Tbb S2 - Tumblr Posts - Page 2

1 year ago

Okay real talk.

We all hate what happened. It was horrible and we all love him. But let's talk about it from a story writing standpoint.

Tech from the beginning of this season has been trying to show his love for his family in the ways he knows how. In Ruins of War, he showed it by perservering to help Omega and Echo even through a painful injury, which is very in character. In Faster, he showed his loyalty to not only his family but Cid by competing in the race. In Truth and Consequences, he helped find the information to help ALL his brothers. The Crossing showed him jumping without hesitation the moment he saw Omega in danger. And then he told Omega "I may not process moments and thoughts the saw way, but it isn't mean I feel any less than you do." Also he was the first person to say hey needed to go save Crosshair.

All of these inherently small moments show how much Tech loves his brothers and sister and his care for them. Tech's love language is sacrifice.

He sacrificed his safety multiple times to help and show his family he cares, he sacrifices things he wants to do to make his brothers and Omega happy.

He sacrificed his life to show his family he loves them.

Tech's character arc this season shows that even though he isn't affectionate, he loves his family so much.

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6 months ago

Rewatching S2 E2 of The Bad Batch and observing Tech fret over the re-entry boosters on the crate as it falls to the ground. It'd be cool if he just made some Mandalorian-like re-entry boosting modifications to his suit, but didn't tell anyone because he thought "it was obvious" after that experience.

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2 years ago

The safe house 🤍

Captain Wilco x reader

Pt. 1

The Safe House

⚠️: losing home and community, corrupt politics, odd reactions due to stressful upbringings, rotting things, giant spider talk, concussions, broken limbs, passing out, food insecurity, slow start

AN: aaaa! My first post in a while :D

No yandere content, but I really hope you like this series!

I just love him so much okay 😭

Lmk if there's anything you guys would like to see for this or anything else going forward, tysm! :)


You huffed, pushing aside the brush that blacked your path gently. It had been approximately two weeks since the empire had come knocking, uprooting if not destroying everything you had ever known and loved.

You had woken up in the middle of cannonfire, half of your house already caved in, and had to flee with whatever was closest. This, luckily, happened to be your only weapon; an ancient knife, a few days rations, and the knitted blanket you kept at the end of your bed.

It wasn't much, but it was better than nothing at all, which is what you had seen many of your people come away with. You had all seemed to flee in different directions in the chaos, scattering until you couldn't find even signs of another survivor along your way.

The goal was getting to your grandfather's safe house, one he had taken you to sparingly as a girl, but enough that you could piece together landmarks along the trail.


What was left of it.

You adjusted the blanket around your shoulders, only bringing a hand down to run along the rough metal of the old blade, which was fastened to your hip in a makeshift holster you had made out of scraps of leather you had picked out of the rubble and tied together.

Was your reaction to all of this lackluster? Probably, but after spending half your life being stepped on and sapped for resources by some rich guy who was supposed to advocate for you in the first place, this felt like almost a natural progression.

You looked around, senses still on high alert. You weren't too worried about running into imperial soldiers at this point, you had come across a patrol at one point, jumping near out of your skin, but they had only looked at you for a moment before moving on silently. You figured as long as you stayed away from whatever they were trying to get at in the palace, they wouldn't bother you anymore. No, what you feared was the fauna; your home planet was known for predators that could hide in plain sight.

Both in the wild and in politics, you supposed.

Shaking yourself from your thoughts, you turned at an old tree with three large claw marks in it, pushing away some foliage that shaded the clearing. You looked up in awe; it was beautiful, with dense trees creating a canopy that only let small rays of sunlight in.

Well, it would've been beautiful,

If it weren't for the giant Assassin-Spider web with what looked to be a body stuck to its strands to your immediate right.

You screamed, jumping away and nearly falling on your ass as you took in the sight; It was a clone trooper, like the ones in the patrols you has seen, except this one had the fancy grey crest thing attached to his armor, signifying what you guessed was a higher rank.

"Maker." You choked, having to suppress the bile that burned your throat at the sight.

You should hate them, hate the imperial soldiers for what they did to your home and your people, but you didn't, you couldn't. You had seen and heard how the clones had been treated throughout the war, you doubted they had a say in any of this.

So, it was hard not to be a little emotional as you approached his lifeless body once more, trying not to look at his face, which was luckily turned away from you. Reluctantly, you took out your blade, slowly and carefully cut the cords of the web; now intent on retrieving the blasters that were sliding out of his holsters.

It was skeezy, lowdown behavior; looting a body, but this was the only way you saw yourself getting a good weapon anytime soon. Plus, it was clear this web had been abandoned for some time now, judging by the overgrowth and uneaten prey that lay rotting beside the poor soldier, so you at least didn't have to worry about destroying an angry spider's home.

You found yourself glancing at him from time to time while you worked. It didn't even actually look like he had been killed by a bite or acid, more the blaster mark that blackened his chest plate.


He fell to the ground with a thump, making you cringe.

In and out, you'd only need the blasters from him, then you could leave him to rest peacefully, as he deserved...

God this blew.

