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Faviorte Quotes (From My Facebook)
"U didnt make love you were raped" -Lindsey McGhee
" Not at all" -Resheida Brady
" Who she be callin' getto?" -MaKyah
" Im bringing sexy back....Bitch u the reason it left.!" -Me [LaKeisha]
"I KIssed a girl & i liked it then I dittled her skittles"- Katty Perry
"I dont want to be the B-I-T-C-H in the room!" -Jada Campbell
"my balls' - Ronnell
"*flips weave*- Bahja
"Whutttt" -Jud
i "Come at me bruh" -Me [LaKeisha]
"Bro!!!!!" -Me [LaKeisha]
"God makes no mistakes ; your ugly for a reason" -Me [LKeisha]
"Okay So What Happened?" - Zonnique
"Lakeisha you have to show your appreciation for people when you have them cause you never know when your going to lose them"-Carolyn Sanders "
'ms.carolyn: Keisha stop playing!
me: come on man just show her!!
ms.carolyn: Girl stop! me: Grandma dont u wanna she her jerk?
gma:.... o.O
Ms.carolyn: ma dont answer tht Me:seee,she said yea now jerk, jerk jerrrrkkk it!"-Me,Ms.Carolyn & Her mom lmaoooo!'

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Duck in a Truck
flashback from way.. way back.
“PC #6: Walnut Fast
Artist’s Comment: Plummy understands all of his fruitless intellectual meandering will bring him no satisfaction.”

dat kitty sufferin soo much, look at it. what a meme dream hehehehe

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