Selflessness, self-sacrifice, compassion. All of them are very positive things. But the Light Side ignores the more human emotions. If you limit oneself to the Light Side, you lose touch with your natural emotions."
Bastia had to interrupt. "Even if I believe you, which I don't, isn't that a good thing? Human emotions, selfish emotions; they only bring down a Jedi in the end. That's why we keep them under control, so our judgement is not clouded."
Revan shook his head. "You misunderstand. Many more basic emotions are not selfish. Personal love and happiness are not, but they form part of the Dark Side. You have been raised, Bastila, to see the Light and Dark Sides to firmly represent good and evil, but you are wrong. Yes, anger and rage are part of the Dark Side, but so are love and passion. No, the Dark Side is not evil, it only comes from natural, human emotions."
Bastila considered his words. It was an interesting philosophy, but she knew Revan was either lying, or deluded.
"I am not deluded, Bastila. In fact, I will be your first Master who is not. The Jedi have it all wrong, Bastila. The danger is not using the Dark Side. No, the danger is becoming too limited on one side of the Force. Only focusing on the Dark Side can lead to your anger and greed consuming you. That is what happened to Malak."
For the first time, there was a hint of regret in Revan's voice. Did he feel remorseful for what had become of his friend? Maybe he...no, Sith felt no remorse. Whatever Revan said, they were evil, and Bastila knew that.
"On the other hand, becoming blind to all but the Light Side is also very dangerous. Over time, you lose touch with your humanity. In the end, you become nothing more than an emotionless puppet. Eventually, you stop truly caring about those you protect. You start to help others only out of a sense of duty, and deep down, you don't actually care anymore."
4 Star Wars fanfictions considered by me masterpieces about:
Vader & Exar Kun
Thrawn & Chimera Crew
Thrawn & Karyn Faro
Revan & Bastila
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My swtor imperial agent skeches
Morning all, just an FYI I am BACK and WRITING AGAIN and very excited about it so I’ve gotta write while the motivation is there and before depression hits 😎