You kneeled next to his still form, reaching out for the gun, but then, something happened. So unexpected, it made you freeze completely.

He groaned.

It took you a moment of staring and holding perfectly still, honestly thinking you mightve just imagined it, but to your horror, he stirred again.

You looked down at him, mumbling simply as your head swam with panic, "You're not dead."

He groaned again, attempting to roll over, but you shot your hands out quickly to stop him, eying his limp arm.

"Hey, hey, hey, let's not- do that. You're going to be okay, just let me,"

You adjusted his head so it wasn't twisted awkwardly, as gingerly as you could in case of injury to his neck.

He squinted as his eyes adjusted to the light of the forest, dazedly staring up at the trees. Your brows knit anxiously and you waved a hand in front of his face, relief washing over you as he blinked.

He turned his head to look at you, mouth dropping open slightly. You brushed a hand over his hair, the poor guy really was dazed.

"Am I dead? Is this heaven?" He almost whimpered, eyes filling with panic as he tried to sit up.

You pushed him back down harder than you meant to, making him look at you again,

"No! No, you're on Serenno, and I promise you're not dead, I think your arm is- ehm- broken, though."

He didn't seem to like that answer much either.

"Serenno... thieves- the report- the general- that BASTARD-" He was the most awake you had seen him so far, though his eyes were still unfocused, speaking of a concussion at least.

He sat up with what seemed to be pure abdominal strength despite your attempts to keep him down, scaring you halfway to the grave when his eyes rolled back into his head from the effort and he flopped back down.

You yelped, cushioning his head's trajectory with your hand as best you could as he passed out once more.

It took you a minute of sitting and staring to adjust to your new situation; You had at least a few miles to go before you reached the safe house, limited rations, armed only with a rusty knife, and you now had a concussed imperial captain with a broken arm on your hands.

You glanced at him again. You supposed you could just leave him here. Someone would probably find him, and you didnt even know how to handle an injured person anyways-


That just wasn't who you were. You couldn't just leave this poor man for whatever might come upon him next. He needed help and, while you didn't really know how, you would however much you could.

You nodded to yourself, standing and reholstering your knife. Yeah, you had an extra cot at the cabin, you were sure of it! You probably also had rations that your grandfather had stashed somewhere (knowing him), along with the old medical supplies and little creek nearby for water, you should be fine! You could really help this guy!

Hopeful now, you pushed him into a sitting position, grabbing a hold on the back of his armor and pulling.

It was only after you had finally gotten him a few inches when your new reality set in;

An unconscious, highly trained soldier made for war and in armor was going to be heavy.

Dank ferrik.

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2 years ago

Hey :) hope you are doing ok.

I was wondering if there is gonna be a pt2 of The Safe house story ??? I just wanna say that I totally loved it and hope you will continue🥰

Have a nice day 😘

The safe house 🤍 (Pt. 2) (Captain Wilco x reader)

Hey :) Hope You Are Doing Ok.


TW/WARNINGS: having a gun pointed at you, concussions and being dazed, having to remove peices of armor from an unconscious person, blaster marks, mention of wounds, collapsing, fainting, having to care for a grown person, dead relatives, broken arms

A/N: Tysm! I'm so glad you liked it! And yes, there's going to be more than a few parts, they'll just come out very slowly 😭






Grumbling, you crouched down, setting down your new companion gently against a tree, breathing hard.

You had taken to slinging his arm around your shoulders and moving him that way, though his legs still dragged behind and your back was screaming with the effort of not collapsing under his weight. He had to be at least a foot and some change taller than you, making it even more difficult not to get his legs caught on things along the way.

The most nerve wracking part, though, was making sure he was still breathing normally and not slipping into some sort of coma.

You kneeled next to him, patting his chest plate and eventually his cheek insistantly to try to get him to open his eyes. Luckily, it worked, as it had the other three times, though he was just as out of it.

"9980…What?" He mumbled, blinking slowly.

You breathed a sigh of relief, he had been mumbling a series of numbers (who you guessed were, sadly, his brothers) and nonsense every time you had woken him up, but at least he was waking up.

"Okay, thank you, dear. You can go back to sleep now."

He hummed, closing his eyes again and resuming his light breathing.

You grunted, taking his arm around you again and pushing both of you to your feet once more.

After a few more hours of this, you finally reached the discreet, familiar path that led down to the safe house. You nearly sobbed with relief, your back and legs clearly sharing the sentiment.

You sped up, the decline allowing you some ease with your precious cargo. When you finally reached the door, you typed in the short code quickly, thanking the maker that you had memorized it as young as age five.

The door swooshed open, near good as new, and you almost dropped him in preemptive relief as soon as you passed the threshold. Instead, you continued to drag him, tapping along the hardwood floor with your foot until you found the hollow sound you seeked.

Finally you kneeled, still supporting his weight, and pressed firmly on the spot. You laughed lightly as the hatch rose slowly, always in awe of your grandfather's workmanship and his ability to bring older practices into the modern day so efficiently.

