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Got another Lancer NPC finished up. This time it's a Priest, a support mech. I'm roughly following the Operation Solstice Rain encounter list for making mechs, but after encounter 1 I think I'm switching over to our player characters
Finished up my Ronin NPC for Lancer. These things are fun; shoot at it? It bounces back at you jedi style. Melee? It's built for that. It doesn't even have bad base stats, and the optional systems aren't hugely complicated, which is important for people like myself who can't remember things
The big defender in our first encounter for Lancer, a Bastion. Not too much to say other than I'm glad it's done, far too many corners and hidden surfaces, and the model has several notable weak points I've had to address so it took much longer than I was hoping
Found a cute little spider tank that I'm making our Bombard. Seems purpose built to hassle people who use the Bonded trait or stack auras, which is fun, and this dopey lil guy looks about speed 2
Next up on the encounter roster for Lancer is the Hive. Generating swarms of robot bees to bite mechs is a cool way to kill people, I guess. I think I prefer more straightforward methods, though, like lasers and punching
Finally wrapping up encounter 1 mechs for our Lancer intro: the Pyro. I love the Firestarter from Battletech, so flamethrowers on mechs is a big win for me. I wanted to emphasize the dangerousness and explosiveitude of carrying around enough flamethrower fuel to run a mech sized one so I went with industrial warning decals. This one ain't a free model, it's from Papsikels
Brain Bugs?? Frankly, I find the idea of a Bug that thinks, Offensive!
My first 3 Zoanthropes, hopefully I get to finish a whole army before the edition changes again on me
I know the bases aren't super done up, but I wanted them dulled down to make the bugs pop more
I'm thinking Neurolictor next, but tall women make me nervous so maybe the Maleceptors
Alright I implied Maleceptors next but the Neurolictor called to me. What do we think of Hive Fleet Callinectes for the name?
This one's the actual GW model, since I'm not a fan of what I was able to find for free online, and my FLGS had one at a good price. Base is still a print tho
I do like these new tyranid sculpts, I should probably get the codex eventually... maybe once I hit 1k painted
Okay now actually on to the Maleceptors. Maybe. Unless I get distracted and do something else instead
Ork Warboss completed!
I think I've only got 2 Christmas projects left, let's see if I finish in time
A little Art vs Artist to end the year. I'm pretty happy with how much I got done this year, and at how far I've managed to come. I've been helping a friend get started with miniature painting, and finding some of the old Starship Troopers minis I painted almost 15 years ago has really put into perspective how much experience I really have at this point. I think my main goal for 2024 is actually finishing a whole army for myself. Usually they end up being sold or were commission from the get go. Maybe videos? Idk that's a lot, and I'm lazy
Here's to another 15
The ping ponging between projects continues, I got some paint on the Fodder I've been putting together using the official Turnip28 torsos that dropped a while back, mixed mainly with the free medieval infantry kits made by Ilhadiel and some other free bits from online
I'm thinking of going with the Parsnip Pistoliers for my regiment name
Fodder finished!
Whipped up some movement trays to tie them together, I'm pretty happy about how they came out. These have been sitting on my shelf for a while now, so I'm glad they're finally done with. Maybe someday I'll actually clear my backlo... nah who am I kidding
That one on the left will have a flag on that pole eventually, I just need to finish designing them first
Alright I've stopped trying to justify why I paint what I do when I do, here's Artorias
Helldivers 2 is pretty great. I'm a really big fan of (Verhoevan) Starship Troopers, and I feel like I could write a whole essay about how "seen" I feel with this game. I do love that this game has resurrected the old discourse about the film, some things never change
My friend got me the game after he found out I hadn't been on it yet, declaring it "made for me" and "wtf are you doing", and yeah he's right. Thanks Gman
Yada Yada for Democracy, feet first into hell, c'mon you apes, all that jazz
I've been sitting on some printed Flames of War Soviets for a while, and decided to knock out the first team in my Hero Rifle Battalion
Not really focused on being mega historically accurate, just having fun with it. I've been painting a t-34 at the same time, but she's not quite done yet
Haven't been doing a whole lot lately, kinda getting married soon, started a new job, things have been a little busy, but I needed to do sooomething paint related
T-34 was promised, T-34 is delivered
I'm not sure I love the snow effect on the armor, but uh, it's not gonna come off soo
I keep throwing out lists I'll never play, but I'm fond of a 2 formation list for the double bubble of rerolls v4 flames of war gives you, so this will probably be a member of a standard T-34 battalion accompanying my hero rifle battalion
I've got some KV-1's too, but I think the sheer point efficacy of field guns in formation with the hero rifles is gonna have to work, since the KVs were just trundling along with the infantry anyways so the T-34s can get their zoomies out
Hero Soviet Rifle Platoon is complete
I cannot believe that this is only 5 points of guys... I'm not sure how I'm going to survive this. I'm not sure how anyone fields full sized battalions of these guys either!
The command elements, including kommissar
Flames of War definitely leans on Hollywoodisms and vibe with their rules, which can get a little annoying and dehumanizing, but the appeal of little guys in more traditional back and forth wargames is alluring and nostalgic to me
Has anyone here had any experience with Battlegroup? I've heard it's a good alternative that's more crunchy
45mm Soviet Anti Tank battery
In formation as part of the Hero Rifle Battalion, to provide basic light AT
They're going to be paired up with the in formation 82mm mortars and a pair of the 57mm guns for a decent mix. Honestly not a fan of the 76mm given the abundance of it in T-34s and KV-1s already
Sadly in late war I feel like these are almost a waste, better to drown cars and APC in PTRD or just bring real guns for big guys I think
Soviet 57mm Tank Killer Company
To think I'm less than half done with the non armor elements of the army... thank goodness I'm just 3d printing everything
I do appreciate the base to model ratio FOW infantry offers, so much modeling opportunity for fun little dioramas
Shadowhawk SHD-2H
Shawks are kinda trash, but I've been doing Alpha Strike where they're much more average and viable, rather than an unfocused ammo bomb with bad jumpjets
I do adore the design, over the shoulder cannons are sick as fuck after all (Guncannon my beloved) but y'know, no props to them for that since it's just stolen from Fang of the Sun Dougram
Used some nice forest bases I bought on Cults to craft new hex bases for my mercs, and I'm pretty happy with the result, the medieval stonework look had been bugging me