Tailmon - Tumblr Posts

I’m sure we can fly on my love 🦋✨
drawn for odaiba memorial day 2020!
Wait, if Armor Digivolution is lower than Champion, and Gatomon is a Champion-level Digimon, does that mean she de-digivolved or- oh my god, I’m about to get an aneurysm.
There is something in the fact that instead of Hikari, Tailmon found Vamdemon, dwelling in the very castle that the chosen digimon originated in.
Because of course Nyaromon should have grown up with the others. She should have grown up playing together and waiting for Hikari with others who knew what she was waiting for in why. Tailmon shouldn't have had to grow up to be an adult while the others were still babies.
But if we're going with what ifs and should haves, then all 8 of them should have been at that castle, but with the Agents to teach them about what they were meant to do. With their tags and crests, and knowledge of their meanings. With knowing not just who they were waiting for but why.
In the end, Plotmon found where she was supposed to be, but none of the people who were supposed to be there, were there.
tri. Character Song Albums Preview
Chosen Children's Version
01. Butter-Fly ~ tri.Version ~ (0:00) 02. Eien no Puzzle (Eternal Puzzle) / Yagami Taichi (0:28) 03. Boku ni Totte (For Me) / Ishida Yamato (1:05) 04. Yume no Kanau Basho (A Place Where Dreams Come True) /
Takenouchi Sora (1:39) 05. Kioku no Kakera (Fragments of Memory) - Koushiro Side - (2:21) 06. Go My Way / Tachikawa Mimi (3:00) 07. I can't / Kido Jou (3:27) 08. Kibou no Tsubasa (Wings of Hope) / Takaishi Takeru (4:05) 09. Ring / Yagami Hikari (4:41) 10. Mebaeta Tsuyosa (Budding Strength) / Mochizuki Meiko (5:22) 11. brave heart ~ tri.Version ~ (5:50) 12. I wish ~ tri.Version ~ (6:23)
Digimon's Version
01. Butter-Fly ~ tri.Version ~ (0:00) 02. Agumon SUNba / Agumon (0:28) 03. Kimi ni Totte (For You) / Gabumon (0:50) 04. Heart wo Sagase (Finding my Heart) / Piyomon (1:25) 05. Kioku no Kakera (Fragments of Memory) - Tentomon Side - (1:55) 06. Blooming your Heart / Palmon (2:38) 07. You can / Gomamon (3:12) 08. Daisuki-ism (I love you-ism) / Patamon (3:57) 09. Together as one / Tailmon (4:19) 10. Uraomote Crossroad (Two-Sided Crossroad) / Meicoomon (5:06) 11. brave heart ~ tri.Version ~ (6:10) 12. Seven ~ tri.Version ~ (6:45)
mastemon yuri
a digimon yuri manga/anime/web-series with the 2 leads having a gatomon and a blackgatomon, then ladydevimon and angewomon, and then mastemon as a symbol of their love