Tallgeese Ii - Tumblr Posts
Taking a break from the video to start in a project I’ve been wanting to do for a looooong time!

Using the RX-78 verka blue for this even though I love the blue it comes with. Using alclad 2 dark aluminum for the frame and polished aluminum for the accents. I plan to use pale burnt metal for the mowhawk and sides of the head and pale gold for the chest vents.

Finally got the polished aluminum right. Have to redo the shield. :/

My original intention was to do shading with light gray and go over it with the green pearl but it made the white like a a plastic toy. So I decided to make this green and do the shading with that then go over it with the green pearl. So yeah.. here’s a foot.
I was a little concerned with the green shading not being subtle enough but I decided to go through with it any way and I’m glad I did. Also that pelvic polished aluminum accent makes me so happy :))

I’ve been really sick so I haven’t done much. This is all I got so far :/
Added to it.. Tallgeese kinda thicc 👀

Got them cheeks on! My girl THICC!! 😂

Progress was made today :)
Got the front thruster done. It’s magnesium, on the inner and outer lower rings, white aluminum in the core, and aircraft aluminum on the outer skirt of the thruster.

Haven’t touched this thing in almost a month! Made some progress today. All I have left are the weapons, thrusters, and verniers.
Long post.. long-ish.
So, when I got the Tallgeese i broke a piece on accident and I was so mad cause I just got it.

I looked at the manual and I saw that it wasn’t needed. Which was great cause I was worried the dober gun was gonna be too long.

So I put it together and it was STILL too long!

So I had to do some modifying. I was originally intending to cut these too pieces but I noticed something when I cut the barrel

The pieces still fit together without any glue!

So now it’s the perfect height :)

So, sadly I’ve had an issue with my Tallgeese. Unfortunately I applied the matte klear kote improperly resulting in a sticky finish. So while handling it the oil from my fingers transferred and ended up removing some paint. So I will have to repaint these parts.

I’m going to take a break from it for a little while because i have to repaint some parts. I’m considering starting my proto zero for the time being.
Wish I could do multiple videos in one post but I can’t. So here comes a multiple post of a few ideas I’m working on.
Post 1:
Just a concept trying to find the right lighting. This one here is more of cinematography concept.
Post 2: using natural sunlight coming in from my window then going on to a more theatrical “space” lighting
Realized I never posted pictures of my finished Tallgeese 2. A big part is due to the fact I never really took many pictures. I ended up converting my hobby room into the baby room shortly after these photos. However I plan to make the big ass ship he’s supposed to be standing on so this will be a long project

Gunpla builds in my IG stories.
I know I posted a bunch of my build progress on here but I felt it’s a bit to scroll through to find them so I figured id post links to my IG stories in order to show my builds from first to last, so you can see my progress as a builder. I literally learned how to airbrush on these. So here we go!