You poked your head into the space below. It smelled like dust more than anything, but you could make out faint traces of the incense he used to burn to flush out the smell of the game he would prepare in his workspace. Feeling along the wall, you found the switch, bathing the room in a soft orange glow.

You huffed, beginning a careful descent of the wooden steps that led into the space, yelping when you accidentally smacked his armored shoulder against the hatchframe.

After a few minutes of struggling, you finally got him down onto one of the three cots that lay collecting dust in the small room attached to the main living quarters.

"Oh, thank the maker-" You wheezed, bracing your hands on your aching back. You were so eager to just get everything in the storage rack unpacked so you would have food and medicine to actually live off of, nearly out the door to go do all of that before you passed out beside him, but you stopped.

One more time, just to be safe.

You beat the dust out of the cot beside him, moving him over. His breathing was still even, which you thought was a good sign as you leaned over him, trying not to invade his space more than you needed to to check on him.

You patted him quickly, "You still there, uh- sir?"

His eyes opened slowly once more, squinting as they adjusted to the lamp light.

You smiled down at him, brushing his hair back, "Good."

Slowly, your eyes came to rest upon his armor; you had to remove it, didn't you?

Would that be crossing a line? Maybe, but you would have to to inspect the blaster mark that marred his chest plate and to get a splint on that broken arm. It was necessary, even if it would probably be uncomfortable for both of you.

Carefully, you decided to start on his bad arm. He groaned as you undid his shoulder plate, making you wince.

"I know, I know- I'm sorry." You nodded, moving to his Rerebrace.

By the time you got to his gauntlet plate, you felt eyes on you.

You looked up and right into his dilated, honey irises.

"Oh, hello." You managed to laugh lightly, genuinely surprised that he had enough energy to stay awake for more than a few seconds.

He continued to stare, and you eventually went back to sliding off the last piece of that arms plating, placing it on the pile at your feet.

Setting his arm down as gingerly as you could, you went about unclipping his chest plate, placing the pieces on the floor and checking for damage to the chest of his black body glove that lay underneath. There didn't seem to be any blood or even a burn mark on it, thank the maker, it must have been a glancing shot.

Satisfied with your inspection, you got up, going to look for one of your grandfather's old medical journals to find how one actually went about making a splint. Or, you were, until he grabbed a hold of your wrist with his good hand.

You turned, confused as he squinted up at you for several moments.

Finally, he cracked a slight grin, letting out a flirty, slightly slurred, "Heyyy~"

You both stood like that for a second, staring at each other, until you snorted softly, detaching his hand with little effort, "Hey."


When you finally returned, armed with your new knowledge, a first aid kit, and a cool cloth, he was passed out again, snoring lightly now.

You placed it over his forehead, smiling when his pinched expression softened at the sensation.

Moving an old wooden chair to the side of the bed where his bad arm rested. It was a task to move it from his stomach in a way that minimized his wincing, but you managed, wrapping the area with the most swelling in a gauze bandage firmly.

Placing the splint along his forearm, you fastened it with straps of old fabric as tightly as you could without hurting him, avoiding the wound itself, and at last, you placed the arm carefully in a sling. You were shaking with nerves by the time you were finished, too nervous that you might've messed something up, but he didn't seem to be going into shock so you were most likely good.

Rising from your spot once more, you left the room, sending him one last look in the doorway before turning the corner to begin unfreezing a few portions for a decent supper for the two of you.

You were only a few minutes into beginning the cooking process on your small stove when you heard a bang from the other room, making you jump.

Getting up quickly, you rushed down the hall to make sure your new companion hadn't hurt himself by rolling off his cot or something, but when you arrived in the doorway again, you could only really stare in shock.

The man had somehow managed to get to his feet, albeit not steadily, shaking and swaying in a way that had you walking slowly and carefully over to him, nervous of startling him but terrified he would collapse and hit his head/arm.

Unfortunately for you, he was still awake enough to draw one of his blasters quickly when you did startle him, pointing them directly at you.

I really should have thought to take those off of him, you thought.

But you had been so concerned with getting him safely to the house that you had completely forgotten about the weapons, even though that's what you had approached him for in the first place.

The only thing you could do was stare like a dugar dugar in headlights as he trained them shakily on you.

Your eyes trailed from the barrels of his blaster to make contact with his, pleading in a way you hoped would show that you weren't a threat.

His eyes widened as they locked with yours and, slowly, he lowered his weapon, letting his arm fall limply to his side.

You let out a sigh of relief, not breaking eye contact as he stared at you, seeming almost in a dazed sort of awe. Though, your relief was cut short as he stumbled, falling to his knees as his eyes closed once more. You scrambled to his side, allowing him to collapse into you and sighing as his head came to rest on your shoulder, now breathing lightly again.

It wasn't a huge operation hauling him back up onto the bed, but you were still shaking from having a blaster aimed at you. You frowned down at his sleeping form, exasperated as you took the guns from his hand and holster.

This was going to be one long and wild ride, wasn't it?

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1 year ago

Dave Filoni really just killed Tech on my fucking birthday… I haven’t even watched the episode yet because I don’t think I can handle that kind of trauma right now lol

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